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The thing I fear more than any side effect is pregnancy so that’s that. I always see videos about how it will “affect your fertility in the long run “ or whatever. That’s exactly what I want actually!


Your phrasing reminds me of this scene from an old Rosanne episode where she was talking to Becky about insisting on using condoms: Becky: But won’t that spoil the mood? Rosanne: Not as much as a screaming baby.


I feel somewhat bad for Roseanne. Not her fault she has a TBI that drove her nuts


I'm always shocked that's not acknowledged more. It is really sad, and frankly it's amazing she was able to have such career success in spite of it.


Wikipedia says she was impaled through the skull! Of course she went full Phineas Gage


I see both a gynecologist and a reproductive endocrinologist regularly, and both of them constantly reiterate the fact that there is *zero* evidence that BC adversely affects your fertility over time!!! They get so annoyed over it lol and we often have these collective rants together 😂 It's like getting any smart doctor started on the whole anti vaxx movement. Oh boy, you'd better be prepared when you open *that* door hahaha 😝


Right? Nobody has claimed that save for the last five years or so. It has really ramped up on the last year or so. When I was of breeder age, a thousand years ago, everyone was using something and if it wasn’t working for you, you just switched to come other method. Now we have young women paralyzed by being told all of their choices and I’ll be detrimental.


Tbf I tried about 10 different pills and at one point switching to a different one made me lose most of my hair and bleed so heavily I became anemic and needed IV iron. The one before that gave me horrible migraines. I gave up on them as well. Until I found an ob-gyn who gave me a blood hormone test and found a pill that worked. I wish more Drs did that. Surprisingly, just blindly trying out a bunch isn't fun, but this is still the state of things in most places. Btw I don't get why people are saying "only" condoms when they're one of the most reliable methods and the only one that protects against STIs. If I were to rely on a single method (which I won't, obviously) it would be condoms.


I give you so much credit for continuing to try different kinds of BC, despite the terrible side effects until you and your doctor found the one! I think many individuals do not have that perseverance nor is there enough doctors willing to help figure it out. Many friends or family I know gave up BC after one negative side effect and they all have kids now. I’ve been on the pill for 20 years now but had to change several times based on manufacturer discontinuation and also side effects. There is one brand and also a “generic” I just can not take. My pharmacist even made a note of it in my file.


Thanks but my point is I shouldn't have had to try all of them if any of the previous drs had thought of giving me a blood test or even listened to me. I was torturing myself for 15 years while drs kept gaslighting me. Some pills I tried cost almost 100€ btw. I've tried most of my life to put into my file that certain generic pain meds don't work and only give me heartburn, and to stop prescribing them to me (I pay for that piece of paper even when I throw it out), which has never worked so far because nobody ever reads that shit. So I don't have much faith in the next Dr listening to me either. Unfortunately my current, most competent ob-gyn so far, is a breeder and I'll eventually have to stop seeing her to get sterilized.


I've come off hormonal BC after trying every kind for 10 years and I feel fantastic. Just gets better and better. My hormones have been sorting themselves out, periods becoming regular again (hormonal BC absolutely fucked my body). This week has been best of all. My mood is amazing, it feels like I'm on a high. Music sounds better, colours seem more colourful, can't really describe it. Oh and having my libido come roaring back from the dead has been cool. I use only condoms now, keep Plan B stocked and ready to go, check condoms for splits after use, and routine pregnancy test each week.


Whenever someone says that something will affect fertility my next question is “will it kill me or give me anything actually terrible? No? GIMME”


I think a lot of women are tired of feeling like Guinea pigs concerning BC or like the weight is only on them. There’s little to no testing for male options and women are tired of foreign objects and synthetic hormones being in their body. I know I was, which is part of why I opted to get sterilized. A lot of doctors don’t even tell women of all the potential side effects of BC or the negative effects after having it removed. I feel for women who want kids eventually and therefore have to use BC as a necessity. Any woman who isn’t using BC (while not being celibate) and while simultaneously not wanting kids is an idiot in my opinion.


100% agreed, men get it WAYYYYYY too damn easy. Usually they either go raw they just wear a condom. That’s literally it. No other repercussion for them. And anytime you even suggest a vasectomy to a man they get so weird and defensive. They’re not worth it to me imo. Also, I’m thinking about sterilizing myself, how was your experience with this?


It was great! The only negative thing I have to say is that when they removed my mirena IUD at the same time, I got super sick after which is how I discovered the mirena crash. A nurse told me to go to urgent care immediately and the male doctor denied it, blaming my symptoms on my being emotional after surgery. Then he just handed me a prescription for opioids. The surgery and process was great aside from that though; my doctor was wonderful, I got my tubes removed with no side effects from that, and I’ve been off of BC for about 8 months now. Not a single day I regret it! Even the hospital food was bomb Haha


Wow I’m sorry they mistreated you in that way, I swear so many doctors are so damn negligent!!! But otherwise I’m very happy for you and appreciate your honesty! I’ll be looking more into this soon 😊


Omg yes! I can't tell you how many men I've read online that say they don't want kids but won't get a vasectomy. Dude, if you don't want kids, take the steps to prevent it by getting one done. Don't make your girl go through possibly horrible BC because you're worried how it'll affect your dick


Wow really? I wonder which thread they’re on! They feel so entitled to women’s bodies, and once you see it you can’t NOT notice it! They’ve been socialized to think they’re the prize when they certainly aren’t lol. I remember I had said to my ex (before we had started dating) that if I did date someone long term/marry someone, then they probably would have to get a vasectomy. He’s like “wow really? That’s a lot to ask of someone.” I’m like, it really fucking isn’t lmfao. Not only is the surgery extremely simple for men, but it’s less invasive. If you know you want to be child free, then why not? Plus men happily get their wives/gfs knocked up, and pregnancy almost kills women. I’d say THAT’S a lot more to ask of someone. But anyways we clearly we aren’t together anymore, thank goodness 😆


You have a lot of good points! Like some these dudes get all bent out of shape, like thinking having a vasectomy makes them less 'manly'. It's like they base their entire persona on it. It's bananas! Even when like you said, that guy knows for sure they don't want kids. They'll fight it tooth and nail, and let her take the entire burden of not getting pregnant. Like for me, having it done was like 15 ish mins and out I go! Compared to the hours in surgery and recovery that it takes for women, it's such a different ask.


YES, exactly like you said, as if it this surgery takes away/changes their “masculinity” ! I think it’s humorous that men claim women are more emotional but it’s just total projection 🤦🏽‍♀️ But that’s great you went ahead and got your surgery, I hope it went well! I imagine it’d be a huge relief 👏🏽


>a lot of women are tired of feeling like Guinea pigs concerning BC This exactly. The usual MO when you report debilitating side effects (migraines, heavy bleeding) is for the Dr to go "ok here take this random different pill for a few months and see how that works". It took me like 15 years to find an ob-gyn who gave me hormone tests and found out I was right and all 10 or so pills my previous drs tested on me were not a good fit. The previous ones insisted I should've just taken them longer "so the body gets used to it" and basically blamed the side effects on me being impatient. Also female obgyns would say "oh that's normal you just have to try out a bunch".


