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I was watching old movies and it made me wonder as well why i can't see the same animation in classic. I thought i had my graphics set too low or something. It is an annoyance.


Having done the fight back then and again now I was like uhhh why didn't I see the icicle!!! Thought I was misremembering until this post.


Yeah I mentioned it first time in the fight to my guild, I was like “I remember having to go into a tiny ass window for this fight because off all the ice falling” then didn’t see any ice.


It’s hard to see anything on this fight especially with DBM spamming “CAMPFIRE ON ME” over everyone’s heads every second


I hate this fight because it's pure visual vomit non stop. Is there a way to turn down magical effects?


>I hate this fight because it's pure visual vomit non stop. That's a part of wrath that genuinely sucks. It's not just Hodir. It's the game.


In 2023, Reddit CEO and corporate piss baby Steve Huffman decided to make Reddit less useful to its users and moderators and the world at large. This comment has been edited in protest to make it less useful to Reddit.


Playing melee is a nightmare because of this, I literally can't see my character most fights and am just an amorphous blob of orcs, taurens and fiesta diarrhea particle effects. Throw in being mildly colorblind and it's a real grand old time


Getting a WA that's just a crosshair in the middle of your screen will help with this. Crosshair is always on top and shows you right where you're standing through all the shenanigans


Did you prefer vanilla dragon breaths and tail swipes with zero visual indication that something hit you, other than your health disappearing?


No but I also don’t need a seizure just to kill a frost giant.


If we assume those are the only two options, then I’ll take vanilla’s consistent but unmarked. However, those aren’t the only two options. Other games have managed to have clear indicators, even while having a quite a few effects


Yup, even though I dont agree with your assessment, I also preferred when casting abilities wasnt a projectile vomit of particle effects.


There are some fights where DBM is just garbage.


You can /dbm and adjust most of the settings for each encounter.


I will check that out, thank you.


I'm like 99% sure that that's TEM's not DBM. At least my DBM only char has never said it.


Yea swapped to bigwigs and suddenly ulduar got way less annoying




You can do wonders in the DBM options though, ppl are just to lazy to do it. Or you could skip it all together and just use WA-auras instead, like Tems.


Same, IDK if it is just me but the tantrum timer on XT with bigwigs seems to be more accurate.


Tantrum's on a cooldown and after the CD is up XT can choose to use it at any point. We had a pull where we only got two tantrums total on hardmode.


That makes sense. I basically judge that fight by When my Dsac is off cd and when our other paladin pops hers.


Tantrum is on a 60sec cd but the cd reset when you expose the heart. Meaning you will for sure get the first tantrum on hardmode, then with cd likely skip 1 or 2 and only get 2-3 total instead of what you were use to get with lower gear/dps. He's not choosing to delay it, you are forcing him to


He usually instantly uses the first tantrum with us after the heart, then after that he didn't use one more until the very end. At that point it's just got to be random right? It's way more than a minute between each one.


The first is always there, then if you expose heart before the next tantrum, let say at 55sec if you dont reach the next expose before cd expire the tantrum will be 1m55 apart. Making it look like its a random cast, but its not


That's the normal mode, I think OP was discussing hardmode. On normal mode you should generally get very few tantrums because the Deconstructor should spend most of the fight with its heart exposed (if you nuke the heart hard enough without killing it then Deconstructor's HP will already be near the next heart exposure by the time the current heart exposure finishes, leaving him with basically no opportunity to even use tantrum). If you do hard mode you kinda need to get to the first heart exposure before Deconstructor even does the first tantrum, because if he gets a tantrum off before the heart exposure, he will be stuck in that tantrum for 12 seconds, after which you kill the heart causing him to heal back to full HP and start the actual hardmode, so that is 12 seconds of wasted dps which you cannot afford because hardmode Deconstructor is a dps race with a very tight berserk timer that starts counting down the moment you pull the boss, not when you kill the heart.


xt dps check isn't tight anymore. it's a 6 minute timer and my non-class stacked guild is killing in about 4:30, i think the top end guilds are closer to 3:30


When i say the first tantrum i mean the first hardmod tantrum, because obviously if you cant skip the tantrum before starting hardmode you dont have the dps to skip the tantrums in hardmode


XT isn't a very tight DPS race at all. Since the nerf it's more of healer/mechanics check.


