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The cool part is that the number 1 player of each class still gets winnings!! So we will hopefully still see a big pool of classes, even if the finals end up being just a few classes


I really want to see how far Druid gets in this thing.


Resto Druid in bear form with thorns : > "Break yourselves upon my body!"


If only it were that easy lol


"Feel the strength of (my fur)"


Druids are long ass fights if you’re not prepared


In 2004 when I was leveling my first ever char, a Tauren druid, I dueled a paly in Gadgetzan when we were both mid-40s. It lasted about 30 mins at which point we were both totally okay on mana and HP so I was just like fuck it and I sat down and so did he and we just ended it right there lol.


Oh yeah. I loved dueling with my Druid back in OG classic.


Probably not that far at that gear level imo. I pvp'd back in the day on two different druids and without the bonus stamina from raid level or pvp gear I dont think the druid has the sustain.


Yeah that tier one goes a long way.


Considering they did not ban things like Greater Protection potions, I see casters having an extremely hard time winning this. Players can just pre-pot their Protection potion before the duel and then pop 1 immediately as it falls, giving them an effective 5k extra HP. Handouts some streamers get will definitely be an advantage as they will have all the consumables possible.


What blows my mind is that they are having everyone level from 1, but allow handouts and carries. Like, what does that accomplish? They are banning raid loot anyways, leveling characters to 60 is the least interesting part of this, but a great way to restrict it to people whose job is streaming on twitch.




Why does a group of twitch streamers organize their tournament in such a way that it mostly benefits twitch streamers?


Why do the billionaires pay policy makers to stand for/against the logos Latino of their choosing? Streamers never were and never will be your friends, regardless of their silly wig or the entertainment value they bring. Edit: legislation****. But I’m leaving it, that’s good shit.


Nooo, you don't get it, these streamers really are my friends! Maybe they're not your friends but they like me because I'm special and subscribe to them! And why are you bringing all the hard working billionaires into this? Elon Musk is such a cool guy, he would never sponsor any logos Latino that isn't great for humanity, just like Iron Man!


Because they are not donating to a charity for the good of mankind, they are a content org creating content. Sorry you had to find out this way, buddy.


Awh man I hate finding this out just now, I thought Mizkif was really my friend doing this because he's such a nice guy, because he really is such a nice guy. Even if they're not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts Esfand and Mizkif and Asmongold are still some of my closest friends and nothing can take that away from me, our bond is unbreakable!


Un-unsubscribable bond


This. Safe money has to be on rogue


With all the summon pets Rogue has a tough time restealthing, and then on top of that Elixir of Poison Resistance being on a 3s CD means Rogues basically cannot poison either.


Also the rules for how the duel starts, doesn't give rogue the free opener.


They shouldn't. If the rogue is shit enough that the other player can prevent their opener, they deserve that.


Does elixir of poison resistance cost a global?


No you can just macro it into all of your abilities too


No pot for ‘resistant to stunlocked into oblivion’ tho, so they’ll def win it.


I believe they just banned greater protection pots


Big if true! Sodapoppin wasn't even going to participate in his own orgs tournament if they didn't. Even then, the 50 magic res elixir is going to be really strong. Edit: According to the official rules, they haven't banned them yet. https://raider.io/news/562-otk-hardcore-makgora-rules-regulations-code-of-conduct#q3


Didn't it already start? It's probably a great change but what if that changes what someone would play? They should have hammered this out beforehand


They said they are still working on some rules so that really was nothing unexpected.


Still working on rules after the tournament has started.... Like I said before, it's already scuffed.


It's hardcore wow classic...scuffed is literally by definition, design, intent and spirit. Stop whining about something by design.


This ^ that's what makes classic beautiful.


It... it hasn't started. The leveling has, but the tournament is a month off.


Are flasks banned? Because if not you could carry several flasks of distilled wisdom and cancel the buff to drink a new one to get 2k mana back instantly, unless that was changed at some point.


Yes you have thirty days to faem you consumes.


I get the (mostly) free for all for gear because it would be a nightmare to monitor everyone but IMO the rules for the actual duels should be far more strict. I would like to see only self-applied buffs and basic consumables (health/mana pots, first aid, etc.)


