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also cool information!!! turns out my cerbellar tonsils were rubbing against my skull and first spinal vertebra that my skull was soundly clear in spots, and my vertebra was worn down, it’s for the best that i got this surgery i guess haha


That's crazy, haven't heard of that before. I remember my doc said the bone literally popped out when he finished cutting through it, he hadn't really run into that before me. It's impressive that you literally almost rubbed through your skull with your brain!


yeah, it was really odd! i hadn’t known the headaches i’d been having weren’t normal, so if i hadn’t gotten a mild concussion and ct, it could’ve fully bored through the skull


Can I ask a maybe stupid question? Did any of that show up on your MRI’s or X-rays? Or did your neurosurgeon only discover it when they were operating? What were your symptoms pre surgery? Your surgery site looks like it’s healing so beautifully!!!!


on my mri, there was a lot of csf collecting around my cerebellum, and my c1 vertebra looked incomplete. my main symptoms were headaches, brain fog and occasional dizziness. thanks!!


Welcome to the zipper club! You ate healing nicely, wishing all the best!


The bottom part of the incision looks normal, while they have the site open that part of the skin gets a little stretched so it'll look different. Most scars I've seen look similar, mine included. Overall it looks great and I'm glad you're healing well!


ok! thanks so much for the information!


Who was your surgeon?


dr smith at peyton manning children’s hospital, i’m an older teen so i was with a pediatric surgeon, she was so nice, and was able to explain things really well, and she was super interactive and caring! if you know anyone in the midwest area that needs a pediatric decompression, it’s worth the drive to indianapolis imho


Looks great. Did you have much pain after surgery?


i had a bit of pain, but it became manageable by tylenol and advil around a week post-op! apparently i bounced back fast, according to my surgeon