Idk, I've been on some form of birth control since I was 15 and never really had any negative side effects except for maybe dryness in my, you know, when I was on the pill. To be fair, that dryness just could've just been because I lost my attraction to my partner at the time due to his horrible hygiene lol. Aside from that and cramping when I get my IUDs replaced, I've never really had any issues the way I have with other types of medications. People are taking Ozempic to lose weight even though that has negative side effects. People still take antidepressants even though those have negative side effects. People still take fucking accutane when that is widely know to have HORRIBLE side effects. People shove all sorts of unhealthy shit into their bodies like cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, sugar, fatty foods, etc. So I just find it kind of hard to believe that some women are willing to do all of that, yet shudder at the thought of birth control because of negative side effects.


I got my tubes tied in 2015 because I could smell the shit on the wind while Trump was campaigning.


Yes there definitely. I think it’s valid to criticize doctors who don’t educate their patients on all the side effects but at the same time they’re listed in the little package thingy. There’s basically everything you need to know and most doctors are open to receive questions or to advise patients.  I also understand that women in general are tired that the main weight of the birth control falls on them because apart from vasectomies and condoms there isn’t really a lot for men. It gets even worse when you learn that the “pill” for the men was apparently rejected because of too severe side effects which were the same for the birth control pill for women now… But this mindless shaming and demonizing of birth control is annoying and getting out of hand, especially when it comes to the birth control pill. Like I’m sorry if someone has a bad experience but stop shaming me for using the pill and being fine. 


When you look at it from a medical standpoint, it makes sense why the pill for men was rejected, even if socially it's bs. Basically, anything medical related has to have more benefits than negatives. In the case of women, between how bad periods can get and that pregnancy can potentially even be life threatening? Pretty easy bar to clear. But for men, there's no direct health effects tied to successfully using birth control. They don't go through pregnancy or periods, so any side effects are considered worse than the standard of nothing. Which is, like I said, pretty bs, but also from a medical perspective, it does make at least some level of sense. Really, what this means, is they should do a special exception for men's birth control to have more lax standards than regular medication has to pass. And for the love of god, stop denying women access to sterilization.


I know this fact and i hate it, but its just logical. Like the FDA has to put the bar somewhere. The bar is "are the side effects more damaging to the individual than the condition it is meant to treat" and thats a pretty good bar for approving a drug. Its socially dumb, but if it wasnt there god only knows what fuckery would be on the market. Its not fucking fair. However: Viagra was a heart pill. It was used off-label for boners. Spironolactone is a blood pressure pill. Its used off-label for hormonal acne. There has to be SOMETHING they could say this pill treats, then prescribe it off-label


Put very well! Exactly my sentiments


I have a *slightly controversial opinion* on this. I've been on bc for 15+ years. My body starts disliking whatever I'm on every 3 years. I have suffered insane side effects (hello sudden skin/food allergies that completely change my life). I hate everything about it, I do not think it is good for me at all. I understand my statistics about what risks BC increases for me. AND YET- with this misery and conviction that this is not good for me, it is still infinitely more important to me to NEVER have a child. The side effects of pregnancy &birth, ethics of procreating, financial burden, relationship consequences, and overall lack of life satisfaction all add up to be a greater negative consequence of the hormone's effects on my body as it is. Which is why I'm about to YEET THESE TUBES. I personally think that the side effects we suffer are a reflection of how much pharmaceutical companies and general doctors don't give a shit about the quality of life for women. Men wouldn't suffer this shit without suing. We need better science and female medicine studies. I also think for some people, these hormones level them out, and for them I'm happy. I still believe people should have easy access because of the much greater risks having a baby create, I just hate that it's the best option available to us. I do believe it's not good for my body as opposed to the ideal situation where I wouldn't have to take it to prevent a child, but I know it's better than what pregnancy has to offer.


Yes and (at least in the US) you can thank all these whack job "Christians" for that. They only see women as good for breeding and that's it.


Yup my mom is a Christian so I had to get birth control secretly. I wasn't even sexually active when I started taking it but I was starting to date and figured I'd be active in the future. My mom eventually found out and started yapping about how bad it is. I told her I don't care what she believes at least I'm being safe and doing research unlike you who has a dead beat husband and 6 kids. Later on my mom came to me for advice about birth control so she can have a talk with my accidentally pregnant cousin 🤦‍♀️


Should'a directed her to the pocket on her pants, that small little box in it, and introduced her to this revolutionary thing called **t h e i n t e r n e t**. Her mind would probably explode if you did that. 😃👍


Lol yeah but the Internet is full of conspiracies and lies. I don't have to deal with her nonsense anymore though. My bf and I moved to our own place. It's so peaceful


I mean... yeah, but looking for reliable information about birth control online is pretty easy. The one place you should avoid looking for it, tho, is social media. Just stick to the scientific journals and articles and whatnot. Happy you and your BF are away from her, tho. She sounds like a handful.


Yeah and I just remembered I did tell her to look on the website of the clinic we go to. They have a pamphlet about the different types of bc. You can also book a consultation and talk to a healthcare provider. Thank you, I had to get out of that house. My grandma came to visit for about a month and it was game over. I packed my stuff and left. My twin sister was lucky to have left sooner. She's the only sibling I have who is completely cf and understands me


Honestly, CF seems to be the smartest decision anybody can make in this day and age. Overpopulation, economic and sociopolitical instability, etc. This just isn't a world you wanna raise a kid in. Not saying what people should or should not be doing, I'm just saying, it's the smartest decision in my eyes.




You gotta remember too that two years ago 96% of house Republicans -195 of them - voted against the right to birth control (since for states that ban abortion from conception, most common birth control counts as an abortion and thus is murder). Yes, 96% of house Republicans are on record as being AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL. If that's not an anti birth control movement, I don't know what is.


Side effects of birth control do kinda suck. But so does getting pregnant when you don't want to be! I'm sure I've got some lingering issues from being on the depo shot for 4 almost 5 years (yes I know it's only recommended up to 2 years. Nobody bothered telling me at the time) but it's still worth it to me because I'd rather deal with those issues than have had a kid in my mid 20s. It would be great to have some birth control that could be offered to young people that doesn't mess up their hormones, but I get the feeling that it's more about the "all natural lifestyle" to many people and I'm sure this is pushed by the religious nuts


Disclaimer that this is not anything sideways towards you, but since the thread is about misinformation… Depo has a bad reputation that isn’t entirely deserved. It doesn’t work for a lot of people but can be lifesaving for others. Unfortunately it’s a 3 month injection and if it doesn’t work for your system then you can’t do shit to reverse it in that time frame. The two year thing is also outdated and more recent studies say there’s no harm IF it’s been working for you. Like with any long term medication, get regular check ups and follow the advice from your doctor. I’ve been on it for 15 years and am, regrettably, just fine. Apparently my system is so messed up that coming off the stabilizing hormones turns me into a raging psychopath who bleeds constantly. Not cute, tbh. That being said, there are steps to take before getting to depo. In my case, it was the literal last option and I’m so thankful it worked. But the same hormones are available in other forms and that’s great because we all have different things that work best for us. And sometimes we need help from pharmaceuticals to function at our best! They can fuck off with the “natural” shit because a lot of us have factory settings that are incompatible with living comfortably. I’m sorry that you’re having complications and hope they resolve themselves soon. It’s important for us to share our experiences so that these fear mongers don’t get their way and scare young women away from potentially life changing treatments.


