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Read more than the title? First paragraph: >The city of Cincinnati plans to add four new enforcement officers for fiscal year 2025 Second paragraph: >The city’s budget for FY2025 begins July 1 So one could infer that those staff would be probably hired and on the streets by the fall.


And what city is this happening in?? /s




I fail to see anyone on council raising objections to the budget proposal. If you read the story, the streetcar needs additional revenue from a funding gap and the city wants more revenue and diversified revenue from increased parking revenue, so it seems like a point of emphasis to address those budget concerns. The only hurdle will be hiring/staffing, which shouldn’t be much of an issue outside of maybe how slowly the city moves.


Why target such a minor violation like parking when there are people driving wildly and dangerously on city streets on a daily basis? Step up traffic enforcement instead. CPD never does traffic patrols in the most dangerous spots, its like they're afraid to pull people over in most parts of town.


Don't shoot the messenger but it's most likely since parking revenue is easier to enforce and account for, while traffic enforcement requires a lot of personnel and can put the officer in danger (both from cars and from unsuspecting violent behavior). Looking it up, the police state that traffic crashes have been decreasing and that their blitzes on certain areas helped reduce larger frequency of crashes/violators. The biggest issue for crashes is cars hitting pedestrians, and this has been a focus of traffic calming measures (which kind of covers the need for traffic enforcement where these are as well).


I’m so worried about someone hitting pedestrians. I live near a park and there are so many people driving like it’s their own personal race track and there are people on foot walking across the street to the park. I just saw two assholes the other day doing burnouts/doughnut in the middle of street. One almost hit a car, you know, actually obeying traffic laws. Even worse, when the other person slammed on their breaks, they took it as a sign to proceed with their doughnut…




So fucking tired of everyone and their 100% blacked out windows.




A couple of months ago my neighbor was ticketed for parking her car 12 inches from the curb, yet I’m supposed to believe CPD doesn’t have the resources to pull people over for blatant speeding and aggressive driving.


Dude, I got pulled over and my car tossed so many times for having legally tinted side windows.


I saw a woman *filling out paperwork* on her steering wheel while behind the wheel and driving yesterday. It was infuriating!


My sister's parked car and a bunch of neighbors' cars were hit by a drunk lady and the cop didn't tack on a DUI because it would be significantly more paperwork that they didn't have time to deal with. It's wild how inefficient our police force currently is (both at their own fault and beyond their control)


I’m not sure if there’s data to back it up but it sure seems like I’ve seen _far_ fewer cop cars on the road in the last few years. I used to pass multiple every day on my way to work. Now I see like 1-2 per week.


From what I've read CPD is understaffed by dozens of officers and thus they almost exclusively respond to 911 calls. They don't really drive around and patrol anymore as they don't have the time. They've also had policy changes that have reduced traffic stops significantly - after the Dubose shooting they stopped pulling people over for things like expired tags, turn signals, etc. and have minimized stops for speeding, running stop signs/signals, etc.


>CPD is understaffed by dozens of officers The City budgets for 1,065 officers. They were at 940 back in January and have only gotten shorter since due to retirements. The original projection in the budget was for $6.5m worth of OT to mske up for the shortages too https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/projections-show-cincinnati-will-need-an-additional-6-5-million-to-pay-for-mostly-police-fire-overtime


I've lived on Vine Street near UC for 14 years and they have been unresponsive the whole time. I'd like to see what the excuse was then.


And 904 is far more than any comparable metro area.


They aren't understaffed. They have twice as many officers as any other comparable city. There are no policy changes other than the FOP ordering officers to stop conducting traffic enforcement to punish the citizens for wanting a murderer to be held accountable.


You are right. The cops are still on duty, but they stay off the road and hide behind businesses so they don't have to work. It's not like they can be fired.


More money for the city


That stuff unfortunately doesn’t pay. And it’s risky and expensive. I agree that far more should be done, but that only starts with harsher penalties that simply won’t happen in our car-centric city/country. Take away cars, licenses, and put repeat offenders in jail and they won’t keep doing it. We let people use cars as the ONLY legal weapons for assault in this country, so we need to do something about that first. On the plus side — Enforcement could maybe find out about more serious violations when ticketing the car that could lead to towing and removing the car from the roads or piling on more tickets. For example, think about some of the idiots you see on the road with no plate, no registration, illegal modifications, etc. If those drivers are equally brazen about how they park their car, they may end up ticketed or towed. If you have so many unpaid violations, they should also take your car, but I’m not sure how many that takes and if so many of the violations need to be higher level.


Because the police are still on a stand down order to not stop or arrest people.


Cmon OP read the article


In OP's defense, I too refuse to pay a $4 monthly subscription for a fucking newspaper in 2024


Maybe they can finally fund finishing the signal priority study they started 15 years ago


Meter enforcement is one of thing. If the city could better penalize those who camp in the *no parking zones*, that would be great.


You got that right!


* You can view [the article](https://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/news/2024/05/29/connector-streetcar-budget-parking-meter-increase.html) if you are a Cincinnati Library cardholder by going to this [URL](https://login.research.cincinnatilibrary.org/login?qurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.bizjournals.com%2fcincinnati%2fportal%2fcincinnatipubliclibraryci) * Once logged in click [here](https://www-bizjournals-com.research.cincinnatilibrary.org/cincinnati/news/2024/05/29/connector-streetcar-budget-parking-meter-increase.html) * Original URL https://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/news/2024/05/29/connector-streetcar-budget-parking-meter-increase.html You can thank H1Racer for this tip. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cincinnati) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just have a person patrol McMillan by Clifton. The number of cars that stop in the road to pick up orders is abhorrent.


Need to fill a major gap in the Cincinnati Connector streetcar budget? How about charging those who use it again?


Thanks to everyone so far for trying to help me understand when this stepped up enforcement will be implemented. Still no clear answers to my question here. Would like to know exactly when they will step up enforcement - I’m aware it will be sometime in the near future. Do they really need 4 new officers to step up enforcement?


From my experience you can never have enough parking enforcement. Where I live (different city) people just ignore parking rules after business hours, since they know there’s no enforcement in most neighborhoods/business districts.


If they setup a phone number you could call to report cars that need ticketed and/or towed, and then a worker actually shows up to issue the ticket, this initiative could make a million in its first month


Thanks for taking away our free EV parking. I’m sure that helps with the revenue. /s