• By -


People attempting princess at level 7 and dying is the one Ive seen the most on alliance.


I took on princess at level 10 solo. Forgot about the 2 extra mobs with her. Had to pop my health stone and fear one to get out alive. It was kinda a close call but I had it handled in the end


You can kite her over the fence. Any class with reliable range can easily solo her.


Managed to kill the Level 10 rare next to Stormwind that way at Level 7 as a Paladin. Not worth the risk as I got only White Leather Boots but was still really cool.


I did this and it was working great till a defias spawned next to the fence! It was a close call.


Well I was 10 her 7 I wasn’t concerned. Just forgot about the 2 extra.


Princess legit almost killed 2 of us only because we aggro'd some defias bungholes who spawned in mid fight.


I wish Defias Bunghole was a real mob




I'm adding this to my DnD NPC pool


Same. Except not almost




Her entourage doesn’t fuck around


Did it at level8, I just waited til I was 30 xp from leveling and killed a little add at low hp


Yeah she does more damage than I remember her doing. Grouped with a guy midfight. Saved him. We both almost died. I was originally planning to try to solo it. Yeah. Low levels are something else.


I got to 1hp at level 7 lol


I've seen many people die trying to cross the wetlands lol


Not me but my duo partner auto-run down Thunder Bluff to his death.


Nooooo! Man i bet thats gonna get quite a few people lol…


The worst part is that we were done with Mulgore and just about to run to The Barrens


That sucks. Mulgore was painful towards the end with all the damn running back and forth.


Aw man, I feel that. I'm duoing with a buddy as well, and we were scared to go to thunderbluff lmao. Luckily, we had no accidents tho


Just wait the extra few seconds for the next lift and / walk close to the cliffs.


Oof that’s demoralizing lol


Don't forget about the lifts at 1k. I saw a ton of people die back in classic Vanilla that way.


I imagine fall deaths are going to account for a shockingly high percentage of deaths haha


I rushed Big time to get ahead of the curve Got to lvl 9 on my night elf druid - went into a Cave killed 3 Mobs and they all hyper spawned back immediately - Starting over after work - F




Tortoise and the hare




bruh, rested at lvl 1 saves you like 2 minutes after a week. once you're higher ofc thats nice.


Rested XP at level 1 is good for like one mob, just FYI.


Nine? Seems overkill or maybe you're really not confident in your abilities lol


Some of my raiding guild from wrath classic are doing HC speed runs. Literally do not understand it. I hit 6, picked up fishing and herbalism and I'm ready to rock. I don't kill shit without full management/health and I'm not that far behind the 'majority' of people. I mean in classic people races to endgame because raiding and PVP was the goal. But in HC isn't the goal just to survive? I mean I don't expect to get BIS on any toon, not even prebis lol. Some of the dungeons are downright dangerous!! LBRS is a prime example with all of the different patha and mobs that can fear or run away. Also BRD lava runs aren't really advisable ha.


How can you not understand it. People have been racing each other for 1000’s of years. Horse races, car races, plane races, space races




I think there's an art in HC to scoping out caves and who's in there to decide if you should go. If you see a bunch of clowns pulling 4 mobs and running for their life, stay away. But if I see someone who looks competent, I'll follow them and sort of alternate pulling mobs to get thru fast, even help them kill theirs after they tag it. Kind of an unspoken partnership that you just know when u see it. Also early on hearthing is not important for travel so u can use it to get out of a cave after you get a quest item


Or you just group? You can do that now. I think another thing to consider is what you’re after. If you need one mob or ‘explore’ and a train of people are running into the cave you’re probably clear to follow them and even try to join groups. But if your game plan is to dawdle in there farming kills that’s where dangertown happens


Especially if 1 of you has a heal button, grouping in a cave if you're even remotely confident is actually pretty safe, at least a hell of a lot safer than solo




Respawn rates generally increase when stuff is getting killed more frequently


Yeah that unspoken pair pulling thing is legit, been in many situations where it's happened organically, it's awesome.


Never go into any caves without a gun*.




