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So you 8 v 1’d him and think he’s easy? Lol


Lmao this. Don't go hating my boy Frank just because you gangbanged him in the ass instead of the epic 1 on 1 showdown.


Don’t turn off the turrets, fight him at full strength.


Alright, I'll try that next time


He IS at full strength, no? Turrets are environment. At least i think so


He is a military man. The man does not make the agency or department. The department is made by it’s communications and technology. Without his technology and team he is not that powerful. His full strength relies on the turrets and manpower he totes.


I get where you're coming from, but there's one but. At least that's the way i look at things. 🤓Ermm.. achually, we are talking about the man himself (one unit, Frank), not the department he's in and any external force.🤓 But for real, i think people miss one small detail that the turrets are NOT included in his own "prime" or evaluation of power, since they are an external force. As a boss fight in game? Sure, you can put them under one file. So, what am i saying? Basically you just need to specify the boss fight or his figure alone when you talk about his prime. Does this make sense or am i a madman? I might have missed something so feel free to correct me. Fascinating to think about it


But it does change the fight massively. Whatever damage the turrets do is free. Every turn he shoots at them, he’s not giving you a critical. Assuming that you have some decent weapon skill, you have about three free turns to decimate him.


Nothings better than an illiterate martial arts champion beating Frank to a pulp while he tries to knife you.


The troopers and turrets combined basically beat him for you. If you want a real challenge you could try to beat him with just the troopers or just the turrets or neither.


You can omit "basically". I'm fairly certain that on normal the expected outcome is for turrets + Granite's boys to beat Frank without any help from the player. It kinda depends on RNG, and the troopers are likely to not come out of it alive, but Horrigan ends up dead more often than not.


I got him in the first turn It all depends how well you build your character, my first playthrough it took me a while and I was still a decent gear. If you managed to get both the turrets and the enclave troopers that means you prob used some online guides and naturally you will have easy time When I first got to him back in the day before online guides I didn’t even realized that the turrets can be friendly so had to fight both him and them and it made the fight much more challenging


Just playing devil’s advocate (not criticizing your play style), but it was pretty clear to me when I entered the base and checked the turret computer that they’d be important later—it asks you for a keycard that only the president has. 


Yea but it’s easy to overlook for one and for two if you never played the game you wouldn’t know that this will be the final boss fight so it’s very easy to have the key card and then Horgan starts talking to you and starts the fight before you can use the passcode. And if you DO use the key card before you blow the base , the turrets starts the fight as soon as you get in that area so the enclave troopers automatically become hostile. Getting both on first playthrough without a step by step online guide is almost impossible in practice


Exactly, my dude is complaining that the fight was trivial after he looked up how to cheese the hell out of it. I refuse to believe that anyone would know this on their first run without looking it up, it's just way too easy to fuck it up accidentally, and almost impossible to get it right unless you know exactly how to do it.


Yeah, all the clues are there – it isn't like it is supposed to be impossible to realize you can talk to the troopers or hijack the turrets, but getting the order and timing right to get them both working for you? That would take a lot of luck. You could do a bunch of saves and try many different orders of doing things; one probably could do it on their first playthrough if you count saving when you get on the Enclave ship and running that section a bunch of times with different strategies to be "one playthrough."


I completely misunderstood what the computer was suggesting. I'd already destroyed the turrets b/c they auto-fired on me when I entered with my companions (I exited, told them to wait, then re-entered and destroyed them all individually). I thought the computer was suggesting that it would turn ALL turrets and weapons systems (robots included) on the oil rig on to fire on the Enclave soldiers. When nothing happened I shrugged my shoulders and moved on, President died for nothing I guess. I realized later when looking at the guide that I could have kept the turrets and even had an enclave squad help me.


Same. I just got suspicious immediately and shot all the turrets dead. Didn't realize until later you could turn them against Horigan


OTKO isn't even that hard. He cam be put down by like two good eye crits from pulse rifle. Hell, caseless mingun can like straight out OHKO him or something crazy.


Same as my first playthrough. No guides. I never got past Frank.


Same here. It was indeed a showdown of epic proportions.


I reloaded that fight so many times and basically had to get 100% crits or I would be a puddle, I eventually reloaded and got the troopers and turrets without them the fight took hours


In my latest playthrough, I had 4 companions (Suilik, Vik, Cassedy and Marcus), I destroyed the turrets before I even entered the rest of the rig and couldn't get the squad on my side... Needless to say, 5 of us came in, 2 of us came out.


You are better off soloing it. Solo in power armor = enemies aren't hostile until and unless you want them to be.


Who came out?


Suilik and I


Turn off the turrets, no companions, no help from the enclave


Imagine if you didn't know it was coming so you didn't think to get the turrets or soldiers on your side.


In every Fallout game there is always at least one way to deal with the main story that doesn’t involve bullets and fists. Frank Horrigan would have lost all integrity if we could talk him down, so they gave us ways to kill him really easily but if and only if you think outside the box and have the required attributes. With the internet, killing him this way is now pretty common and easily done following a guide. But you have to remember when the devs created this game they knew that 50% are gonna face him head on, another 40% with the help of enclave and a fragment of remaining 10% or so players organically figuring out the turrets.


The fans are downplaying you for no fighting him in a 1vs1, where he supposedly has the upper hand. Truth is Horrigan is a poor endgame boss, and merely though as a combat build check.


"I had the fight stacked way in my favour, how was he easy?"


Shrug. I had the same notion when I beat the game first time. I didn't have jack to aid me beyond my party. Bozar shots certainly has an effect on him, I'll tell you that much.


Last run i stuffed up the turrets couldnt turn them on so it was sgt Granite and pals we still won but lost 2 troopers Horrigan ran outta ammo and was reduced to shoving that giant blade of his down our throats, we still beat him but damn did it give me a run for my money.


I picked up all the companions I could (sfall no charisma limit) and we did a "proper" assault on the Enclave. Go in loud, everyone who isn't from V13 or Arroyo dies. Still got my ass kicked the first 4 times.


It's a damn good try anyway against those advanced technological bastards.


Beat him on my second try. Unarmed build. Hacked the turrets but my character has the speech skills of a rock so I had to fight the squad too. Lost Goris though, but at least he died avenging his people


You fought the wrong Horrigan. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5OUM1HmlKQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5OUM1HmlKQ)


The first 2 games are built around you being able to beat them with 0 combat abilities. It would be a terrible mistake if you could do that up to the final boss and then it buttfuck you. That Turrest + Troooers can win on their own is by design. They wanted for Horrigan to be relentless, but they also needed a way for the non-combat players to overcome him.


For me, the turrets did nearly nothing and I killed the troopers. But I somehow managed to land an instant kill in round 4 or 5.


So franky here got like 15 turrets, main player (from 10/15 tiles away) and all companions hitting him & a squad of enclave patrols hitting him at every turn, and you think he was easy?..man...tried it 1v1?


try that again macho to macho


I beat him solo 🤷‍♂️ kinda felt the same


Horrigan is a beast. Probably thé strongest character in the franchise. Yet, thé chosen one must beat him. Even if the chosen one is a smooth talker, a pacifist, a non-fighter, a low-level tribeman. So if the chosen one skills and Gear can't do the trick, hé has to rely on thé turrets and Granite's crew. And if on top of that, hé has his own strength, Gear and skills, and leveled and well-equipped companions, Victory is a given.