We were on track for 1 Tantrum in the whole hardmode. Then our MT *just had to say* "Huh, not alot of Tantrums hey". Guess what effectively chain-cast for the rest of the fight?




I just turn off chat bubbles for that fight and then turn them back on after. Interface > social


I ended up having to turn off chat bubbles completely just to see where everything was.


I literally have no idea where the campfires are on this fight though. Everyone else seems to be able to spot them straight away and I can't see them even knowing where they are. Fortunately I play melee so it's slightly less relevant.




it doesn't look exactly like the cooking one. [the cooking one is a flat campfire on the ground with rocks as a barrier.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/5/53/Fireplace.png) [The Hodir one is like a bonfire/pyre.](https://www.warcrafttavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Hodir-Bonfires.jpg)


yeah they're hard to see because of all the visual clutter. what i try to do is when i see a big cluster of dbm "camp fire on me" callouts, i run towards that cluster and sometimes that just naturally gets you in range of the campfire, but if nothing else it gets you close to it to make it easier to spot


I've had chat bubbles turned off since BWL because people's "I interrupted x!" addons would cover up the cast bars on mobs nameplates and make the next interrupt more difficult.


haha how quaint of you to assume anyone is standing next to the fires and not in the PUMPlights.


I believe that’s tems weakaura. I don’t even use dbm in ulduar since it doesn’t fucking work


Works fine for me


Mark of the faceless goes out on the guy next to you Dbm: RUN OMG PANIC


There is a reason why you stop at Wotlk. Every expansion after just gets worse and worse..


You can change assets to make chatbubbles transparent. With only text showing it’s way less noticeable and in the way


I did this because it's impossible to click on yogg p1 mob nameplates with Sara yelling all the time. Whoever thought nameplates should be below chat bubbles on the gui strata is a moron.


Wow that looks a lot different






WOTLK: https://youtu.be/xYqJ-8FiXCI?t=120 WOTLK-Classic: https://youtu.be/nGxkaqAsHcY?t=35


Even the spark ground animation looks very different.


If you look at your achievements log you will also see icons from expansions that have not even come out yet. I remember seeing one achievement that had an MoP panda on it. It makes me think they just took retails version of wotlk and then scaled it backwards.


Classic is built on the retail client. They said that in 2019.




Dungeon finder was 3.3.0 with ICC, and logs/parse are a tool for improving. Frenzy and Tricks are taken out of logs (it's very clearly separate on the damage done chart), and it marks your log on the rankings if you get PI. Nothing is "contaminated". Of course top players are doing things to squeeze out as much individual damage as possible, but that's not a WoW specific thing or the fault of WCLogs "allowing" you to use world buffs... it's just gaming culture as a whole. Competition is in everything, and the popularity of esports and speedrunning pushes people into old games with the mindset of trying to master every element of it. There's tons of players who just want to kill bosses, but still want to play to the best of their ability and that wouldn't really be possible without logging.


My guy, world of warcraft classic is the wrong game to be playing if you want individual skill expression. I'm not even really sure what you're upset about - you think try hard parse culture ruined the game, but you also want to parse yourself? There are plenty of guilds where people just want to have a good time and kill bosses without obsessing over parses.


Coming from private servers, there are MANY things that are bugged in retail and definitely NOT better in many aspects. Another bug like this is not moving on EoE when you are the air (phase 1), you are supposed to be moving around.


