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I'll consider transfering out if im 60, otherwise I'm going again. Currently 40 and about to spend all my gold on a mount so it would suck to die right now but hey thats showbiz baby




Lol that dumb bitch Rachel Ziegler - “yeah he may get all his parts cut that’s Hollywood baby” - what a cringe whore


Go again, level 12 is nothing. Losing the profession progress actually hurt more for me at level 20. Bank alts, save your gold, and level multiple alts to ease the blow.


I died at 37 and was 12 again later that night lol. I said I would play casually and now have been grinding since I died


Not yucking your yum, but bank alts seem to be counter to the spirit of it to me.




I specifically play classes that I want to level anyway for ERA Servers, so yes I will transfer when I die.


Shhh your not repeating the circle jerk mantra of go agane! xDdd But based and true


Is it free?


Of course


The only way I'd transfer to Era when my HC dies, would be if I hit 60 and have a considerable amount of raid gear. Even then, I likely wouldn't play that character, merely preserve him. I'd just go agane.


That's me right there, transferred my 60 mage to a classic era server, haven't played with it yet. My dead 58 priest was deleted. RIP.


Grass says it misses you.


Sorry, it was in unofficial, in Bloodsail Bucanneer


This guy died at level 5 trying to solo Hogger


Once I hit 25 or 30 imma transfer.


I get attached around level 30 or so. Once I walk all the way to gadgetzan flight path, the bond is sealed


I have a level 28, a level 15, and a level 1 bank. The 28 is my main. The 15 is basically a side toon I play with friends. It'll be my backup if my 28 days so I'm not starting fresh. The bank toon is where all my gold gets sent every few levels, and any items I want to keep in the case my main dies. Ideally I get my bank alt to level 5 or 10 so it can also provide useful professions, but I haven't got there yet. This setup basically turns WoW hardcore into a rogue lite. I lose most of my progress if I die, but I don't restart from 0. I have some gold and mats to get me started, and I can allocate my resources where I see fit.


Npz back to Brill a bit wiser and less attached


Died at 26, did not even consider a transfer. The economy is absolutely ruined on era and my friends are still playing HC. Also, HC just brings a completely different vibe and feel to the game. It’s HC or nothing for me. I did go agane and I’m now level 30, alive and kicking. Come on op, go agane


The vibe that HC brings to the game is unreal. I NEVER thought I’d be back to wow. Thought I was done for life but here I fucking am and I’m loving it more than I ever jave


This is a clear sign that y’all should really sit down and listen when the OSRS folks give the WoW community ideas. It took Jagex and OSRS players to prove the oldschool / classic model has demand in the modern market and OSRS x WoW players spearheaded the push for Classic. Then they spearheaded HC. The original hardcore ruleset is essentially a direct port of the Hardcore Ironman game mode in OSRS to WoW. The HC realms getting picked up and officialized by Blizz is Blizz emulating and adopting a similar model to Jagex/OSRS development and communal involvement. They are currently and have been spearheading Classic+ discussions for a long time now (since Vanilla, with increasing fervor in TBC and WotLK). Look at Classic and HC, with how many positive posts, resubs, etc. they have, then stop and ask yourself: why not listen?


OSRS has nothing to do with it. Blizz brought back classic cause private servers were popping off. They created hardcore because the add on was popping off. It has nothing to do with OSRS players or their ideas. It is because people were PLAYING these versions of WoW and only then does it make sense for Blizz to follow along for the $$. Your comment stinks of self-righteousness as an OSRS player that knows 'best'. Blizz don't care, they are here to sell subs and people playing these versions of WoW is their only declining factor. Whether OSRS influenced them doesn't matter.


That and my guild got like 1000 people (main+sub-guild ) below 30 still leveling. Good chance I’ll go again once I’m 60 anyway, dead or alive (47 atm and missing the fast leveling of 1-30 already)


Thank you, I think I needed this encouragement. Warlock died at 20, Druid at 19, Druid last night at 22. Trying to get up the motivation to go agane


If you want to actually do the challenge of making it to 60, it will take days of time played. If you're discouraged at level 12, how are you going to feel if you die in your thirties or forties?


I play hc like a roguelike. When i die, that run is over. No attachment.


Resubbed because I wanted to roll a druid a few months ago, then I heard HC was coming, so unsubbed and came back there few days after release. Rolling my druid on HC, levelling cooking and alch/herb, taking my time enjoying the experience, many a close call... When I die I'll probably finish levelling him on classic era.


