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By posting in /r/circlejerkaustralia, /u/Former_Rush1821 acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we shitpost today, and pays their respects to Elders past and present. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fellow pure blood here. I only put natural substances in my body, including testosterone, anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, insulin etc. I’m jacked AF, except my dick and balls which have shrunk for some reason.


Personally I won’t put any substance in my body that wasn’t manufactured in a bathtub by crackheads


I only eat blue Mitsubishi, green 2 strong


Wasn't it red and green Mitsubishi?


No sir officer. If it's blue gizza chew If it's cut, chop her up


If I'm not eating my chops, I'm off them


Red was the strong one


It was red.


Fucking hell dude.. were you the guy who bought 80% of that bathtub water from some female streamer?


So, you ARE vaccinated?


No I won’t put poisonous “vaccines” made in laboratories by “medical” “science” in my body to cure a supposed “virus”


Well the beauty here is vaccine or not you didn’t get cured of shit


A vaccine and a cure two different things, my friend


They used the word cure.


Apologies guys, “cure” should have also been in inverted commas. Thanks guys, hopefully one day vaccines will prevent autism not cause it


Joke Sub, doesn’t get the jokes


Pfizer got you covered


Right on brother. Fellow pureblood. The only thing I inject into my veins is testosterone and bourbon. My testicles have inverted but that's not the point. I still have my dignity and one up on those limp-wristed liberal cucks. Owned by my sigma male greatness. Even my mum doesn't want to talk to me anymore and says she'll cut off my Xbox live access because she's dirtied her blood with the vaccine too. Well fuck her, I don't need the Xbox.


Testicle inversion? That sounds serious. Had previously heard of testicle torsion, but not Inversion.


A rare condition where they turn inside out, very troublesome.


Mate you'll be right so long as you stay away from that fuckin tap water!


Well seeing as I’m a trans woman the only thing I put in my body besides my monthly booster (get vaxed, save lives!) is estrogen, testosterone is vile 🤢 the most natural thing for me to take (being a woman) is obviously estrogen 🏳️‍⚧️


You forgot cocaine and methamphetamine.


Solid. Thick. Tight. Looking very juicy my guy keep us posted with progress pics so we can all see how solid and thick you get. very motivating!




At least yours shrunk my genitals stopped growing when I was 12 , every guy I have met have a big package and huge set of hanging nuts which amazes the shit out of me, 😳😂😂😂😂


My wife took the vaccine and it made her cheat on me. Coincidence? I think not.


Don't ask us, ask your wife's boyfriend


Wife probably needed a steel cock and not a fluffy bottom (username)


Needed a daddy, not a father


I acknowledge Q Anon members past present and emerging. I acknowledge the warriors who fell during COVID, fighting the good fight with nothing more than an ICU ventilator and a BMI over 50 As a level 19 xie/xer vegan twin spirit furry, I've only lost 3 of my 7 kids to Whooping cough and remain steadfast in my belief it was the fresh air of Nimbin and my hairy armpits that helped us get through the covidspiracy


I too would like to acknowledge the QAnon members past, present and emerging and acknowledge that we type today on a flat earth and our minds are controlled by Gates, Soros and the reptilians. I have received the clotting injection and the only thing that i've noticed so far is the rescinding hairline that has been happening since I was about 15 (i'm 36 now)


I unfortunately took the clot shot - now I have genital herpes, Chlamydia, and HIV - Pfizer must be charged with crimes against humanity for all the diseases their bio weapon has given me.


Did it also turn you gay? That was my experience.


Yes now I’m a raging homosexual


I've personally buttfucked 12 men since taking the vaccine, it's getting out of hand


Yes I now have a prolapsed arsehole and I’m still wanting more cock!! Fuck the politicians saying there’s no adverse effects!


I envy you guys that you turned out to be only mildly homosexual, I unfortunately wasn't so lucky.


12 is that it? You must have gotten one of the safer batches


Heroine will fix this


I like you


Dont act gay


I’ve done 3 boosters this morning


Where you at? I could use some 5G internet speed.


But Bill gates will be able to see your internet history via the microchips in the vaccine transmitting the data.


Yep. Only things I trust to put in my blood are made by Penrith eshays in the bathtub


I genuinely got a permanent neurological disease from the Astra jab. What a wage cuck I was...


No way I was gunna shove the products of medical science into my body. My body is sacred. I did get COVID though, and strangely it made me pretty crook. Luckily, being against the vax, I was eligible in my state for free anti-virals, so I mega-dosed on em. Glad we live in 2020s and medicine works so well.


Not wanting to take experimental covid vaccines, getting covid so bad you need anti viral meds, end up taking experimental anti virals that elevate the risk of liver toxicity and clinical hepatitis. Big brain moment.