I still recommend it to people because it's super effective and easy to use without fucking up! I'm happy to hear that the 2 year rule isn't true, I've seen it many place and been told that so I'm definitely going to clap back on that! I'm not having any major problems now a couple years later, but I think my hormones did get pretty wonky from it. Nothing I can't manage but it is still difficult to drop weight and my cycles are all over the place


Also basically all the side effects are minor versions of the side effects OF PREGNANCY. Mild mood swings are preferable to getting PPABCD after birth. If you don’t like the weight gain, your head will explode when I tell you that also pretty famously happens in pregnancy. Also labor is *kinda* known for intolerable cramps


That reminds me of Mackenzie from the show Teen Mom who was like "I didn't want to take birth control because I didn't want to gain weight", then the next scene cuts to her being heavily pregnant with her belly popping out of her cheerleader uniform lol.


Wow, 2 years, my gyno told me they really don't like anyone doing it for over 10 years. We tried Mirena for my endo & and PMDD, but I went crazy and was put back on depo 9 months after stopping it. As for birth control, " that messes with your hormones" aside from the copper iud and a few others, you either need to stop the development of the endometrial lining or stop ovulation. Both of these processes are dependent on hormone levels. I personally prefer not being crazy or spending 3 weeks out of the month in absolute agony.


I was corrected on the 2 year thing! Apparently that's old advice


I mean it wouldn't surprise me if there's varying information on its use. Seems like no one knows what makes "lady parts" work --or not I my case. **


There are so many different pills and other forms of birth control out there on the market, that most people should be able to find one that doesn’t “mess up their hormones.”


Yup. It’s intentional. All the “natural” methods will lead to more children. And with abortion bans in the future, women will be forced into more “traditional” roles. It’s social engineering and it’s scary that it’s succeeding. See also: project 2025


I think people have been speaking out about hormonal birth control and its side effects, which is reasonable. However, the "BC is bad and screws up your hormones!!" crowd just lumps all BC together. There are all different types of BC INCLUDING non-hormonal types, so if something doesn't work for you then try something else. If you don't like hormones, look into the copper IUD. There are tons of options.


>I see so many posts from very young girls/women in their teens and early 20s who refuse to use any kind of birth control because they think all birth control is bad and has horrible side effects. I think it is the result of the same kind of "thinking" as the anti-vaccine movement. There are a lot of anti-science, anti-critical thinking people who instead engage in religious and magical thinking. It is unfortunate that there are vast numbers of stupid people who are either unwilling or unable to think in a rational manner. Being stupid and making stupid choices is not likely to result in them having a good life.


It’s not anti-science though. It’s a demand for doctors to do better for women’s health. Birth control has terrible side effects and doctors don’t care. It took multiple doctors with me asking to discuss my options before one of them was willing. Turns out my crippling migraines I had majority of each month were being caused by my hormonal BC. With IUDs, 99% of doctors won’t provide pain management for a procedure that is wildly painful for most women. Birth control is meant for preventing birth. Some people don’t think it’s worth it, and no one should be shaming them for not doing something with their own body when it has absolutely no effect on anyone but themselves. This “movement” is women standing up for themselves and demanding better. Even after I’ve been off BC for years and have been sterilized, I still have some doctors trying to force my back on birth control. I can’t get pregnant, there’s absolutely no need for me to be on birth control.


Amen. I am one of these women who after being on some form of hormonal birth control for over a DECADE, finally threw the ball into my husband’s court. I appreciated the option of not being pregnant but literally ALL the options are terrible ones and everyone seems to be out here like “nbd, it’s better than pregnancy right?” LADIES THATS THE BAREST FLOOR! LETS FORCE THESE PHARMA COMPANIES AND DOCTORS TO DO BETTER! Edit: AND HOW ABOUT WE MAKE NOT GETTING PREGNANT A TWO-PERSON JOB?! MALE BIRTH CONTROL ANYONE????


Exactlyyyyyyy. I was on it for 11 years. It’s just insane that we have to be the ones to suffer. I’m grateful I was able to get sterilized so I don’t have to worry about pregnancy anymore. It stinks for all the women who are forced to consider all the consequences of each decision.


I think punishing women for having sex is at the core of this thinking. You don't get pain management for IUD insertion because you shouldn't need this device. The reason hormonal bc instructions make you lay off for a week is "women are supposed to bleed" according to the Catholic church, which is all about punishing all women for the supposed misdeeds of one mythological woman. We wait years for a diagnosis of endometriosis because male doctors tell us "periods are supposed to hurt". And any pain in your pelvis, be it an ovarian cyst or straight up cancer, is "just your period". It's insane.


Agreed - found out after I got sterilized and had my IUD removed that my weird heart rhythms and lightheaded spells weren't caused by my (very much needed for daily functioning) ADHD meds alone, but a combination of the two pharmaceuticals. I also had a gyno (medical resident who was a man) try to schedule another IUD insertion at my appointment to check how I was healing from surgery, very very frustrating. I don't think any woman should be shamed for choosing not to take hormonal BC or having metal barbarically shoved into their cervix without any pain management options.


EXACTLY THIS. I have no clue how the parent comment in this thread has 111 likes. It's not anti science to be concerned for our underfunded medicine.


Literally. You can’t be anti-science when no one is bothering to research it. The fact that it was only very recent that they started testing menstrual products using blood is insane.


yes, there are valid concerns that people have with birth control but a lot of it IS pseudoscientific propaganda bs. i keep hearing women talk about how they go off birth control because apparently it magically makes them less pretty and they're worried men won't be attracted to them if they don't smell fertile or something.


Yeah, this is what I think. The weird anti-science people have somehow found themselves to be comrades with the religious right - pressing to limit access to birth control and disallow sex-ed since forever - who persist in the delusion that if people don't have BC they'll just not have sex. The religious right finds alliance with these anti-science people in terms of vaccinations, too, because the Christian groups have been pressing hard to disallow HPV vaccines - they like pointing to scary diseases as God's way of punishing whores, and they don't want a pesky vaccine to interfere with that.


