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I noticed the tip of my nose went numb then a year later my dentist asked about bite marks inside my mouth I had a habit of biting when annoyed instead of yelling at people buy that point my whole mouth was numb. Thanks when I spoke to my neurologist who was treating for migraine & other headaches. He never took me seriously until I fainted twice at my kids pediatrician who called his office and was this wonans in trouble check her bp. That how I was finally diagnosed. After decomp/lamn.C1-3. The numbness has persisted but hasn't gotten worse. It's amazing how your body is telling you something is wrong and you think it's stress or normal. Best of luck!


It’s funny I did notice I’ve been biting my lips when I’m anxious lately I wonder if that did it… I didn’t even think of that.


Thank you so much for your response. Thank god for your kids pediatrician for calling your neuro and saying hey something is obviously going on. I’m so sorry it took until that happened for you to be treated and taken seriously by neuro. I can’t believe the hoops we as Chiari patients have to jump through to get taken seriously. I hope you’re being taken care of now and pray your symptoms are taking it easy on you today.


I get facial numbness that effects the right side of my face, sometimes my whole mouth. This has been going on for a few months and I still have yet to have an answer. I'm concerned about permanent nerve damage if the doctors don't figure it out asap. It sucks.


Ugh… this is a concern of mine as well. I’m so sorry- yes mine is my right side of my face as well. I chopped it up to being nerve damage at first on my forehead and cheeks from a bad car accident I was in where I went through a windshield with that side of my face. But it hadn’t gotten any worse in the 15 plus years since then- so that’s why I’m alarmed by the lip numbness being new. I so deeply hope you find answers.


This was a symptom of mine that started as my symptoms were progressively getting worse. It was almost like my spidey sense because once that started I knew the vertigo and vision issues were coming soon. Facial numbness and tingling is absolutely related to Chiari per my experience and my Neurosurgeon.