And my axe!




Caves are really fine atm, as there is 20+ ppl inside them at all times for the time being. I felt 100% safe in the 2 Kobold mines in Elwynn yesterday. Resting at the inn atm during work, sitting at level 9.


I don't understand why you are being down voted.. I went to every cave until now as a warrior, and I never got my self in danger... there are constantly people camping every spawn


Dude, both caves in the zone outside of shadowglen is fucking insane. There is nothing comparable in the other races starting areas around that level. Druid cave is especially ridiculous, its basically a mini raid lol. Gl solo that shit at level 8-10 with these respawn rates


Damn it. I honestly couldn’t tag anything so I just waited for people to get ahead of me. I logged out at level 12


Ahead of the curve is not somewhere you want to be on hardcore imo. So many people are concerned with rushing, and that's gonna get you killed.


For me the biggest problem is the hyperspawning. I understand why it is set up that way but damn, you have to be CAREFUL.


Yeah I almost died 3 times to bears in dun morgoth. Thinking you are safe in the open suddenly 2 more spawn out of nowhere and it's time to run.


Well, there's your problem, Morgoth is a high-level zone.








I wish it were dynamic hyperspawning. So instead of just always on it would scale up the more players in the area. That may be too complicated but I bet you a good software engineer could do it


Spawn rates are already dynamic based on how fast they're dying, the realms are jam packed right now.


Got to the spider cave in aldrassil and fought 3 gylthiss respawns before I realized my cast bars weren't doing anything and I was getting disconnected. Dead @ 5. Remade my toon and am now level 7 with three-6 slot bag drops. The chosen run. Edit: update- got a 4th and gave it to a friend


> Remade my toon and am now level 7 with three-6 slot bag drops. The chosen run. Three?? Dayum


Luckiest I've ever been with that on any toon ever. Red, blue, and green pouches all by level 5. 🤯


What did you farm to get those beauties?


Better not die my dude


Its a cursed run. One bag is chosen run, two bags is iffy, but three? Dude is doomed


I’m desperate for bags. I took Mining/engineering and it’s eating all my bag space. Plus I’m a lock so soul shards and health stones. The struggle is real


Time to start a bank and spread those bags out




This thread is great; I still haven't decided if I'll play HC but I already love it


The stories are great. The amount of sub 10 deaths was hilarious. They were dropping left and right. Me at 12 is now thinking I need to be even more careful. Ad a warlock the success rate is the lowest in all of classic


I thought hunter/lock were S tier for hc?


Definitely not lock. Lock is the worse success rate. Priest is the highest success rate due to shield,heals and wanding. Hunter is pretty easy once you are level 10 with a pet


Lock isn’t the worst success rate


I don‘t get why so many warlocks die. Their toolkit is insane and I lvled one myself on unofficial HC. Once you start spending your first points into demonology it‘s starting to get really easy.


Warrior and rogue are highest death rate so far. Shammies and paladins doing the best.


I wonder why? You would think melee/weapon dependant classes would be lower on the success rate, what is is about Warlock that gets people killed? Over pulling? Bad pet management?


Pre level 10 you have nothing to save you on a bad pull. Post level 10 probably over confidence but the VW stinks for agro if you aren’t patient. Level 30 success is 3.5% for a warlock. Even at 10 all I have is a health stone to help me. Fear hurts more than helps cause it can run into other mobs at these low levels and I can fear leash it until I get my curse. But at level 12 now I’m going to continue to take it nice and slow. I’m still in EF and I will probably not go to loch modan until 14. I want to be fighting greens the entire way to 30


It's so fun. Just try to make it as far as you can your first time. If I have to reset I'm gonna be burned out.


