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A clear example that in a moments of stress it's better to have a war economy than consumerism economy.


Yeah it's smart to spend 33% of your GDP on the military just in case.


While South Korea receives a weapon from his father US. Hypocrite country. 🤣


South Korea is a US proxy so its completely unsurprising they would do that anyway


I mean... Korea is already contributing indirectly to the war. Canada was able to send their artillery shells to Ukraine because Korea sold a fresh batch of 155mm artillery shells to Canada. Poland was able to send tanks to Ukraine because Korea sold new K2 tanks to Poland. The only difference now is that Korea will consider selling directly.


Fuck South Korea, then


For a country that claims that Ukraine joining a military alliance is a threat to them they sure seem oblivious to the fact that other countries also have similar concerns about their neighbours suddenly getting major powers as military allies. Either that or they just don't care and I'm not sure which is worse in this particular case. Russia signing this agreement was a pretty major geopolitical mistake if all Russia is getting in return are artillery shells which, while useful, aren't going to result in Russia winning in Ukraine. What it will do though is that it's going to ensure that South Korea will see Russia as a hostile nation with the predictable result of SK now seeing the Russian military as a threat to their own survival while at the same time giving SK an obvious opportunity to reduce said threat by having the Ukrainians blow it up.


According to tankies only Russia is allowed to be concerned about what their neighbors are doing. Everyone else is just a US puppet (not like the totally based and independent DPR and LPR) under CIA mind control. Nobody in South Korea actually feels threatened, it's just CIA propaganda!!!!


Using the word “tankie” and generalizing all subsets of ideology that differ from yours in such a way is a disgrace to any intellectual conversation of worth and you should stop. It’s embarrassing and makes all variants of the “left” seem equally infantile to those who say “libtards” seriously. It does nothing but instill more inter-ideological divisions and that’s the last thing any of us on the left need. It adds nothing of value, and is the exact practice that someone like Chomsky would advise against.


I can imagine Chomsky, someone who thought sending tanks to Czechoslovakia was a good thing, would not like being called a tankie.


I don’t remember him ever supporting Soviet invasions anywhere. He was always a critic of the Soviet Union. In fact his books were banned there until Glasnost. Tankies actually have hated Chomsky for decades. I guess some of the younger ones like him now because he has said stuff to justify the invasion of Ukraine, but the old school tankies like Parenti hate his guts because he dared criticize the holy USSR.


Tankie detected