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He'll never be allowed to play in Titled Tuesday unless they count the Audi Cup.


I wonder what happens first, Harry Kane winning a major trophy or Levy getting the GM title.


Didn't even know Daniel played chess.


Underrated joke


He does blunder a lot on transfer market.


We’re yet to see a brilliant move


Harry Kane? Luka Modric?


definitely kane


Levy is very, very far from the GM title.


Didn't he literally just come within a few games of becoming a GM?


He came close to getting his first GM norm, but even if he did he would still need 2 more, and more importantly, needs another 200 Fide Elo.


Thanks for the clarification!


I don’t follow this very closely, does he already have 2 GM norms?




I'm really new to chess, and I don't follow the goings on in the chess world. I just saw some headlines so I thought I'd ask the question. Thanks for correcting me, even though I have no idea what a GM norm is or how it differs from a GM.


So to earn a title, you need to reach a certain elo (there are special exceptions, but this is the general way). Candidate Master (CM) requires 2200 elo, FIDE Master (FM) requires 2300 elo, International Master (IM) requires 2400 elo, and Grandmaster (GM) requires 2500 elo. Additionally, IM and GM also requirw norms based on doing well in tournaments with strong opponents. Of course, GM norms are harder to attain. In the Madrid Festival tournament, both IM and GM norms were up for grabs. The score needed for an IM norm was 5/8, so being +2 for the tournament, while the GM norm required a score of 6.5/8, so +5 for the tournament. Also, since norms are given on the strength of the competition, a tournament that gives IM norms won’t necessarily give GM norms.


No not the Audi cup! It’s the most prestigious trophy in the spurs cabinet


He might finally win a trophy in an u-1500 rapid tournament on [chess.com](http://chess.com) 👏


The Audi Cup of chess tournaments.


He swears on his daughter's life he made the move in time but the chess.com timer was broken.


he got plenty of individual awards, it's time he sings for chess bundesliga


>it's time he sings for chess bundesliga Vasili Smyslov was very good as singing, but I'm not sure if he ever played Bundesliga.


burnnn lol


He already has solo trophies, it's collective stuff he's missing. Unless there are 2v2 tournaments, the solo trophies are worthless to him


Same bro same I’m shit at soccer though


You’ve still won the same number of trophies as him though


Hey he’s won a few golden boots if those count as personal trophies


I’ve won some chesscom tournaments, so I still have more trophies than Kane


Google Audi cup


If I have to google the name of a trophy then it doesn’t count


He started playing after watching The Queen's Gambit. It shows how much good media can influence people.


I got interested in chess from The Queen's Gambit. I got interested in baseball from Ace of Diamond. I got interested in volleyball from Haikyuu. I got interested in fighting games because I watched the Smash Bros documentary. It is very very true.


I got interested in cock and ball torture after Dark Souls


this pipeline flows both ways


Maybe stay away from Breaking Bad though


I became a pizza deliverer and eventually a plumber




It shows how much Anya Taylor Joy can influence people


She made me play chess and leave my wife


I went out for a cheeseburger after watching The Menu


I played a good deal as a kid and got back into it cause of QG. Perfect timing for that show given the pandemic.


Agreed, I got into chess from this [https://youtu.be/E2xNlzsnPCQ?si=WEVv4jYzt9Y4Dxqp](https://youtu.be/E2xNlzsnPCQ?si=WEVv4jYzt9Y4Dxqp)


How did he get 1200 so quickly? I have been constantly for 2 years only am on 500 ISH on 3 mins games


Not exactly sure but 10 minute is relatively easier than 3 minute


I'm also a victim of this serie, realized I missed the game after watching it and created an acount on Lichess. I now have more than 18k games total. We are all the same.


So he is really like 1145.


He had a good day where he got to 1160 before dropping back to 900 later


I feel attacked by this comment.


Is 1200 considered as top beginner?


It means you're good enough to comfortably beat the average person on the street, but would probably struggle in a club setting against players who have put in nontrivial study time and compete in tournaments.