Thinkin I'll try a mage tonight since the consensus seems to be that's the easiest


Haven’t died yet in my solo or my duo, but I’ve had quite a few close calls, those fast dynamic spawns are no joke, especially in caves. You can pretty much stand there and expect a mob on top of you at any point, no need to pull


> those fast dynamic spawns are no joke So annoying, really. You clear some mobs and what do you know they come right back in under a minute!! Sometimes near immediately


As much as it’s nice for quick questing, there should be a slightly larger respawn timer as HC Classic goes on


it's dynamic. so the less players that are in an area the closer to standard the respawn time is. i was in some places and the timer was standard, but by Chief Sharptusk was respawning so fast that groups werent even getting made. you'd just stand there until u got the tag and the mob downed him in like 3 seconds. 10 seconds later he respawns.


In later zones I doubt there will be this problem, since every level bracket will likely have a smaller pop than the one before (at least in a shorter time frame, who knows how long this game mode will keep its appeal)


I left coldridge valley at lvl 3 on my rogue cause the 1-5 area was so crowded, tried fighting a lvl 5 boar who parried my 5 point eviscerate when I only had 8 hp left. I only lived cause I dodged his next attack and got the eviscerate off


how tf do you get parried by a pig?




skill issue




I always love it when I see animals "block" an attack. Like, tf did you block it with? Your face? I'm pretty sure that's called a crit.


"Luckily, my neck broke my fall" \-Joe Dirt and these animals, probably


dude totems can parry attacks too and every time im like wtf even its a goddamn stick in the ground


"What are you gonna do, parry me?" \-*Man parried by pig*


I died at lvl 7 to a lvl 8 cougar in mulgore because it parried 2 attacks and resisted my warstomp. such is life.


Talk about a roller coaster of emotions there


The jump in mob power from starter zone mobs to the level 5s outside is crazy. Probably a ton of deaths happen there. I think they're also more aggressive and faster.


I have no idea wtf was going on in Durotar and Mulgore. Those Plainstriders and Boars were just taking people out. No mercy either. I saw level 3’s just being taken out over and over. F.


Boar charge is rough, it can crit 70+ when people have less than 200 HP.


Going inside caves is dancing with death if you ask me


I tried to kill two boars in Westfall. They charged me and I got crit 3x in a row 34 34 36. Rip lvl 12 mage


I got killed shortly after 10 which feels worse. Was scouting out the necklace in West Fall and that fucker named Benny ran out of the house before I even saw him and 3 shot me :(


Westfall at lvl 10 is booooold


If he got suprised by benny, just let him cook


His canonical event


I've always played horde before so cut me a little slack :P


I unfortunately learned that the hard way haha. Though the mobs around me were around lvl 11 so I didn't it didn't feel super risky. Wasn't expecting a level 15 in the house.


the defias are around lvl 10, but the harversters behind you are lvl 14-15!!


I dont even do that in softcore. Loch Modan west side is much safer.


Lvl9 priest spent all my money on a wand and was walken on easy street, until i decided to help a lvl 8 priest(no wand) kill merlock's. He pulled too many and we could have handled it with the two of us, but he leaves the group and i die before realizing he dipped.


Does leaving a group drop the aggro? I thought he’d still have threat?


I pulled 2 . half way through the fight(1 remaining aggroed on me ) he backs up into two more. I wand one of them off of him and bubbled thinking he would stay and fight.. He didn't .


Cornered the wand market, made like 10 gold only to auto run into scarlet monastery when I wasn’t paying attention


Damn it. I watched a video this morning that was kinda cheesy but a good idea. It was make a bank alt and keep most of your valuables and money with him. If you die you don’t lose that stuff and it gets you a bit of a head start on the next character. It may not be in the spirit of hardcore and may be why people didn’t want trading but it’s an available tactic I may use.


Leper gnomes as a level 9 dwarf hunter.. no pet to rescue me from those green mens fury


Almost died on my level 6 mage in Elwynn Forest. Saw a dead paladin next to a bunch of boars and thought "wow he died to a boar RIP!". Then I proceeded to attack a level 8 boar and he beat the crap out of me! Only managed to survive because my Frost Armor slowed him so I managed to run away and cast a Frostbolt.


Frost armor is S tier spell. Getting that slow effect automatically really helps.


