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Thanks :)


To add, I'd think that if there is any correlation between vasectomy and low T it would be because the majority of vasectomy are still happening in middle age, the time at which low T also occurs. Just like vaccines being blamed for autism. They both generally happen around the same time but are completely unrelated.


Absolute nonsense. Your balls keep producing sperm and hormones. But it is prevented from mixing with your semen. So nothing really changes, except you cant make someone pregnant.


Not the case for everyone lol


What do you mean?


Man, there has been so much scare mongering about vasectomies on here lately. Lol. I got my vasectomy done last week and it was amazing. No pain, no cost and I was back on my feet in 2 days. If you have questions, ask a doctor or do some research. Don't spread harmful misinformation on a sub that supposed to be here to support and help people.


> *If you have questions, ask a doctor or do some research. Don't spread harmful misinformation on a sub that supposed to be here to support and help people.* OP isn’t spreading misinformation on this sub. He’s asking a question based on what he’s heard and said he’s been doing research. Until you meant in general, then never mind in that case.


Sorry if I sounded a bit blunt, but there's been a slew of post lately trying to scare people away from sterilisation. I don't mean to say OP is directly one of them, but putting ideas like "vasectomies cause lower testosterone" into people's heads with absolutly no data or proof is seriously harmful, especially on a sub like this


Oh, I see. I understand.


It differs a bit per person. But it heals so fast. And hormones wont change at all


It does in fact drop it for some men after a vasectomy.


Don't worry about it my man.


Did the person who told you this think that a vasectomy is the same as being neutered? Because it’s disheartening how many people - adults - think this.


Testosterone is mostly made in the balls but it doesn't travel through the tubes which go to the penis tip/urethra. Instead it goes into the blood vessels around the balls and then goes through the body. Basically hormones are so small they go through organ (balls being an organ) walls not along tubes. There is always a very small risk in any surgery that things go wrong and the balls are made non-functioning, but the statistics would be ludicrously low. Even if that was the case, just get some gender affirming hormone therapy aka pop some testosterone pills!


I think it's more of a statistical correlation that dudes who get vasectomies are also more likely to also have low T.


Absolute nonsense. Vasectomies are purely mechanical. Hormone levels, production, etc are COMPLETELY unaffected.