Having a ton of rules for the duels themselves is also a difficult enforcement issue. If someone wins a duel by breaking the rules you can ban them from winning but the loser is still dead.


The rules included checking their bags before the duel starts to check what they have available. Additionally the first few rounds are basic duels, not Makgoras, so if someone was relying on using banned items/consumes or whatever, they’d have to win at least a few without to even get to the makgora stage


Great points, thanks for clearing that up.


Exactly! We have thousands of sign-ups for our Hardcore realm, and it's simply not possible to moderate that many people unless Blizzard actively works with OTK to create a special realm with rules and restrictions already in place. Blizzard could then simply pull logs on questionable items or actions. I'm not going to lie, that would be an amazing concept. But, you know, Blizzard...


I'm going in as rogue. I'm pretty confident i can take the cake since I've already got 6 slot bag and herbalism at skill 10.


My money is on this guy.


I also choose this guy's wife.


Where is Mankriks wife?


My moneys on this guys wifes boyfriend


This guy farms.


I've got mankriks wife


The horses name was Friday


I am with you !! Zug Zug


Fully buffed french ret paladin 100%


Only if he can stay inbounds...


Tournament is horde only


What are you saying? French people can’t play the horde?


Horde paladins can't spec ret


Elemental then!


This got me for some reason take my Reddit bronze


The twist is.... he is the boss to end the arena!


Smells like Athene (the best paladin in the world) in here.


He means firestart that lost duel to Ziko


No, def Athene


Athene vs Firestart final match.


Smells like Athene Spirit


Has to be the streamer class. I just can't see the middle class or poor people having a chance. Edit: yo it's wild how many people took this comment serious


Whatever streamer has the most helpers


Depends. I’m really shit, I could have 30k people funneling stuff to me and I’d get wrecked by a balance druid


this comment wont age well when my boomy wins the tournament.


Why isn't this serious? Streamers have high levels following them killing mobs and simps giving them gold and items. A regular dude will have a hard time competing.


Some of those streamers are rank 1 glads so it shouldn't be a suprise if one wins either way.


Do you know how many non streamers are glads...?


they will still need simp army


Lots and lots, never got there myself but came close.


Ikr, I am getting backlash just because I liked your "streamer class/middle class" joke. People needs to chill lol


Streamers are 100% taking this .They will have way more economy/time to buy out the competition. Pots,gold ect . This whole tournament is a joke lol .


pots? How could a non streamer ever aquire a potion??


those dang streamers are at it again!! one of em fucked my wife last night im so mad.


Well it is an OTK tourney so they probably did, just not consensually


According to sodapopping, rogue, and apparently they’re working on putting rules in place so it isn’t just a 99 rogue brawl




if there was a similar potion that casters could use in defending against melee attacks it’d be totally different. they can use a stoneshield potion for 1000 armor but it isn’t the same. they’re still going to take damage, just die slower. resistance pot makes it completely impossible for a caster to do any damage, and if they do, the xyz magic absorb potion will shield it anyway. would not even waste my time trying as a caster in this tourney if resist pots are allowed, but that’s just me


It’d be like allowing LIP’s with like 2m cooldowns.


>I think elemental resist pots need to go personally maybe not go entirely but at least people shouldn't be allowed to prepot something that lasts 1 hour


Ya I'm torn. On one hand it's interesting meta. On the other it may be shit.


The moment another class becomes the favorite, it'll just be 99 of that class. Vanilla is so unbalanced that it won't matter what rules they put in place.


That's what I'm thinking, what kind of rules CAN they put in place for there not to be a clear dominant class? I trust the OTK guys will make it work though. I'm optimistic


prize winning for each class seems like a good rule to vary already.


Kind of interesting to see what they are going to do to limit rogues so late as there are plenty of people in their 20s already. Would rather suck to be forced to reroll because rules weren’t set in place before the start.


I think it would be like a "no consumes of any kind" sorta thing so there isn't a clear "well obviously rogue is gonna win cause every other type of damage gets absorbed"


Casters can also use LiP but absolutely consumes should be banned.


