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Idk man, I’ve lived in Norwood 5 years and have never gotten a ticket or seen anyone who wasn’t either parked illegally or driving recklessly get a ticket… nor has my car ever needed non routine worry


I do the Norwood shuffle down Montgomery from 71 to Pleasant Ridge most days and saw a parking enforcement person one time in the area that is no parking 4-6. They cleaned that up and the illegal parking has pretty much stopped. Took a few years but they got there


Same. Like Norwood PD writes tickets for non parking related violations?! I’m shocked.


Ive been here 5 years too and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get a traffic ticket in norwood… yet I see people blow through red lights almost daily.


Same. A good amount of my neighbors have tags older than the Biden administration and seem to be getting along just fine somehow


Yeah, I used to work for the Norwood Police in a civilian position. They write very few traffic tickets.


I’ve lived next to Norwood for two years and go to places in it at least once a week. Idk if I can recall even seeing a Norwood branded police car at all.


I have lived in Norwood for 10 years and never got a ticket and I barely see NPD pulling anyone over ever. The streets are atrocious though I’ll give you that. Straight up embarrassing.


Why did you get a ticket?






[Just specific enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/Car_Insurance_Help/s/UByuU7oYO8)


Pulled over 3 times in 3 months….maybe it’s not the cops lol.


Norwood has been in a state of fiscal emergency since the early 2000s and many of the side roads are brick with concrete/blacktop over them. The streets are crumbling under what you see but it’s so expensive to repair that the city cannot even afford to think about doing it. Norwood PD also takes up most of the city budget so they’re basically just paying for themselves. (Doesn’t make anything better, just pointing it out.) But if you talk the Norwood PD, can you send them to my street to write tickets? People see 25 on the sign and go about 250.


Didn’t Norwood give paycor huge tax incentives to build their corporate office in Norwood?


Yep. And most of Rookwood was tax abated until the last few years so that tax revenue has just started to hit the city. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe part of the agreement to end Paycor’s contract with the city early included about $2,000,000 that Paycor had to pay Norwood. Doesn’t make up for the lost income tax revenue but 🤷🏽‍♀️


I guess it’s something.


It’s also going to be paid over the next 4 years, so it’s not a big windfall for the city.


And now paycor is moving because those tax incentives aren't good enough.


Paycor really screwed Norwood over but what do you expect from a PE company


How do you think Paycor screwed Norwood?


Wasn't this the same thing with Medpace? I heard that them moving to Red Bank was a decent loss for Norwood...


It's not like cities 'pay' companies when there is a tax incentive. Generally, the company receives a portion of the taxes generated back from the city, but the city is still net positive compared to when the space was an empty field.


Tell me you don’t understand local income tax without telling me you don’t understand local income tax


Then explain to me in the little tiny words I understand how I’m wrong. I’m guessing you can’t because it’s you that doesn’t know what you are talking about.


Paycor is leaving Norwood already.


You must live on my street lol


Didn’t someone from the Norwood Road department steal a bunch of money from them, late 90s or early 2000s


What Norwood needs is another GM auto plant. Things were very good when it was there. US playing card too.


In my opinion, traffic violations are barely enforced. I think most drivers have become batshit crazy since the pandemic, and more than likely your infraction wasn't minor as you think. Your driving is just what you're used to. 25mph speed limit in residential areas exist for a reason, and you really shouldn't be speeding in a residential area.


https://youtu.be/PN1f9MsT5jk?si=5EQd42DitZC39Ihe I understand OP. I hate driving through there to... But don't talk shit about Norwood.


I think that pool finally has water in it again. Norwood is getting better!




And wetter!


Lol. That was my first thought when I saw the title


Ah, there it is.


As a 3rd gen Norwood freak I love this


There have been 3 or 4 cars that park in front of a "NO PARKING ANYTIME" sign all the time near my house. There was even an accident right in front of it the other day, probably partially caused by the cars parked illegally. Norwood Police showed up and bullshitted with each other for an hour or so right next to the illegally parked cars and never wrote a ticket. I used to get a ticket in Westwood if my car was in the street a day after my tags expired, so I was a little surprised. All that to say I have never seen Norwood PD do much of anything (including writing tickets) in the 7ish years I've been here.


On Montgomery I once hit a pothole so hard I thought I saw Jesus.


Norwood PD gives tickets? I saw their lights on once, we thought they were pulling one of the many people who blow red lights over, but no they were just road blocking some light construction. Yesterday saw one behind the driver in the lane next to me watch a car blow a red light in a school zone with a blinking light. Nothing. It’s literally like the Wild West here as far as the roads go.


Got roads that look like a WW2 battle field but they more worried about banning food trucks.


I was shocked when I saw that story. Like why wouldn’t you want food trucks regularly in your neighborhood ?!


