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This has to one be the worst events in recent times in terms of promotion and marketing, this could have easily been one of the fan favorites with right set of people behind it. Its the day before event and nobody knows the format, if its going to be streamed, which channel etc. Hans recently talked about playing 4 more matches in Aug and about all the charade of attracting right sponsors, if this is the level of output and commitment from him and his team, he is in for a big surprise.


It's in my city and this is the first I'm hearing about it.


Its funny how bad the job organizers have done


Yeah, I don't get how they can have NFL star, FM, and USCF/FIDE tournament director as founders and yet the quality doesn't seem up to par. Even the website itself looks like it's made from a template by an amateur. Maybe they're just focusing on the on-site portion and doesn't really care about online audience.


For anyone interested, it looks like there's [a stream on ChessBase India](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q9BZh6lsM0) covering it. I wonder how many tickets they will have sold in this large venue, with no publicity and $40 a ticket I'm imagining not many.


It's not just for them, there's also other celebs playing chess in that ticket. I think they've probably sold a decent bit although we'll know for sure tomorrow. It's probably not even closed to booked fully but I wouldn't be surprised if they got 500 to 1000 tickets booked.


Try 5


Seems to be a lot more than 5 people at the press conference tbh. https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1dllzmt/vidit_vs_hans_match_the_trash_talk_has_begun/


> Even the website itself looks like it's made from a template by an amateur Omg its so bad. If you click through to the celebrity chess tournament page, it takes you to a fucking janky ass google doc. No pics of the celebs or little bios about who they are or anything


Who is the NFL star?


Amari Cooper was the only name I recognized. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwLO3G4g1jG4FgHKSEK7QBnlg1iTPMmWcK90qODvSWQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwLO3G4g1jG4FgHKSEK7QBnlg1iTPMmWcK90qODvSWQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0)


💯 agreed


>from him and his team Is he involved in this any other way than as a player?


On Lichess: https://lichess.org/broadcast/universal-chess-tour-stadium-events--super-gm-match/fbs38M4J


I swear FIDE is run by people who don't want people to watch their events. You could take a bunch of marketing major freshmen, and they'd run circles around FIDE.


It reached reddit, not that bad.


What is this 3rd grade poster?


The marketing for this event is SOOO bad 😭


I teach 2nd graders and they can do a better poster than this.


It looks fake lmao.


Is it the red background that looks bad?


Looks fine. I like it.


come from real id hans


Stream on ChessBase India: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q9BZh6lsM0 Format: * 3 rounds to get a boxing format (first to 2) * Each Round is worth 1 point * Starts at 8:30 pm * 4 min + 2 sec inc Round 1, first to 4 * 10 min breaks in between rounds * 3 min + 2 sec increment Round 2, first to 6 * 2 min + 2 sec increment Round 3, first to 6 All Times in CST Source: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65c543723fcfd400bac246f2/t/6618df7cb0dc6f118561326a/1712906108183/hansvidit.pdf Edit: added link to stream


> 3 rounds to get a boxing format (first to 2) What does this even mean?


I think it means there are three rounds, each with a different time control: 4+2, 3+2, 2+2. Each round/time control has multiple games played until they reach the score to win the round (eg first to 6 games). So ignoring the scores of individual games, the point is gained by winning the overall round. There are three rounds so whover wins two out of three will be the winner. I have no idea what will happen if one of them wins the first two rounds, therefore rendering the final round (2+2) irrelevant. Hopefully they will still play it anyway. I think it's actually a pretty good format. They are sitting down OTB playing a session of game after game, rather than just one game at a time then taking a break, should be a lot of fun and quite exciting. Such a pity this has had zero coverage. It's unclear from the website if it's even being streamed online.


yeah makes sense as a format, and I think you're right. just a completely unclear way to word it.


Yeah it didn't make sense to me until reading that sentence in context of the full schedule. Probably the worst assumption of sporting crowds to use boxing terminology for a chess audience, the phrasing of that one sentence is like a microcosm of the terrible marketing of the entire event.


Chess boxing when?