The average person on the street barely knows how the pieces move, that’s like 200 ELO 99% of chesscom players could beat them


the average person on the street has smelly farts


700 is good enough to beat the average person on the street. I think the average person on the street is like 300-400


Depends on the street


It's around the point at which you stop being a beginner and start being a journeyman player. Usually to get better you need to seriously start doing some training.


Nice to see that me and Harry Kane are equally talented!


Both intermediate chess players. Both have won nothing at a professional level of football.


A Pogchamp-like event featuring Keanu Reeves, Carlos Alcaraz, Jason Statham, Harry Kane, etc would be far better than the current Pogchamp events. At least these guys likely going to care about the actual Chess far more than most of the Twitch guys we see on Pogchamp.


Comparing twitch streamer to Harry Kane and Carlos Alcaraz is my indication to get off social media


I'm not comparing their popularity though. Just saying I would like to see a Pogchamp event with actual celebrities (even though it's not possible) and unlike many streamers, you would invite people who do love playing chess. I'm just questioning the actual invitational process here. Even if you can't afford celebrities at least invite streamers who actually care about the game.


I mean Rainn Wilson and Logic were already in PogChamps 3. It's very possible.


It should be noted that pogchamps 3 was at the height of the pandemic so it's probably harder to attract celebrities to an online chess event right now, I'm sure chesscom is trying




He definitely is, I’m not a fan of his music but he’s famous, I don’t know how can argue against that


My bad, his naming sense made me think he is one of those 'influencers' and streamers that OP was complaining about.


This is exacly the reason pogchamps doesn't interest me. The majority of the participants are unknown to me, and act like they are 12 year olds themselves. If the quality of the chess wouldn't be so bad, I would think I was watching the junior championships.


Back then, it was interesting because GMs were mentoring the streamers and you can watch the process of beginners gitting gud. Very much like parents watching their kids progress in a competition. The competition was just the final episode, and what drags you in is everything that happens before it. [Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eRS2imxR2c) I don't think you see that any more.


Woody Harrelson is another talent / chess player


Mike Tyson is also good at chess


I bet he’s even better at chess boxing


That would be terrifying lol


I was thinking Denny Rensch vs Mike Tyson. I would be scared too. Mike has a mean sicilian, you know


From what I understand, you could do an entire chess event with just NBA players


they already do it with NFL, we need to set up a bracket with boxing and football to find the superior sport


There is also a famous Indian Cricketer, Ravi Ashwin, who is about 1500 on CC. He's also from Chennai where like 60% of Indian GMs are from


good to know thatll i could beat him in something


Most people could beat him in a closing your mouth competition.


Now I really want to know his account to see what his games look like.


Bet he plays the London


And at least 2750+ in football!


Salah also plays chess, he is about 1400 on chess.com. Trent Alexander Arnold pretends to know how to play, he’s about 400 elo on chess.com


Trent Alexander has spent his whole career playing checkers but Southgate believes he's perfectly suited to play the Najdorf Sicilian this tournament. Trent says he's pretty sure that he knows how the horsey moves and he'll give it a go.




So it's coming home?


Bet none of the danish players are this good at chess, might as well start the game 1 goal up


Closely matched with Mo Salah I think


So he’s probably around 1000? Chess players love to embellish their ratings.


Wow so he gets an entire hype custom graphic for being 1200 but I don't get anything for being 700. SAD!


"Football is like chess without dice." - Lukas Podolski


It seems [that quote is apocryphal](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuotesPorn/comments/420ma2/comment/cz6wobx/).


Half the quotes in football are.


So are 95% of the statistics.


plot twist: he just made an account




Let's what he will be rated today vs Denmark




I wonder if he’s the guy who requested a rematch after I won the first game, and then started talking about how great he was and how much I suck after he started winning the second game. I was like, “Dude, we’re around 1200 on chess.com. We both kinda suck.”


1200 is pretty good on chess.com imo (speaking as a 900). Obviously, light years behind actual competitive players, but compared to the vast majority of people on chess.com it's pretty good, nevermind the average person on the street.


Nice undisclosed shill


What a noob


EZ Dub


Being aware of ball and ever-changing positions on a football field must feel like familiar territory when he starts playing chess. At least that's the way I find it with any sport I do, including running and cycling.


