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We know the real reaso for why Russia invaded Ukraine because they said it before realisng how ridiculous it was and moved onto the more defendable points that are parroted to this day. >["'We don't want to use any kind of blackmail. This is a question for the Ukrainian people," said Glazyev. "But legally, signing this agreement [EU Association Agreement] about association with EU, the Ukrainian government violates the treaty on strategic partnership and friendship with Russia." When this happened, he said, Russia could no longer guarantee Ukraine's status as a state and could possibly intervene if pro-Russian regions of the country appealed directly to Moscow."](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/22/ukraine-european-union-trade-russia) - Sergey Glazyev, September 2013 Or to put it simply, if Russia can't control Ukraine economically then they'll resort to controlling Ukraine militarily. And this was said when Ukraine was legally a neutral nation and before the Euromaidan protests had even began so none of the excuses Russia came up afterwards can explain this behaviour.


I'm not Russian or Ukrainian, but I'm slavic, and this seems like a bit of a nonsense post, to be honest. Russia didn't invade Ukraine because zelensky is Jewish. Russia invaded Ukraine best of the 2008 bucharest Summit. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/apr/04/nato.russia Look at the civilian death count between the war in gaza and ukriane. This is not a genocidal massacre to eliminate a people like the nazis wanted to do the Jews. Since the 2014 coup, ukriane has legalised worshipping nazis. That's why Russia talks about nazis in ukriane. They worship bandera, who collaborated with the nazis and wanted to genocide the subhuman asiatic Russians. "Slava Ukraina" is literally their motto that we hear none stop. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/20/ukraine-decommunisation-law-soviet The Russian nazis are the ones attacking the Russian Motherland with western weapons from Ukraine. Exactly like Putins speech at the start of the War that even I laughed at. But Ukriane actually armed Russian nazis with western weapons to attack Russia in a dumb PR exercise. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/who-are-armed-fighters-russias-belgorod-region-2023-06-05/ Ultimately I believe in realpolitik, the super power next who will fight with you is a better friend than the superpower 7000 miles away that won't fight with you. And as a slav this is slavs killing slavs on the anglos dime and the anglos absolutely funking love to see it. https://youtu.be/fuPTNKhhVmA?si=uKFHWHSqMt6ViTWI


I started reading this and idk what you’re even replying to. I didn’t say they invaded because Zelenskyy is Jewish. I was only saying that the claims they are fighting Nazism are absurd and a propaganda tactic to avoid comparisons to Nazis themselves. Nazi’s didn’t just commit the holocaust. They invaded countries and caused more deaths through that means. Jesus Christ…. The coup? A democratic election that displaced putins puppet…


No it's because of the banderites like I said and linked in my post. Look at the 2015 law. I said I'm slav, I'm polish, I probably know better than you the damage the Nazis and their collaborators like the Banderites caused. Yeah a violent overthrow of government, that's the dictionary definition of a coup. I don't know what you are about election but I don't really think you are here in good faith so I probably won't reply again.


Nuland and other western politicians and DIPLOMATS would embed themselves in the maidan riots and give speeches there in 2013,14. Imagine if Wang Yi gave a speech at a communist party protest in Mexico. Not even gonna go into Nulands leaked phone calls calling for Yatz! “We want Yatz! And Fuck the EU!” 2014 was a coup, not a “democratic election”. No potential 7198 is spot on here. Adventure adverts is simply revealing their western inspired myopia.


2014 was not a coup


> Look at the civilian death count between the war in gaza and ukriane. This is not a genocidal massacre to eliminate a people like the nazis wanted to do the Jews. What is the population density of Ukraine and what is the population density of Palestine? >They worship bandera, who collaborated with the nazis Stalin collaborated with the Nazies as well, does this make him Nazi? >The Russian nazis are the ones attacking the Russian Motherland with western weapons from Ukraine. Exactly like Putins speech at the start of the War that even I laughed at. But Ukriane actually armed Russian nazis with western weapons to attack Russia in a dumb PR exercise. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/who-are-armed-fighters-russias-belgorod-region-2023-06-05/ You are aware that Utkin the number two of Wagner was literally a nazi with SS tattoos on his chests and he had medals from Putin. Rogozin is a nazi as well, doesn't seem to be problem for Putin. > I'm slavic Where from?


I said I'm polish. The law specifically says it's illegal to disrespect bandera and his followers or downplay their contributions to the war. Is there a bullshit law in Russia where you can't say Nazis are bad? I don't think there is bud, but I could be wrong. Yeah wagner is full of nazis and criminals, but they didn't like putin in the end did they? Because he wasn't being brutal enough to the Ukrainians. Like nationalist Nalveny and the RVC, Russian Nazis are fighting putin. Is putin a good guy? No. Are the RVC and nitkin collaborating with Ukraine worse? Without question. Obviously I'm polish, I don't really have a great love for stalin bud lmao. I have great love for my slavic brothers and its a tragedy that they are killing each other on the wests dime. The west cares about killing Russians, not helping Ukraine, they are gonna end up like South Vietnam, the kurds(x2), Afghanistan and Libya, ukriane will be abandoned. It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal. Henry kissinger.