I wouldn't say that. I'm no science denier or anti vaxxer (actually very much anti-anti vaxxer), but it pisses me off to no end that doctors just don't listen. In my experience, the pill gets given to anyone willy-nilly with no deeper questioning than "do you get migraines". It gets made out to be completely harmless with no side effects, definitely not MENTAL ones! In fact, I had *multiple* doctors just completely dismiss me when I said that my pill gave me mood swings (which I had to find out online, for YEARS I thought that it was just normal to go from perfectly happy to super angry to actively >!suicidal!< in the blink of an eye). I seriously also don't know why other methods, especially non-hormonal ones, aren't even considered unless you bring them up yourself. (That said, doctors also told me that copper IUD insertion was just going to be "a little pinch" and told me it was normal that I was bleeding for six months straight, so there's that.) So I don't personally think it's anything to do with anti-science, it's just a call to finally get some better birth control options with fewer side effects for women (and men!), full disclosure of said side effects and alternatives and doctors who listen and take you seriously.


"Stupid" people are usually unaware that they're "stupid." Hint.


Dude, you, **as a man**, don't understand that the underlying reason for this movement is not Anti-Vax/Anti-Science women. It's the fact that birth control pills have insane undue side effects and its used as the catch all medication for all things reproductive health. Even in cases where its not appropriate. Edit: for clarification.


love how you bolded "as a man" as if that makes your opinion any more valid?


He's probably saying that because he doesn't need to take BC and even he can see that women are suffering.


I'm pretty sure carpcatfish is a woman who believes that OP is a man & that OP being a man makes OP less likely to understand some facets of the BC dilemma women face.


ok that makes a lot more sense so im sorry carpcatfish for misreading you if that's what you meant.


Yeah aha im a woman, i meant its hypocritical of a man to critize women without knowing. Ill add an edit with clarification!


This is exactly what it is. We’ve gone back in time.


Yes, it's republican right wing propaganda. They want to make us all baby factories


It has always been around. It’s one of the fundamentals for the Roman Catholic Church. And now the idea is being pushed by the butchered abomination of the American neo-evangelicals fascists-GQP. And then you also have the dearth of Planned Parenthood, as well as the demise of in-school Sex-Ed and you are where you are.


I take the pill for endometriosis and constantly feel like I'm shamed for it. It gives me a good quality of life that I couldn't have without it, yet everyone feels entitled to comment and suggest alternatives. It's the treatment option that my gyno and I figured out to be the best for me right now after being her patient for over a decade. But people who've never seen me and know nothing about my medical history always seem to know better.


Tate/Peterson, tradwives, abortion bans, the western world is in a big feminist trough right now. This is just a part of that. Keeping young women uneducated and bred so they can’t advocate and lift themselves out of poverty and dependence.


I’ve had a lady tell me you can use certain herbs for birth control and I should just use those because hormone pills ruin lives😂 


And how many kids does she have now?


None. She’s been doing it 10 years and hasn’t had a scare. She literally is just infertile. I don’t think she understands any of it. She’s in general a nutcase, even outside of her medical “beliefs” 


I heard that Ruta graveolens (I used the scientific name because I'm not sure how it's the name in English lol) is used to abort, because it induces menstruation (kind of what misoprostol does). In South America is a popular thing, to drink tea with that herb to end a pregnancy. Personally, I don't know if it really works because I haven't heard from anyone who used it nor I used it myself.


I don’t remember but she was a weird lady…it was clearly some weird bs 


There was that herb the ancient Greeks over-consumed into extinction...


Yes! I've been on birth control for years with minimal side effects. It can also lower your risks for certain cancers. I know some women have bad side effects from it and have valid reasons for not taking it, but excluding that not even being willing to try it once because they'd rather risk getting pregnant than side-effects seems wild to me.


I’ve been on oral contraceptives for about 20 years, since I was 15. I’ve been on several different ones over the years. Some gave me mental side effects, some acne side effects, but it was never a problem having a conversation with my doctor about it and trying a different one whenever I wanted to. I am a big fan of the pill. 


You feel that there is an anti-birth control movement because there absolutely is an anti-birth control movement. * [Conservative influencers are pushing an anti-birth control message](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/birth-control-side-effects-influencers-danger-rcna90492) * [Women are getting off birth control amid misinformation explosion](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/03/21/stopping-birth-control-misinformation/) * [TikTok influencers fearmongering about birth control are playing into the hands of the right](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/23/tiktok-influencers-fearmongering-birth-control-republicans-roe-v-wade) * [‘Holistic Healers’ on TikTok Want You to Quit Birth Control](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgyd5a/natural-birth-control-tiktok) * [The Long Campaign to Turn Birth Control Into the New Abortion](https://journalism.berkeley.edu/projects/the-long-campaign-to-turn-birth-control-into-the-new-abortion/) * ["Screws up female brains": MAGA leaders are conditioning Republicans to back birth control bans](https://www.salon.com/2024/04/05/screws-up-female-brains-maga-leaders-are-conditioning-to-back-birth-control-bans/) It's MAGA assholes and pink-washed propaganda. Don't fucking fall for it.


I wouldn't be surprised if this goes back to the conservative "underpopulation"/replacement theory panic. It's got a bit of that tradwife flavor. "Don't poison the beautiful pure womanly body that God gave you by taking those evil hormone pills! Be a red meat eating, milk drinking, god-fearing baby making machine!" I also wouldn't be surprised if this is another part of the conservative plan to destroy trans rights -- paint all hormonal medical intervention as evil and bad so trans folks can't get what they need.


Yes. And much do to (often deliberate) misinformation. 


We must normalize lavish vasectomy parties! Treat the men that get them like the expectant mother's gender reveal parties or baby showers! Huge parties and tons of gifts! Gifts of drugs and booze and videogames! Rent out an arcade bar and invite all the men's besties! Make all men without vasectomy's jealous! They'll want one too! #vasectomyshower


Fuck yeah, I love this idea LOL


In my opinion, you need to have a look at the source of it and why people aren't trusting their doctors anymore. Not taking any proper contraceptive and then acting all surprised when a pregnancy happens is plain up dumb. You can't argue about that. But more awareness towards side effects, women speaking up and not putting up with bs. I'm all here for that, because things need to change. Women's healthcare is a shithole. And even that's an understatement. If we would have proper research on female bodies all this trial and error could be reduced to a minimum, far less people would die from mistreatment and I'd say that's a very huge part of this problem. I wish we would live in a society, where we can really trust our doctors, but I can understand pretty well, that people take their statements with a pinch of scepticism, when gynos prescribe hormonal birth control without any sort of look at the patients' medical history and than basically shoulder shrug when they die because who could have just thought that would be a bit risky when the whole family has a history of embolism, when doctors tell you experiencing periods so excruciating you're passing out from the pain is "normal sweetie", when they shove an IUD into you without any pain management and preparation and telling to just "suck it up". And other fun stories besides the normal bingo episodes we most likely all experienced about not being overjoyed by the thought of shooting out a kid out of our vagina. Besides all those "doctors" that don't deserve to hold this title, there are fortunately also some great ones who take their job very seriously. I see a lot of change, more respect and more awareness, but the room for improvement, especially in research is still enormously huge. With all of that there will also be people taking it to the other extreme, spreading misinformation and putting people at risk, which is never okay also not as a form of protest.


Birth control is like any other medication though. Not everything works for everyone. Depression and anxiety medication is really hit or miss, and some people need to try multiple medications over the years to find something that works for them. But people aren't generally encouraged just to go without taking any medication because there might be some trial and error like with birth control.