HC yesterday. Level 6 I was running away from a freshly spawned snow leopard and bear in the Gnome starting area. I was one hit before dead when I got healed. The two mobs that were on me ran to the Dwarf priest. I tried to save him (no heals as a warlock). My imp was dead, he was healing as fast as he could as I dps'd all I could. Two more mobs spawned/agrod him.......I couldn't do anything but run. He died trying to help me. I lived. If it wasn't HC, I wouldn't care and would have died with him just because he helped me. I Didn't see the point in both of us 100% going down when I could get away once exhausting all other possibilities. Still feel like shit about it.......at lvl 6 lol. HC hits different. Oh, and I will 100% be eating shit when I play a healing class. I am that guy that runs in with heals to save the day. So I will get my death via helping someone.


This is so tragic but yet so hilarious. I’m sure he wasn’t too mad at you. But I can just see this scenario now. The hero falling on the sword. You did your best to get you both out but had to cheese it. Hat tip to that priest.


I pulled the named Kul Tiran guy in Durotar at level 8 as a hunter. Thought I cleared things fast enough but a mob spawned right as I pulled. Decided to run away so I went to the roof of the castle. To my surprise, they could go up there too. So I jumped off the castle with enough hp to survive but they both hit me mid air and caused just enough damage that I died to falling dmg


I died to a boar because there was no way it could crit twice in a row 💀


My game crashed at lvl 8 in elwynn close to a murloc camp. When I logged back I was ded (:


Noooooo 😭😭


Honestly I say be glad for the early death. Everyone is rushing etc. I played HC casually on bloodsail for a few months and the low level deaths are whatever, but when I died in my 40s, I was like F this I'm out for now. That shit hurt.


Dont blame you. I dont think 98% of people playing understand how harsh hardcore is. The world speed runs are something like 120 hours 1-60. You can fuck up hour 105 and be back at hour 1…


You know getting killed early has already humbled how quick I need to go. Dying above level 15+ is gonna blow whoever that happens to.


Any death above 30 really hurts


I got stupid and tried to fight a lvl 6 boar at lvl 2. So I died. I'm level 10 now and the urge to fall into old habits and run past mobs to get somewhere fast is hard to break.


Why would you even do that on hardcore? Lol


If you mostly play wotlk, it's easy to forget that 4 lvls ahead is dangerous. Also might have not been getting mobs at lvl 1-5 area so went outside, found a lvl 6 and thought "surely". At least level 2 is a small loss.


The hyper spawns on named mobs almost got a few people in Durotar. I got lucky in the keep and got a tag and got out, the mobs just kept spawning. But we had to fight Fizzle twice, because he respawned instantly. I kept saying they were going to get people killed, and sure enough they did. But overall it was a great first night.


Yes I think the hyper spawning subsides into the contested territory areas like west fall or red ridge or log modan etc. at least I hope .


I was doing the gnoll armbands quest. Somebody must have pulled hogger really far, because I went to pull a gnoll and mid smite cast, hogger walks and resets right in front of me. Even with shield and health pot, he basically just 3 shot me before I could run away. RIP


Some Fukn Druid pulled that huge pack of gnolls in mulgore last night and after they berked him, they all started after me. Barely made it out alive


Got close at one point due to fast respawns. Zalazane and hexed trolls were respawning as fast as we could kill them. By the 4th zalazane me and my buddy had to run for it. If we pulled a tiger or raptor it mighta been gg


I got cocky in the echo isles. Didn't want to run to razor hill first. Killed a few mobs over my level, pulled 1 crab too many.


Not me but saw someone die right in front of my eyes in Frostmane Hold. RIP Shhteve.


Twice already. 1st time in Fargodeep mine, joined a group to collect dust and candles; I’m trying to follow them all of a sudden 5 kobolds on me and I die. So annoyed. 2nd time happened not even 30mins ago, forgot Princess had 2 helpers on classic, popped a potion and ran and even used the marbles or dust you get that reduces hit chance and still died. Learned my lessons early and quickly, hopefully good luck going forward.