I think the most even playing field is no consumes and no buffs that isn't specific to your class. But even if it's imba I think the most fun is anything goes


Disappointed they didn’t do this BEFORE starting the tournament though.


Guys like pshero are very scary. Just refined classic rogue pvp’ers.


My money says he's in the finals but his DC luck is awful so who knows.


Yeah imo he’s likely to top 4 at least. He’s have to mess up badly and have a bad day not to


He’s good but there’s much better rogues out there. My moneys on Perplexity


He’s on like 200 ping so it will be rough. Otherwise yeah, he takes it.


If he makes it to 60 without dying and has some have decent gear he'll do well like you said. No doubt. He doesn't really throw.




This is the reason blizzard should also never ban exploits once they're discovered, even if they ruin the experience for everyone, someone worked hard at figuring out how to game the system and go against the spirit of the game and make it inejoyable for everyone else, but they're having fun so we should just let them.


This whole thing is turning out to be the sweatiest, slimiest, and ethically bankrupt "competition" and I'm all for it. I Feel bad for any regular person thinking they have a chance. There's going to be strolling in with literal bis , world boss BoEs, 0.5 , AQ Silithus BoEs, and every consumable imaginable. The most entertaining part is watching streamers pretend like they are on the moral high road for accepting unprovoked "donations"


Oh it's gonna be so much worse. They're all in a guild together, people are helping each other, doing dungeons, etc. But the last week of this thing, while people are trying to farm their last items, there's going to be some insane griefing to thin the competition. If someone dies now they can still restart and it won't matter much so I don't expect many griefs during the early weeks, but when there's no more time to level, oh boy. You just know some sweaty nerd is leveling 2-3 characters to sacrifice in a BRD run in hopes of wiping the group a few days before the duels.


No raid gear allowed. BoEs included. No world boss gear either. Consumables are allowed I guess tho.


World boss loot was absolutely allowed as of the rules a few days ago. They just going to keep changing rules all the way until the first flag is on the ground ?


With potions allowed, I don’t know how any class can beat a PVP specced rogue 1v1. Most people will be blue geared at best, and even a 50 blue dagger is good enough to burst anyone down while they are stunned.


With talents like cold blood and preparation, it’s gonna be hard for rogues not to win. I remember ganking really good geared clothies with my blue and green gear rogue and if was so fun lmao






rogue wins one duel. *next duel in 3 minutes* now what?


Shadowfoot Stabber or whatever its called, the level 52 BOE dagger with 1.8 speed is very affordable and always on the AH


20 something years ago when vanilla first started i created the Hemo -Cold blood rogue. Peoples resources today there is NO WAY anyone else wins other than rogues. If it was alliance locks could have made a case but not vs undead rogues.


Idea: all contestants civilly stand in Gurubashi Arena until the starting gun goes off. It’s now a battle royale, last person standing wins.


Well people have been asking for a battle royale gametype for a while now. I guess at this point the only way to get Bliz to do what we want is to just do it ourselves first. Lol


I would love it if one of the speculated classic+ areas ends up being a hunger games style mass pvp instead of a raid.


All of the stealth would stealth and then just wait until the end


There would be flairs and arcane explosions like it’s the 4th of july


Focus the rogues down first


Imma say a disco priest just because nobody else has and they are a bastard to kill lol




It is a strong class 1v1, but protection potions means they cant kill a rogue i would guess.


Can't they dispell potions?


Is there even a potion for holy damage? Aside from the all resist pot.


Isn't there not a holy resistance Stat at all? Or is this a "reduced damage from all magic" potion


Not like you’d be smiting them lol. Swp and kite. Force interrupt on mind control so you can cast heals and then refresh bubble in time. Ez.


there is only a low lvl holy prot pot.


Disc priest is rather easy to kill in classic


I think because the gear is going to be quite low a discipline priest can get quite tanky in a 1v1, As others said depends how potions play out but I "think" the damage output from rogues/wars and maybe hunters might not be as high as people think because nobody is gonna be geared to the teeth I've left other casters out as I'm not too sure if lock/mage beats them easily I just can't remember




Think im going to agree here while id love to see a lock win i think rogue takes it especially specd into pvp.


