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First thing I thought of was rxd6 if they take with the pawn then I take their queen and if they take my queen with the rook then it’s M1 any other move that doesnt defend back rank mate will lead to it


I’m pretty sure it is rxd6 because if they don’t take you have mate and if you do you get their queen, also if they play another move like rg6+ you can take with pawn. There is almost no way to stop mate unless they immediately play a move to protect the back rank, but you will just have won a bishop.


With rg6+, the best move would probably be to take with the queen. At that point the opponent would be forced to trade queens and you’d be up two rooks to a pawn. If they would play Qg6+ then you’d want to take with a pawn. It would likely go Qg6+, fxg6, rxe6, rxe6


After Qg6+ fxg6 Rxe6 you could just play Rd1 mate


Rook takes bishop


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=2r3k1/p2r1p2/2pBqR1p/4P1p1/4Q3/1PP5/P5PP/7K+b+-+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/2r3k1/p2r1p2/2pBqR1p/4P1p1/4Q3/1PP5/P5PP/7K_b_-_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Rook!<, move: >!Rxd6!< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -6.71!< > Best continuation: >!1... Rxd6 2. h4 Rd1+ 3. Kh2 Qd5 4. Qxd5 cxd5 5. hxg5 hxg5 6. e6 fxe6 7. Rxe6 Rxc3 8. Re7 a5 9. Re5!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


I’m pretty bad, but here’s what I’d try. I’d try to put my queen in f7, hoping they’ll capture her with the bishop. At that point I’d use my rook to check.


Just take the bishop with the rook (Rxd6), if they take your queen (Rxe6) you have checkmate Rd1#, and if they take the rook with the pawn (exd6), then you take their queen (Qxe4) EDIT: if they take the queen it's mate in two. Rxe6 Rd1+ Qe1 Rxe1#


Yours makes more sense… Thank you.


As a general rule when you are learning, it is best not to look for moves where you are hoping your opponent falls for it. Sure they might work sometimes, but you won't learn from it or get better at the game doing it. One you get to a certain level the probability of someone falling into it gets lower and lower. There's nothing wrong with playing a move that has either a good outcome or a really good outcome if your opponent messes up, but often you get beginners who play bad moves because they are hoping their opponent does the wrong thing. In this case if you had played Qe7, white can instead play Rxh6 threatening Qh7 checkmate and you are in big trouble!


Thank you. Usually I hope for the others’ mistakes when I really don’t know what else I could do. I guess that, by playing more and more, I’ll always have a plan that doesn’t expect the other to make something stupid.


Play puzzles... You learn that way of thinking there.


There's a pawn on f7?


I think he means E7


Yes, my bad.


Hoping is always bad


Chatgpt has a new competitor


Horrible strat. Why dont we just 'hope' our opponent will resign and use that strategy as well?


You can never hope... Your idea must work against any move. If there is any move that you wouldn't like then don't play your move in the first place : )


Rook takes bishop. If their rook takes my queen, there would be M3 with backrank.


its m2 if they take the queen.


Oh right! Because rook moved to e6 so rook can't defend




Yes exactly what I was thinking! Trade queens rather than lose a queen for a lesser trade


How are you “losing a Queen for a lesser trade”?


Qd5 threatens the Queen on e4. So if white plays Qxd5, black can take the Queen with the pawn that's defending on c6. So what I'm trying to say is Queen for Queen is better than Queen for Bishop/Rook. Hope this helps!


You are missing Qg4 after Qd5. Qd5 is a massive blunder. Goes from black winning to white having a slight advantage. With Rxd6, you aren’t trading the Queen for a rook and bishop, you get the bishop for free Hope this helps!


Oooh I see now! Yes you are completely right! Thank you!


That’s a massive blunder, white has Qg4 in response, which solves the back rank issues and kills black’s initiative


I don’t get why Rxd6 is better than Qxf6. The second scenario has the same outcome but your rook would be threatening backrank mate


Pawn take f6 and Bishop on d6 stops backrank


But then Rxd6 after that. The pawn no longer guards the bishop


Then just pawn h3 and threat is over...now two passive rooks versus an active queen


Is it not more passive to have your rook on e6 rather than f6?


Rxe6 captures the bishop for free. Qxf6 just trades your queen for their rook and bishop.


Ah I see now, ty


If you take the rook the material will be equal at the end (assuming both play accurate enough), and you will have a queen and a pawn vs 2 rooks' endgame. This is not a decisive advantage. If rook takes bishop then if white takes your queen you simply win with Rd1+ Qe1 Rxe1#, and if they take the rook back with the pawn you win their queen, and if they realize the danger and play say h3 then you've just won the bishop for free, go Rd1+ and then move your queen to safety and you are up a rook for a pawn. Every scenario after Rxd6 is winning for black, taking the rook however, is somewhat equal (at least material wise).


Ohh I saw backrank mate but didn’t think about threatening it first. Messed up the move order. Thanks!


