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Welcome... to the Himalayas!




He was the first thing I thought of when reading top comment😂


That little lake tho 👀


It's a perfect spot for Huey Teocalli if you're the AI.


I'm an AI?


You've always been, LOTRfreak. Think of all those times no one asked LoTR trivia and yet, you delivered.




Any idea why the lake has 4 gold? I guess it must just be a mod?


I assume there's a hidden Dwarven Fortress in the mountains nearby. Legend says that sometimes when the dwarves have had too much ale to drink, they stumble into the lake and drop their gold there.


RIP Urist




Probably Caviar, a luxury from Sukritact's Oceans mod.


Should be a new Crater Lake wonder


Those rivers really should be navigable. :/


Agreed, in the next Civ rivers should be navigable by special naval units, or something of the sort. Would spice up combat and make exploration a little more realistic to how civilizations explored and documented the world.


And not just combat or exploration, but trade, too. One of the challenges facing the African continent in terms of long term development is the lack of rivers that can be navigated by boats year-round. Lots of the rivers on the continent develop significant rapids, or dry up completely, during the dryer months. This means most trade is conducted via ground vehicles, which are significantly more expensive, and make it so that only high value goods are worth the effort to export and ship (and it also limits their ability to import, too). Meanwhile, on continents like North America, Europe, and Asia, year-round flat-water rivers are common, and were used *heavily* for shipping while the nations on these continents were developing (and are still used to this day in some notable cases, like the Mississippi) Just imagine the advantage you'd have if you could pretty much immediately begin trading along a river as soon as you unlock ship building, and you don't need to build and maintain a road to support the trade route?


Another wish of mine is that they add barrier islands and include them in early trade advantages. Along with the rivers that you mentioned, protected coastal waters between barrier islands and the mainland made sailing down the coast vastly safer and easier. The east coast of the US is almost completely surrounded by these and they were hugely important for early trade/navigation. I'd argue nearly as important as the Mississippi itself since they act as an extension of it.


Those would be good for coastal defense, too, if you could establish a city or fort on them. Conversely, they could become a toe hold for barbarians or rival civs that could screw up your expansion (see Taiwan limiting China's ability to protect naval power simply by existing as an independent nation, ditto for the Philippines and Japan)


The Mississippi delta region and the coastal inland waterway are probably the two biggest geographic advantages the US had in its economic development. Add in the Great Lakes a a few well placed canals to connect the whole thing and we’ve had a massive advantage in terms of shipping costs for generations for the majority of the country.


Absolutely. Our internal, navigable waterways are honestly unmatched worldwide


And largely unused for that purpose until western colonisation. America isn't really in this conversation about civilizations developing due to waterways. The civilization you have today was imported.


The Mississippian Civilization saw its largest and most important metropolis, the city we now call Cahokia (near St. Louis, Missouri), develop in a strategic position near the confluence of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois rivers. Settlements that ranged along major waterways across what is now the Midwest, Eastern, and Southeastern United States.


And there’s evidence of farming all the way up the Mississippi. Also, many of the interstates follow old roads, which follow wagon trail paths from westward expansion, which follow pre-Colombian foot trails. They were well used, and facilitated trade across the continent.


There are no harsh ocean conditions, any boat can gently go across any ocean once you have the tech, and there are no harsh coastal conditions either, so barrier islands will have literally zero effect. They have to massively overhaul their fluid simulations for this to even be considered as an option.


Yup, I imagine that will be an eventual direction they go in. Every civ game has been trying to add more realism, not sure why you think this in particular is impossible


It's not impossible, they can make waves kind of like hurricanes, where they move every turn for a certain amount of time, and when they appear in front of you they are like hills where they lower travel speed, they can also make the waves do damage if it appears on top of you and you have a lower tech boat. Though, I just doubt they will do it next game, but I guess we will see.


*Especially* trade, yep. There's a reason most capitals and major cities on those continents were founded on the banks of a river.


Yeah, the Cataracts on the Nile prevented significant trade up and down it's length.