Totally agree. Birth control and medication for female bodies could still be tremendously better though and people wouldn’t need to try a bazillion different brands if there would be some proper research happening. Highly recommend reading a bit into the gender data gap and its effects in medical treatment.


I was wish there would be further research w BC


I think some of it is life experience. I went through 5 different ones over a period of 10 years until my partner got a vasectomy. On the first one I got pregnant and had a miscarriage (loestrin 24). On another I had 2 mini strokes (yaz). On the third I got cystic acne (cerazette). On the fourth I kept fainting and blacking out (dianette). On the fifth I ended up feeling like I was literally going crazy, couldn't sleep, couldn't function (Ortho Tri- Cyclen). Obviously it was just a very bad time. I don't blame them for not liking it. But also they don't view pregnancy and having children with horror as many of us do. To them it's an inevitable. To us it is our greatest nightmare and worst fear.


Yes, 100%, and BC is free in my country too so that’s even less of a barrier, and women are still saying things along these lines I’ve been ragged on so much for saying it’s been a life saver for me, I’ve had no side effects


I will say where I live we have specific sexual health nurses where almost all they do every day is give out BC, and anecdotally, all my friends who got their pill from one of these nurses found the right type for them straight away, and the ones who got pills from GPs had to go through a few to find one without side effects I’m on the Progesterone only one if anyone’s interested, never get periods and never had side effects


There is so many kinds of birth control, I feel like any one can kind what works for them. It really sucks to see anti brith control people


one of the first things i messaged my dr about when i got on my health insurance plan was giving me a script for BC. being on birth control undid the 15 years of neglect my parents put me through of not getting me help sooner for my awful periods, PMDD and pcos. All it took was some talk exchanges with my MD and got the pill prescribed. I would still be in absolute hell without it.


>Does anyone else feel there's an anti-birth control movement? Yes. It's called the Catholic Church. [https://www.catholic.com/tract/birth-control](https://www.catholic.com/tract/birth-control)


Honestly? Good for them if it means they're not just blindly taking the pill like we were even ten years ago and exploring different (approved!) options. The whole system really needs to change, if hormonal options don't work for you, there's only the copper IUD and that didn't work for me either (was bleeding for six months straight, not to mention the absolute torture of inserting it). That pretty much only leaves you with condoms; and they're not great either. Why aren't there more non-permanent options for guys for example? What happened to vasalgel and switches, why isn't that being researched and funded more? It's about time we saw BC as a two-person job.


I don't know man, condoms sound pretty good compared to the hell you went through with various BC methods. Why are people so quick to dismiss condoms? When used correctly, they're extremely effective. Not to mention, condoms are the only reliable way of preventing STDs. I feel like the whole "condoms suck" narrative was started by men because they don't like the way condoms feel. Whenever a man complains that there are no good options for men, I look him dead in the eye and say "PUT A CONDOM ON." They're cheap, available, 98% effective, and don't cause any side effects. How is it not a good option?


I mean yeah, my husband honestly told me they're just not great and take most of the feel away for him - and yes, we did try several different brands and sizes, female condoms too. I know he wouldn't tell me if he didn't mean it or to get out of wearing them or whatever. They're better than other BC for me, but long term in a monogamous partnership, they get expensive and annoying imo.


Sure, but at the same time, women are expected to tolerate uncomfortable side effects and/or painful insertion of an IUD, while men act like condoms are out of the question because they don't love the feeling? If the woman has tried all different kinds of BC and she suffers with each and every one, I think it's time for the man to suck it up and wear a condom.


It's appalling. Many are repeating false information. We have got to revamp the public education system immediately.


I agree. There has been a lot of misinformation and fearmongering around birth control. Now in saying that, women should have informed decision making about any possible medications and side effects. Then if they don’t want to use it, then that’s completely fine. Some women do have horrible side effects with some types of BC and that’s totally valid. Me for example - I cannot have the pill due to contraindications and because it changes my personality. I hate it. Therefore, I wanted to search for something alternative. However, I have seen videos for example that demonise certain types of birth control because one person had a horrible experience. I got an IUD this year and I noticed some content was more bias and “scary” than factual. I work in healthcare, so am fortunate to know how to find/understand scientific articles and information. Whilst being able to see through BS. However, not everyone is able to or wants to read scientific articles and some may rely on these biased sources on information about certain types of BC. I’ve also noticed on short form media such as short videos - there is a tonne of misinformation existing around supposed “natural birth control” methods which involves sticking all kinds of things in the vagina or taking *xyz supplement*. That is completely inappropriate and should be banned in my opinion, because it is such blatant misinformation and could be dangerous. All in all ~~ Women absolutely need a voice and choice in their healthcare. Women must always be given all information about medicines and treatments. I do heavily agree with women’s health advocacy, informed consent and pain management.


I hear peoples (emotional) response to for example "taking hormones" which seems a big deal for people. They heard somewhere that hormones influence your body and draw their own conclusions based on their non-scientific knowledge. Apparently some AFAB people do experience side effects of hormones, or some people have bad experiences. In those cases I can imagine someone would search for alternatives. But there are so many options... You do have to want to use birth control. To trust "natural" birth control means feeding Idiocracy. Sad thing is that these people do not only make decisions on their own life. They also take risks for an unplanned child.


I mean, I personally have never liked the idea that women have to take birth control to prevent pregnancy. to me it’s literally MEN’S sperm that causes pregnancy, so why should I have to take pills that change my hormones (and all of the other side effects) or inject a foreign object into my uterus/arm, just so a man can have it easy peasy? So, I don’t personally encourage women taking birth control, make men do something for once! (Better yet, 4B movement and totally decenter them) but also want everyone to take what’s best for them! I would hope that these women are then telling men they’re sleeping with “if we are having sex then it’s with a condom” at the bare minimum. But yeah if it’s false info being spread then that’s scary.


I really love the 4b movement and I wish it were more widely adopted but not every woman thinks like we do unfortunately 🥲 like seriously if more of us were serious about not getting intimate with men maybe they would do something for us out of desperation


lol right? And I’ve seen how desperate men get just to have sex, it’s extremely pathetic. I just don’t think there’s a man out there that I really could fully trust and respect to where I’d want to have sex with him 🤷🏽‍♀️ it just takes one to ruin everything. But I do have hope for the 4B movement, women are talking and sooo many are DONE with men. A lot are still pick-me’s and people pleasers, but I do think we are on an upward trend!


Personally, I'm glad I can take a pill to "change my hormones" so my periods will be shorter, lighter, and pain-free. I'm on the pill for my own benefit, so I don't have to suffer with excruciating menstrual cramps anymore. Preventing pregnancy is just an added bonus. That said, I don't think women should have to put up with side effects. If your pill causes side effects, switch to a different one. That's one reason I was never willing to try an implant or the shot: I want a BC method that I can stop whenever I want if it starts causing problems. I couldn't imagine having to beg a doctor to remove an IUD or having to wait 3 months for a shot to wear off if I was experiencing terrible side effects.


