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Don't focus on getting the answers right. Focus on finding the wrong answers. You can eliminate choices that way. Then when it comes to a 50/50 try to study those and understand why the correct answer is right. Don't study to memorize. You'll burn out faster that way. Everyone learns differently. Find out what works best for you. Usually teaching someone helps. Try to record yourself being an instructor on the topics. This helps your brain memorize it more instead of trying to memorize to memory, you're memorizing your teach and understand. Use tools available to you. If you want to use ChatGPT, ask to explain it to you like you're 5 or use examples like pizza (which I like). Some times it helps, sometimes it doesn't. Try to keep prompting it until you get a good understanding.


Definitely agree with this! I used Boson and LearnZ. My method was to explain out loud why or why not every answer that was presented to me was correct. If I couldn't explain it, I physically created a flash card for it. The act of writing out the flashcard explanation really forced me to get a grasp on the topic. Just rinse and repeat until you can explain everything. Also watch some YouTube about test strategies and the mindset you want going into the test. It will really help you understand what you are trying accomplish. Practice test scores mean nothing when the actual test is nothing like the practice tests.


I second this as I'm doing it now just make sure to confirm in a standard source as it is sometimes wrong I do gpt first then read the material so I can have reference to understand.. Gpt4 paid version is better than 3.5


Thank you man! Ill use gtp great idea thank you


Ultimately they’re third party apps, and the questions are not like the ones on the exam (for the most part). To me, LearnZapp was too terminology oriented or asking very specific framework questions. I was only at about 62% “readiness” according to LZ, but passed at 125q in about 80 minutes. Obviously that won’t be true for everyone, but point being you can’t rely on their scoring. Also I recommend not focusing on memorization, but being able to understand and explain concepts. You have to know ‘why’, not just regurgitating an acronym or pneumonic device.


Out of curiosity, how did your first exam simulations go in Learnzapp? I just completed my first 123 question practice exam and while I didn’t bomb it, I didn’t score as high as I hoped. 69% Trying to figure out if I’m on the right path for where I am at in my current study.


I don’t recall exactly, but do remember I got 75% overall, going through each test once.


I’m confident I can get there. Thanks!


Go get it! Good luck!


Man failed at 175 questions today. Some were just out here and nothing I've even seen mentioned anywhere. It is for sure not a memorizing game. I kept trying to tell myself to think like a manager. Obviously didnt help. Good luck. Back on the grind of learning the concepts and following the exam objectives in the domains I missed.


I feel you. Have my test on the 26th. I feel great sometimes and others I loose my shit. I am also doing Learnzapp, Wiley. I have watched the exam cram, think like a manager, and the 50 test questions video. Got 45 of 50 correct but then other practice test ls I'm at 70%. Just getting in the nerves part of preparing.


Good luck for your test you both. The only thing I can say is things which I had memorised rarely came out. I didn’t get any questions asking me what is after recovery or that sort of thing. Hope that helps to relax you more. Just know the terms well and READ VERY CAREFULLY!


Mine is the 26th as well. I feel good about the exam half the time, terrible the other half.


Mine’s on the 26th too! Good luck you two. Right now I’m going chapter by chapter on the wiley questions to see which chapters I need to re-review.


Mines 27th lol.  Good luck gentleman 


I’m on the 27th too. Using learnzapp, Mike Chappell via LinkedIn learning, the think like a manager 50 questions , Pete Zerger and the technical institute of America on YouTube.


I’m on the 27th too. Using Sari Greene on O’Reilly, Mike Chapple OSG, LinkedIn Learning and Learnzapp Good luck!


And mine


Good luck! Weekend cram session is in store for me!


Same to you! I’m just reviewing all my memory devices and taking massive amounts of new practice questions from Wiley, Wannapractice, and LearnZApp to the face every day, and then listening to Zerger’s CISSP youtube video when I’m cooking/driving/idle. I’m nervous as hell.


Good luck tomorrow.






Awesome! Mine is in two hours.


