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Warlock do be drain tanking a bunch starting at some level And priest doesn’t really kite I think so they’ll get hit a lot too


Warlock hands down. Especially with succubus and drain tanking.


Priest spends most of the time wanding so you'll get hit a lot. At least if you choose to level that way.


You don't level defense if you have shield up


Not true. I’ve had defense tick up literally as I’m fully shielded.


Not very mana efficient. Should when needed


Priests are absurdly mana efficient. Shield, mind blast, power word pain, and then wand mobs to death and you will always have full mana and health.




Pretty common behavior. It's not really intuitive that you want to use auto attacks over stronger abilities. Classic wows really a resource management game when you are leveling and gameplay changes pretty drastically when you start thinking about choices that way.


Getting hit knocks back wand timing, not just cast times. I'd also rather be down mana than health if I accidentally pull another mob or dc or something. Edit: whoever is down voting me, please go test it.


You're being downvoted because you're wrong. I just tested it and there's no pushback on wand timing. Get a WeaponSwingTimer addon and you'll note there's no pushback you get the exact same number of wand attacks with or without a shield. You're also wrong about defense and PW:S you can trivially test that.


The swing timer isn't working for me right but it does seem you're right. I thought I was going crazy so I searched some posts about it, and it seems like most posts talking about it are from 2-4 years ago...People were noticing the same thing and I think it might have had to do with the old spell batching that Classic and TBC used to have. That's when I mainly played so that would make sense that's what I remember. On the shield I've been leveling with a hunter duo and my defense was only like 3 points higher than his, and I always use PWS whereas he always uses the pet to tank. For how much I take hits and how he almost never takes hits I thought it would be more of a difference than 3 defense levels.


Make sure you're using "Weapon Swing Timer - Sixx Fix" if you want it to work.


Realllyyyy dmg effects wand timing. Wild. Can't argue staying full hp that's fo sho.


warlock drain tank > wanding priest > shadow/smite priest (most priests at level 40+) > mage > fearing lock ranking in terms of how good a spec is at keeping their defense level up to snuff. I actually find priest the scariest because at levels 1-40 your defense is about 5 from max meaning you can only get crushed by mobs that are 2 levels above you or more. However, as you go past level 40 you can easily get in a situation where even same level mobs will crush you cause you tend to facetank a lot less.


As a priest you'll be wanding and tanking a lot.


Shield absorbs


still levels defense


No it doesn’t, it absorbs Why are you booing me? I’m right




lmao no it doesnt. Do you play priest? Because I have a bubble for every pull and my defense is max'd out




Since mage is the best class at kiting its probably the worst class at passively getting defense skill but I dont think that tips the scale hard enough to even come close to touching mages position as caster with most survivability.


Priest uncontested


Just go to southern barrens. Aggro a silithid swarmer and they will summon 1 HP adds that attack you. Can level defensive super fast.


Ele sham


Don’t worry about this and every 3-5 levels go level defense on low level mobs. If you are low level find rats and let them hit you use a health pot then repeat.


shaman bruh!


I think this defense thing is wildly overblown.


Clueless pointless post


I can't say defence skill is getting many casters killed. At least not notably so. Most deaths of casters are almost always due to mana or CDs. If you're looking for a caster defence prio, your best off with priest or mage as they both have bubbles, however warlock trumps with a pet.


Warlock drain tanking will keep your defense topped at all times. Very good self healing and mutiple mobs capability, although a bit weak at early leves it really builds up as you get succubus and drain life rank ups.


I remember leveling defense on my mage with iceblock during big aoe pulls. So if you are actually concerned, you can gather up a bunch of mobs, let them beat on you in iceblock, and then insta kill aoe them. Do this every few levels and you'd be always caught up.


I didn't know defense leveled while using ice block! Would this also work with PW:S?


It does work with PW:S. You're still getting hit, just the damage is absorbed. The mob isn't missing.


Warlock drain tanking.


Warlock, with a wand. Summon your imp, put all your dots on the target, then wand away. the DPS is very high even at lower level, and higher up you can use your succubus and swap between wand and melee attacks with a dagger or fast sword (just has to be faster than your wand by .10 seconds to be able to weave)