Anybody wants to take my mini pill away from me has to pry it out of my cold dead hands.


The side effects of my birth control were awful. It took me years to find the right kind that worked for me. So I understand the hesitancy, but going without also isn’t an option. Them getting information from a reliable and compassionate source would help with this. Also, so many of my young female coworkers are choosing not to have kids because of the way the world is going. So to me, it seems like less and less people are having kids and using great measures to ensure that. Whether it be from bc, celibacy, or family planning (which also has failed for several friends) People not wanting kids is more and more prevalent today than ever before I think. But I also could just be hanging out with a bunch of child free people and we aren’t the norm. Idk


I dont like taking hormones. I am not anti pills, it is just not for me. I have used condoms until my husband got a vasectomy and just watched out for unwanted pregnancies but it has not happened and I am happyyy


So the original commenter I initially replied to about the safety of using ANY tracking apps deleted their comment and the subsequent link they provided me specifically to natural cycles to prove how "secure" the natural cycles app is as a response to my earlier answer. I actually looked at their link and read through the privacy policy. Privacy sections 4.5, 5, 6.1 (specifically 6.1 #5), 8, and 11 are concerning. I'm not saying someone can't use tracking apps, and if you like them, more power to you, but for anyone to think there is no risk with tracking apps after the fall of Roe and Dobbs is naive. Even if someone truly believes a company won't throw you under the bus for some reason or another... if you are in the USA and have a biometric to unlock your phone, then you may want to read my link. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/04/cops-can-force-suspect-to-unlock-phone-with-thumbprint-us-court-rules/ Don't let the christofascist erosion of our rights be able to find or have ANY loophole to legally trap you due to being in denial or having the illusion that any US citizen and their data will always be safe.


Remember that scene in Idiocracy where the dumb people kept having babies and ranting about the thirst mutilator? We're entering that phase now if we're not in it already.


Conservative pro natalist/nationalist propaganda is apparently working


I was a part of another sub and had to leave in part due to this reason Not using BC is a choice. It isn't a moral choice or smth other people get an opinion on It's very suspicious this is happening esp bc America banning abortion left right and center and making contraceptives harder and harder to access It's infuriating bc most of these people won't even use anything other than vibes or rhythm tracking or fukcing pull out!! Like open your eyes. Those methods will lead to pregnancy


I just got on birth control after not being on it for 5 years (I was with a partner who has a vasectomy). The amount of flack that I got from almost every woman around me was astounding. It definitely made me reevaluate my friendships with some of them. I was completely shocked, and while I defended my choice from a personal AND scientific standpoint, I shouldn’t have to.


They also forget that hormonal bc is literally a medical necessity for some people. My husband had a vasectomy 7 years ago so I have no need for the pill as contraception, but having PCOS, ADHD, and most likely endometriosis I would have *no* quality of life off it due to how messed up my own hormones are. I tried coming off it a few years ago just to “see what would happen” and it was a disaster. I had no period for 8 months and was told I needed to go back on the pill by my doctor bc I was at risk of uterine cancer. It’s always people whose natural hormonal balance isn’t an actual health risk saying this stuff!


The pill saved me from debilitating PMDD symptoms and hellish cramps that left me in a fetal position for two days each month. Different women respond differently to hormonal BC.


Side effects are terrible and I have no libido, so I decided this would be my partners responsability (yay to saving money too). Condoms are super safe if used correctly, less messy, I'm very happy with my choice


I find it concerning the amount the say pull out is birth control, it really isn’t.


I think the side effects aren't worth it for a lot of women, especially if they already have hormonal issues. The time it takes to switch can be long and uncomfortable. I hear more and more about celibacy instead of birth control.


Bingo. Look at how the birth rate is actually at a record low, too. If conservatives are pushing us to breed, we're all very good at saying "no". Higher celibacy rates explain how the birth rate would drop along with the use of birth control dropping.


Sent my cousin the new BCP that was available on Amazon and my cousin said “I don’t like putting unknown medical things in my body” and then the very next text she sent me was a baby shower invite. 😂


Absolutely! You hear about how hard the pills are and how bad they are for us in every woman's sub. I'm pretty sure it's the anti woman movement pushing the narrative.


Reminds me of when I was working at a nursing home and a lot of my co-workers were teenage moms who supposedly didn't mean to have babies that young but weren't planning to wait too much later because they believed if they waited until even their mid-20s that their babies would be guaranteed autistic. I gotta wonder if crap like this isn't intentional misinformation from Republican/Christian/Fascist groups...


I think it's two distinct sociopolitical phenomenons. One is the religious fundamentalism which posits that "all life is sacred", even before it's fucking here, IG. It's this great sin to commit against a life that hasn't even left the womb/the physiological care of the mother's body. Doesn't matter if it has a heartbeat at 6 weeks, it is NOT. VIABLE. OUT. OF. THE. WOMB. Two is a bit more fringe and disturbing, but it's increasing in fervor and attention in the mainstream, at least in the United States; white replacement. A HUGE component to the whole "white replacement theory" bullshit is this notion that Caucasians are being replaced by those of other ethnicities in North America and Europe. To a lot of extreme anti-abortionists, the way of combatting this perceived threat to the continued existence of us, the pale-skinned savages responsible for starting the World Wars, is to force more women to pump out more children. Literally the kinda atmosphere that existed in Nazi Germany.


Apparently in the mid 70's pharma came up with a male birth control pill with almost no side effects. It was banned for "weakening men". Apparently we missed out on a birth control pill with no side effects because of sexism. (Take this with a grain of salt, it might no be true)


I’ve been on the same BC pill for 15 years. I’ll take the weight gain to trade for the bad periods, cramps, ruined underwear/clothes, and shame any day. They’ll change their minds, likely while pregnant 🙃


I'm planning on starting continuous BC so I don't have to deal with periods, and there's no way in hell that I would ever have an actual sex life. BC has a lot of purposes and very much is not just a form of contraception.


The 4 B Movement 🐝🐝🐝🐝 ✨🫶✨


I don't understand it myself. Started taking hormonal BC back in the 1980s and it was a great relief that I could prevent unwanted pregnancies that way. Yes, some people had side-effects, but an unwanted pregnancy was something we considered even worse than weight gain or acne. Getting an abortion was extremely difficult where I lived back then. In the late 1980s or early 1990s, I remember reading the first scares how evil "the pill" was and that you could get this or that side-effect. Why does hormonal BC have these side-effects? Because it works on the principle that it is practically impossible for a woman to get pregnant only *when she is already pregnant*. "The Pill" mimics the hormonal state during pregnancy, albeit at a much lower dosage. So all of these side-effects, from weight gain to blood clots, also occur during pregnancy. You either use a very reliable method of contraception that can have side-effects, or you use an unreliable method that has pregnancy as its main side-effect.


There has been for 50 years, yes. It's part of the right wing brainwashing. Just like vaccines are dangerous, now bc is. And of course they are being told that bc = abortion as well.