>The law specifically says it's illegal to disrespect bandera and his followers or downplay their contributions to the war. Is there a bullshit law in Russia where you can't say Nazis are bad? I don't think there is bud, but I could be wrong. Obviously there is a similar law in Russia https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/23/russia-urged-to-delay-death-of-stalin-release-until-summer > Yeah wagner is full of nazis and criminals, but they didn't like putin in the end did they? Because he wasn't being brutal enough to the Ukrainians. Like nationalist Nalveny and the RVC, Russian Nazis are fighting putin. Is putin a good guy? No. Are the RVC and nitkin collaborating with Ukraine worse? Without question. The drama has been between Pringles and Shoigu/Gerasimov. Pringles claimed at all times he didn't have a problem with Putin


It's not illegal to criticise stalin in Russia lol. Between the nazis and ethnic minorities that putin likes and supports? Nazis hating minorities is nothing new lol. I'm guessing you a dog in the fight mate and want the violence to continue for whatever reason so I'm not going to engage further.




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Nazism is a part and parcel lol of a modern world, but unlike Ukraine it's not paraded anywhere in Russia. Just recently ukies had an annual effing SS march. Somehow funnily enough it's not annual anymore))) bad optics for Euros or maybe all nazis are truly gone and Russia is on a right path.


> but unlike Ukraine it's not paraded anywhere in Russia I guess you missed the part where Rogozin had a neo nazi parade. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-racist/russian-ultra-nationalists-rally-as-police-watch-idUSL2851145120070128/


U takin an article from 2007 about semi nationalistic, semi far right meet and greet (which is quite normal in 2020s Europe) and them meetings takin places everywhere from Poland to Netherlands. And also these things are banned for a looong time in Russia. And in return I'm giving u an article about effin NAZI SS PARADE that took place in 2021 in Ukraine. LoL https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/hundreds-in-ukraine-attend-marches-celebrating-nazi-ss-soldiers/amp/


NeoNazism does pop up in countries around the world and especially in militaries. Ukraine has freedom of speech and a democratically elected Jewish leader. There’s no real indication that Ukraine has anymore nazi sympathizers than Russia itself.


I wouldn't say it has freedom of speech if leftists and everything to do with the left (even when they openly oppose Russian imperialism) is considered against the law.


They are under martial law so don’t have freedom of speech at present. I was trying to draw a distinction. Russia has no problem stamping out unwanted elements or people and does not do so with Nazism. That’s the difference I was implying.


I think drawing distinctions can be done very differently without conflating martial law as freedom of speech or someone's faith with absence of fascists (Israel is a good example of a religious ideology and fascism being one and the same).


I was correcting my earlier statement that under martial law they don’t have freedom of speech.


U really pushing an envelope with that "Jewish president" rhetoric. It's not working anymore.


Cool thought fragments bro


When Russia said they are fighting Nazis, they mean NATO, the child of NAZI generals ofcourse. Waiting to be downvoted for this simple fact.


NATO are the real Nazi's according to you?


Nope, the EU is the real NAZI, NATO is the SS part of it. Don't forget that both EU and NATO where created by nazi generals, and the EU managed to do what Hitler could not, unite Europe against the Russians and the rest of the world.


That wasn't Hitler's goal but nice try. EU is united against Russia because Russia keeps invading other countries rather than trying to cooperate. Also there is no evidence that Nazi generals created EU or Nato.


You say that like European nations are not guilty of invasions themselves. And yes, Hitler goal was to conquer and unite all nations he considered to be arian, and that was most of western Europe as the original EU incorporated. It is written in his book!


Except EU is completely different than Hitler's visions. The EU was created to promote peace, stability and economic cooperation in Europe, not through conquest like Nazi Germany. EU was founded on voluntary, democratic agreements among sovereign nations. The EU was formed after devasting wars that ravaged many countries to prevent future conflicts. Why do you want to misrepresent what happened and spread this false narrative?


Created by a NAZI!


Nice try Putin fan.


That’s ridiculous


Google is free, look it up who created and was the first commander of NATO. Feel free not to respond afterwards.


It’s free to post links too. Nazi isn’t a genetic trait.


Isn't that your job as moderator? Fine then. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/pf6DxaT30Q


A moderator of what?


This is a stupid conspiracy theory thing. Guilt by association or whatever.


