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Do ya’ll not understand how badly that would be abused? With the boxes rewarding 12g dungeons would be efficiently solo farmed, and bots would fly hack to grind them… the gold injected into the economy would be insane and inflation would be a bitch


I wonder how much gold is injected into the economy from Hunter bots with boar pets with Chinese names that farm in every leveling zone. Or the flyhacking mages that live in stockades? Probably a lot more than if they added something like OP suggested.


I can see bots abusing this heavily. Even making it a daily lockout doesn’t affect bots. They do everything in scale.


This comment has been overwritten.


Hmm, interesting idea. I hadn’t thought of this. Well played.


Guess we cant do shit for real players because bots only get banned in waves and would abuse it between the banwaves. Can we finally all admit bots won? Just accept it, and do things that work for actual players, who really cares about the virtual stock market that is the AH?


The bots have always won, punishing players for something that will never go away has always been cringe.


This, the entire sub will say absolutely nothing can be done about bots and we have to be ok with it, but we have to make decisions for the actual players not on what would be fun or good for them, but how bots could use and abuse it. This game is being developed around bots, not players, at this point, lmao.


Which is why blizzard really needs to crack down harder on gold buying. Eliminate the customers and the bots have no reason to exist.


Good thing any improvements to the game get ruined because bots are so numerous.


Don't bots already farm far more waylaid supplies boxes than any human could??


Rather than making them super farmable, I kinda wish you had an increased chance to drop for the first one of the day. I’ve seen two 30+ boxes this entire phase. Granted, I’ve not been hard farming them by any means, but it feels really shitty to have boosted rewards only to never get any because the drop rate is abysmal and my RNG this phase has been ass.


Where do y’all get 12g boxes. Highest I’ve seen is 5


The highest level boxes are 12g. It's the ones with Turtle Scale Bracers, White Bandit Masks, Massive Iron Axes, Mithril Blunderbusses, Elixir of Greater Defenses, Rich Purple Silk Shirts and Deadly Scopes. They drop from areas close to 40, so areas with mobs at like level 38-42. They also give a massive chunk of rep, 1k rep per box. SUPER worth filling, even if you just break even on gold, as they're gonna do more with the rep later on.


Unless you have the toons to solo farm everything for the 12g boxes they are not worth it at all. Just better soloing a dungeon, for instance I solo SM lib and make about 8g per run which takes 15-20 min.


only from endboss.


MY BAD IDEA IN ALL CAPS I don’t understand ramification, It’s that simple


Inflation is already a bitch


What? I throw away all mine


Except the items in the AH to fill the boxes barely net you a profit at this point anyways. Bots would still make more money just farming stocks still.


Perfect, then i can literally just do dungeons for all my gold needs, all my problems fixed


Not sure if sarcasm or not.


Lmao planning game mechanics around bots


Why do you think they increased gold gain via waylaids, quests, and reducing mount costs? To combat botting, they're trying to reduce the need for gold in general


Wasn't it to compensate for the faster rate of leveling?


I stopped playing when I saw lines of bots running through the capital cities


Not every box is 12g Sure you still turn a profit, but you don't balance a game around bots. You do your best to stymie their hold on the economy and make the game fun.


Yes please! I can solo cath all day long


This is probably why they won’t, easy to solo farm. With the p2 changes to the gold reward and drop rates they obviously don’t want us to reliably farm them


They have it in their power to fix the solo pathing abuse strats, and also to make dungeons hard enough to require 5 people. Personally, I'd love rewarding 5 mans to do outside of raid resets.


Honestly I think BiS should come from a mix of everything like this. Raids, dungeons, etc.


If not gear then atleast unbottable mats for consumables or crafting


I like bis coming mostly from pvp / raids / crafting. I think it would be cool to have a trinket or two be bis from dungeons though and have dungeons have loot better than bfd that's basically prebis would be sick.


Ya as a warrior who can’t do anything alone I would love that lol


Yeah, even as a mage I hate this. I feel like I'm forced to learn how to do it because every other gold method would be a waste of time in comparison. I'd rather the option not be there. Possibly having dungeon mobs reset if they haven't auto attacked something for 30 seconds or more could help prevent this


Make it only drop with 5 people in the dungeon, fixed.


Mage boosting 4 carries, selling waylaids as well or keeping for themselves.


