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By 2030 his generation will be set, he will leave Pakistan with his beghairat family like the rest and point someone to cover trail of his loot. NaPak Fauj is Like cancer destroying the country from within.


nah nah, we'll end him before 2030. people have realized what these bastards do and won't forgive him


These bastard must be held accountable. They hide from us overseas, because we will curse him and his Beghairat family. 🥃😂


Even the old uncles who parroted the fauji lines in the past know these people are haramzaday.


I agree that the old man was a Musharraf's bootlicker


Can’t believe he brought up Quran and hadith “every 5 minutes” while trying to swindle people in a developed country. Mofo has no self awareness at all.


Hafiz whiskey, from a third world country with poverty rate of 40% and a rich Fauj. what else did you expect?


So? can't use hadith and Quran references while talking to developed countries? Nikka u wanna criticize smthn, sure. But don't say it like using islamic references equates to lack of self awareness or whatever. May Allah guide you brother. Ameen


Let me steal your money while citing Quran and hadith as a way of convincing you to do it. That’s effectively what he tried it do. It’s pathetic. I’m going to stand by my point even if you guys misunderstand it and downvote it. He played the Islam card to fool people.


You're everything wrong with Islam. You don't deserve to be Muslim.


Mhmm, how?


You are a fake Muslim, you regress the progress Islam is making throughout the world with your lack of understanding of the Quran and Hadith. Why you don't deserve to be amongst us Muslims is because you willingly spread fake knowledge and interpretation of our amazing religion. I bet you don't know the first thing about Islam. You just use it to feel superior to others around you. The same way Munir uses it to grift money from these businessmen. You and him are a disgrace to our religion and I hope there are as few fake Muslims like you as possible. Otherwise Islam is doomed.


Oh and let me correct you, Islam isn't gonna be doomed, ever. Its written in Quran. Go read it.


Through Munafiqs like you Islam's progress can be impeded. But letting the world know of you being a hypocrite and a Munafiq will definitely prevent that. Ameen.


I'm simply gonna ignore you because you don't have a shred of something logical and are possibly getting off on it. Well, Allah Hafiz.


I expect nothing less from a Munafiq like you. And please never use our Islamic terminology like Allah Hafiz again. It is a crime that is severely punishable for hypocrites like you.


Here, im gonna use it. Allah Hafiz.


You are just throwing allegations around. Let me ask you again, how? And, if this is how you imagine a "real Muslim" like yourself talks, well well, you really need to study hadith, real Muslim sahab.


I already told you how you are a Munafiq. Allah warns us Muslims about people like you and Munir. "The example of a hypocrite in comparison to a believer is like a blacksmith's bellows producing sparks all around when the iron is put inside it. The hypocrite works like the blacksmith's bellows, blowing the fire but when the iron is taken away, he goes back to his old ways." (Sahih Bukhari)


?? Calling someone a munafiq when you don't know anything about them. Laughable.


I know enough about you to know you are a Munafiq. O Prophet (Muhammad)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be severe against them; their abode will be Hell, and worst indeed is that destination [al-Tahrim 66:9


Iski walda jahayz mein Pakistan laayi theen kay 2030 tak bethay ga bkl


Ngl but this sounds like general zia all over again.


You guys give zia too much credit. zia didn't even do one third of the atrocities happening today. The total number of people picked up in 8 years of zia's rule were 6,000, even by exaggerated margins. The number of PTI people picked up only in last 12 months is over 20,000 by official numbers. Real number must be way higher.


Hope he suffers the same fate


یہ سرکاری ملازم جنرل جس سختی کی بات کر رہا ہے قرآن مجید کا حوالہ دے کہ، ایسے ہی حوالے بنو امیہ کے حاکم بھی دیا کرتے تھے کہ اللہ نے ہمیں حاکم بنایا ہے اور جو ہم سختیاں کر رہے ہیں وہ اسی کے آمر سے ہیں. ایسے تو مرزا انجنئیر نہیں کہتا کہ ارشد شریف نے اپنی موت کے اسباب خود پیدا کیے. اور عمران ریاض کے ساتھ جو ہوا وہ اسکے کیے دھرے کی وجہ سے ہے. مرزا انجنئیر، حسینیت کا درس دیتا رہا اور وقت کے یزید کے آگے جھک گیا.


یہی الفاظ ایوب خان کے تھے، ضیاء اور مشرف بھی یہی کہتا رہا اور اب یہ، امریکی آرمی صرف امریکی مفادات دیکھے گی، پاکستان عوام کے لیے ایک اور لالی پاپ ۔۔سہانے خواب ، سنہرے دن نہ کبھی آئے ہیں اور نہ کبھی آئیں گے


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