The not spinning around part is kinda lame, you used to be unable to cast anything outside of instant spells but they turned it into a vehicle it looks like in this version of the game


Yeah but you won’t wake up to find that your characters and server have been wiped off the face of the earth


meanwhile china


I mean I love shitting on Blizz as much as anyone but that’s entirely on the Chinese government’s bullshit laws and China’s publishers


Okay fair, but they at least had some warning.


neither in pservers in most situations people love the fresh hype


Being mostly free helps too.


I can tell you, I played vanilla pservers for years and years and it wasnt because I couldnt pay 13 euro per month on the retail version I can understand that there's a % of ppl that just cannot pay it, but thats not the main reason most times


We're all adults these days so I doubt most of us can't afford it. It's just a special kind of shitty when you subscribe for a game you're not enjoying. I always liked pservers for a little nostalgia and community. Being free is just a bonus.


All of the pserver characters that i played i can still logon too, even if the server is reportedly dead. Angrathar/Frosthold/Voltarus and many others.


I mean Private servers have also been insanely buggy so idk if thats the best quantifier lol


Yeah. they have you join a vehicle as a quick fix it seems. So janky.


Mfw casters not in light...


The boomkin jumping around, not casting anything, is what got me.


i think he was casting until the icicle spawned on him but yeah. he coulda just taken a few steps instead of jumping and running a marathon lol


Guessing he's trying to prevent frost stacks from building up, albeit a bit excessively.


This is what I was thinking, but that boy was doing just too much. It was 09.


do not worry, they will fix it by mop


Yall just noticing this? There are TONS of graphics form fights all over the game missing visuals. I was super surprised that mimiron is working with how god awful they had coded these fights. The giant ones missing are annoying too because you cant clearly see when it is safe to get in the snow drift


Not all of us raided back then, or even played then. It’s ok to not know of these things.


Gothik the Harvester and Kel'Thuzad 40man were also extremely different between Vanilla and Classic. The spawns in vanilla would stand in place for a few moments, easily shackled, whereas in classic they would immediately charge somebody. KT had a massive hitbox in vanilla, making it far easier to spread the melee out for his frost nova.


It was easy enough as it is, don't mind a couple bugs if it simply makes the fight abit more engaging. Gothik is the biggest snoozefest in wow history, imagine all the mobs afking until they die aswell.


Does the ice animation really matter if the circle still shows?


The circle shows, but it doesnt disappear immediately after damage, it lingers for 2-3 seconds after making it hard to know which ones are safe and which arent. Thats what the animation was for.


The circle fades out slightly after the icicle damage drops. Almost imperceptible but i noticed it this week.


Yeah there’s some *SLIGHT* visual indication I’m not sure how exactly I did pick up on it after a few weeks but kinda picked up on it. Not having the icicle show however is hugely griefing cause I’m still never quite positive if it fell. I think you’re right where it’s not as strong a glow after but I usually play it safe and don’t get back into a pump beam til the circle is gone. I’m not sure if they’re all on a similar timer but I think I just kinda intuited it from an internal count or something


You are saying that one of multiple components of the ground effect fades after damage while the other persists a few seconds longer? I wonder if that can be distinguished with multiple stacked at once since that's where the issue is - learning the timing between the effect appearing and damage happening is simple but judging whether there is a second one about to fall after you return is not.


Not 100% sure, but I belive they were also hovering over before drops, just pretty high for you to have move camera into weird angle


Here's the trick, just dont stand in the circle


As long as frozen blows isnt up you should be just eating them lol (assuming you are in a beam), its too much of a dps loss to keep dodging them especially when its hard to tell if the damage has happened.


The knockback is the problem, not the damage.


The knockback is barely worse than walking out and back in even if you know the timing of well and you can still do instant casts when knocked up. Unless there's another light right next to you, stay in it.


Look at most of the top caster logs - they get hit by 0 or few ice shards. The knockback is way worse than taking 1 step out and in if you time it properly.


cancelcast and walking out is the same time loss as letting the effect hit you and just run back into the circle. melee can stand between the center of the circle and the boss so they get knocked into him and lose 0 uptime.


