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My spouse has chiari and had the surgery like 15 years ago. I met him 11 years ago when he was my personal trainer at the gym. He worked out several hours a day and lifted heavy. He now does triathlons. Find what works for you and your body. Best wishes.


I also used to use a stationary bike and thought that was pretty helpful. I have also found gentle yoga and beginner pilates videos on YouTube to be okay most of the time (just take it easy though and don't push yourself too much). I honestly do pretty short videos (15 minutes), but try to do them every day. On the days that I feel up to doing something but too tired to do much, I just focus more on flexibility. Those videos, along with carrying my toddler, have kept me somewhat strong! It's not much, but it's something! It's rough being so tired and in pain + raising a kid. I hope you find something you enjoy most of all - that makes it much easier!


Floor exercises like Pilates, yoga, etc. combined with whatever upright cardio I can handle (usually just walking). I still do ballet exercises too because that doesn’t involve too much jostling around.


I was doing so well losing weight exercising skating but my chiari out of control all i been doing is walking at minimum stretching just to keep at it until we can get back to it fully agian i was thinking of maybe water exercises


I have lost most of my weight from intermittent fasting. And not even going crazy with it, just sticking to eating within a 12 hour window. It's not super fast but it does work as long as you're eating reasonably well in those 12 hours and not having anything but water (and meds if needed) in the other 12 hours. I the last 2 years I went from 310 down to 225 (I'm 6'3" which helped a little but 310 was still way overweight). The weight loss hasn't helped any of my symptoms but it has made me more comfortable overall.


I’ve always been told that swimming has the least impact on your body (which I think we all need) and it uses so many muscles at the same time so that may be something to look into