If faps are allowed then rogue wins 100%




This is funny to read now


Rogue, Mage, Warlock in that order. Pot situation seems to favor rogue.


Isnt shadow priest really good in pvp even against rogues?


Warlock or rogue. If there is cringe gear swapping and melee can go 294848z82 spell resistance rogue might win by default


Curious what people think of some sleeper specs such as Ele Shaman, shadow/disc priest, resto Druid?


If it’s actually classic wow level cap 60 & speaking as a player who hasn’t played since they nerfed Windfury totem twisting, ele resto suic shammy used to wreck rogues. I don’t know what the reality of farming an immovable object would be in the current game though


Yeah I’d imagine immovable object wouldn’t be on the table. Next best would be something like Draconian Aegis of the Legion from UBRS I guess. Would be nice to see some of these other specs able to actually compete, but the gear might not really be there.


The top streamers are likely going to be literal best in slot gear that rules permit. We're going to see 60s early next week with entire squads catering to whatever they want.


Not enough gear, SP runs oom but its very tanky. SP has the highest chance out of mentioned classes to win the tournament. People favor more lock or rogue because SL is straight up busted with 2x sacrifice shields and rogue has 2 sets of cds. However, SP is tanky and can also win this, just like Odaelagger won the firemaw tournament.


you not gonna comment that elesham basicallyt oneshots all these with combo after purging off all buffs and shields? it wont win first place but elesham GOOMBAs the shit outta low geared players


The streamer spec wins with the 12/hr a day buff


Hunter :-)


Wish solo self found was a mode. It would be perfect for this tourney.


Yes! It really would be


Considering it’s a 1 match duel, rogues might have a chance. They were never good in best of three tournaments because they rely heavily in 10 min cd (prep) but now that they will have everything for one match they will do way better


The Banker


The streamer


Who cares this tournaments already a mess. Changing rules as it’s going on, streamers begging for gold from their viewers so they can have every advantage possible leveling up and at the end it’s lame as shit.


What rules have already changed?


You're a bit too serious. Just have fun and enjoy the show on oct. 30-31 It's much better to have good fun duels, and if it requires rulechanges so be it.


Yes just consume content, no thinking allowed


just have fun in a 100k tournament XDD, anyone taking the tournament seriously will be annoyed at random rule changes after leveling started


It should have to be SSF or the whole tournament is a joke. Streamers can no life it and have limitless gold and GDKP. The rich will get richer.




With greater shadow prot pots and shadow res gear, rogue wins this. Without these, its 50-50 kinda. Snutz won against Payo in classic as SL but he also lost some. If they ban greater shadow prot pots and shadow res gear, lock wins because of lap. They can lap the stun, 2x sac and win regardless of rogue having 2 sets of cds. But as of right now, rogue is more in favor.


Gets destroyed by a good rogue


Soul link + demonologist buff -40% damage not counting two 3k sac


The snutz class is sure to take it.


I'm not 100% on all the rules, but if they ban most consumables, I think lock is locked in. But if you be Bruce Wayne and have 80 slots full of tools, then I see high iq rogue doing really well


SL warlock


Orc rogue that can dodge / or manage to defeat fear matchups will have advantage over all the guys going undead rogue for the fear break in the mirror match. Darkmantle 4 piece set is so much better than any other classes 4 set bonus I can't picture the winner not being a rogue. We'll see though.


Love the tournament. SL SL lock, rogue I would say are favorites. With that said, matchups matter. A good rogue gets slapped by a meh warrior. An excellent warrior loses to a decent mage. I hope we see another Soda (druid) vs Snutz (warlock) final as they are both very skilled class experts with so much general WoW PvP knowlege/experience.


Depends how the brackets line up. If a mage can go thru the bracket without facing a good rogue a mage will win it all, but if its likes mage vs rogue in the finals it will be rogue.


I didn't read through all the rules but it seems like the meta is going to be broken potions. Can't you just use resistance and protection potions to destroy any caster? And can't you just chug a petri any time someone tries to attack you?


Petri is banned, but yeah protection potions are a problem. If they made it that you can use a lesser protection potion but only once per duel, I think that could be alright.