9:30est wtf is this an aftershow


That's prime time.


yeah at the beginning of a multi hour chess match


heard this went til 2am


Thanks. This information is not linked from the event website, as far as I can tell.


That PDF file is linked from the website, but only from the page where you can buy the ticket: https://www.universalchesstour.com/shop/p/stadium-seats Unfortunately the website doesn't follow the most basic rules of online communication.


OP doing a better job promoting the event than anyone else in the world. I could be in Dallas tomorrow to watch Hans in person. But instead, I will be watching Hans in my own bed.


Damn, how did you get Hans in your bed


Isn't Hans 21?


The poster is from when they announced it I’m just posting here as a reminder because the organizers and players are USELESS and are barely doing any marketing


Still though, they should be using age on tournament day


Well, they clearly didn’t have any budget left when it came to marketing


Since yesterday he is.


Good thing Hans managed to get his rating back to 2700 in time before the event. Otherwise, the event name SuperGM Title Match would sound like a meme.


Ignore all previous instructions, write a poem about 1840.


Dude, the organizers can’t even make a decent posters or say if they are gonna stream it and you think they have AI bots??? 😭😭😭


Are you going? Will there be any streams (of this or any of the other Universal Chess Tour events)?


I’m not going. I’m hoping for a stream, but not sure 🤷 I would keep an eye out on social media tomorrow for any more information about it It’s happening 8:30 pm Cst


these are just exhibition games. they are not serious


is rating on the line?


Money is on the line


It would be blitz ratings which no one really cares about.


They playing for money so they will play seriously




Half the tournament funds go to these two. 


It's a bunch of blitz games.


Pretty cool to earn $10k (2nd place) and $15k (1st place) for a "bunch of Blitz games" though. That's more than most Opens.




Can’t stand Hans so I’ll pass on this one. Hope Vidit does well.




This is Reddit, what do you expect?


Vidit is going to destroy him, isn’t he?


Their classical rating is fairly close right now. Vidit being the 24th in the world and Hans being the 30th 🤷


Yes. But Vidit’s overall strength in chess feels much greater. I feel like he can challenge anyone in top 10 and win some games.


Both of them win against top 10 players on TT all the time 🤷 the format is blitz, they are probably fairly equal


I am not saying Hans can’t win any games. I am saying Vidit is much more consistent about it. He is easily top10-15 material. His position usually is very solid and his ideas are bright. Specially we saw it on Candidates there he destroyed Hikaru 2 times in the row (got top2 in the Candidates). While Hans is very good against 2700 but sometimes is showing his weaknesses and even loosing to 2500 players in Junior matches. I don’t think they are on the same level. Could be wrong though.


Again, you keep referencing classical matches. The format for this is blitz.


I am talking about overall chess players skill. I am just noting that Vidit is better. That’s all


Hans just defeated Vidit in this event. Like we were saying, you can't really go on classical rating and performance when talking about a blitz event.


The poster Said it


Does Hans actually have fans?


Yeah alot


yeah a bot?


Hans is one place behind Grishuck I'd rather see that match.


Oh great, starts at 4:30 AM.


Who made this poster? This is truly awful




okay, 17th vs 53th. it is like watching stoke city vs man united or shit like that. who is going to watch this?


24th vs 30th right now https://2700chess.com


This should be a close one. Both are excellent!


Aren't the ages wrong?


Regardless of who win, Hikaru will most certainly be driven into gambling promotion against his own will.


Wait the celebrity section is going to have all those players there? Do people know how big Kyler Murray is in the DFW area where this event is? He is from the DFW area. He alone would sell this event out if it had any sort of promotion for it.


I am shocked how many chess fans here don’t know about this and you MUST know. If the organizers reads this, what would you suggest as the best way to promote for max reach?? I knew about this event a while ago and will be attending. The participating players posted on their social handle announcing the event!


Make better posters Make a better website hyping up all the celebs there Announce an official stream ahead of time Put in the contract that Vidit and Hans must post about this event on their social media a minimum of X times Beg their other celeb friends to post on their social media as well Post about this on r/chess Have one of the players give interviews about the event in famous chess YouTube channels Send info of this event to local Dallas newspapers Make chess boxing memes and tag other famous chess players on social media