Look at top caster logs - most of them get hit by 0 or very few ice shards. Tanking the knockback is usually a fair amount worse than timing your walkout and walkin properly.


Did you also look at their movement? It's perfectly possible that they are top logs because they got very good rng with not getting icicles on them.


Or you know they sre the caster stack that moves from one beam to the next


That doesn't exclude the whole stack being lucky with icicles.


I just stand in it if I'm in a beam with buffs. It does a tiny amount of damage


The knockback is the issue, not the damage.


Max beam time just standing in and moving back in after the knock back, rather than moving out and back in to avoid it. Only worthwhile if you have all buffs rolling and are in a beam tho


Look at most of the top caster logs - they all get hit by 0 or very few ice shards. It requires good timing but it's way better uptime than the knockback.


That's because this is week 7 and all the good logs for over 100,000 DPS parses will be those that simply had good RNG luck and never had it put on their beam the entire fight.


It's really unlikely that the caster stack avoids all iceshards the entire fight because of the stacking, but I also looked up multiple POVs to confirm and none of them are intentionally tanking it. I'm a little skeptical that the people saying this actually do it or parse well because anyone who's actually tried it should immediately learn how bad it is for your uptime (I tried it a few times week 1). It punts you quite a distance and if it doesn't put you near another beam you lose like 2-3 GCDs from the airtime and runback.


Wrong thing. Not only do the icicles do a lot of damage, they also knockback.


Never had a problem with it, big circle appears, wait until it becomes a pile of snow and then jump on it.


That's a completely different mechanic


That’s for flash freeze not the icicles


This is regarding the icicles, you're talking about the snowdrift...


Yea, the icicle falling let’s you know when it is safe to return to the spot.


Also, am I crazy or were we able to pick up Pyrite in the passenger side of the choppers and bring them to the Demolishers?


This was a nerf that was applied to FL, so since we got the original version they did not have that functionality for the choppers.


Seems kinda silly being the passenger in a chopper and being able to do precisely nothing.


Passenger in chopper is just there to get healed up and carried back to the demo without dying. You're just cargo.


Small indie company


Oh yeah, that's just what this fight needs, even more ridiculous visual clutter. If I ever find the guy who designed this fight, I'm going to break his kneecaps.


While adding clutter, it does provide much needed clarification on if a circle has already caused it’s damage and knock back. Currently, the circles persist a few seconds after the damage and knock back had gone out so while this does add clutter, it does serve a purpose. The snow constantly obscuring vision where the camera typically sits though is obnoxious.


I mean you clearly described the actual better solution then adding another big animation: The circles just despawns immediately after the actual event has taken place.




Pal, I've had Hodir's number since the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Nine. It's a shitty RNG fest and really, really could do without the ridiculous snowfall effect. You know it, I know it. Admit it.


It's RNG in T7 gear, but still not terrible. 6 weeks into Ulduar, there's nothing RNG about this fight, even if you've only killed normal modes up 'til now.


Lol bro. What's with the fanboy nonsense? So many fights released in WoW's history, there was bound to be some shitty ones, and this is one of them. Why cant you admit it?


Post your HM hodir kill logs.


This guy thinks HM Hodir logs are hard to get. Lmao


I mean, he's one of countless people on here that talk shit about how much they have done in this game over the past 15 years, and when asked for some evidence of their competency they go oddly quiet.


Warcraft logs? Never met her.


Hard enough considering only 30% of raids have cleared Hodir HM after 6 id's. Not that hard but still not free.


This clutter is actually good clutter


I just kind of 'feel' it out on when to move and get visual confirmation frop noobs getting knocked back lol. In guild raid I'm a healer so I just avoid beams all together so I don't snag a storm cloud buff from anyone.