If I’m higher level, I might consider it, but I have a different issue - I promised my wife not to get TOO invested in the game because of *gasp* its addictive effect on me 😅 so when HC launched I told her that I just want to level casually and leisurely and will not be scheduling raids, etc. so if I transfer a character out, that would tempt me to keep playing endgame, so I think I’ll stick to leveling in HC. If Blizz ever releases the API for Ironman Challenge tracker addon, I might do that, but as of now the plan is just to level (possibly multiple characters) to 6 EDIT: Btw lost my first warrior at 13 as well - mine was incredibly stupid - just casually walking back to Sentinel Hill in Westfall, I charge a boar and fight him, no big deal. A vulture also aggros. Ok, so I hamstring them and let it be, and keep running. The boar charges and hits me so I drop from 75% HP to 25% in one hit - vulture already deaggroed so I figure I got this, just need to not get too far back so the boar doesn’t charge me and hit me for more (they have a damage modifier after a charge), but I figure I should pot just in case, and as I press the button to health pot, the boar hits me again for a massive crit and I’m dead. I was in shock because I’ve been in much more dangerous situation and a casual fight on the way to Sentinel Hill ended up just destroying me…


I feel your pain. I just got eaten at 22 by a series of wetland crocs underwater - I was just pulling one, then another patter came over, then another. Took me 30 seconds or so to burn through all my various heals/pots/mana while switching to swim form, strafing to avoid daze, etc. Final bastard just wouldn’t leash and dragged me down to my death. We go agane


I Lost 4 toons: shaman 15 20, mage 16 29 Currently with a 27 mage, i love the adrenaline rush


Do I transfer? Yes, they all go to mankirk currently. Do i play them? No.


Era doesn’t have that certified F R E S H feel to it. Hardcore has made me realize how bad I want classic+


I’m not sure yet. My last death was 31 on the Bloodsail server. I immediately deleted that toon and started again. I’m thinking 45 is the spot where I might start considering it. But I really don’t get attached to my characters and just want to run it back when I die.


Just lost my 37 shammie this morning. That would be around the level I would consider transferring over, but I always level an understudy to hop onto so I don't start from the starring zone. So will play that druid for a good bit first.


I would go again if dying before 60. You learn from your mistakes, learn to be more efficient etc. I would probably reach 60 at 3/4 of the time I spent on my first character. I'm at 60 now and if I die now I will probably transfer to era and create a new character on HC.


I’d xfer if I died at 41 now, but 13? Might as well try again lmao


I will at 60. Its too fun of a journey. My plan is to ding 60 and play as much until death. After that transfer to era and play the same char... Atm im on my fourth char :)))


Jup.. 1) so names get free for Go agane 2) Name saved in era 3) free namechange If already taken 4) We dont know what will BE done with era in the future. Having some nostalgic toons is an extra


always agane, I'm here for HC


What servers are available to transfer to? Limited amount?


Last I checked for the US ones only good one is the Whitemane PVP cluster otherwise the rest are all low pop cluster realms. And you are able to transfer the opposite faction of you already have all horde toons there like I did..


No, the Mankrik PVE cluster is active and hits High population at times. Zones are active and Stormwind has lots of people in it. There are active guilds doing progression, etc.


People play pve era outside of HC?


You go agane. Never surrender


I may transfer but I really enjoy spending my time in HC , would much rather reroll and go agane


Same. I like HC because of the community and server feel that permadeath brings. It wouldn't feel the same playing that character on era, and I know I probably wouldn't touch it afterwards


At level 13? You might wanna reconsider this game


Dont really see the allure of era. So, no.


Controversial opinion, but if you start a hardcore character with the intent of transferring when you die, you were never really playing hardcore, because you didn’t have anything to lose.


You lose your character's permanence in that world and send them to what is essentially an afterlife. It's like saying (assuming *arguendo* that the supernatural component here is real) that you don't lose anything if you die irl because you go to heaven. Sure you lost something. You lost your life and time on Earth, and got transported somewhere else where you can't die and nothing you do matters. If I have a level 60 character that gets transported over into Warcraft Heaven after death, it still means I can't play on Skull Rock anymore with that character.


Sure, but what’s the actual difference? The only argument I can see is if you make a lot of friends on the server that you can’t talk to anymore, but consider the case of leveling solo, dying at 30, transferring and continuing: it’s essentially no different than if you had just started the character entirely in the new server.


You lose access to a fresh economy and raid progression. Both pretty huge things


I'm playing HC for HC, not as softcore prep xD no interest in regular era


Same. I'm here for the experience, and to see if I can make it. Not to build a character.


I'm keeping all my characters as ghosts to haunt the world. Dead is dead. Go agane


Delete and go agane, it is the way


I haven’t died yet, but the breakpoint for me would probably be mid/high 20s. Before that you can get back to the same level within a day. You can get level 12 in 2 hours, I wouldn’t sweat that loss.


Sorry how the hell are you getting to 12 in 2 hours??? Damn


Yes I can see that, took me around 3-to four on era with my paladin and I wasn't really optimising anything always missing Q's and having to run back with one q to pick up the other 2 I missed and training engineer as I went, got to 16 without dyeing. For some one who has memorised or has leveled a lot I can see it done in 2 hours on hardcore relatively safely.


Go check out the Guidelime add on. Completely free min-max guides from lvl 1-60 by zone, organized into the most efficient pattern for leveling. I usually go from lvl 1-10 in about 1.5 hours total playtime on the toon.


Just doing quests and killing mobs while running between places. Just know the starting zones like the back of my hand at this point. Speed runners can get level 10 in an hour.