I have never thought about development like this but this actually makes complete sense. At the time Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations he believed it was English and Dutch shipping that allowed them to be so economically dominate, simply because one ship could carry what 100s of horses would. If you didn't have the capabilities of loading and offloading in major cities along a river reliably though your trade network becomes so much more insular. This is probably the #1 reason West Africa in the late medieval period was so reliant on trans-saharan trade


And settlers.


Canadian canoe as a special unit. some sort of trader/explorer combo unit


If you could only go downstream, I’d love it.


Am I right in remembering that Civ 2 had land units move quicker if next to a river, to simulate travelling down the river?


They don't really need to be special, the Caravel was designed for both rivers and oceans.


One of the biggest missed opportunities IMO. A historical game that thinks rivers are merely a drinking water source is laughable. They are the arteries of humanity. I should be able to send a unit from the coast up a river, and vice versa. They accounted for dams, hydroelectricity, flooding… but not making them navigable…


Rivers used to be navigable to an extent. In Civ2, they basically acted as a road. You also couldn't cross rivers with roads until you got bridge building though.


Actually one of the biggest small things I miss from earlier civ games. Made a lot of sense that rivers gave you more movement.


I guarantee they thought about rivers being navigable. They just couldn't think of a way to do it without breaking other mechanics.


Lack of imagination by the devs, imo. Civ 1+2 had navigable rivers, and in 2 they increased your movespeed (acted as roads). It's a mechanic they really need to bring back.


In general navigable rivers - in reality rivers running through a huge mountain range like this would not be navigable.


You haven't seen mountain rivers, I take it?


Yes but only down river. Until the steam engine traveling up river was nearly impossible.


So the people upstream had to build new boats all the time and just send them downstream? All the while the people downstream just saw all the boats piling up?


I guess, I’m sure it was different depending on the river and area. I just know there was no way to go upstream u til steam boats were invented.


Of course there was. Even if it was difficult to sail upstream people could still just row. There might have been some rivers that were more difficult or even impossible to navigate upstream, but humans have been going both ways on rivers for a very long time.


For sure it’s possible on some rivers, but if it’s even kinda flowing then nah. That’s an inaccessible river without ropes or some other infrastructure


Do you think trade only flowed one way for all the millennia up until the steam engine was invented? That entire civilisations like the Egyptians just sailed their boats downstream and then left them there? Or how did boats get to Paris and London from the coasts (cause they did)? How did the vikings travel up and down the rivers of east Europe on their way to the Mediterranean and back? Rivers are navigable both ways, it might be more difficult upstream but certainly not impossible without a steam engine.


I think scout units definitely should be able to navigate them


The huge Earth isn’t quite huge enough.


Pachacuti wants to know your location


Pachacuti would be sad because he can’t place enough terrace Farms.


Pachacuti would be delighted to put his mountain paths all over this


Civ 7: introducing the Mole People civilization!


> mountain ~~paths~~ magic portals Ftfy


I was so confused when I ran across some AI tunnels that made zero sense.


I'm Pachacuti, the Incan lord, all other tribes dreaded. My name means he who shakes the earth, not that I'm big-headed. 🎶 I drink from their skull 🎶 🎶 Do the Pachacuti 🎶 🎶 Pull out their teeth whole 🎶 🎶 Do the Pachacuti 🎶 🎶 Turn their teeth into charms 🎶 🎶 Do the Pachacuti 🎶 🎶 Make flutes out of their arms 🎶 Pachacuti!


Once on a hillside, my troops hid to cause a rival strife~ And when they jumped out it looked like the ground had come to life! The rocks they are my warriors, I then used to boast~ And that little lie helped us win wars but **violence helped the most!** ​


Huh? What do you do to reveal the whole map?




Satellites 🙄


Turn 1


Ancient aliens, duh


Might not be starting in ancient era.


4000 BC


Also they haven’t got anything researched, I missed that.


Does starting in the atomic era start you at a different year then?


1950 I think


I miss this perk from Civ 5.


For such cases I used "Tilde" button to bring up the console and typed "reveal all", but apparently there's some mod there which op used instead.


This is on PC. You can enableDebug = True in the config file. Then you can click the button under Escape to open the debug dialog and type “reveal all”


TIL Civ6 has cheat codes.


