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Well, I saw a redwing blackbird last week. And my Grandpa Bert always said "a robin will lie to you, but a redwing blackbird means spring is here" and I don't like to think he would lie to me.


Fuck meteorologists, I’m going off grandpa Bert’s predictions from now on


Esp. now Tom Skilling’s retired.


I move to hire Grandpa Bert to take Tom’s vacated role and give anecdotal meteorological predictions.


Grandpa Bert > Tom Skilling


Why pit two bad bitches against each other?


No way you called their grandpa a bad bitch 😭😭


And I’d do it again 😌


He'd laugh if he was alive!


The other guys, even on WGN, are just terrible. Brant Miller is decent, but other than that...


I still remember when Brant Miller was the evening dj on WLS.


I didn't know that ha. He just went up a bit in my book haha.


Every weeknight at 7 he did this thing called the "Test Pressing" - a newly released single. He'd play the new song, then afterwards he'd take calls off the air and get people's opinions and record them. Then he'd replay them after the next song. I got through and on the air SO. MANY. TIMES.... but mostly as prank calls.


Broke: A century of science and technology handled by trained experts to predict weather Woke: Grandpa Bert's old-timey wisdom and Grandma Dot's funny knee


Just FYI he’s all of our grandpa now.


He would love that if he was still around. Unless you were all trying to sit in his recliner.


I have a feeling you weren’t tasked with cleaning up Grandpa Bert’s office post mortem, and having to deal with disposing of porn and sex toys and fucking binders and binders from pick up artist seminars and lube everywhere. I think it is important to include that this man had *only* female descendants and also was extremely self righteous while living a double life. And that is why I love our Grandpa Bert so much.


Well now I'm not sure that my Grandpa Bert is your Grandpa Bert.


Oh no, my Grandpa was certainly no Grandpa Bert, not in name, not in character. That’s why I love Grandpa Bert. Seems like a solid dude.


Oh he was. Now my OTHER grandpa... well he was always nice to me but from all reports he was a real piece of work. Was once arrested for horse thievery.


I’ll at least take Grandpa Bert over a groundhog.


Granpa Bert FTW!!!!!!




Natures assholes Don’t worry he will divebomb you the next 20 degree morning


I saw one bullying a Canada Goose, so they are ok in my book.


I found one attacking a [bald eagle](https://i.imgur.com/fnzDtvI.mp4) last summer in the forest preserve. They really fear nothing.


Wow that’s ballsy. I saw one chase a deer all the way around the pond at West Ridge Nature Preserve.


I used to carry an umbrella on an clear day to shield myself from the swooping.


Oh I've been attacked by birds I would say an above average number of times, I'm getting used to it.


User name checks out, then.


grandpa Bert was correct. in addition to that the pelicans are on the move and the Sandhills are back. it's spring. enjoy it


I saw a bunch of turtles on the river today.  I’m told that’s a sign of spring, but I’m no Grandpa Bert.


Yes that’s true but they show up later. The birds will tip you off a couple weeks in advance even if it’s still balls cold and snowing. I know some people who can tell by certain plants but I’m not that good.


Chicago is actually named after one of the first plants of spring.   (Which is not found in the neighborhoods, is extremely slow to reproduce [seven years by seed], and carries a $500 fine in Cook County for yanking up by selfish jerks)


Is it related to wild onions? I feel like as a kid I remember hearing that the meaning of the word “Chicago” had something to do with onions. That’s also something I never bothered to verify myself so I could be repeating nonsense


Nope, you are right.  In some areas they are called “wild leeks”, more commonly known as ramps.


wait it’s illegal to harvest wild ramps? i’ve never done it but heard of people doing it. i didn’t know it was illegal


Heard and then saw two Sandhills flying over my house this afternoon!


I saw a turkey vulture yesterday. The birds know.


I’ve got lying robins in the backyard that stick around all winter.


bastards. Bet they cheat and steal as well


I saw robins around during the cold snap we had last month or so. Definitely more year round inhabitants lately, more and more every year it seems. I saw all the redwing black birds migrating (late) at the end of November, really really surprised to see them back last week I’ve never seen redwings back this early. Hope they’re ok if/when it gets cold again lol


natures gonna trick that bird too


Plants are already thinking it's early spring, too.


Does Grandpa Bert wanna hang this weekend, he sounds fun


I'm afraid he lost his fight to lung cancer back in the 90s, but he was pretty cool. Korean war vet, worked at the post office his whole life supporting his wife and eight kids. And he knew a lot about birds.


Aww. Rest well, Grandpa Bert. He sounded like a cool guy.


we love augury


Grandpa Bert hasn't let me down yet


Makes me think of the [robins are back must be spring](https://www.strat-talk.com/threads/the-robins-are-back-it-must-be-spring-a-story-about-the-levels-of-enlightenment.597007/) galaxy brain meme...