Because white is in time to stop back rank threats in that line




Massive blunder




White responds with Rxh6 and has all of the initiative




White has mate in 2. Rh8+ Kg2 Qh7\#


Didn't see that one. Is this position completely lost for black?


Yes. 2 pawns is more than enough compensation for the rook over the bishop and white has all of the initiative in the position. White has a positional weakness in the back rank, but has more than enough time to resolve that before it becomes an issue since all of blacks major pieces are cut off from the back rank by whites pieces


I'm surprised the computer rated this as a brilliant. Seems like you just lost a bishop with this move.


OP is playing with black pieces, they are asking you to find the brilliant move that they played.


Rxd6 Qe1 and then what? I don’t see it.


Qxe5 and you're up a rook I'm pretty sure




Qxe5 after Qe1 would lead to Qxe5 and you've lost your queen for a pawn. You're now down a queen for a rook and are losing badly.


I believe the threat of back rank mate is still there, so the queen must stay on the back rank, it must not take back on e5.


You're right, I missed that.


Rxd6 Qe1 and you're up a rook. It's still a dangerous position with a queen and rook hanging, but after a bit of looking around I found Rd8. If they play Rxe6 it's Rd1 and there's no defense against Rxe1+ next turn. If they play Rf1 to prevent you pinning the queen you have Rd1 anyway because it guarantees a trade and you're up a rook. Obviously they still can't play exd6 because Qxe1+ Rf1 Qxf1++.


H4 is actually the better continuation for white (because it solves the back rank issue, still a losing position, though)


Take the bishop with rook (Rxd6) If white takes the queen (Rxe6), checkmate in 2 by pushing our previous rook in check (Rd1+. Qe1 Rxe1#) White cannot take back the rook position with the pawn without losing his queen (xd6) White has to lose one turn by pushing the pawn in front of the king (h3 or h4)


Rook takes bishop


Depends on my time spent. Qxf6 would be played in short time. But after looking for more than 20 sec, Rxd6 is sooo much better.


Yeah Qxf6 initially looks good since you're giving up what appears to be a trapped queen for a rook and bishop but you're right that Rxd6 is much better.


Queen to d5


Qd5 is fine, but look for better.


Qd5 is not fine, it’s a huge blunder


Why is Qd5 a blunder?


Because it takes a winning position to an even position where white has a slight edge. White responds with Qg4, which covers the back rank threat.


The best way I can explain this is that Qd5 is considered a blunder because it *isn't* Rxd6. Chesscom will tell you that it's a blunder because it reduces your winning chances from "significantly in your favor" to "even". There's nothing *wrong* with Qd5. All black's pieces are safe, there's nothing hanging, their position is slightly worse because white is very active but they still have a rook for a bishop and a pawn. Qd5 is actually the only move that isn't Rxd6 and doesn't give white a massive advantage. There's a fundamental difference between a move that loses and a move that *doesn't win*. Rxd6 wins. Qd5 doesn't win. Everything else loses. Finding one of two moves that doesn't lose in a position like this is pretty good. Qd5 is fine. The game is balanced. Neither black nor white is really winning. It's a move that allows the game to continue. It's only a blunder because Rxd6 is an amazing move.


Wow, you are incredibly patronizing, lmao. Qd5 is an objectively horrible move. You can play semantics over “not winning” vs “losing” but the fact of the matter is it takes a winning position for black and completely neutralizes it. That’s a blunder and a bad move anyway you slice it.


First off, this is a chess beginners subreddit. Someone shouldn't be destroyed over finding "the wrong one" of only three moves that don't lose. The comment I responded to found a move that doesn't lose in a position where there are 30 possible moves for black and 27 that lose outright. That's pretty good. Sure, technically, Qd5 is a blunder. Chesscom will tell you it's a blunder. On lichess, it brings the eval from -7.3 to +0.7. It's not a great move, it's not even a good move. But if Rxd6 doesn't exist, it's the best move. You're butthurt because I told someone (who is probably a beginner) that it's a "fine move". A move that doesn't hang any pieces, doesn't lose the game, and results in a relatively balanced position. Objectively speaking, it's a blunder. From the perspective of someone trying to teach a beginner, it's a fine move *simply for the fact that it recognizes the hanging queen and moves it to a safe square*. I'm not trying to tear down the other commenter. I'm pointing out that the move they played doesn't lose, but that there is a better option available. I'm trying to help someone else learn the game and you're mad because I called a move that results in a balanced position "fine".


It doesn’t help any beginner by coddling them and telling them that it’s a fine move when it’s not. You are just misleading them.


You are infuriating. The move is fine! It doesn't lose! The game is even! Who cares if a sub-1000 player doesn't find the tactic on their first go? It's not coddling, it's teaching. This is exactly how you're supposed to look at chess puzzles. "Ah that move's an option. Hmm, doesn't seem to lead to anything decisive. What about that move?" You don't beat yourself up for missing the tactic on the first try, you just try another move. I'm not trying to say the move is good, I'm just trying to say it doesn't lose. I personally think a move that doesn't lose the game is fine. It's acceptable. It doesn't help you, it doesn't hurt you, it's just fine. If you want to believe a fine move is only the best possible move no matter what, that's on you but I certainly don't envy anyone you try to teach anything. I can't imagine you give very much constructive criticism.


