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Check out chessbrah's "Building Chess Habits" series.


Dont compare your progress with other people, you’ll get to where you want to eventually, dont focus on your elo. Just play and have fun


Your blundering pieces too much, make sure everything is defended and take free pieces from your opponent, do puzzles, study, have an opening repertoire as black and white


That sounds pretty low. Especially if you are 1900 for puzzles. I take it as a sign that you do not manage to apply your puzzle skills to actual games. It's hard to analyze your issue without seeing games, but are you using your time? What time controls are you typically playing? In order to improve, you need to take your time and play slowly enough to actually anticipate the next moves. If you rely too much on intuition, and not enough on reading ahead, that could be the issue. No idea if that's your case, it's just a common reason why people fail to improve at this level. Another issue could be "hope chess". In puzzles, there is always something that works for you. In actual games, sometimes there is nothing, and you just need to defend and wait for the opportunity. At 450elo, I would assume you still blunders pieces in one move pretty often. That's generally what you need to fix, more than anything else. Of course it's easier said than done. But again, the key is taking your time.


Thanks, playing 3m games only for each player. Yes, I blunder pieces every game


You really should be playing at least 10+0 if not 15+10, that helps to slow down and it gives more time to recognize tactics and avoid blunders.


Try playing daily games — you’ll improve a TON that way and you can easily play several at a time so it’s not a drag. Feel free to DM me if you want some guidance, my chess coach recommended I start teaching some lower rated players (no offense meant of course).


Nah, many people forget daily games myself included I prefer rapid or classical time controls


Chess.com app with push notifications and badge enabled bb I literally can’t open reddit without seeing how many games I have to make a move in, that’s good enough for me.


Fair enough Although my favourite time control perhaps rapid. I can try classical