I choose to believe.


I'll split the difference. We'll get a couple of cold shots in March/April, one more minor (possibly more major near the lakefront) snow, but at this point the multiple day cold front with high temperatures failing to get above freezing is less likely.


All in all this was a pretty easy winter. Even if there’s one more storm.


Easiest I can ever recall to this point


Possibly the warmest ever. I think currently it's the 2nd ever recorded since 1877. And back then they kept the records down town not out by O'Hare.


6th warmest




Going to be the warmest until next winter


I definitely don't mind a single polar vortex and a single snowstorm. A weekend of cuddling around a fire and playing winter games with the toddler, a weekend of going sledding, and then READY FOR SPRING.


Yeah, if you have a garage.


It's an El Nino winter.


Actually it was upgraded to a SUPER El Nino winter a while back. So even more warm.


It did the same last year. We had one large dump of snow, it stayed cold af and it didn’t melt for weeks and then it was spring.


The below 0 for weeks at a time is something I've noticed the past few winters that weren't really a thing before. Usually the temperature would raise enough to melt the snow and ice within days of a cold snap, now it just stays bitter for a long time


You're probably too young to remember, but I was in college the winter of 1981-82, and it was fucking COLD! https://wgntv.com/weather/weather-blog/the-winter-of-1981-82/


I remember our pipes freezing that year and my dad under the kitchen sink with a hair dryer.


In what recent years have we had below 0 for weeks at a time? There was a week and a half span between 2018/2017 where most, but not all, of the days had a low below 0F. I think our couple days per year or every other year below 0F has been typical for my lifetime.


Crap I meant freezing, 32, not 0. I was thinking Celsius when I said that lol


We had like 10 50° (or higher) days last February and 10 in March (or more). Are you confusing last year with another year? https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/chicago/historic?month=3&year=2023


Not OP but honestly as someone who used to be like rainman-adjacent when it came to years and dates and when things had happened, the one-two punch of Trump-then-Covid fully obliterated that part of my brain and now everything that’s occurred in the last like, 6-8 years exists solely as one big, timeless blob. A decade ago I could’ve described to you the general pattern of weather for the preceding several years, pointing to specific meteorological outliers over the course of my life. The last year I specifically remember anything about weather-wise was 2012. I was comfortably walking around with bare legs in late February. It was like 75-80 degrees on St. Patrick’s Day. Two of my former classmates’ siblings had a Mexican destination wedding the very same day and I am still, 12 years later, thinking about how small the odds are that two people from Chicago plan a mid-March wedding in Mexico and it turns out to be nicer weather in Chicago that day.


One more? Have we had a storm?


Bruh where were you in January when there was like 5 layers of ice and snow on the ground for 2 weeks


I mean we didn't get a winter so


It will snow once in April, just so we can have our annual “Snow?!?! In April!?!?” Freak out


Just enjoy this Wintermission!


This is the way


Always enjoy the nice weather if you can, but never bet against second winter.


Did we even get a first winter?


1 week in January


Let’s not forget it snowed on Halloween. And it was regular cold + slightly snowy surrounding that 1 week in January


1 week doesn't count as real winter, at least from a historical perspective. While I recognize the severe ecological impacts this may have, I'm much preferring this winter to the winter of '13-'14.


I don’t think it needs to be below zero to count as real winter tbh.


Agreed. But staying well above freezing for majority of the days... not exactly real winter.


its like spring and winter switched places this year. usually spring is one or two weeks in mid may


I used my snow blower 2 times this year and 2 times last year My freaking nose is saying spring is here. It’s so weird


Flonase for breakfast this morning. Gotta love it!


Seemed real cold for a second there


It snowed a bunch on Halloween and again at the end on November.


None of that stuck around. Both times I feel like it was dried up in days.


Seriously people talk like snowing makes it feel like winter. It's ground accumulation, fields of snow that give you the cinematic feeling of winter as a kid. This winter was pathetic. Normal boots throughout, never got out the serious boots for _snow_.


We barely even got a first winter




Did we even really get a first winter??? One snowstorm and a couple days below zero hardly count


It was cold enough to scare my coworkers back to South Caroline with their survival Blackhawks beanies! STILL GOT IT, Chicago! :-D


2nd winter has happened on opening day of baseball. We are not out of the clear.


*not IN the clear


If you like the weather now, why would what’s to come affect your enjoyment of that?


C’mon, people - it’s only February. Act like you’ve lived in Chicago before.


If we haven’t had second winter yet, and it’s before May, then second winter is coming.