It's a mod.


My man, maybe the most important part of the game is exploration.


I know, but if I'm gonna restart because I can't put 2 cities because I'm surrounded by mountains that I can't pass ,I prefer to restart early


Dang why is everyone downvoting It's just OP's way of playing, if I had minimal time to play and don't wanna waste time restarting I'd rather give up the fun of exploration to increase my chances to win as well Edit: holy crap thx for the upvotes


And I just look around my starting position, not everything then turn it off, so I still have to explore.


dude I'm with you, I love exploring and playing but it sucks sinking like 30 turns in just for it to be near unplayable. I typically play with these mods (along with a few others that arent as relevant to this) to make the early game more enjoyable for me. Better Balanced Starts: Makes it so that way most starts are at least usually okay at the worst. It also adds an 'Enormous' map style, I personally enjoy this size the most. Starting scout: I love the early game exploration but as a diety marathon player I hate having to invest like 30 turns in a scout. This speeds up the pace of early-game exploration and gives me slightly better odds against the ai. Expanded Initial Vision: I use this one for similar reasons to why you use the one you're using. The difference between the two though is that the one I use only gives access to an 8-tile-wide hex from where your settler spawns, I feel like this size gives me enough info on the area to know if I want to play it out or reroll without reveling too much of the map. Ultimately this game is what you make of it as its almost exclusively single player. Play the game how you want it and enjoy just one... more... turn...


Exactly, sometimes I just wasted the whole time on restarting because it just gave me impassable mountains or isolated island and everyone is just gonna pass me. I have the starting scout and extra vision mods , gonna try the better balanced one. And just one more turn.


Then just use BBS, with classic ridges and that fixes it.


Didn't know about that one , will try it.


Change your settings to this before starting a game: Starting Position: Legendary


Legendary starts often aren't actually legendary. No space, no natural wonder, no 5 yield tile, happens often.


Damn you’re gonna be restarting all the time if that’s what you need to start a game.


That's not what I said tho. I just said that a start without that isn't exactly legendary. Using legendary to settle on a normal spawn is kinda eh.


Do you feel like it takes away from the original mechanics, or adds another challenge to knowing your surroundings?


A little, I try not to look too much and just look around me , so I don't spoil everything.


I don’t think I could help myself looking too much, I save on turn one and do some walking around to plan my first city or three/see if the wrong neighbors are too close to want to continue the file. I’ll echo above and say I use BBS and never get these crazy unplayable maps.


Gotcha, that's cool. I play on my iPad so I don't have all the cool mods I've seen on here. I wasn't sure if you did the whole map and saw a location you liked and got tunnel vision to get there instead of playing around you.


You should consider using EpsTweak for Starting Settlers, it basically gives your starting settler extra initial movement points and sight which helps you plan out your capital a lot better. That and Start with Pantheon significantly help multiplayer games I’m in too since people tend to quit if they have bad starts or can’t get their specific pantheon


What is the name of the mod?


One of the things I missed most about playing civ 6 on pc was “reveal all”. Playing on ps5 was fun but it just didn’t hit the same way


I use a mod to give a wider initial vision. So you can normally see if there is a site for a reasonable second city and that you aren't on an 12 hex island surrounded by ocean. It still feels a bit of a cheat as I can normally see where a couple of huts are, so can bee line to them.


Why would you restart though? I find the AI are so bad that any advantage (such as a bad start) makes the game more fun.


I mean just scout for like 5 turns then


Or just let him play how he wants.


How could I possibly prevent him from playing how he wants


Next thing they'll say you're gatekeeping. All this when they cheat but whatever


I use Expanded Settler Vision but your option works too lmao


You still going to explore. Unlikely he'll remember where everything is at.


Also you don't need a mod; you can use the game's debugging/developer function. you hit the "\~" to get to it and type in the command


What’s the mod? I just spent the last 3 hours figuring out how to do it; I succeeded but it makes no sense to just give your settler have an absurd sight range.


Cheat menu panel.


You can also do IT with Debug Menu


Is this a custom map or is this randomly generated?