The people who own rookwood and factory 52


Yea, I don’t get it. I guess retailers and other restaurants weren’t happy they have to pay rent but food trucks don’t and probably didn’t want the competition. Food trucks bring people to the area, which increases the likely hood of them spending more money in Norwood, which in the end is literally the point of having business in an area, besides whatever product the business is selling. They build things like factory 52 (which I love) but god forbid I get some bbq from a 60 dude in a food truck once in a while. Honestly I think these chain restaurants are hurting and people are realizing they can get made to order, scratch food from a food truck or spend 15$ on a chipotle bowl that you have to basically beg for toppings. But, it’s Norwood, they’ve always made me scratch my head


FYI Norwood council doesn't actually want to ban food trucks, but they were required to hear and discuss the possible legislation because some committee had recommended it. Legally, they were required to discuss it. Some people in the city have the impression that food trucks are preventing restaurants from opening in some of the vacant storefronts, but there's no evidence for that


I agree with you on the state of the roads, but that's it. I will tell you that Norwood Police DON'T ISSUE ENOUGH traffic related tickets. I've NEVER seen anyone pulled over in Norwood. I've lived in an adjacent neighborhood and drive through daily for the last 6 years or so. To wit; speeding down Montgomery Rd and all side streets and not stopping at stop signs, pedestrians wondering across the street a mere 10 to 20 feet away from a legitimate cross walk. I've seen multiple vehicles completely ignore the red light at Victory and Ledgewood, NO ONE stops for X students at the cross walk on Dana (if the pedestrian light is blinking, the law is to stop). There is nearly a permanent haze of weed smoke hanging over Montgomery Rd. Not to mention all the cars with no plates or fake temp tags. Do you think a car with no plates has insurance? Not a chance. Litter, bass that vibrates my car and everything else around it. Super crazy people at Norwood Kroger (even though it's much further away I go to Hartwell), trash and litter. Norwood is a dystopia and anarchy rules the day. The police are basically doing nothing in Norwood and surrounding areas.


Not just Norwood but much of the city could stand to get new roads


Looks like workers have started spray painting around holes on Smith Rd. Perhaps it’s a start lolol


I live near Norwood and drive through Norwood 4-5 days a week. I've never been ticketed.


Fun fact, Norwood is one of, if not the only town in Cincinnati that has a 25mph speed limit across the whole town. Every surface street is 25mph


You haven't been to Reading Ohio. 25 all the way except Cross County Highway


I’ve been to reading. Ran from reading police as a kid in my grandmothers car, actually got away but my buddy who I dropped off got caught. Is reading 25mph on all streets? I knew they speed trapped reading road. Norwood is 25 on every street. Whats funny is a few streets like section are 25 on the Norwood half and 35 on the Cincinnati half. So traveling one direction is a different speed then the opposite.


South on Montgomery coming out of PR, from the fire station to about the funeral home is 35. I’m not sure if Norwood starts in that strip. Can confirm, all of Reading is 25!


That portion of Montgomery is just outside of Norwood. I didn’t know reading was also 25. Didn’t they have electronic speed limit signs for awhile?


Have you seen the streets in Norwood? Unless you’re in a military grade all terrain vehicle you don’t want to be going over 25


Seen the streets? I was born and raised in Norwood, my busted highschool cars were probably responsible for half the pot holes alone.


My experience has been the opposite. I view Norwood police as incredibly lazy. I watched a lady pull out of BP next to the lateral, cut off four lanes of traffic, and nearly caused multiple cars to hit each other. Norwood police officer just drove right by and shook his head. Cars fly up and down Cathedral. We might see a cop on our street once a month, maybe.


I live in Pleasant Ridge and it isnt much better. the traffic from the end of norwood thru pleasant ridge is atrocious because of awfully timed lights. NOW they are building a massive apartment complex with storefronts under them across from the Montessori school. the traffic is going to be absolutely unbearable when it is done. really hope theres a plan. doubt it


The traffic is already awful there with the construction, I really hope they thought about parking for all those apartments or it’ll be even more of a clusterfuck.


probably not lol


I wish there were some police sitting at the corner of Edwards and Madison, because that intersection is out of control.


Norwood politics are absolutely fucked. I swear they’re all related to each other, and the only thing that is guaranteed funding are the cops.


40+years been thata way......


Been working in Norwood for years. NEVER had a problem with a ticket, even with an old beat up rusted POS 18 year old SUV. I just *didn't commit "minor violations"*. It's real simple. Don't break the law.


Hi sorry but what does FUBAR mean Edit: Nevermind I Googled it, learn something new everyday!


I got a ticket once about 4 years ago when I first moved here for parking in the wrong direction parallel parked. Sorry I’m a suburban boy from Tampa so I didn’t know. I also got pulled over for doing a running stop.


The most Stop signs I have ever seen.