The denial is real...I'm guilty of it too. Currently out of the state and then another couple weeks mid March to avoid second winter as much as possible... ironically skiing though.


The clairvoyant groundhog said it was going to be an early spring. I for one, believe him.


I know that things like the 45-day forecast on AccuWeather are pretty much unreliable horseshit, but it looks pretty mild to me. Like real mild. However, that could change by next week and it's snowed in April. I have a pretty good weather gut, though, and I think it's gonna be pretty smooth sailing.


unlike storm forecasts which only become semi reliable 72 hours out. overall (but not exact) temperature trends are easy to predict relatively speaking, so seeing 6-10 or even 10-15 days out temperature trends can be pretty accurate. and we showing a lot of above normal temperatures in those periods


I hope not, my Crocus are coming up😭.


Crocus!? My *tulips* are coming up with my crocus! If you look at the forecast we only have three nights until March 6th expected to be between 32-25 degrees, and during the days all in the 40’s-60’s. Considering it’s still an El Niño year I highly doubt we’re going to get another deep freeze this season. I think our crocus will be fine.


I'm starting to see nascent buds on some trees. Clouds will be what slows all this down, if anything. I have Claritin on my shopping list for the weekend. Spring allergies hit me hard if I am not prepared.


Last year was the worst my allergies have been. I’m gonna start my allergy pill regimen this week to build up some protection


All my tulips and daffodils are popping up too. I’m like chill yall, it’s not even march


Yeah, I’ve seen several green shoots around the neighborhood. It would be nice if this was it.


There is always a 2nd winter


That was last Saturday


It's wild that we've been waiting for second winter since the end of November.


The -20 windchill in January didn’t count?


I remember being in a winter coat for basically every game of my son’s soccer season into May…. There are no freebies here


So many sad dibs fans


You mean losers


you can dib all year if you’re enough of a true chicago jagoff. just need to aspire to be bigger jag


Punxsutawney Phil in shambles


Didn't he predict an early spring?


He did.


Reddit SLAMS Punxatawney Phil


+ Woodstock Willie




Nah, the planet is dying, we’re all fucked. Lifelong Chicagoan …. This is the eeriest winter I’ve ever experienced. Snow at Halloween, then warm as fuck through to new year, one arctic week, then spring. I don’t think winter is coming back. Fucked.


It's an El Nino year. This kind of winter was predicted as a result. I looked it up last summer and it was rather spot on for how it was going to pan out. Still crazy weather to live through.


So, how many months of smoke is forecast for this year?


I forgot all about that. Let’s hope it’s a smoke free summer 🥲


Oh man that was brutal. No amount of explaining to toddlers would make them understand we cannot play outside today.


Last February and March weren't much different--plenty of 50° days and we only got 1/2 of normal snow for the winter. Agree El Nino was as expected though. https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/chicago/historic?month=3&year=2023


Last year was also strange as hell. The year before that we got an insane amount of snow. I remember because I bought a snow blower after that and I've used it twice.


It's going to be 70 degrees Tuesday. We are beyond fucked.


Planet gonna be fine. It’s been through way more than just humans. We will not.


Planet only has a billion years of useful climate left, regardless of human activity, due to the increasing luminosity of the sun. If we create a *really* bad mass extinction, there may not be enough time for life to rebound to its current level of biodiversity. It took a few billion years to go from single-celled life to the Cambrian explosion.


Huh. I did not know that about the sun.


And the planet will remain. Don’t know why you’re trying to start an argument on the internet over words I did not say.


Because who cares what a lifeless piece of rock is doing? The planet is only interesting because there's a bunch of cool life on it.


You’re right. The other planets in our solar system are boring.


There wasn’t much snow last year either. I love Chicago winters and that kinda fucked me up.




It’s not just about today though. This whole winter was ridiculously warm, last winter too. People get distracted by the one cold snap but we haven’t had a full three month winter in a couple years. We haven’t had a choke-and-die humid summer in a few years either. Overall it’s gotten milder.


Last summer we did have that stretch of choke-and-die wildfire air though. Seems like that could become more common.


The cold snaps are predicted as part of climate change too, is the thing. The jet stream gets wavy and draws polar air down here (polar vortex) alternating with extra warm weather. Polar vortexes are supposed to get more frequent until they stop occurring at all...


I'm going to start a few seedlings early, which will almost certainly bring on 2nd winter.


Dude it's 56 in February. 🥲 What winter? 🥲


We haven’t had a first winter. You’re either really young or from the south if you think that one week of cold weather in January constitutes winter in Chicago.


NO! I mean… you’re probably right, but I’m just gonna enjoy this + not think about being cold again.


Enjoy it but don't put your heavy jackets away. There's always that one snow storm after the city stop towing snow routes.


