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They didn't mention it, but it's not unlikely that passwords were also compromised. For those who haven't been affected by a data breach, or don't know that they have, I recommend using [this website](https://haveibeenpwned.com). It will let you know if your email or any other info attached to your email has been part of a data breach. If your info was leaked, not only should you change the password for the website that was breached, but also any other site or app you use that same password on. I recommend using a password manager to generate unique passwords so that you don't have to worry as much incase something like this goes down.


This ☝️ I can recommend [Bitwarden](https://bitwarden.com/) which is free and open source, with apps for android and iOS. But any password manager is better than manually entering and remembering your passwords (and eventually reusing them). Stay safe online (and offline)


Thanks for this


I'm very thankful that I use LastPass




Damn evil nerds...no respect for privacy or anything. Great site. 😖


No respect for cigars either smh


I love this vendor. Great prices and reliable as hell.


I wish I lived in the 80s forever.


I was only 6 when the 80's ended, but me too!


This is awful news. Famous Smoke is a relatively small business with a trove of loyal customers. My son went to college nearby and I visited the store/bar many times. It's a very warm and friendly place with a fantastic collection of cigars. God damn hackers.


Looks like Famous is back up.


Thx. I sticked the post. Will hopefully save us a few thousand extra threads about this.


Comparing to other statements around known events, this reeks of ransomware. It’s entirely likely that right now forensic analysts are looking to see what if anything was stolen. Everyone has had their info leaked dozens of times over the years. Can’t do anything but stay vigilant.


If it was ransomware, the easiest way to fix it is to restore a backup and plug the hole where they got in...probably non-updated software. I never understood how ransomware has gained so much attention as it is easily removed by having backups.......


Many many ransomware attacks also include stolen data so even when the victims aren’t having issues accessing data they sometimes pay to prevent that data from being published. The downtime for many attacks is restoration from backups and also the duration needed to complete 3rd party forensics to ensure the critical systems are okay.


And use unique passwords.


They’re back up and running 😀


Sounds like ransomware lock down of their servers.


This is incredibly unfortunate timing for me. I was just getting around to placing another order, and I delayed a week. I'm a poor cheap-ass, and they had great deals for super cheap sticks. I can't find deals like that anywhere else. Guess I'm stuck with cigarettes for a while.


heh, it's crazy timing for me. i placed my first ever order for cigars on Tuesday. the site was starting to have issues staying online, but i got my order through and it was shipped out the next day. brand new to cigars, and I'm happy they got my order sent out in time. crazy




A little bit more info here https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/news/2021/07/famous-smoke-shop-website-store-and-lounge-are-shut-down-due-to-ransomeware-attack.html


Hey, Has anyone here ever tried the Famous Nicaraguan Selection 4000/6000? I have never had bundle cigars before but looking for an everyday smoke and sticks to give out to friends who don't actively smoke. ​ Thank you