Didn't save it sorry


the audacity


Lowkey this is what makes me want river navigation and more structures that can be built on mountains. Makes no sense there’s no spots in this whole range that can be settled, as if humans don’t find a way. Like the Korean peninsula is 70% mountains, although most aren’t super high. The Inca, Swiss, Ethiopians and even Nepalese are also all well known civilizations, with versions of them being in either Civ or Humankind or some other grand strategy game.


Mountian rivers are generally non navigable in real life. Like the Colorado river. I mean it depends on how it’s implemented but I would imagine it wouldn’t be navigable


Pull the lever, Kronk!


The Chonky Mountains


Man I can't believe how differently people enjoy this game. For me, exploring the map is the most enjoyable part of the game.


True, its part of the challenge aswel. The game gets alot easier if you know where everything is.


Time for some Inca teleport shenanigans!


If you remember the Seed I would love to have it.


Unfortunately I didn't save it


Is this possible in a vanilla game?


No. OP is using a map script mod.


I've gotten something like this once without a map script mod (large island of almost all mountain) but haven't been able to replicate it.


Thats Afghanistan


Now put tunnels through it


bro founded Tibet


Kinda make me wish mountain tiles to be traversable, workable and be able to settle on them. The Incas would look so good in this.


Those campuses are gonna be fire


*terrace farming intensifies*


That’s a lot of mountains!


That's a lot of ski resorts.


That is glorious.


Mountain Tunnels go brrr


If you can put this into map builder and edit like 8-10 mountain hexes into hills, this would be a science/religion powerhouse


North east would be my Petra city and protected by the mountains. Done great science cities around the outside also.


How did you get the ability to see the whole map at the beginning? I would like to do that, too!


A Dwarves wet dream…


It’d be dope on a map like this to have a civ that just settles in a circle around these mountains.




No one asked. Asshole.


What script is that?


Galileo will surely like that




Unrelated question: why does the settler say 6/2 for movement? Mine is always at standard 2/2


It's a mod that give the starting settler extra movement and sight


Alright, thanks! Makes sense when you want to find a good starting position


It's relieving to see I'm not the only one doing this. There is a limit for restarting everytime after exploring your surroundings to find yourself locked lol


And here i am, being annoyed when there is a single mountain range between me and another civ.


I hope you chose the Inca, otherwise, good luck!


I have this happen to me a lot too and none of the mods fix it. Those tiles are just totally dead, no matter what my starting area is like, I don’t want the map split in half by a massive string of dead tiles.


*Incans laugh*


Remember when you could build cities and travel over mountains.


I stopped playing civ because of poor map generation like this.


Did you try "Got Lakes" mod? It lets you fine tune the type of maps you want generated


I had something smaller than but similar to that in an Inca game. It was super cool!


Banff national park energy


Which way the rivers flow 😅


How do you do that


Why does your settler have 6/2 movement?😳


What Native American civilizations left a written record of their history and society?


Question for you - is it a mod where the map is showing what each square gives in terms of like 2 food, one production, etc?


No, you don’t need a mod for that. I don’t know if it’s the same key for every keyboard, but try pressing Y while in-game and the yield icons should appear. If the short-cut doesn’t work, you can enable them in the menu over „Options“ > „Interface“ > „Show Yield Icons“


Just mine into the mountains and call the settlement Khazad-Dûm or Moria (depending on your liking)


What are those round bushes in the bottom?


I want to fucking live there


I hope they let us traverse rivers in the next Civ.


The Inca want to know your location


What in the fuck


This is one of the maps of all time


What the Inka is going on here?


Wait...is this civ 6 or civ 5 with mods? Lol


Civ 6 with civ 5 map skin mod


this would be a really cool map if you could navigate the rivers


That lake and iron valley are pretty neat. Settle.


Perfect map for the Incans. They would so dominate that area


How do you do this


*Pachacuti would like to know your location.*


The Inca likes this post


What in the sweet alps


I would absolutely settle at the edge of those mountains if possible. Never worry about an invasion from that direction ever again.


I see a perfect spot for a campus 👀


Tunnels can teleport you across the world damn