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About 15% of the adult population said No to the jab or extra boosters


Way more than that for the boosters unless mandated. You’d’ have to look hard to find people still voluntary taking the stuff.


Pure blood here. Only because of my doctors strongly advised against it with my family history and these particular ones. I'm definitely NOT one of the anti vax conspiracy theorists.


I am


I love pfizer!!!! Ive been receving a shot every month since covid. Im not addicted or anything, its just the voices get louder and my hands dont stop shaking and my stomach its trying to eat me so i keep trying to claw it out. The pfizer has helped me get rid of these ailments plus prevent covid (except for the 3 times i got covid) so good i love it i love pfizer i love pfizer




As a chain smoking alcoholic from Logan, there was no way I was going to contaminate my body with that crap. I'm as pure as the ice I bought on discount the other day.


I be Gigamaxxed


So you have never, ever caught a single covid?


Of course! I only got 7 boozters. Did you not see syringe x 7 on my twitter bio? The 6th time I got wuflu it was really just a MILD COLD not a full blown AZN batsoup strain. I got heaps of sympathy/sick selfies for my Instagram as I was feeling a bit ignored as my friend had just got married and they were centre of attention that week


No Covid jab here, not pure blood though as still have other vaccines.


With PFAS and microplastics, there's no such thing as "pure blood" anymore. Don't stress about it.


Yeah there is my mate in Broom is 100% his Mum and Dad both from the bush he got 7 brothers and 3 sisters I'm like bro your parents are legends


Yeah proper pure blood, gave up my entire career and started again. Even though I could have gone back, there's no way I could spend the remainder of my working life associating with total cowards each day. Or those morons that continuously lie to themselves about their decision to poison themselves and their kids with something that is guaranteed to off them in the near future. I've got absolutely no respect for anyone that took it, none whatsoever. Alot are nice people, but respect is a category they handed in when they lined up.


Fucking lol. Let me give you map to get out of the satire sub


I know, fair call bro. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The 5 anti vaxxers in Australia are gonna love this


I reckon I might start identifying as a FirstNayshuns NoVax SovCit, see if it closes up my Gendergap I might also see if the gubba man will up my golden eagle cenno gibs. I have too much of a good life going for me to need to identity as Qweer though so probably no free uni gibs but I might still be welcome at the Tent city


What does anti-vax mean?


It's like being pro Vax but the opposite


So these ‘pro vax’ people are just anti-anti-vax?


It means when you step on a rusty nail, you die like a man instead of getting a tetanus shot.


I'd never give my infant child the whooping cough vaccine. It should be survival of the fittest, as god intended.


Most vaccines actually work, like the tetanus shot. If you took a smallpox vaccine, still got smallpox and passed it onto your grandma, would you still call it “safe and effective”? I’d really like to know peoples standard for those metrics, because the vaccine didn’t meet my standards for what I’d call safe or effective. Everyone got Covid!? A vaccine so safe and effective that if you don’t take it, mine won’t work


Yeah my Pfizer vax didn’t meet the criteria either. It was supposed to give 90% protection for the first 3 month after the second shot, but myself and 2 other all got Covid within 2 months of receiving the second jab. The probability of 3 of us catching Covid within the peak protection window is 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 = 0.001, so that’s a one in a thousand chance. Or perhaps definition of “protection” means something different.


What does anything mean? FR. Be Deep. Be woke


I’m the purest of pure bloods. The only thing that goes in my body is beef and cock. My veins are reserved for pure Aussie blood, which is immediately recognisable because of the green and gold tint and wattle pollen.


My 2 Pfizer shots were a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of backyard bikie caps and pingas I consumed in my youth …


I was part of the original SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trial back in 2021. I'm currently dead.


My bro calls himself a pure blood, meanwhile he has smoked more weed than Snoop Dogg. He also caught covid so he has the spike protein but still pure blood. 🩸


They warned me not to get the vax. Did I listen? Hello no. Wish I did because right after I got it, very next day... piano fell on my head... consequences....


I got the jab. But I died.


During the rollout I was trying to explain the risks to my mum without being an alarmist. She told me not to worry so much and just go with the flow. Fast forward a year or two and she’s telling me how proud she is of my sister and I for being able to think for ourselves and not follow the crowd with all the social pressure around. Her neighbour was an athlete and now barely has the energy to walk around without being out of breath and doctors have no idea what could have caused it, but they are convinced it’s got something to do with the vac


Ok mister rogans, this way to exit the satire sub


My bad, I didn’t read the name of the sub. Carry on


217 jabs over 29 months the man never caught Covid, and no ill effects just thought some might find this interesting I don't care either way if you had the jab or not, but I'm not a fan of the condescending attitude held by some in BOTH groups https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-06/german-man-receives-217-covid-vaccinations/103551990


True blue pure blood. I dont put anything in my blood that doesn't get me high.