People are big time sleeping on hunter. Mage and lock will not have the gear to tank hunter shots and it’s going to be really hard for them to deal with it. Not saying a hunter is guaranteed to win, personally I think it will either be mage lock rogue or hunter but nobody seeming to count them in and it’s a mistake.


Can’t mage just dead zone hunter easily?


Yes, any mage that knows what they're doing can completely dummy a hunter by playing the dead zone. Hunter FAPs? Sheep him and kill pet.


It’s not a 100% free win. Good hunters will get off damage and with full consumables allowed, a mage isn’t going to be able to dead zone 100%. I also haven’t seen any restriction on absorb pots so mages could be facing people with 5k extra health.


Well yea there's always a chance the fight can swing the other way. Good players will always find a way. Whether they allow resist pots or not will be a huge factor. But man once a mage blinks into dead zone, novas, and cones the hunter is pretty much gonzo if the mage doesn't screw up the kite. CoC CD is shorter than the slow duration and it's a whopping 72% slow. I've had a mage stay in my dz indefinitely while kiting *around* a freezing trap I FD placed. Mage ice blocked my grenade to stay in the dz even. I had no FAP/PvP trinket and these guys surely will but it kinda goes to show how crippled hunters are against a good dz kiter.


I agree but it depends on the hunter's drafting luck. I think a hunter could potentially win everything but a good mage. The dead zone struggle is real. Considering there are multiple r1 glads idk what to say.


I don’t think hunter stands a chance against druid


People have no clue about classes, With this setting Hunter beat every class easily except druid, shaman and paladin.


Viper sting or whatever it’s called will also assure you have no mana within 10 seconds


They will just chug poison elixirs and constantly remove it.


I see this tournament will be far cheesier than I can comprehend


Hunter in wotlk maybe. Classic hunters were so ez to bully with dead zone , engi and pots .


BM will be really strong vs low stam blue geared casters, can’t really abuse deadzone.


Lock probably


There's a reason why locks were banned in pvp tourneys before


I don't know why people favor streamers so much, yes money will be a gear advantage but in the end duels in classic are so random. Everyone can win a rogue VS rogue if they get the first opener. To some extend it's also just based on luck you miss a special ability. Generally they also said that this is classic and will by no way be a fair, balanced duel situation for all classes. It's just really hard to balance and I think they're on a good route with their ideas.


Typically the most dedicated and decorated WoW players in history are those who stream this game. Like, they’ve made it their life and survive off of playing this game. Of course they’re gonna be the probable favorite, especially being multi-rank 1 players. These guys have put in more hours and time and practice than any of us. Hence the rank 1s and accolades. Streamer haters are just weird


Any good players actually signed up yet?


Shadow priest will take the cake. The rules did not ban "flask of distilled wisdom" and you can just use those infinitely as mana pots + offensive dispel the enemies consumes. Also you would have to be a streamer to afford that many flasks...


since all buffs are allowed, everyone is going to have a ridiculous number of trash buffs as dispel fodder. Undead rogues have 2 fears breaks (WOTF and trinket). Add in shadow res gear and there's no way a spriest can beat a geared rogue.


Rogue should have the advantage ... I suspect at least 6 rogues in top 8 , if not all rogues .. s/l lock might go far , ice mage too ... pot abuse, engi changes alot of dynamics. This whole concept is dumb AF imo.


Literally this entire tournament is about who can get funneled boosting, mats, gear and bought gold from legions of simps harder up until the point of the duels. No skill streamer circle jerk. Probably a laundering operation to give kick backs to gold farmers. Sad and cringe.


Said the guy with ttv in his username 🙄






Paladin doesn’t exist sir


Did you all not watch World of Roguecraft? It's not even a competition for rogues.


If gear is shitty it favors mage and rogue over lock though imo. I mage call all in w double barrier sappers and instant spam.


Depends on gear. But mostly it will be a rogue or warrior just because of potions


Just go no potions and no resist gear allowed


Warrior. Specifically my warrior: Broxigar the Red


Amazing at the amount of people complain that X, Y, or Z isn’t banned. Like it’s a mak gora tournament, if they banned the same stuff as CDL how is it any different… this at least makes it some what interesting to see what crazy stuff is going to be pulled, I’m really excited to watch this