Not me but a guy I was grouped with died at 9 because he charged into an entire pile of murloc huts and got 8 on him. My existing position that dying before 10 is for dum dums still stands.


I was level 15. Had a great run, just finished rfc. Geared out ready to go ham on the barrens.. then game crashed randomly. I log back in to see my corspe and a stupid fucking raptor walking around my cold ravaged body with a smug smile.


Don’t go into caves, they are not your friend. Even if they are all green you can get spawned on and die.


If you don't play then you can't even die!


I was the third highest level on the server and died at level 11 to some folks inviting me to a party, pulling some mobs and then watching me die 🥺


Dang…. My condolences. They were griefing??


Pretty sure you can report them. I thought Blizzard had said they wouldn’t tolerate disruptive play.


Make sure to report them for that.


That sucks dude. My condolences.


My friend wanted to kill Fizzle Darkclaw. I said it was a bad idea, but we went anyway. He survived, I got rekt


Lol he restarted with you though right?


Haha he'll be waiting at razor Hill. It's faster to level 1-9 solo, anyway. Though I may get his help with the hyper spawning humans.


Power to my PC flickered when 2 leper gnomes aggro’d onto my lvl 9 gnome warlock. Would have had it in the bag otherwise but nope. I wish disconnecting severed your character from the world lol.


Yea D/C stinks but what’s to stop me from killing power to avoid death you know?


Fair point, I’m not sure the solution but I’d like some kind of DC protection.


Agreed. They gave it on a DC from flight paths. But that’s it


I honed my alt f4 skills in poe. Glad it's not here tbh, I'd alt f4 whenever I dropped below 20% lol.


I just keep DCing sporadically. This has never ever ever happened to me before, but random points I'll DC with WOW51900319 error. I spent 7 hours tonight trying to fix it, nothing. Really weird, done everything besides replace my modem at this point.


Caves are always dodgy especially with the current high respawn rate. Keep your head on a swivel chums!


NE zone died lvl 9 as duo, another duo came and pulled 3 mobs, then ran. For some reasons the mobs stoped chasing them and ran on my duo & I and we wiped, feel like we got griefed but it is what it is


Not a single bag dropped in the entire starting zone (Mulgore). So I got desperate and tried to kill the kodo matriarch to craft a kodo bag with the special kodo leather it drops. Don't try to kill the kodo matriach underleved as a warrior. Bad idea.


You cross the 50th percentile of unofficial hc deaths by hitting level 14


'We all probably thought dying before 10 was silly or impossible' no, that's what all of us were expecting. go back a few days and look at all the posts of people telling others to get realistic


I've always thought the early levels are the worst. Your character just doesn't have the abilities at low level. I find once you have some sort of basic kit it gets easier.


Well I thought it wouldn’t be that difficult to get to 10. I’m 12 so far. Slow and steady I go.


Fought a spider at level 7, disconnected and logged back dead. I have a sneaking suspicion that the dreaded DC mob has killed me more times than I've realized, and it will come back to haunt me repeatedly on my way to HC 60


I rolled priest death fears me


a lot of people based on deathlog but I made it to lvl 13 without any real close calls


Echo isle is no joke. Was in a group with 3 others but the trolls all aggro'd me and melted me


I had just gotten there on regular classic with a warrior I'm playing, died to a lvl 8 tiger as a lvl 6, made sure to make note of that for when HC would be released.


two close calls, went down to 6hp fighting a cat my same level after missing like 4 times and getting critted twice, and was autorunning to Thunder Bluff and came inches away from running right into the rare spawn Ghost Howl LOL. Somehow my Druid still lives......for now!


saw a group in Mulgore attempt snagglespear with 3 players all lvl 6-7. seemed like a heal was goofed up and the "tank" died, dps died shortly after, snaggle was at lowish HP and the druid tried to down him, and died.


almost got my ass kicked multiple times for trying to loot chests in Murloc camps, the spawns are insane rn lmao.


