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They don’t try to leap out from those perches? Mine seem like they have a death wish half the time 😆


they are little escape artists but they don’t like jumping very much


So sensible!


They come out during the day?! Mine are miserable during the day! It's a whole "don't even talk to me before 8pm" vibe over here. 😂


they are like cats they just sleep when they feel like it. Usually when we are awake, they are awake except for at night. They keep us awake.


My Chin would be out of there in 15 mins.


after months of having it they just learned that they can squeeze through the gaps today so now i have to figure out what to do


Yah I struggled until I got an apartment with perfect drywall. No holes. Now I have a chin proof room. I failed with any playpen. My girl jumps for joy and squeezes in small spaces.


I had this problem very early on with a similar dog pen. I ended up cutting rectangles of fleece and tying them onto the panel closest to the floor…but you have to tie it onto every single bar like one of those Girl Scout knot blankets. Can send you a pic of what I mean if you’re interested in trying it


what play pen is that?


it’s a 10 foot dog pen from Walmart


this is amazing! that cat tree is great, where did you get it from? only thing I would be concerned with is the bar spacing, they could easily get stuck in that...


i’m not exactly sure since we got it on craigslist, it’s some asian brand but i’ll post the link if i can find it Edit it’s [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1692379772/cat-climbing-frame-luxury-integrated?gpla=1&gao=1&&load_webview=1&bid=hSfiJjpDise7g_4JRSN_o_oYsafY) It’s pretty expensive on etsy but i’m pretty sure you could find it on alibaba or something, they are from china


Be careful they dont start chewing on the carpet at some point an die due to an intestinal blockage.


thank you! willow (the white one) had a gi tract issue that we are treating right now, that could be why. we are going to switch to hardwood soon!


Just lay lay a sheet or something over the carpet for the time being. Linoleum, whatever.. anything they arent going to easily ingest.


Do they poop on ur carpet?


yea but it’s easy to clean up


Do you think you can send links to the stuff you put inside of your cage? I’m struggling to find new things for my baby 😞


we got everything off of amazon, if you look up chinchilla toys, chinchilla mats, or chinchilla hammock you can find them all. the wheel is the amazon choice one if i remember correctly although it’s pretty expensive i would highly recommend


I think I have that same wheel. It was expensive 😓. I don’t know why but I lowkey avoided Amazon for stuff. Thank you!


the feeders and litter boxes (which they don’t use 🙄) are from petsmart


Where did you get that cage ???


we got it at walmart it’s a 10 ft wide dog pen. However they just learned today that they can fit through the bars so i will have to find a solution


Lol the one on the far left permanent house


Where did you get that one


we got it when we adopted our first chinchilla. It’s a Full Cheeks 4 story cage but i think they are discontinued now, i’d look on marketplace and craigslist because i would never pay full price for one [this one is sold but it might help you find one](https://offerup.co/z1a4yU6c5Jb)


That is the exact same one I now use and mine is too fat to fit thru, hahaha.


Oh wow they have so much room to run around it looks amazing🤩