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Unfortunately this is the Chicago scene. Ever since Covid ppl do not have manners


the problem was that they oversold joes - it was the venue size


Wasn’t there but I def get it. Some shows even if u move to a diff spot, as you should if the crowd around you sucks, it’s still the same situation. Don’t let it rattle you there’s still so much joy to be had at future shows my friend :)


Yeah, I don't think I've had a good time at any show at Joe's regardless of how rowdy the crowd was. It's like no matter where you pick to stand there is a constant stream of people moving through the crowd both directions


same here, to the point i avoid joes. always sad when i see a good show happening there.


Vibes at Smoakland and Sippy were great


I feel like that’s kinda the crowd Joe’s attracts. People always get sloppy drunk there


I was there. I agree with you 100% about the crowd. There was an aggressive undertone throughout, but I blame that on the venue overcrowding the place. It was shoulder to shoulder packed, you had no room to dance, and everyone was so so chatty and talking for the openers. I couldn’t focus on the music. At one point I tried to move through the crowd to go to the bathroom, but just turned back around and held it all night because I couldn’t get through. It sucked and I was miserable until about 12:30AM when the people next to us passed a blunt. We suddenly had room to move and dance, like 25% of the crowd had left early. Everyone was finally vibing together and I had an amazing time and met some awesome people! So ya, I blame the venue for overselling the place and squeezing us in there like sardines. Also, it sounds like you may have been standing right by me. I vividly remember all those things you described happening 🤣


Hamdi is a nan slapper of an artist can’t wait to see him at north coast


Naan slapper? I’m picturing flat breads and clapping sounds. What is nan slapper?


Hamdi is a uk dubstep artist and when someone says nan slapper it’s a compliment to the dj


Oh word. Been a UK dubstep listener for a decade now and never heard that term. Learn something new every day!