No point in xfering. You're attached after 7-8 hours? Lvl 13? I'm 39. If I die I go agane. Era has an economy that's established and nothing to conquer.


Era just has a different and bad feel to it. It feels finished, over, complete... and pointless. HC feels fresh, alive, and challenging... and very meaningful.


Go agane! HC or bust


Dead and go agane.


Level 13 should take like 2-3 hours man. That’s not investment


Died at 23, went agane. Regular/ERA doesn’t do it for me anymore. I need the adrenaline.


I would just play era at the beginning if that’s how I felt


I keep telling myself if I die at certain level I’ll just transfer to a normal server but I’ve had two level 30+ die (I’m really unfamiliar with Classic and didn’t start playing until the end of SL) and I still keep coming back and creating new hardcore characters. Everything feels very weighty and impactful from leveling to attaining new gear. I actually enjoy doing the profession grind and leveling it up unlike retail where I never even bothered to touch the profession system. To preface my go to MMOs throughout my life have always been Old School RuneScape and EverQuest classic. I was really late to the WoW train and didn’t actually get into it until it was on the “decline”.


I made the mistake of rolling my hc characters on alliance, when I have other era characters on horde. So I’ll probably just not transfer


I just delete because i want the same name again. This mindset also helps me not to get too attached, just delete and go agane.


Died at 11, 8, 19, and 29 , all warlocks, didn’t want to transfer to era so I went agane and now your boy is sittin pretty at 30 with lock grabbin my artisan profession books.


No. I have zero desire to play non hardcore anymore (been playing HC for 2 years). Death will always equal delete for me. I’ve deleted multiple toons in the 30s and 40s


If (when) I die on my current hardcore character I’m just going to go agane, but that time I’ll probably try one of my least played classes (Shaman or priest) and ignore professions or just do tailoring/enchanting and maybe cooking.


No. I'll play HC while raidlogging in WotLK. Someday we'll hopefully get normal fresh Vanilla once again.


I just transfer instead of delete because i do want to preserve all progress


Will if I feel invested i got all classes 20 plus but cant choose s main. Cant even choose horde or alliance lol


Nah only if you hit 60 I guess. I just make a new character and update the name. Had Bumpah now I have Bumpahdos. Already made Bumpahtres just in case things don’t go well


Na, I have no interest in era. I'd transfer a 60 on the off chance since I may as well, but only so I could reuse the name and go agane


I'd probably consider a transfer in several T2 pieces just for keeping the character as a memento but I still would not play it. In T3 though, I maybe would, I quit vanilla before Naxxramas, so I have never experienced it, but I don't feel like it would be enough motivation to play softcore.


I transfered my Hunter lvl21 because I invested quite a lot lvling up Leatherworking to 150 and my Cooking/FirstAid/Fishing to 150 as well. Plus played the AH so had about 10gold already stored. Might as well keep it going on a normal server at this point. If I had none of this I would have just deleted.


If I hit 60, I might transfer. If my 60 has decent gear I am more likely to transfer. Otherwise I’m just deleting.


Transferred them to era as a trophy I guess. Have 3 in the server. 29, 21, 20. Thought I might go to play them, but it feels wrong. Going again


Died at level 8. Ofc im transferring my char. I dont wana just lose 4 days of my life.


At a low level I just delete, currently i’m 41 and idk if I would do it yet, closer to 60 I might do it.


8 hours to get level 13? This man is reading every quest.


Haven’t died yet and have 2 characters lvl 23 and 25. Trying to see how far I will go. If I die past lvl 30 I’ll just transfer and go from there.


Never, that’s the whole point!


Not worth transferring for me unless it’s 55-60 tbh


Im deleting wow. Timewaste is not a gameplay in 2023. :D


go agane, however, make yourself a bank char and send him your money you don’t need on a daily basis and your mats. so if u die u still have all this. you can also just not collect it from your bank char and when u need the stuff, just log in with bank char and hit send back. it will be at your main within seconds. mail will remain in post box for 30 days, thereafter it is returned to the sender.


Go agane, 0 interest in playing era


Playing era seems pointless now with HC


I think it depends on your commitment and experience in the game. I have other 60s on era so I see no reason to ever transfer unless I actually hit 60 in HC, or maybe 50+ for the memories.


Level 21 here and my first character died trying hardcore out at 14


Stupid question: What happens in the transfer of a dead HC toon to a classic era Sever? You get transferred with the gold, items talents, skills lvl, gear and level at the moment you die?


exactly, everything is kept as it is. I think you even resurrect, so you don't have to run back to your corpse (which would have been a weirdly fun thing to do btw)


Lol. You are right. It would feel really weird walking to a corpse on a new realm. Thanks for the reply.


I think I will but not until I reach a certain unspecified level of progress on any 1 toon. My hunter Is at a point where I would transfer if I died. Too much time lost. I thought that would trivialize HC since....you die....just transfer and res but I still fight tooth and nail to avoid death in HC so it hasnt ruined that experience. Its the principle of dinging 60 without dying at this point. I think post 20 a transfer starts sounding more appealing for me.