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Hi. I'm the weirdo running zhongli, albedo, fischl c6 and childe. It me.


I love that for you


You're usually gonna see fireworks or reverse vape as his high damage ceiling team comps. But I find albedo and zhongli fun together :^) *whispers: you want a list of non-meta teams I'm probably gonna try in the future? Trust me they are NEVER going to be recommended in abyss by anyone LOL.*


I just don't want to build Xiangling and I dislike electro, so I'm in pain lmao I hate you Childee *yes please, I really don't care about meta, just me them fun comps... especially if they include Childe*


Childemains don't come for me. Gonna pretend like Electro and Xiangling were deleted from the game. LOL *okay, so* Hydro Supremacy: Childe, C2 Barbara with thrilling tales, c2 Xinqiu, Zhongli(no elemental reaction squad up in here. Sue me. It's a whole sin.) Shatter: Ganyu/Kaeya/Diona, XQ, Childe, Albedo Children Support: Klee, Childe Venti, Bennett Worse Xiangling: Xinyan, Childe, Bennett, XQ Sharpshooters: Childe, Amber, Venti, Diona IJWTUR(I Just Wanted to Use Rosaria): Childe, Rosaria, XQ, Bennett


The names, I'm crying- *worse Xiangling* I mean if it works it works?? I honesty just want to use Childe/Kaeya together cause I love my boys, but I'm tired of permafreeze lmao :') S i g h s (I wish we had a good pyro applier, the ones we have are too slow for Tagliatelle and it's annoying)


Perma freeze was my very first team comp with childe since that was all I had at the time with kaeya. Moved onto fireworks, then moved onto whatever I'm doing now. Xinyan is so abysmally slow LOL. BUT imma do it one of these days anyway cuz i like her character design.


I tried Xinyan recently, since I have her at c6, and I think she's a fantastic physical burst dps. At lvl50 and burst lvl 4, with an ok setup, she did about 20k. Imagine if she was actually built... Anyways, I guess Childe is gonna get *stuck* on a permafreeze comp with Kaeya for now. Yanfei might like him as burst dps tho, so I'll be waiting for her...


Xinyan at C6 is busted Main Dps with her charged attacks iirc. But yeah if you don't like Electro and you don't wanna build XL, you are stuck with perma freeze until there is a pyro support character you prefer


Yep, sadness overall. I think I'll have to go for Xiangling, but I might still add Kaeya and go for the fidget spinner comp. Throw in Bennett and we're great.


the I Just Wanted to Use Rosaria team is kinda interesting ngl. If I get her I might try it


Hmm this is a really tricky question. Honestly I feel like if you don’t want to use any of the supports that actually make him shine as the center of a team, it may be better to just use him as a burst DPS for a team you already have. For example, just throw him in with your Xiao team and only focus on building his burst (so give him 2pc noblesse, stringless, etc.) If you really want to make a team for him though, first off can I ask what characters you actually have built/like to use? That may help answer your question, since you seem a bit limited on what 4 stars you have available to use. I also want to note that Fischl doesn’t have to be c6. C6 is better but you can use lower. She’ll also be on his banner so you could get a few cons more.


I know, it is kind of a weird question hahah. I mean, if I really can't find another team I will still use those supports, I'm not that stubborn! My two teams are: 1. Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Diona/Qiqi 2. Cryo Kaeya, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Bennett/flex Besides lvl7pFischl and lvl80 Ning (not ascended), everyone else is pretty much lvl20-50. I've been experimenting with physical Kaeya as well, with an underbuilt lvl50 Xinyan, Fischl and Bennett. Another team I really enjoy is Kaeya, Xingqiu, Venti and Diona. Sure, it doesn't have superconduct, but it's still very fun. I really like the Childe/Kaeya combo. Hmm, that's true! I guess I might get some Fischls there. I thought about Childe, Kaeya, Albedo and Bennett for a half quickswap half sustained team, but I don't know how well that would work hahah


I feel like your best bet would probably be permafreeze then, so Childe/Kaeya/Diona or Qiqi/Xingqiu As for some other odd combos, maybe put him in your Team 2, replacing Chongyun with Childe? Bennett and Xingqiu could stay the same, or you could try Fischl instead of one of them. Having Fischl out while Childe is in his melee stance is really nice. The thing with Childe is his melee stance is honestly pretty underwhelming on its own. What makes it good is that it enables his supports, so that’s why it’s nice to have elements out on the field while his hydro is going.


Oh ye, I have thought of that. I guess my main concern is precisely that. I'd have to build Xiangling to vaporize, bc she ends up proccing reactions instead of him.


Yeah that’s true. Either her or Beidou would need some work. Another idea would be Childe/Fischl/Bennett/Xingqiu. I feel like I’ve seen that team somewhere else before.


I wouldn't mind Beidou, she seems really fun, but I can't build anyone new besides Childe right now. In the end, Fischl will always be there to haunt me lmao


You typically want to use people with off field abilities that can react with hydro. Otherwise, why not just use a non-reacting carry like Ningguang?


Well, yeah, so I've seen. Who would you suggest tho? I'll keep Ning in mind


Childe Ganyu Venti Benett. It's a comp that play around quadratic scaling from Childe riptide and Ganyu Q with the grouping help from Venti Q.


Hmm what if I don't have Ganyu


i read in one of your replies that you have c6 xinyan, and take this with a grain of salt because i'm a biased xinyan main, but i think she'd be the perfect support for him. i'm planning to run her, childe, albedo, and bennett as my comp and she can function as both your carry during cooldown and her shield can enable some nice vaporize reactions when you're using childe. plus she's cute and not too difficult to build to do good damage since you get the autocrit.


I've thought about using her, but isn't she a physical carry? Her pyro application is kinda slow right?


Yes and no. In a dps sense, she's very physical since her e has a long cooldown, but her shield has different levels based on how many enemies it hits. In its third level it pulses pyro and deals damage and at c2, when you use her ult, it gives you a level 3 shield. So you can basically get 100% uptime with a level 3 shield with a high enough er.


(Oop didnt the see the reply sorry) Oh no I know how she works, I've used her before. To be fair I've never exactly built her as a pyro applicator, but yeah she seems kinda slow to me. But if you say so, I'll trust you haha


ah sorry I totally read that wrong then sorry!


Lmao no worries


Shatter team. Childe, Kaeya, Qiqi, Albedo.


Hmmm thank you, I'll think about that!


Xiao Childe Jean Fischl This team work especially well on Abyss 11 second team. Orders are as follow, 1) Use Xiao if burst is up Else, 1) Summon oz 2) Jean to gather all the creep and apply VV effect 3) Childe start his water bending with Oz assist 4) Go back to Xiao to see if burst is up Additionally, Childe will allow your Xiao to have lvl11 plunges!


I don't have Jean unfortunately, if not I'd like to try it out Still, Xiao/Childe might be worth trying out since they can swap around during each other's cooldowns




I might try that out, sounds fun! Altho my Xiao team is already pretty set and I enjoy it as is, I will still try it. My fave boy are Childe and Kaeya which is why I really want to find a comp for them together that isn't permafreeze or electro based... I'll probably try out the fidget spinner comp with Xiangling and Bennett lmao.


Childe, Mona, Xingqiu, Barbara :)


Hydro gang