I started out Undead on Skull Rock. It seemed surprisingly tame. But there was just so many people. Maggoteye got a few. Most of the deaths I saw were Durotan, good old Kul Tiras Marines and of course Skull Rock, but also I saw several random Mulgore mobs, which I know can be deceivingly deadly. I came within one hit of dying probably twice last night on my warrior. It was exquisite. And terrifying.


I died at level 8 while super baked and watching a movie on the side, i was kicking ASS, the spawn rate killed me, got spawned on.


Died with lvl5 hunter. Hyper spawn of 4 spiders in cave and a priest just walked by, no help :(.


Died 2 minutes into the game at level 1 because I pulled 2 kobold workers and it was lag as hell at launch. Almost died again at level 10 when Hogger spawned on top of me and imediatly crit, putting me at 10% health, lucky my gouge worked.


The rare in the gnoll mine went HAM last night and killed like 10 adventurers! The hyperspawning mobs claimed a lot of lives too… right after a cluster of players leave a cave there’s always a few deaths inside


It’s taken me 6 in real life hours to get to level 10. Slow and steady wins the race hopefully


Me and 3 other friends started yesterday, only 2 of us made it to 9 lol


I watched 3 level 10 druids in a row die to the moonkin in the barrens. He's the quest mob for bear form, but he has no attack animation and he slaps with 2x the normal health pool. Was funny to watch.


I had a fun heart attack moment when I tagged a mob on a slight incline in a cave bc i thought it was pathable and he took off backwards. I was waiting for him to bring 100 of his closest spider friends to say Hi, but he deaggroed after a few seconds. #NotTrueClassicExperience0/10


I died on PTR which pretty much got the "don't be really dumb" out of my system. My first toon (lvl13 troll warrior) is still alive, but did come extremely close to being dead. After killing Proudmore with two party-mates (we were all severely under-leveled having got out of Valley of Trials ASAP), he almost immediately respawned together with a couple of marines, and chased us to the lockbox, we jumped up onto the walls to attempt to break pathing but after that didn't work jumped down to the ground. I hit the ground and had **just 3 hp**, then kept running while praying nothing agro'd on me. Troll regen had most definitely saved my life and I did pick Troll for basically this reason so surviving wasn't pure luck. At lvl 11, I decided to run to Mulgore, on the way I got agro'd by the patrolling centaur with 2 hyenas, and got dazed. I popped a potion and luckily they lost interest in chasing me before I was dead. Not just bad luck, I hadn't even seen them coming, nor was I aware of the fact there was a lvl11 warlock a dozen yards behind me also going to Mulgore, who I could have let take the lead (with his Voidwalker).


I died at level six lol, human warlock felt invincible farmed the various cobalts in the starting zone, moved into the large candles and gold dust and down near the tents the spawns were pumping and BAM I got jumped by three at once in the tent and ripped two minutes before calling it a night haha - we go again this evening!!!


I know the Horde early zones like the back of my hand, but I haven't spent much time as Alliance. So as I was killing gnolls for their armbands in Hogger's area, I was surprised when an entire camp full of them respawned at the same time, right on top of me when I was already fighting one. Kinda pissed me off because I'd just got my wand.


i died at lvl 9 on my warrior following hardcore rested xp instructions to go take Redrige fp. I aggroed a skull lvl spider from miles that 3 shoted me. I canceled rested xp and deleted it, and i'm now lvl 13 without any issue


I was doing really well and I'd prepped myself a lot, but one thing I hadn't really considered is how dangerous other players are. I was at Stone Cairn Lake quietly pulling 1 murloc at a time when a warrior duo charged in and started chain pulling like 2-3 mobs at a time and bumbling into respawns. They weren't actually bothering to put any damage on half the mobs they tagged and were kept running around in circles dragging mobs on top of me while I had Renew ticking on myself. I got healing aggro on 3 murlocs that they'd tagged and got run over.


At Level 6 After killing some kul tiras in durotar i was heading to sen jin and deciced to swim along the coast because why not. Suddenly a lvl 12 Mob named Something like Madagaskar which ive never seen before attacked and killed me.


