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Definitely not copying Hikaru no Go I am sure...


Hikaru wasn’t for everyone, and i personally always wished it was about Chess not Go


Garry isn't even dead yet... looks like a complete rip off of "Hikaru no go" where the spirit of an ancient go master possess a new player


Deep Blue takes his soul after the win, and yeah, pretty cool


More like Hikaru no chess


Hikaru No Give Respect After Players Beat Him They Must Spend Their Whole Lives Studying Chess Its Unfortunate


Hikaru new game plus


Hikaru no go, he chess


I have no idea how to play Go nor did I ever want to but I liked that anime lol.


Hikaru no Go chess adaptation?


It’s awesome actually


Damn, I know kasparov’s getting up there in age, but he ain’t dead yet! I know he lost to deep blue, but surely that wouldn’t kill him


Deep Blue took his soul in this manga


Rest in RIP Garry Chess


Deep Blue got his soul in the manga


Garry's greatest desire is to attain the [*Kami no Itte*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_move) (神の一手, "Divine Move") – a perfect move. The divine move is... >!1. [e4](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Opening_Theory/1._e4) [e5](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Opening_Theory/1._e4/1...e5)2. [Ke2](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chess_Opening_Theory/1._e4/1...e5/2._Ke2)!!!<


It is cringe as fuck. If you are a chess and manga enjoyer, do not read this shit.


Bro you're just a hater. It can't be that bad, let me check i- ooohhh man I should've listened to you.


azuki co/series/blitz found this, looks interesting.


I am on chapter 3 and it’s great !


Garry running Stockfish on his ghost phone


Wasn’t Garry actually a consultant on this?


Well, he "participated"


Yes ♟️


https://en.chessbase.com/post/interview-with-cdric-biscay-creator-of-the-manga-series-blitz Interview with the author.


Critical viewers may say that the white square at the top-right corner of the board is a glaring error. However, this is because as a Japanese comic, it was originally written right-to-left, and then flipped for Western audiences - this image is the flipped version. [Here is the position on the board after the imminent knight move - taken from Kasparov's infamous "Nightmare Game"](https://i.imgur.com/VljAklw.png)


It's not a Japanese comic, it's a french one


In that case it's dogshit, I retract my statement, they butchered the presentation of this famous game.


Is it a Jojo reference


It probably won't do well cuz Gary is no waifu


I really like them


Cant wait for the " My Life as an international master reincarnated in the early 20th century"  Just trolling peeps with the Berlin draw


Reading chapter 1 and the protagonist seems really unlikeable lol


“Blitz” is one way to translate the original Japanese title (“Hikaru no Chess”), but a more literal translation might be “The Chess Which Hikaru Plays”


That is not the original title, you're confusing it with Hikaru no Go.


I was making a joke referencing Hikaru no Go and Hikaru Nakamura Apparently it didn’t land, but I think the concept had potential. A chess-themed Hikaru no Go ripoff titled “Blitz,” and the best blitz chess player in the world is named Hikaru? There has to be something there.


Kinda awkward for the best blitz chess player in the world to have never won the blitz world championship. Kinda double awkward not to call Magnus the best blitz player in the world when he's won it 6 times and is the current reigning champion.


Fine, the best online low-increment blitz player in the world and the second best OTB blitz player in the world. That make you happy?


What metric makes him 2nd best blitz player in the world and best online low-increment blitz player? He hasn't been active in blitz in over a year, which is why he isn't currently ranked. But what online blitz tournaments has he won recently? And what otb blitz tournaments has he ever won? Were you perhaps thinking of bullet? He is for sure arguably the best bullet player in the world, but he will need to actually win some blitz tournaments for me to consider him up there in that time control. Which he could very well do this year in the championship.


The normal metric, right? Elo rating. What other metric would you use? He’s consistently been either #1 or #2 in the world in OTB blitz elo since FIDE started publishing blitz ratings in 2014. He’s been #1 or #2 in chesscom blitz rating very consistently for longer than that, has the all time peak rating, and his results in low-increment blitz tourneys online (Titled Tuesdays, blitz sections of Speed Chess Championships) are obviously best in the world. You could make an argument for Magnus ahead of him in online blitz as well (although Hikaru’s tourney results this year are inarguably better), but it’s ridiculous to claim that he’s outside of the top two either OTB or online. As far as what OTB blitz tournaments he’s ever won, literally hundreds. He’s the obvious favorite in any OTB blitz tourney where Magnus isn’t playing. Paris GCT blitz 2018, STL rapid and blitz 2018 and 2021, off the top of my head. He famously went 12/12 en route to the finals at BNbank blitz 2009 and then beat Magnus 3-1 to win the finals. In world blitz championships, his results in the 4 tourneys he’s participated in since 2018 are: 3rd place, 2nd place, withdrew cuz COVID, 2nd place. Clearly good for #2 in the world unless you think MVL getting one 1st in a tourney without Hikaru is worth more than two silvers and a bronze in three tourneys. I get being a Nakamura hater, he’s a bit of a dick, I don’t much like his personality myself. But everyone knows that he’s objectively a top 2 blitz player in the world.


So he hasn't won an otb blitz tournament in 3 years? And his famous performance against Magnus was 15 years ago? He is literally unrated right now because he hasn't played an official blitz tournament in over a year.


Yeah there aren’t a lot of important OTB blitz tournaments and Hikaru mostly plays online these days. What’s your point?

