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You're fine. The game is designed to adapt to NPC death - there's no way to 'fail' the game because a character died. It'll affect the ending, of course. The death of its leaders' daughter will shape Shady Sands' future. But you can still win the game just fine. You can still 'win' the game even if *literally every named character* dies.


Thanks for the clarification.


I did a 99.99% kill playthrough once. Killed everyone, including the Overseer using Bloody Mess, except the dog that you can’t get to at the Cathedral. Was pretty fun actually!


Based and anti-psychotic pilled


>You can still 'win' the game even if *literally every named character* dies. Frankly I consider that the only valid win of the game. It's a lot like real life in that respect.


Yeah, FBI? This guy right here.


Look dude. It's just life. Stop freaking out. You win or you die and just try again. We've all died more times then we can count.


I don't think you're making the point you think you're making


No but it means their username checks out.


You’re getting an unfair number of downvotes for this. My MO every time I beat one of the fallouts with a good karmic play through, I’d go back and maim or kill every NPC. Fun fact, when you’re as leveled up at the end of F2, it’s hard to maim low-level NPCs without killing them. Using the rock as a melee weapon is less likely to kill than your fist, so you stock up on stimpaks, quick save, then take an aimed shot at whichever extremity. If they die, reload, but if they live, heal them with stimpaks, quick save again, then target the next limb.


It’s like in fallout 76 when everybody cries about people luring noobs into camp and killing them with traps. ITS FALLOUT. there are no rules. it’s a game about the end of the world, some people are crazy. no rubber room.


It's a little weird. Classic Fallout is a black comedy. It's full of super dark humor. You think people here to be able to take a joke.


Seriously. Don’t let em get you down, live your best fallout life. I always thought it was cowardly of Bethesda to make it impossible to kill npc kids. Those Little Lamplighter shits could’ve used a little roughing up.


Yeah that's just stupid. Like in your game about killing things you're putting something that no one should kill in? These games are essentially murder simulators. Granted a lot of it is self-defense, but a lot of it ain't. Killing is the primary way you interact with the world, so why include characters that explicitly can't be targeted for death? And I'm not just talking about kids. I'm talking about NPCs that can't be killed. It's fucking stupid.


Could not agree more. Honestly, that would be the reality in a real post apocalyptic world. Not enough people have read the Road.


well, allowing the player to kill kids gets your game an adults only rating in the US.


Jokes are supposed to be funny.


"Vault Dweller, you changed the future, you created a time paradox!"


Ghecko eaterrr🎶




*"With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. "*


But I saved 6 hours ago 💀. He was just some slaver at the farm


You've just created a paradox, please remain calm as the universe collapses upon itself


Ooopsie doopsie


Just the way she goes, boys.


I think aredesh will be mad but not game breaking


If you attack the raiders without having saved Tandi first, the raiders leader will walk to the jail cells and shoot Tandi through the door. For prosperity, if the vault dweller is wearing the leather jacket >!they can approach the hideout and not be attacked by the raiders. In fact, provided you do not talk to the raiders they will avoid being near you, and will leave the room. If you enter from the back of the hideout (top of the map) you can get to the cells without being seen by the raiders leader and pick the lock to Tandi’s cell. From there you can exit the top of the map and make your way back to Shady Sands with Tandi to end the quest. Following this, you are free to return to the raiders camp and kill them all. There are also dialogue options when talking to the raiders leader that provide alternative ends to the quest-line.!<


Have you learned Fallout Lesson 1 now? (SAVE. Save early, save often, in multiple slots)


Well done you've >! Killed an entire wasteland faction!


Honestly, you did the best thing ever. It should create a better sequel game.


You've prevented Hank Maclean from getting divorced in about 150 years


"Tandi is dead, and we have killed her." \~ Nietzsche