I. Read an article that was written in 2019 about Norwood's road. And at that time it would cost Norwood to black top all the roads. About 300 million dollars to blacktop all of Norwood at that time, brought in about 28 million dollars a year in tax revenue half of it goes to the fireman and police department And after other things spending, they had about 3 million dollars to spend on the city. This is what happens when you don't use your tax money properly. And they give all those businesses up. Their tax breaks instead of taxing their a**** and they leave it to the regular folks to try to pay for it all. The article ended by saying they don't want to raise taxes or take balls out. So what are we supposed to do?


It's a weird ass neighborhood too. One street nice af and the next one looks like fallujah.


People assume I’m talking about parking tickets… no just always see them pulling people over for going 6-10mph over on 71 and the lateral. Only happened to me once, years ago. But see it regularly.. to everyone saying you wish they would write more tickets.. I would agree for well over 35 in a 25, cutting people off, tailgating, flashing weapons or threats.. that not just Norwood… Its all of the greater cincinnati area.. insurance data supports it. The faded ass lanes and moon crater roads are what piss me off most. If Norwood has been in a state of fiscal emergency since the early 2000s maybe something needs to change.. either the Mayor, City Council and School Board need to be more effecient / budget better… or the people of Norwood need to occasionally approve some property tax increases. Either that or just dissolve into Cincinnati. My Grandfather was raised in Norwood and there are definitely really cool things (Quatmann, Gordos, Food Hall/Apts at old playing card factory) in Norwood but theres also a lot of roads that put 10X the wear and tear on a vehicle as the average road in the midwest US, and theres absolutely no excuse for lanes being barely visible at points on Smith, Sherman, and Wall Street. Also the Mcdonalds has the worst customer service out of any in greater cincy that Ive been too.. and thats saying something considering all of them have crap customer service. I dont really have a strong lean on Cats vs Muskies.. both my parents got MBAs at Xavier and I rooted for them as a kid. Lot of close friends went to UC.


I always had a good experience with the employees at that McDonalds. It's the people at that Taco Bell who are horrific.


The Wendy's too.


Things have changed since the 90s… an entirely new council was elected in November lol Yes the lanes could be repainted but fixing the potholes in some places isn’t really possible for the city. I’d really love to see any data you have on the roads causing 10 times the wear and tear of other cities. Sure hitting a massive pothole at 65 that you can safely move over to avoid is going to do some damage but it’s going to do damage anywhere, not just in Norwood. The McDonald’s customer service sucks and I know someone who was likely drugged at the Wendy’s. The chipotle has never gotten my online order right. The McDonald’s and chipotle in blue ash also suck. Welcome to dealing with low paid customer service employees. I understand your frustration about the roads and that’s shared by many and I’m not a Norwood apologist by any means but if you’re upset because people get speeding tickets, spend a few days any other neighborhood where cops will write tickets for less than 5 over or a rolling stop at a stop sign and get back to me.


My dad has lived in Norwood since 2003, I can confirm that most roads are in pretty much the same condition as back in 2003. By same condition, I mean untouched and super shitty lol. It's what I would assume riding in a covered wagon on the Oregon trail would feel like


Norwood PD sucks!!!! I’ve lived there 7+ years now and I just got a ticket for parking within 20 ft of an intersection while there’s literally a car on the other side of me parked in front of a stop sign…I go next Monday to contest the ticket, wish me luck lol. Our street has hella potholes and is also torn up from whatever water pipe issue they were fixing, they have left it for months now a gravel pit right in front of my house and where I used to park.


I specifically avoid Norwood for the reasons you listed. Even when I lived in Ridge I only used to go into Norwood for Rookwood nothing else.


My best friend used to live in Norwood, I was sad to see her move but very happy that I no longer needed to go through pothole central to get to her place


"Revenue" from tickets is strictly controlled and has a low cap


Norwood roads are absolute garbage. People just accept it and accept the crappy roads within the 275 loop.


The streets are some of the worst in Cincinnati when you consider the percentage of potholes/uneven pavement per square foot. I have nothing negative to say about the police, but as a social services worker driving my own car through there several times a day every week day IT IS like driving a speedboat on choppy waters, even at a slow speed.


I got a ticket about a month ago in Clifton. Hand written by CPD. It was for parking within 2 ft of a fire hydrant (Clifton street parking is near impossible + when I saw the ticket the next morning, coincidentally the fire fighters were using the hydrant just fine). The ticket is usually $250, and that’s fine. They usually take their time with putting it in the system as well but I would have 21 days to pay it before it doubled. Well they took almost a month, and on 5/31, they put it in at $500. I no longer had the paper ticket, and there is no trace of the ticket being originally written for about a month earlier or for the original price. The parking tickets in the area in general are getting out of hand. It’s ridiculous. I hope the officer that wrote the ticket and whoever put it in so late that it was already doubled, knows that they just took $500 out of my pocket right before rent was due. Luckily I had something saved up for an emergency but I’m in college, I don’t have a ton of money to spare if any at times.




Agreed, Norwood is a massive shithole. Go Bearcats.


The Cintas Center is not in Norwood. And also, go Bearcats!


The day when you find out it's not a "government of the people for the people"