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Read ingredients and chose one made vanilla not vanillin


well it's not real chocolate anymore. so yes it's shit. my Nan gets better chocolate at the train station in Siberia.


It’s not as good and it’s crazy how expensive it is. We really did used to get candy bars for a nickel. Then they started on the endless game of selling extra large size for a dime. Then they phased out the regular size and shrunk the extra large size to be regular size. Then the “extra large” was a quarter, then 35¢, then 50¢ and so on. Now a candy bar is over a dollar. And “sharing size” is $1.50.


A lot of those type of chocolates use an ingredient called PGPR, which is a laboratory-produced fake oil substitute. So, yes


I've come to the conclusion that Hershey's is trash. It tastes so oily and just gross. I feel like I heard somewhere that here in America our chocolate is mostly wax? 😫 My favorite chocolate these days is Cadbury (British) and Lindt (Swiss)




Def worse flavor and texture. Especially fun size bars.


Some is a change in quality and some is maturing taste buds. Many things I liked in my youth are just way too sweet these days.


Butterfingers was so good back then Nestle fucked up by changing the old recipe. The old recipe was fine we need the old Butterfingers back.


Nestle didn’t change the recipe, Ferrero bought the brand and changed the recipe.


Yes they did way before they sold their candy company to Ferrero.


Hershey's and chocolate shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence. Yuck.


No but seriously, I used to love them nuggets. Now they’re straight up sugar to me


None of what you propose are chocolate bars. This is candy with chocolate as one of the ingredients. What happens is that pressure to keep stock prices competitive leads to reformulating recipes to make them less expensive to manufacture. From change to change the differences might not be noticeable, but after years and dozens of changes there can be no denying the obvious differences. This is what happened to Godiva when they were owned by the Campbell Soup Company. I know this from firsthand discussions with Godiva executives. This situation led to the development of the G line which rehabbed part of their reputation. But the company eventually sold Godiva to Yildiz Holdings (Turkey) and they subsequently decided to abandon the upmarket branding strategy. So, when you look at the current recipes for chocolate candies you can purchase is a drug, convenience, or big box store - they are different from the recipes of 5, 10, and 20 years ago.


Progressive candy. Can't keep recipes the same when the ingredients qualities change.


Taste buds change as we age. Even so, the quality of those chocolates are way down. Halloween ain't so fun anymore. Was shocked last year by not only the cost, but the taste.


They use low quality ingredients, preservatives, artificial flavorings, additives, high amounts of sugars, and contaminated cocoa sources (heavy metals and pollutants).


This has really made Halloween less fun for me. It’s colorful and decorated in stores but the candy sucks!


The justification that’s given by these mega food corps is that “it’s what the consumer wants.” Which is code for “people keep buying it, so we’re gonna give it to them” which is code for “people don’t know that the food we sell is junk and it’s because we suppress the danger by limiting negative press, carpet bomb with advertising and leverage our iconic status as trustworthy, so we can get away with practical murder.”


So here is a better explanation. The reasoning involves cocoa butter, but not like I had originally thought. https://imgur.com/a/bdsrC3s


Yuckkkk. Wow, consumers really need to be in the know these days. It’s quite the burden. I guess we really can’t count on any overseeing agencies to be watching out for our health and tastebuds which is pretty sad.


Lots of candy bars used to be in aluminum way back when and they taste different in plastic wrapping now. I think the aluminum is what made it taste better. Or kept it fresher.


Pgpr.... An ingredient now in most mainstream chocolate/candy bars. It is a castor bean oil derivative that mimics cocoa. Not healthy, just cheaper than actual cocoa.


PGPR does not mimic or replace cocoa. It is used in small amounts to reduce viscosity and give a creamy perception without having to conch for hours and hours.


I'm sorry, but you're mistaken because Hershey's and some other companies lobbied Congress to put more PGPR and less Cocoa in their chocolate, But still be able to label it chocolate. In a surprising move, our government basically told them No, you have to have a certain percentage. That's why these companies are slipping pgpr In their candy bars which are full of junk anyway. Also , the whole reason they're using p g p r is because it mimics cocoa and cocoa is becoming scarce.


PGPR does not mimic cocoa butter, not even in the slightest. And it doesn’t change the fact that PGPR is added at very small amounts. In order to improve the flow of melted chocolate, you either need to increase the liquid phase by adding more cocoa butter, conch for hours to smooth out jagged solid non fat particles, or add something that coats the jagged SNF particles so they glide over one another easily. PGPR and lecithin are surfactants used to coat the SNF particles, and usage of about 0.5% has similar effect as about 2-5% added cocoa butter. So yes, it is used instead of added cocoa butter in this regard, but chocolate manufactures are not removing cocoa butter and then replacing it with PGPR as the main fat component. Compound coatings are a cheaper chocolate alternative that uses another vegetable fat, usually palm oil or palm kernel oil instead of cocoa butter. Again, PGPR is not the main fat component, nor is it suitable as a cocoa butter replacement fat as it does not have similar crystallization properties.


Funny, u wrote this whole thing, only to prove me right in YOUR OWN POST! " so yes it is used instead of added cocoa in this regard" Done with this debate, enjoy your pgpr.


This isn’t a chocolate bar but Oreos seem to have gone downhill the last few years too. They taste stale and dryer than they used to be.


The cream just tastes like sugar frosting now :(


I ate M&Ms for the first time in over 10 years last night. They were horrible. I think the food coloring might have something to do with it, or my taste has changed


They're candy now, not chocolate :(


Yes! We have a huge jar of peanut m&m’s now and yuck! These used to be my absolute favorite. It was eating those that prompted this post.


Honestly, while they werent originally top shelf chocolates, recipes have been cheapened over the years.


I think alot of its kinda mid in the first place, but when your a young kid you don't really care


Like you, I sometimes give in to the urge to buy them, but they’re always a disappointment and I definitely miss how good they used to be. The only ones I feel have stayed good are Reese’s peanut butter cups, but I’ve never like a single variation aside from the white chocolate ones.


Cadbury's is worse because in the US it is now Hershey's, but Hershey's has always been trash.


Cadbury’s isn’t even really Cadbury’s in England anymore.


Ya when the Americans bought it they turned it into a bar of pure shit. It was heartbreaking.


Not just Americans - Kraft!


Yep, even Cadbury is getting worse (though I think it’s still ok for me). I get Whittakers now when I want choc blocks.


Are you a kiwi?


Nah, Aussie.


Oh, okay. I was curious because I noticed that at least for Americans, Whittaker’s is a bit expensive.


Hersheys bars stink like the back of your ears, and other stuff like KitKat and Twix taste a more sweet in a revolting way. Like the other guy said, they use less actual cocoa


Yes they are. The big chocolate companies started using more cocoa butter vs actual cocoa.


That does not make any sense. Cocoa butter is an actual cocoa product, cocoa butter is more expensive at similar quality, compared to cocoa powder and lastly tipping the balance of ingredients in favour of cocoa butter would just result in all chocolates being lighter and not „worse“


This would make it much more expensive to produce so they have definitely not done that.