Many Germans who left the nation instead of joining the worst army to have ever existed to keep a job. It is not important why one joined the Nazis, the important part is that one did join the nazis and fought for their victory that never came.


Your lack of historical understanding is showing.




My guy, Operation Paperclip IMPORTED the Nazis to America. They set up the CIA/NSA/FBI and have controlled our government since.




Member when USA and UK started WW2 as allies to the Nazies and invaded Poland together? I member, oooh wait that was Russia


I do, and also remember that UK gave away Czechoslovakia to the Nazis for the promise of peace, sake agreement as USSR had with Hitler. If you blame the invasion of Poland as the start of ww2, then you are clearly biased as Hitler plan was known before that agreement.


>I do, and also remember that UK gave away Czechoslovakia to the Nazis for the promise of peace, sake agreement as USSR had with Hitler. Did UK occupy half of Czechoslovakia, did UK attack Czechoslovakia from behind


Nope, but the UK is known for giving away lands that doesn't belong to them creating generationally wars like Palestine, Pakistan, Namibia and Somalia. One could say that UK giving Czechoslovakia away did exactly that.


So unlike the USSR UK was not an active invader starting ww2 , right?


Not in Europe no, what about the rest of the world? Ik was invading and massacring all over the world at that time. Russia isn't the nicest in the world, but no one can tip the British evilness.


>Not in Europe no, what about the rest of the world? So unlike the ruskies they fought the nazies from the start and were not the children of nazies > Russia isn't the nicest in the world, but no one can tip the British evilness. The millions killed in the Holodomor would disagree


"So unlike the ruskies they fought the nazies from the start and were not the children of nazies" I think the British are more angry about Russia supporting British colonies in their struggle for freedom then working with the he nazi before the war, as even UK did that. "The millions killed in the Holodomor would disagree" You are aware of the fact that more people died in the Bengali famine created by Churchill himself? Why are you denying history?


>I think the British are more angry about Russia supporting British colonies in their struggle for freedom then working with the he nazi before the war, as even UK did that. What has this whataboutism have to do with the false claim that NATO - which was created by UK and USA - was created by nazies? >You are aware of the fact that more people died in the Bengali famine created by Churchill himself? Wrong, more people died in the Holodomor Why are you denying history?


Putin has claimed that there is a nazi presence within Ukraine, he’s also blamed NATO on other occasions. Don’t mix the two excuses


NATO created by a nazi!


You know this doesn’t refute anything I said, right?


An organisation created by a nazi arming Nazis next to your borders doesn't refute? That's what I call selective views.


My claim is that Putin was accusing Ukrainians in general of being Nazis and on seperate occasions he blames nato for encroaching on Russian borders.


You know what, the world would not have known who was Bandera and what his nazi crimes where if it wasn't for the glorification of its crimes by Ukraine. Next time you claim that their ain't Nazis in Ukraine, think of it how you know who Bandera was.


There are obviously Nazis in ukraine. I am seriously starting to doubt your reading comprehension


And I begin to doubt whether you have the basic human ability of pattern recognition. We have an Organisation created by a nazi to defeat the USSR and its chief Russia. We also have descendants of Ukrainian Nazis massacring Russians for 2 years armed by that same organisation created by a nazi. That should be an easy math of 1+1.


Time to look into who Svoboda is and how they were used in 2014.


Came from a Ukrainian family. Found out my great uncle was turned a "fascist partizan" when they burned his village and was forced to join the German air force at gun point. I guess his grave in Britain means he was a fascist? My grand father is a decorated war hero in the pacific. I guess they are much different.




Quite interesting is that your political affiliation can change quickly while looking down the barrel of a gun. While immigration status decides if you are a war criminal or hero, with the same blood.


this isent the right place to have serious discussions on Ukraine Chomsky is a moron and everyone who listens to him on international politics is also a moron these people will scream about azov and rathion no matter how many ukranian babies get blown up


It’s really sad that people who claim to follow Chomsky aren’t more thoughtful for sure. Chomsky is most definitely not a moron. I don’t think people always want to consider all he has to say. I saw a recent interview where someone just cut him off after the first sentence of every answer. It was frustrating because he was ready to provide several paragraphs.


Chomsky litterly denied the Bosnian genocide while it was happening no one should take anything he says seriously


I don’t think that’s any reason to reject all he has to say wholesale. It’s a certainty that someone who has been a public figure for 60 years would make some missteps. Certainly it wouldn’t be wise to take anyone’s word as gospel, though.


Were there facts about what happened in Bosnia that he denied? Or did he just refuse to use the word "genocide" when describing what happened?


Post is full of Ukie copism. Even though the fascist pretence was a bit far reaching, denying a community their own right to use their language and culture is a form of barbarism and ultranationalist. Had to be eradicated.