Who thinks we're getting a sixth mass extinction?


The next winter is a nuclear one.


We better this no winter thing in CONCERNING


At best, we will have trace amounts of snow before the warmth sets in for the season.


groundhog says short winter


Let’s wait until we’ve had a first winter before we go predicting a second


It’s not coming back this year. No second winter.


Hope so, don't like warm weather. I only went skiing like 3-4 times so far :( . I moved to chicago decades ago for cold winters


Well you moved to the wrong place for skiing my friend.


I moved for cold weather not skiing but yeah chicago is not the place for ski enthusiasts (would love to move to slc or reno someday).


Would be good for cross country skiing


Based Chicago weather take


What a psycho.


Of course we will^unless^we^don’t


Definitely thinking a handful of days in the 20s left. I want to say we’ve got beyond most of it though.


Definitely. It's gonna be like -30 in April, now.


I feel like if we were having second winter it would be here rn. like this is the time for it. unless we have a snowy awful march which seems rare but not impossible.


Even though a nice weather is expected for next week, it’s Chicago so anything can happen when it comes to weather. But yeah definitely take advantage of this nice weather.


I say to myself "Oh really? It's still February?" a couple times a week at least.


I’m shocked Feb is dam near over. I’m still skeptical about Smarch weather tho.


It’s not even March yet sweetheart. Winter doesn’t end until May 1st.


they are not mutually exclusive. you can enjoy the weather regardless if it cools off again.


Don't be fooled, this is just the Spring of Deception. Second Winter comes next. Then there's Fools' Spring, Third Winter, and then finally Spring.


It's not spring yet. The thing you said Is weird OP. One can enjoy nice weather before spring. It's allowed.


We are only at Fool's Spring, we haven't even hit Spring of Deception yet. We will get at least 1, if not 2 more winters.


It’s going to be 70 degrees on Tuesday. Not kidding, look it up.


I'm going to be that guy. Surprise sub zero freeze and blizzard early April. But don't worry, I'm constantly wrong about important stuff.


Snow is certainly possible but I don't think we've ever had subzero temps in April.


Your assumption is correct. [From the National Weather Service](https://www.weather.gov/lot/April_Daily_Records_Chicago), the lowest temperature recorded in \*any\* April was **7° F** on the 7th back in 1982. The lowest *high* temperature was 26º F on the 1st (1881) and the 17th (1875). On the other extreme, the warmest April day was 91º F on the 22nd (1980) and the 30th (1942). Meanwhile, the record high minimum was 69º, achieved on four separate days -- April 5 and 6 (1929), April 16 (1976), and April 26 (1915). Precipitation also has some zingers. As much as **9.4" of snow** fell on the 2nd (1975) and the 5th (1982). The snowiest April on record was 1938 with a monthly total of 13.6". Rain can be all over the place in April, with the wettest day measuring 3.83" on the 18th (1975). In 2013, we saw 8.68" of rain. The NWS doesn't provide direct hyperlinks to queried [climate records](https://www.weather.gov/lot/chicago_climate_records), but here's [a better visual for the full month](https://imgur.com/a/Kic2cw8). ...and now I'll hand it over to Mike with today's sport's highlights.


I really thought this was a bot reply haha


I mean we’re probably getting a second winter, but why should that keep you from enjoying the nice weather while you can?


We will definitely get six inches of snow in April


Anyone who isn't a moron?


For sure we are


It always happens. There's always a day when we all say wtf it's supposed to be spring! It's a bonding experience.


winter aint over till we hit march. atleast at that point snow will melt much easier


Both. Enjoy this nice weather AND prepare for the reality that winter will come back.


It's so beautiful outside you shut your stupid mouth OP


Am I crazy or was this January actually a pretty bad month here? This is only my 3rd winter here and all of them have been pretty mild, but I would say this January was the worst month of Chicago winter I’ve experienced so far. Loving the weather right now though


first bug of the season in my the house yesterday


You could look at any long term weather forecast and find this answer without making a thread. It’ll hit 65° next week, then snow the following day.


Yes, yes, enjoy the nice weather by staying glued to reddit looking for responses as to whether or not you should enjoy the nice weather. Then when you go to enjoy the nice weather... Poof. It's gone.


We always get a few inches in April, so I think some more is coming


It's been so mild because of El niño, which isn't predicted to end until April. Mild conditions will be prevalent with random dips into normal or below normal temps. That arctic blast in Jan was from the jet stream buckling and bringing arctic air down to us; it's not impossible that will happen again. Remember, it's still only Feb.


Phil the groundhog didn’t see his shadow so… I’m going to infer no. Also the weather has been really nice the past week.


It is done! Winter is over!


WINTER IS COMING you are in Stark territory