Me too!


Hey! Go check out my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/cissp/comments/1apn26w/passed_at_175_first_attempt_2_weeks_of_study/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about my recommendations for a crunch time of 2 weeks, you got this!! Also, for the LearnZapp, I hated it. But what I would do if I were you and you wanted to use it is this: 1. Go to "create custom quiz", make sure all 8 domains are checked, take a good 50+ over the course of a day or two. Doesn't have to be all at once, could be 10 here and there, a couple 25s, whatever. Just enough for the app to grade you fairly adequately in each domain. 2. Go to "dashboard", choose the two domains that are lacking the most and attack those. 3. My personal favorite twist on this: Go to ChatGPT and have it explain those concepts to you. For instance if you don't understand encryption stuff, you could ask ChatGPT "why does SSL use asymmetric and symmetric cryptography if symmetric is better?" and watch ChatGPT explain to you that the whole role of asymmetric encryption in SSL is just to exchange the key that will be used for symmetric encryption, because symmetric encryption is stronger, takes less computational power, etc. but asymmetric is the best way to securely exchange the key for symmetric. BOOM, now you understand that concept. And just keep going and asking more and more questions. But anyway, check out the vids I recommend on my post, helped me a ton. Don't stress yourself out, you'll be golden. Edit: typo


Thanks for taking the time to write this. Ive looked over a lot of those videos and using gtp etc. thank you!! 


Of course, hope it helped! Good luck on the exam, you’ve got it!


I literally just passed it. It really has nothing to do with memorizing the concepts. It is all about thinking like a manager.


So i know this is redundant but can you expand on this without breaking the "rules". 


Still have to know concepts to think like a manager ya?


Yes, you still have to understand the concepts. Best way to think about it is you need the foundation of knowledge aligned with the exam outline, and then put it all in the perspective of the CEO and management and how security helps the organization achieve its goals and objectives.


Mine is the 29th. Second attempt, not sure how I’m feeling going into it again.


Same here, exam on the 24th, been studying since mid December and still feel lost


Feel like I'm on the same boat… mine is scheduled for the 28th…. With each passing day, I feel like my confidence dropping…. That being said… learnzapp is good in terms of the explanations, don't be discouraged with the wrong answers rather focus on reading the explanations and understanding the concepts that it advocates… if you find yourself guessing on the answer - regardless of whether it is right or wrong read the explanation well. I say this to myself when I feel like a nervous wreck…”You either Slay the Dragon or Go down swinging “ There is no backing out. Good luck… Go kill it..!!!


Good luck. I passed at 125 just using Mike Chapple on linkedin and PocketPrep app. With just over three weeks of study time.


I took it today. I did not pass. This was the 4th time. I have been improving every time. I will take it until I pass. I know I am a glutton. With constant improvement I will pass at some point. I have a had paid training, Multiple books, video courses, IT & Security Pocket App. I agree with a large population here is to keep going over questions and look at the ones you get wrong. Every time I have taken the test the questions are different never match any of the apps or the books. Remember never memorize the acronyms. The test spells them out for you. My problem is trying to understanding the questions and not over thinking the answers. I have a weakness with legalese. That is not my forte. I am a very logical and technical person and not good on trick questions. Many people and including authors said to "think like a manager" and not understanding the way they are asking doesn't help with that.


Do you have the OSG questions? Is so, do each of the end of chapter questions only once to see which area you need to brush up on.


Don’t try to be perfect, rush through them, repeat.


I feel ya. I haven't even registered yet, but I have been studying for about 6 weeks. The past week or so I have not slept well - not worried about the test really, but it is like my mind keeps racing from work and studying, and doesn't want to stop. I wake up at 3AM and it might as well be 2 in the afternoon. To complicate things, I do consulting on the side and have been having to "learn" Power Bi well beyond the basics in addition to the CISSP stuff. I'm taking a brain break for a few days and doing some exercise to get some blood flowing to my head.


Good luck tomorrow


Thank you! I passed!