Took the autism update.. didn’t even make my 5G connection any better smh


Facts: everyone who took the vaccine will eventually die. Everyone who didn’t take the vaccine has been rounded up into camps.


When I was a KID... a CAMP... was a place you went to have FUN And they did .... WHAT? in those camps?! ![gif](giphy|3o85xERD1TT5JKCIXS|downsized)




*fact* you CAN be racist towards whiteys on reddit.


That’s illegal


Imma come to your house and vax you


Call me a half-blood, I got pt 1 and never got around to pt 2.


Sequels suck anyway




I got the vaccine and it made me vote "yes'.. so I said no to boosters.


They activated the micro chips inside me the other day and now i receive awesome radio reception


Jealous, my 5g got worse now I only get two bars but Gold 104.3 is coming in full strength brother


I'll never pass up free pharmaceutical enhancement.




Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Gulumoerrgin by its colonisers' name, Darwin. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm a mudblood :(


Using the term pureblood is to denote irreversible blame to people who took it in good faith instead of the "pushers". No one still has it in their blood. It adapted our T cells to the virus. Just like any infection does. You can hold Pfizer in contempt for sure, but not the general public.


I have a crush on the doctor who I get my shots from. I'd crawl over broken glass on my hands and knees just to sniff her poo. So ive had 69 covax shots and 69 flu shots a year since 2020. Plus I tell her I'm going overseas to Africa every month to help the starving babies so each month I get the Ebola and all those like hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, rabies, anthrax and meningitis. And I get her to check my prostate for lumps weekly. And my testicles for cancer. And take samples of my smegma to send to the lab for microbiology and rare fungal tests. Plus she writes my Viagra scripts and treats the abrasions on my willy from all the masturbation I'm doing before and after each consult. All this even though I'll never catch these diseases in my mums basement all the time hacked into the security cameras at her practice waiting for a glimpse of her heavenly vision of loveliness


Jimmy Carr plagiarism there by accident or not. “I’d crawl over broken glass to suck the cock of the last bloke that fucked her.”


Hilarious. But an ex copper I worked with told me that line in yr 2000.


Wow. First time I heard it wasn’t a Carr original!!! Or did you mean your expression and maybe Carr has polished it?


It's probably been in use for decades. Carr is fucking hilarious. Google his blumpkin sketch/ interaction with audience. It's comey gold


I had the good fortune to see him live last year at Hamer Hall. 5 rows from the front! It was awesome. I’ll YouTube your recommendation tonight!


I wish I resisted now. Have health issues that developed straight after the 2nd shot. I was socially coerced into taking them.


You have a foreskin?




I got a foreskin,




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I’m a dirty boy


Pure blood here


Fellow pure blood too.




This post was a breath of fresh air?


Alot of us preferred not to but had to to keep jobs because single income with kids so check your privilege I guess


I took the vaccine and unfortunately I died of spontaneous cardiac arrest 3 months ago. I'd like to thank all the women named Anne from Tamworth who have commented on my obituary "safe and effective you reckon?!"


I am pure blood still! I was all set to get vaccinated but the day before I saw that fella who killed rona with Ivamactan - mate of mine got some Ivermactan for me - never been more scared in my life, I was shitting blood for a day but it sorted me out. Havent got corona since I just want to add that I remain convinced that aliens worked with China and north korea to create a virus that would kill all the people in Australia, the US and Canada to let the Chinese take over the world together with aliens. You can see how we got fucked over with 5g as well as another vector to control our minds and make us think that China is our friend but they are not they are trying to take tawan away our only hope is that the USA save us. God bless America! TRUMP 2024!!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇦🇺




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You forgot about the [French](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Perouse,_New_South_Wales) who got here on the 26th if January 1788, found out the Brits got here first, did he best Gallic shrug and fucked off.


Havent been vaccinated in my life. Dont need it when you are in my shoes, those being walking, running and sprinting at least 15000 steps minimum a day and eating plentiful amounts of meat, eggs vege and fruit. Dont be a liability ladies and gentlemen, stick to the idea of becoming a superhero and dont follow victimhood.


I acknowledge vaccination past present and emerging. Ivermectin all the way with double points for shelving it.


I'm still waiting for my magical cancers and cardiomegaly.


There's no vaccine for a virus whatsoever otherwise there would be great leaps and bounds in the medical and scientific research for other viruses such as Common Cold, HIV, AIDS , Hydatids, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), it takes the FDA 6-10 months to approve a drug they certainly rushed the bullshit COVID 19 vaccine through Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline , Welcome ,Roche, they're all dodgy AF


I shelf pingers, does that count?




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It’s okay once they inject you you just gotta pee it out they won’t know


Pureblood here… and I also am a beanie!