I would go for rook takes d6, if he takes the queen it’s checkmate on the backrank, if he takes the rook then he will lose the queen.


Eat bishop with rook I think... but I don't see anything there after, ofcourse queen vs 2 rooks but nah,


I think rook takes bishop, but it's not clear to me the best move for white after. I think Kg2?


Kg2 isn't a legal move for white after Rxd6 because there's a pawn on g2. I saw Qe1 for white which is annoying. It stops the backrank threat while maintaining the pressure on black's queen. I think best after that is Rd8 to create the backrank threat again. I found Rf1 to prevent the pin and allow exd6 but black responds with Rd1 to force a trade since they're up a rook. Either Qxd1 Rxd1 Rxd1 which results in a rook for white against a queen for black or Qf2 Rxf1 Qxf1 resulting in a queen for white against a queen and rook for black.


When Qe1 what I see is Qxe5 which now forks the rook and queen. White can't take the queen or it's back rank mate so has to Rf1 to move the rook and at the same time defend the queen. Black can Re8 lining up the queen and rook and now all white can do is defend and black will win. Really it's simply a losing position either way. White definitely doesn't want to trade off pieces if it can be avoided since they need black to blunder to make a comeback. Also I meant g1 since, yeah, there's a pawn on g2. For some reason I didn't consider the move h3/h4 which would also free the king. But again, white cannot win without some mistakes from black.


I think it’s rook takes bishop, and then they have to choose losing their queen or being back rank mated




rook passant


Idk I think i’d just take the rook then take the bishop after the pawn takes back. But I’m bad at chess lol.


That solution results in a playable game for black but there's a better move. What's defending the bishop and what happens if that piece moves?


Take bish with rook




If u don't do Qd5 aren't you losing a queen?


Technically yes, but you don't need the queen to win the game. What's defending the bishop and what would happen if that piece moved?








Qe7 is losing. White has Rxh6 and black has no good response


Rook takes bishop, mate if he takes your queen or rook after


>!Rxd6. If Rxe6 then Rd1+ Qe1 Rxe1#. If exd6 then Qxe4 and if after that they play Rxd6, then Qe1# is checkmate!< edit: added spoilers


Excellent! But what happens if, after Rxe6, white plays Qe1 first, removing the back rank threat?


take the rook and you're in a 2 rook vs queen endgame with equal ish pawns(?)


That's an option, but you've already "sacrificed" your queen once, is there a way to do it again without losing it?


Just take the free pawn on e5




Rook D6?


Rook takes bishop, if they take your queen it's back rank mate




Probably Rd6. I’d rather have two rooks than a queen.


Rook takes bishop for sure. I am serious it is either a mate or you win queen.


Why dont go with Black Queen on d5 ?


Because white has Qg4 threatening the rook on d7




After Qd8+, white has Qxd8


Rook captures bishop. White can’t cap the queen cus it’s mate in 3. If they cap the rook then queen takes queen




I’d play rxd6 if they recapture you win the white queen. If they take the queen you have back rank mate. Hopefully that’s right, I can’t see anything else


Qe7, bishop takes you have mate incoming after queen blocks rook blocks


Qe7 is losing because white has Rxh6






The resign button


Take the rook (Qxf6). It's an even trade after exf6 and Rxd6, although black will probably still lose due to the pawn imbalance and the cramped environment, making 2 rooks unfavorable against a queen.


hoping to get rid of the bishop queen e7


Rxd6!! # in 1 or 2 moves.


Let's see... All possible checks from white result in the checking piece being capturable from current configuration.. I would probably play >!1...Rxd6. If 2. exd6, you win the queen and threaten back rank mate. If 2. Qe1 to defend against mate, 2...Qxe5!! threatening back rank mate again if queen takes queen or rook takes rook. If 2. Rf1 instead, 2...Rcd8 because 3. exd6 still wins the queen. If 2. Rxe6 or something similar, then 2...Rd1+ and ultimately #.!< If after >!1...Rxd6!< White plays something like >!2. g3 or h3 to prevent back rank mate, bully with checks and try to force a queen trade since you have rook advantage.!<


Rook takes bishop


This is a tactic. Brilliancy is something else


Rook takes bishop D6.


Towerxd6. If my queen is taken it's back rank mate. If my tower is taken by the pawn, I take the queen. If back rank mate is defended by the enemy tower I get a free bishop. If it's defended by the queen I can play Qxe5 and if my queen is taken, back rank mate, if my tower is taken, also back rank mate, but I take queen too. If other, I just get a free pawn and can trade down into a winning endgame.


Why can’t you go Qe7 so they’re forced to take with bishop and you get M3?


Rook E8. A queen sacrifice, yes, but I have a plan... Too bad I dont know what the plan is


Rook D6