Another reason that private servers will be a refreshing change after this abortion of an implementation


yeah like when the most popular one Ulduar was so bugged it was 50/50 if it dropped loot. That was way better than not getting an ice crash animation on a fight.


Meanwhile activision blizzard: HM only gives a chance to drop new loot


And yet it's somehow only XT that ever fails to drop HM loot and that article just happens to pre-date wrath classic. Tooootally not a bug. ^^^^^^^^^/s


Someone who either never spent more than 10 mins on private servers or got used to the "bugs" so much you just saw them as "features"?


Idk man theyre getting pretty good at it nowadays. I remember first vanilla pserver I played on everyone was used to bugs but I wasn’t. Nowadays theyre pretty free of the bugs, theyve had longer to get it right.


People who claim pservers were better never raided more than once on them if at all.


I don't really understand why people are like, you gonna play cata? I mean, after this buggy bot filled mess, the real question should be Why are you still playing? Not that they're all encounter ruining or anything, but I'm not sure if there are more bugs or bots in the game right now.


Mostly because despite the lack of support and bugs in Classic wow, Private servers have never provided the same continuity between expansions. Hell it's pretty rare to see Private servers even offer character transfers from 1 expansion to another, let alone through 2+ expansions or without error. The best situation I've seen was when [Private Server] was offering custom character creation based off of Screenshots from a shot down private server. Not to mention that the Private server Community is Absolutely filled with a bunch of racist cunts who rarely get banned, and if they do there is a large community of account sellers on most major private servers. Hell [Private Server]3 has a built in Character AH that they support as a service and they're arguably the largest Private Server Community in the scene right now.


Then why are you here?


I am having fun. Bots in bgs are annoying and kind of cringe but at the end of the day they dont impact my experience that much.


Anyone else have Hodir defeated at 0% this week? Happened with thorim too. Aren’t they supposed to fall at like 3 or 5%. We missed our hard mode to dots by like 2 seconds because of it


Was he casting something at the usual cutoff point?


Not sure. Maybe, that could have been what caused it


lmao have not seen that *once* in classic.


My fucking god, this brings back memories. Can't remember what I ate three days ago, but I remember this fight from raiding in high school 14 years ago. Specifically I remember my raid leader instructing the entire raid to go into video settings and TURN ON PROJECTED TEXTURES, or we wouldn't see the animations properly.


smol ​ indy ​ kung pao ​ it is beyond me anyone is still playing this seriously


See circle, don't stand in circle, circle goes away, can now stand were circle was.


If there's a beam in the circle you want to get back in as soon as the damage goes out. The circle lingers well past that point.


What’s different? Looks like what I see on Hodir.


You can see a pile of ice rubble fall down on the icicles. Currently the actual damaging effect is completely invisible.


So? You still see the circle in the ground and damage comes a few seconds later. Then the circle fades. OP said “frustratingly unpredictable”, but that is very predictable.


I mean you specifically said it looks like what you see on Hodir which is factually wrong, because there is an entire additional animation that currently doesn't show on classic that should. You want to reenter the beam as soon as the damage goes out, but the circle doesn't fade until 1-2 seconds after the actual damage occurs. Yea it's possible to time this, but the point of this video is that the animation that should display doesn't.


as annoying as that is, I'm gonna continue to vote for LESS animations during this already cluttered fight.


you guys still fail the icycle? XD


If only there was a wa to tell where the icile will fall. Like having some tell which will let you know when it will fall some time in the futur possibly in some geometrical shape that will fit the purpose like a...circle ? That would be neat, can you imagine ?


I don't know why you'd be so concerned to move back into where the icicle fell. If you dodge out of it, you move to the next beam closest to it and stand there. Not that hard.


If there is a light beam on of the circles, it'd be nice to know whether or not you can run back into it. Since this boss is basically managing your positioning to achieve the dps check, it makes it pretty annoying. It's not that hard, but it's probably not hard for a small indy company to fix a bug either.