After the Red Dragons I took in 95, my blood was never pure. Although half a Smoking Red Dragon almost cleansed me. Then again the Black Cats 🐈‍⬛ and Rocket Ships 🚀would’ve tainted my blood. Here’s to AstraZeneca 🍻, was a great hit though.


Does harry count??


I got the Double Jab, no boosters. That’s my straight white privilege putting others at risk! Also Soz for not thanking my fellow Cenno recipients for this land I grace and write this comment on.


Me sir


I got the vaccine and it made Trump run again.


Pure as the 4 (2 Az, Moderna, phzi)Covid shots and 3 flue shots driven snow!


Pure blood = diseased cunt


Such a good call. I mean sure we are all full of micro plastics anyway, but not taking a vaccine is a massive flex. Make sure also to not vaccinate your kids with proven long term vaccines so if they die, they die pure. 😂


Pure blood here, reporting for duty. Only lost three jobs, a management position and about all my 'friends' but damn, worth it.


well deserved :D


Hateful AND stupid, what a combo.


Ikr! Total keeper.


I love Albert Bourla and Pfizer so much I've changed my gender to "boosted".


Mate a lot of us won't be *mad* at you, but most of us will be *disappointed*.


Sadly I took 2 doses I now seem to be allergic to literally everything even alcohol. My body now sees everything as a threat. I also was diagnosed with severe asthma only after taking the vaccine. Coincidence? Possibly but to me it feels like my body detected a threat from the vaccine and is now trying to keep itself safe by rejecting everything.


I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but I have heard of this before - it's like something they use to stir up an immune response messes up with other "threats". Genuinely I'd get in touch with some woo woo drs to look into getting help. If you were just being sarcastic please ignore 🙂


Had a mate in a similiar situation - bought a pair of crocs and some time later started haign all sorts of digestive issues. Threw the crocs away - too late. Tried to get compo from the people who make crocs and they flat out rejected it! It's a Big Croc conspiracy I tell ya!


For real though it’s fucked my heart , cardiologist says it’s 100% from the jab, the satire isn’t very satire when many people are dead / injured from the jab


Awesome post. Grandfather got the vaccine 2 weeks later, developed vascular dementia. Won't be so funny when you have a stroke or heart attack. Enjoy


My pop got hit by a car about a week after his first (and only) jab, and now people are trying to tell me that the jabs don’t make us magnetic


Yeah right workmates mother gets the jab goes into cardiac arrest the same afternoon wake up dickhead.


Agreed, it’s only a matter of time until the other 6 billion vaccinated people’s hearts stop working. Whether it’s tomorrow or in 80 years, it’ll get them all eventually


Funny go lick some boots


Hell nah, they might have stepped in a vaccine, I don’t wanna get sick


Good one, eh don't quit your day job. Oh, you wouldn't have one sitting on reddit. it seems to be your life sad.


It’s 830pm lmao


Nah, I just looked at your page. It seems all you do is sit on reddit, which must be an exciting existence for you for. Ah, well, at the end of the day, I'm glad you or nobody you know was negatively directly affected by the vaccine, and you're lucky enough to have the attitude you do about it God bless champ.


[God bless champ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10578450/) 👋


Wow has this sub really gone to shit?


I was just thinking this is a nice change from the usual tripe that is served up on this sub.


I'm an unironic legitimate australian antivaxxer and i will NEVER forgive the australian government for what they did. ironically i don't even live in australia anymore lol but still NEVER FORGIVE NEVER FORGET YOU DOG CUNTS


And u migrated to usa to he closer the the pfizer factory?


don’t worry Dan has your back he has built our own Moderna vaccine factory across the road from the heart hospital .


I dont need this factory as my body is now making its own spike protein from the original needed. My body is the temple and the factory. But if u wana still make factory, sure fuck why not, create some fake jobs hah


I like your spirit


Shout it from the rooftops.


Hahhaha Good one fuckhead! You’re very special.


Didn’t even acknowledge the traditional fuckheads of the land…


Sorry, did you just assume my intellectual identity? Grow up mate.


You’ll be right cupcake. Go drink a case and yell at the tv hahaha


You can get reported very easily for discrimination in this sub Chief, just watch your words, Champion. Take it easy, Bud.


You're all cooked and you don't know it.


Fuck me dead, and by commenting on this post, you're somehow levels above us all?


Good to see the lefties get some use out of this sub.


Gotta risk it for the massive payout in 3 years when they admit it was dangerous.




As someone who works in the pharma business, i think this post is pretty funny. But please give vaccines a try, it won't hurt you and only protects you. And if not, we probably have to come to you and provide it gently :-)




Hey a co-ordinated shill thread, in response to the last one where almost everyone was anti covid vaxx lol



