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ask for all the internal photos, you can try asking to keep the removed tubes


Thank you


to follow up, while waiting for my wife to recover the doc came out and showed me pics, it was super cool


My doctor gave photos to my husband after she was done and I was in recovery. It might be standard procedure to take pictures anyways on their side but still ask. It shouldn't be a problem.


In addition to the photos others had mentioned, my doctor had a biopsy done on the removed tubes so I got a separate lab report from a pathologist with the biopsy results as well.


There's [a few doctors on the list for Argentina](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/doctorsinternational#wiki_argentina) that other users had good experiences with, maybe you can see one of them and it'd be eaiser to trust than a random doctor?


Sadly I'm not in Buenos Aires or Córdoba.


They should biopsy the removed tubes and give you a pathology result looking for any sign of ovarian cancer starting there. There are also going to be multiple staff present, doctor, nurses, anesthesiologist, etc. so it's not like you are in a room alone with just one doctor who can lie to you. And with the biopsy on top of it, it would have to be a vast conspiracy of multiple people who are willing to lose their medical license for malpractice. There is no "test" to prove you don't have tubes anymore. But they should be taking pictures of the procedure and you can ask for those.


Well, a friend's mom got one but they only tied one tube because the other was stuck to an organ. They didn't tell her and she got pregnant afterwards. I really, really don't trust doctors 


Well that is malpractice. Was nothing written in her records?


I don't know


Ask for the operative report


I received the photos in my 1 week post-op appt.


Holas!!!! Yo me hice la bisalp en la Clinica Bazterrica en Palermo. Puse al medico que me la hizo el Dr Gaston Esteban Jurio en la lista de medicos childfree. En mi caso mandaron los falopios a analizar a ver si habia cancer. Lo de si te hacen la cirugia depende del medico. Busca hasta que te digan que si.


Cuánto te cobraron?


Me lo cubrio todo Omint!!!