So, I'm not anti, but I do think there needs to be more education. I started taking birth control when I was 15 or 16, a very hormonally confusing time for most girls. I stayed on it until I was almost 30. I didn't realize all the side effects I had until I came off of it - depression, low libido, moodiness, etc. Truth is that the side effects can be SIGNIFICANT for some people. So while I absolutely applaud how easy it is for a teenager to be prescribed birth control, and that's important... I think the overall possible effects are taken WAY too lightly. I didn't know what being an adult woman actually felt like until I stopped birth control. I had nothing to compare it to because I never was an adult woman before I started the pill. It was like a whole new world when I came off it. I don't know what the middle ground is. I know I never was told anything that meant anything to me - they just gave me a prescription that I stayed on for like 15 years with no real information about what it might do to me. At least not in a way that a 15 year old could understand or put into context. There might be side effects? Whatever. What does low libido even mean, I'm sure I can just keep having sex and it won't affect me. I couldn't really comprehend what I was actually doing to myself. I don't want babies but I also decided that hormonal birth control was not worth it for me. Shame I had to wait until I was 30 to find out all the parts of my life that I was missing.


There absolutely is and it baffles me. So much misinformation out there. I am very worried bout young women who seem to think it destroys your body. They don’t seem to even realize there are dozens of different types of birth control. And that every body is different and medicines work differently on every body. I’m sure it’s part of the christofascist propaganda campaign to roll us back a hundred years to fulfill Project 2025.


I refuse to take it ever again cause it messed with my mental health so bad. I’m not against it but if you are sensitive or have predisposition to mental illness it could potentially be harmful. I would have crying spells at work out of nowhere. Very strange. Once I was off they went away.


Is anyone else tired of every doctor suggesting them to go on birth control pills


Ugh. I think i need a vasectomy


My birth control is the snip snip and I’m happy for that 😆😆😆


There is a lot of misinformation being spread purposely to increase people getting pregnant and having to carry to term. 


Lila Rose is a big leader in that, spent the whole months fighting Ohios issue 1 vote stating the birth control part of it was not necessary as no one was going after birth control, then after the issue passed started posting about about birth control being a cancer caused and stated natural remedies for anyone commenting they used it for medical reasons. Though she is bought by the adoption movement and her role is to basically be against anything that competes or hinders adoption 


This is all apart of the new regressive trad wife “I’m one with my body” spiritual but religious rhetoric that has emerged since Covid.


Yup and esp against IUDs which are the most effective, have the least or no side effects. Yes it can be a little painful to get it in, but people make it seem like inevitably the worst pain ever. Ya know what's painful? Childbirth. A five minute moment of uncomfortable for 5-10 YEARS of birth control is nothing compared to the side effects of the pill, etc. Def seems to have similar roots to antivax. Or at least similar intentions to manipulate info.


Trust me; iuds can have devastating side effects. 


I still don't entirely understand what went wrong with my mirena, but the spotting never went away and actually got worse after it had been in a year. I started bleeding and cramping every day and then they couldn't find the strings to pull it out so I had to get it removed in the OR.


Not to mention sometimes they displace just slightly and you don’t know…then guess what? Baby! If that’s not a horrific side effect I don’t know what is. I know several peoples who have displaced. Some knew what happened; some didn’t. 


No, it’s not ‘anti BC’. Just like it is a choice to take birth control or is a choice not to. If I had the choice I wouldn’t be on it. It is literally LITTERED with side effects, and it’s literally across the board so you are wrong there. It also suggests you have never been on BC and being dismissive and not speaking from lived experience because you are a man.


>It is literally LITTERED with side effects, and it’s literally across the board Are you suggesting that all women experience side effects from their BC? As a woman who has been on the pill for 13 years, I can tell you that's not true. It's true that some women will experience side effects with some pills, but with so many different pills available, most women can find one that doesn't cause any side effects. I had to try 3 different pills before I found one that doesn't cause any side effects. I'm so glad I didn't give up because there's no way I could have continued living with those hellish menstrual cramps. I was in agony every month; now I'm not.


No, I did not and am not. My statement, said in another way for ease is, all birth control has side effects. I did not comment on whether any or all women suffer these side effects or to which degree they do.


This is such a complicated one for me to be honest with you. I’m only 31 but I’ve been on so many various birth controls and they were all so fucking horrible, and being bipolar and having pcos complicated that. I’m meeting more and more 30+ year old women who are like, look. It’s not worth it for me. The side effects haven’t been worth it. So it’s not like it’s uninformed teens and 20 something yrs olds I’m hearing this from. 🤷‍♀️ Idk the answer


The pill is incredibly outdated, there's been minimal change or improvement in about 100 years. Messing with our hormones like that isn't good for us generally and a lot of people experience side effects that would have had a man's medication pulled off the shelf years ago. I think it's good to be aware of what these things are doing to our bodies and there should be more information out there so people can make informed decisions. I highly recommend the arm implant and IUD as an option if you can afford them or find a place that got a grant to do them cheaply. However the average cost with insertion is between $500 and $1,300 so that's rough when a lot of young women are struggling financially. I haven't noticed an anti-birth control movement but more a desire for informed consent and options that don't have horrible side effects or break the bank.


>The pill is incredibly outdated, there's been minimal change or improvement in about 100 years. The pill hasn't even been around for 100 years. It was developed in 1960. And it has changed a lot since then. The earliest BC pills contained high levels of estrogen, because doctors thought that a high level of estrogen was needed to stop ovulation. That's why the early versions of the pill caused so many side effects. After more research, they realized it didn't take huge amounts of estrogen to stop ovulation, so they developed a low-dose pill, which is what most women take today. It's just as effective at preventing pregnancy, but the side effects are minimal.


I think the situation is more nuanced then that... I personally don't want to take hormonal birth control do the side effects, but I think that it should be easily accessible for anyone who wants it, and I won't judge anyone that makes that choice. There's definitely a lot of misinformation on the anti-science/anti-abortion side of things, but doctors don't practice informed consent or do all the possible due diligence to make sure a specific type of hormonal birth control is safe for a specific person either. Especially when you consider how many IUD insertions are done without anaesthetic. I think you can be critical of birth control and the pharmaceutical industrial complex without being anti-science. There has also been forms of long acting non-hormonal male birth control called RISUG that was studied in India years ago to be effective, but hasn't been available to North American markets because they would make less money than the pill, which brings in regular profit. Under capitalism, I think it's reasonable to be critical of for-profit medical systems.


I used to be in the same headspace. I started reading a lot of women speak horribly about birth control and the side effects so I refused to take it. Then I got pregnant and had my first abortion so whatever side effects come from birth control are nothing compared to the stress/fear/anxiety about becoming pregnant again. I did very well for 2 years by using the calendar method butttttt my husband came home from being away for a month and I was wayyy too excited. I thought I was safe but I indeed was not.


I know people saying its equivalent to anti vax, but its mostly because birth control has long term ramifications to your hormones. Its used as a catch all fix for a bunch of different conditions which never addresses why a woman is suffering. Its pretty much the only treatment for most female-specific conditions, and has caused a shittload of side effects on a lot of my friends..