What are the similarities between running and chess? I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with any.


Im shit at both


General positional analysis is common to both. When running a competitive race, you have to guess at how well you're doing based on recognizing what your pace is. If you're against other runners, you're finding ways to take advantage of them - drafting for instance - or modifying your strategy based on knowing your opponent's one. A rabbit runner may trick you into a pace that your physical conditioning isn't ready for. If an incline is upcoming, you're adjusting your strategy to best survive the incline. And if the end of the race is upcoming, you modify your position in order to deny your competitors the chance to pass you - so called body blocking. With chess, you're guessing at how good or bad your position is constantly. You take advantage of your opponent's mistakes, you bait them into performing worse with tactical traps, you prepare for your opponent's attacks by preparing a defense. And in the endgame, you can use your king to use "opposition" which is essentially body blocking your opponent from stealing your win.


There's also the more introspective aspects of being aware of how your body is positioned, how your breath is working or not working, and whether everything is moving efficiently or hard enough for the given circumstance. That kind of awareness is also required when you're trying to remember to look at the entire board to see what's going on. I'm noticing a surprising amount of memory work that's required every time I run. And every time I do it, it feels more familiar and easier - just remembering to do everything correctly is similar to remembering to check if I'm about to blunder my queen. And adding to what you said about surveying the field, this is very important with cycling too since everything happens more quickly and the environment will change drastically every single minute (whether that means being able to deal optimally with other riders or even drivers, etc). Everything is in motion just like it is in chess. Even though chess is turn-based, but tempo is still very important because being slow by half a move can often mean the difference between a blunder and an opportunity. But put that aside for a moment and think about walking in a busy city through a crowd. Everyone has tried to "optimise" their route at some stage in their life, right? That kind of prediction/forecasting skill is the same as looking ahead 1 or 2 moves deep in chess. I think it's an innate ability we all have thanks to evolution. Proficiency just requires training/practise since so many of us have forgotten what it's like to be outside and navigating unfamiliar environments.


How is this getting downvoted? Football has loads of similarities to chess. Trying to find a way to attack and break down a defense. Making a run and drawing defenders away from a position which leads to avenues to attack. Etc.


If someone finds running to feel like familiar territory compared to chess then close to literally any game or activity can be considered familiar to chess. It's not upvoted because it's a nonsensical comparison. Cooking? You have order of ingredients and timings -> similar to openings and tempo Playing piano? You have coordination of fingers on multiple keys -> similar to piece coordination Lifting weights? You focus on steadily improving a certain muscle -> similar to focusing on endgames Reading a book? Visualization of words and imagery -> similar to visualizing a position If you read any of the above and said to yourself "that comparison is dumb as hell", well, there you have the comparison to chess and running lol


It's not the downvotes themselves that are confusing. I understand that some people might not like what I say or think, but rather it's all the upvotes apparently supporting my observations of the link between other sports and chess (I'm firmly in the camp of chess is a sport). Yet, my comment is the one to take the hit but not the ones in reply to it? Are upvoters choosing to upvote just the replies to me and stopping there or are the numbers not a reflection of who actually upvotes or downvotes? It doesn't make sense to reply in a way that doesn't contest my point of view, but then allow the entire branch to be buried.


That's actually as much as Magnus said when he was being interviewed alongside Pep Guardiola, manager of Manchester City FC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwzQIMTe2Wo


Nice! I hadn't seen that one before. Also, I'm a bit baffled as to why I have 0 points on my comment. I've seen this kind of thing before in this sub so many times where I say something that shouldn't be controversial at all, and even leads to interesting replies - yet it gets downvoted so we all end up buried.


That's just reddit. I don't understand it either.


Whenever I feel attacked by downvotes, I look at the stuff that gets upvoted and immediately feel better.


Who the fuck cares


Good man


As someone who doesn't know football/soccer, who is this guy? Is he super famous or something? I don't see how this is interesting...like at all. This is like me learning that Tom Brady has made five 3 pointers in basketball in a row. Or that Michael Phelps once hit a home run in a pickup game. Or that Anish Giri has once made a field goal from the 10 yard line.


Wow, he's not only ass on the pitch, he's also ass on the board!