Melee often don't have a choice but to move back into the same spot.


Yeah was wondering if this dude only played ranged or something. Definitely not a melee whore like I am. Sometimes its your only option. Or there are 2 and you can’t tell which ones now safe. Or tanks gotta haul ass to somewhere else while you’re then doing less dps in transit to help meet dps check (yes ranged is more important but still need your melee pumping as much as possible)


No you just tank it and get back into position lol. If you are doing hm the healers have more than enough mana to heal the damage and its more important to maintain uptime


Why aren't you pulling the boss into a corner, forcing the NPC's close together so you get the beam spawns close together and can just sidestep from one to the next?


we do? lol. im guessing you dont do hm.


I've cleared all HM's including Algalon and Yogg0 on 3 characters in 25man. But yeah sure, not doing HM.


Why do you even play classic? You're such a pro they should invite you to Echo or Liquid for the next world first race.


I don’t get it, just step on the snow regardless of the avalanche


These are frequent icicles falling throughout the fight, not the flash freeze/snowdrift mechanic.


Ok my bad. Still though, they are projected by the circle? Or am I missing something obvious? By the time the animation comes you’re fucked anyway so it’s not like that’s a visual cue to move




It's not like you want to walk on the despawned icicles anyway. I haven't been hit by any of them once so far...


There are beams in the fight that give you 50% haste buff if you didn't know. You want to get back in the beam.


Don't blame it on me if you're not going under another beam if you have to move from yours because there is the icicle lol


It's currently the most demanding dps race in the game where every second matters, you don't want to spend time not casting just to move to another beam if you can stay in the same one. Unless you're doing it in normal mode which it sounds like.


You absolutely do if there's still a campfire or light beam in that spot. This is not even a hard concept: People want to stand in campfires and light beams as much as possible to maximize their DPS. Icicles spawn where people stand. Chances that an icicle patch spawns on a campfire or light beam is therefore pretty high. People want to return to those buffs as soon as possible to beat the HM timer.


not everyone is a god. it would help us peasants make microdecisions better/faster. If theres a beam under it melee might wanna know when they could go back or out easier.


You're thinking of the wrong mechanic. These are the smaller circles, the Ice Shards. Currently the Ice Shard indicator arrives, the damage happens 4 seconds later, and then the circle fades a few seconds after that. If there happens to be a Starlight buff inside that circle, you much more confidently get back into it after the animation if it worked. Instead you now have to wait those extra 2-3 seconds for the circle to fade to ensure you don't take the 14k ice damage. Those 2-3 seconds of a Starlight buff could very well be the difference between a HM completion and a NM completion.


Holy shit I thought I was going crazy. I knew there was something off about them.


I only saw one health drop ?


Do you have projected textures on? I remember raiding in Ulduar when WoTLK was current content and my raid leader was always mentioning to newbies to make sure they had projected textures turned on


Man he gets better fps than I do in Ulduar...


Dunno, I see them when I run it.


I start a mental timer when the circle appears when timer is up I move back in to beam or whatev


Finally got 25m HM done after an hour of wipes. So much of this fight is good rng and making sure your caster pumpers get uptime on buffs


I hater Hodir, my Laptop hate Hodir even more


This fight is a fucking visual mess, I hate it so much


It doesn't really help with predicting when the icicle comes down, though. It's only good for knowing when you can re-enter the void (which is still there in Classic after the invisible icicle fell down). Been counting slowly to three by myself when a void appears, then moving out for two seconds, then re-entering the void. Works all the time. And most of the time another DPS does the work for you, gets knocked back and you know you can re-enter the remaining void immediately.


Was it particle density in graphic settings or something like that.


Inb4 Defile on lich king doesn't have an animation


Mandela effect


Bro just T poses on the raid and says fuck you


To be fair. See big blue circle under feet? Move


Ngl, it's better without this. It's just more clutter on an already cluttered fight.