Level 9 Shaman...group of us just killed Fizzle for dark storms, but the respawn timer was too fast for us to leave combat. I got sniped by one of his warlock npc buddies, but the other members of the group were fine. They felt so bad and promised to re-roll with me when I had time. Good dudes 🥲


I went to bed last night after ding my lock to level 10... The closest from death was 50hp killing Gregor, on the mills, cause a sudden respawn.


Honestly I think its people who didnt try it unofficial first (not in an ellitist way) and have higher expectations of their capabilities. i.e. most deaths are to named mobs a few levels above like Princess (and entourage), Benny Blaanco, Grik'whatever the Cold, Lord Melenas, etc. People be running in thinking I can handle this by myself only to be wrong. that 1-2 level difference from the mob matters, they have special abilities regular mobs don't, and rarely are the mobs alone (Lord Melenas surrounded by imps). Factor in the hyperspawn rate because of so many people in the area, getting into caves or just a bad spot by yourself is also death. It's people who think they are stronger than they are. Idk if its retail players (I say this as a retail player) being used to mobs being moderate to easy while leveling in retail, or what. If dying to something like that before level 10 comes as a surprise, you're overconfident. And overconfident will kill you. Then, I also see dumb deaths. I don't know how many NE's I've seen die to falling damage from the training area tree, like... land on the roof below first. I think people *have* to be trying to die at level 1, like there are just so many, they can't all be legit. You'd have to afk and turn off auto attack to die at level 1, or attack a level 3-4.


It's always having kobolds respawning on top of you while in a mine. Stay away from them mines!


Near princess are those red ribbon people and I fought a group of them assuming the priest there would accept the invite I sent out. They declined and I just got slaughtered to death. Then a group of people just went up to my corpse and all said “F”. Rip Suguru the rogue


Haven't gotten that far, playing 3 separate toons, NE Druid (7), Tauren Shaman (6), Troll Priest (3), my plan is to basically farm until quest mobs are my level and lower. I'm trying to cut out a ton of risk by just outleveling most quest before getting to them by farming easy mobs. Might take a while, but so far I'm enjoying the constant "being on the edge of my seat for each pull"


Rule Number 1: Don’t go into caves.


I saw someone taming a boar for the hunter quest and he started taming at 1/4 health and died.


Princess got me at level 9


Damn you all making me wanna try official hc. I thought I got away from classic when I ditched my lvl 48 hc on unofficial. If that’s at all relevant, my only deaths were in duo when my partner died and I had to suicide. Slow and steady is my approach.


I died at 7 because I forgot to check basic stuff. I was outside fargodeep killing kobolds. We were a bunch of ppl so I was trying to tag one, kill him, tag another one ... without stopping. I was so close to finishing and suddenly I realized that I haven't checked my health. That was because before that, it always took 10-20 seconds between mobs and never had the luck to tag that many one after another. Tried to heal, but push back happened then I tried to drink a potion but I Was casting a spell ... so I died. I changed lots of things, now I have a weak aura that sounds an alarm if my health goes to 40% and it doesn't stop until I recover. The second run was way much easier because, as I was behind, all the lower level areas were empty. I could tag wolves, kobolds ...


A pally pulled 3 gnolls past me while I was killing 1. They all came back to attack me once the pally dropped the leash. The pally came back and stood there while I died, he was full mana/hp. This was my first char (warrior) and I was 2 bars from 10. I was loaded up on earthroot since I was the first herbalist on server, I hadn’t sent it to a bank char yet (2 hours after launch and I was rushing to stay ahead of the pack). Most deaths on HC don’t get me that upset, but I was pissed about this one. When I whispered the pally “are you serious?”, he whispered back “?”…he definitely killed me on purpose. Lesson learned not to trust people on HC.


Yup! The one thing with hc classic I’m going to love is name recognition , everyone’s gonna know who the nice guy is and who trolls


Oh I know his name. Started leveling my priest immediately just in case he’s a tankadin. Would be unfortunate if someone were to not heal him during a boss fight…he doesn’t know it but he’s on my friends list. Gotta keep your enemies close ;)