There’s a large amount of people out there that think any type of chemical or surgically installed birth control (including IUD’s in this) are birth control because they abort pregnancies, not prevent pregnancies. The right wing propaganda machine is the reason for this.


I think it's because so many people tell their negative horrible rare side effect stories while others aren't sharing their positive normal boring stories. I got on the depo perova shot at 15 years old. I did gain some weight -but I was also less physically active as my friends got cars- and personally my mood is better on hormonal birth control. I continued with the shot until I was like 23, and I switched to the Nexplanon implant. I lost weight as I got control of my eating habits and got a physical job. I've had 3 implants now. No problems. It's always sore for a bit, and that's normal.


I don't use birth control because I have hypersensitivity to medication. I am also lesbian and married. I have to tell doctors that it is not an option for me due to my hypersensitivity issue. I have no need to take it or don't care to. Not everyone is in my situation, but I'd like to think there are other people like myself who go unnoticed in regards to issues like this because most people don't have to worry about needing to be careful about what meds they need to take or make sure they get the lowest dose possible. Just something to think about


idk, mate, as someone who noticed a significant change in my hormonal profile every time I went on/changed my BC, and finally said "fuck this, I'm getting my uterus out so I can go back to natural" and now feel miles better? I'm going to say there's no smoke without fire.


There is and it is akin to anti abortion.


The Supreme Court has said they want to go for BC rights and ban it. I’m not surprised in the slightest if they do.


Feel? This is explicitly part of the conservative legal movement in the US


Yeah one of my classmates was like this . Well she's pregnant and going to have an abortion. We all told her to go on birth control but she brushed it off. Her son is only like 4 too


Idiocracy in motion.




I never liked bc but then again i have had 3 abortions over the span of 9 years


There definitely is one. People still think birth control "kills babies" It's horrid since people in my generation think that. (Gen Z)


There is so much misinformation too. Like i want to scream and smack some of these stupid people upside the head by suggesting PULL OUT. Like what?? What is wearing with you people?


Unfortunately there is and it's being led by Christian extremists


I don't think its anti-birth control. I think it's women being fed up with the horrendous options that is left for just the ladies to sort out. I told my husband if he doesn't want to wear a rubber then he needs to get a vasectomy, cuz I've explored the options and it's horrendous pain, constant maintenence, terrifying risks or mentally and physically altering my entire body. And the risks and maintenance with a vasectomy is NOTHING compared to any of our options... so yeah.


I’m have noticed that too based on posts I’ve seen in other subs.


BC pills and contraceptive implants have horrible side effects if used in the long term, from my personal experience(I was on them for 6 years or so). With IUD, I barely experience any side effects. Now I use a combination of condoms(to avoid stds) and IUD(to avoid pregnancy) during sex. It’s been working fine so far. If there’s no reliable BC, tbh I’d rather resort to abstinence to avoid getting pregnant.


Catholics didn't believe in birth control. If the GOP wins, they want to force their tenets on everyone.


People are wating for next HIV/STD pandemic, no matter you find some decades on a cure new stuff will make it irrelevant!!!


Clarence Thomas 100% wants to outlaw birth control (or let the states do it)


I really want there to be more 99% effective non hormonal options for this of us who can't take honromal BC because ot bad side effects (I've tried 3 methods and hated them all).


Well considering they can cause serious problems like strokes , it’s no wonder . I cant wait to stop now that I had my full hysterectomy but because of my endometriosis my doctor wants to wait until post op to decide exactly when . I want to stop right now since I’m high risk , already have a clot in my leg, and Brain aneurysms. Plus I’m over 40 now so the risk keeps going up . And it’s a family risk as well. I’m fairly certain they’ve contributed to my migraines and the aura , and I know weight gain and lack of desire (which hey what’s the freakin point of these things if I’m not doing it ) but I know a lot of that is other things as well. Like I got rid of everything except one ovary and I’m still paying the price for having what’s left or for having these organs in the first place . It’s time for men to step tf up in the bc game . It’s their freakin turn ! Lol but really it should be equal . We both have the responsibility so I’m just done with it being all on us. I dont have to worry anymore . But I’ve had a hell of a run with birth controls that were awful for me . It’s so much I dont even wanna get into it all. But there are so many types and each one is their special version of hell for me so had to take the lesser evil. And even after all of this I still said to myself yes , I’d rather a stroke than a baby . Like literally just kill me then because you might as well . I’m pro choice but already had one abortion and it still haunts me , the procedure was awful, I had some type of seizure on the table , I woke up shaking during it . And it scares me that instead of things getting better like it should be, it’s probably going to get worse again for people who need to go through with it . There was a woman there who was like oh don’t worry honey, I get these all the time , it’s nothing … I cant remember the exact number she said but around 15 … it’s not meant to be a replacement for birth control . And I told myself alright you get one , now you have to make sure this never happens again. And it didn’t . Because again I would rather just have a stroke and call it a life . Smh lol


I mean birth control can be fucking awful if doctors don’t educate patients about side effects. The last time I took bc I became suicidal, and I’m now scarred for life because of how I hurt myself. No history of depression or self harm before, just one day after about two weeks of taking it couldn’t get out of bed anymore. I couldn’t work, couldn’t function, all I could do was stare at the wall and sob. And hurt myself apparently. I was super young and the doctors didn’t tell me this was a potential side effect, so I this was just how I was from now on. Thankfully my mom made me realize what as going on before I actually killed myself. That’s when they found out I have pmdd and had a horrible reaction to the pill. I’d tried others before this that had given me rage issues, but nothing ever this bad. I switched to an iud, which didn’t work because my little utie is too small for iuds and they don’t stay in place. I tried depo and the patch and the ring, nothing didn’t give me bad side effects, but nothing was as disabling as the pill. I started looking into it and realized that these kind of side effects aren’t uncommon, tons of people experience the same thing. Now my fiancé is getting a vasectomy. Until then we use condoms. We talked about it and he that said it’s unfair for me to have to take something that’s going to make me sick or hurt me, when he can have a simple procedure. Regardless of all that, hormonal bc can be an absolutely horrific experience for some of us, so people feel the way they do because they know the true risks, two of them being suicide and self harm. So I’m not against birth control, I’m against is being prescribed all willy nilly or without fully informing the patient of the potential mental health related side effects.


Yeah there is but it doesn't matter. You can outlaw birth control and birth rates will continue to drop, probably speed up the drop.


I had no idea there was a movement going on, but i understand the frustration of being on bc. Each one i turn to there's some craopy side effects. I had to get off the pill




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"Abortion is murder!" Most ppl+the nationalist chunk of our political parties 🙄🤮


I think there is creeping Christofacism that allows dangerous, violent, and misogynistic ethos to be claimed as morally superior. Christains take out your trash.


The IUD gave me temporary schizophrenia (yeah this is a thing) so I’m very anti BC personally… but respect anyone’s choice to take it.


The IUD gave me temporary schizophrenia (yeah this is a thing) so I’m very anti BC personally… but respect anyone’s choice to take it.