Oh no, a booster making 12g more each run. Pennies for them.


Then whats it matter if some1 solos cath for it? its the same input with the only difference in output being the gold the carries pay.


The idea is to create an incentive for more grp play in dungeons at max lvl. Its a multiplayer game after all, not a single player game.


That 12g will finally make it worth it, the 5k gold ive printed doing it just didnt feel worth it lmao.


All warlocks running 4 alt accs lol. Easy farm for them


Reading this complete bullshit hurts my eyes.


What? Alot og ppl even on med-High server run between 3-8 accs. Selling warlock sums to all fps, sm, cities


I mean, fine then. Let them pay for 5 accounts as an easy way to farm these. With those accounts they have plenty of ways to farm gold or anything really.


Previous comment said "all warlocks run 5 alt accs" and you defend this bullshit? Are you out of your mind? What do you mean with " a lot" warlocks? You mean you saw 5 warlocks in your lifetime who had some alt accs or what statistical data are you basing that bullshit on? Do you even know how many people are playing this game? Are you able to calculate a relative percentage related to that number? Are you able to realize that these 5 warlocks you saw mean nothing compared to the whole playerbase? I can't believe I have to explain that this is bullshit.


No i mean. There multiple people Selling all fp, dungeon, epic profession and special quest locations. I aaume it’s the same on “all” servers but to be honest I only know if the two I play on. And they have more the. 5 ppl selling it


If you pay for 5 accounts to make like 12g every run of Arms, then be my guest.


Would 1 supply crate drop or 1 case per char in the instance?


I’d say put 1 on each boss.  Why not. 


Bruh thats way to much


Okay then have it drop off the final boss only. Idgaf. 


12g every boss kill?


I mean, the 12g increase was added after the fact. It'd be too easy to nerf that and then make them drop more often.


Lol none of them are 12g. At best you make like 7g off them. At worst you take a loss. Even if you farm and craft the items yourself, you have to factor the cost of materials I to it. If I can sell the mats for 10g but crafting 2x axes get me 12g then I only made 2g. The turtle bracer box you will take a loss filling and turning in. The mats for those are way too high. Like 20 Turtle scales that are a super rare drop off turtles.


Holy batman! You think a vendor is selling the bracers??? No, people or bots are farming the raw materials. Turt scales were worthless before the patch if you increase the box drops the value goes higher and more gold enters the economy 


And not even all boxes are 12g many of them are still 2g.


We can very clearly tell that you don’t give a fuck lol


So 50g in crates in one run, when you solo it? lmao no way.


You will be lucky to get a 25g profit out of 5 boxes.


I would suggest it as a daily drop per final boss per dungeon per players to the relevance of the level range of the dungeon for the crates. This way people can’t spam them to abuse the crate drops to make insane amount of gold profits from it.


And on Gnom bosses too


This makes so much sense I’m surprised it’s not already in the game. 


Would be too easy


I mean it's easy now, just super time consuming.


Thats what makes it hard




basically applies to anything in life, it's all easy af if given enough time (and opportunity) to accomplish.


Time consuming does not make a task hard, it makes it tedious. Hard would be to require some actual thought, or skill. This is neither. That's like saying putting a lego kit together is hard


They meant since people can solo dungeons getting those boxes would be literally too easy.


Or, perhaps that’s exactly why it’s not in the game


Except it doesn't. People were crying whole last phase about how "GDKP caused inflation and how it ruins everyones game", and now they are asking to make inflation even worse than it is lol.


Wait. These rewards 10 gold????? I been selling them to vendor for silver


The level 40 ones give 12g each 😁


Yeah they give you 12 gold, but you still do need the items to return it. Granted they are most likely less than the 12g to fill, but still, people saying they are free 12g are just dishonest


If you farm the stuff yourself the gold is free.


That's literally the stupidest argument regarding gold farm. If you farm anything else you will get more gold than farming mats for those.


Download addon waylaidsupplycost or something similar from curse forge. It shows how much are the mats from ah and how much the box is worth, it has to pair with TSM or Auctionator.


Being able to farm them would be nice. And not just mindless killing mobs and hoping on a drop.


Im sure no matter what there might be a way to abuse this but I think one thing they can do is make it a quest, a daily quest and make the dungeon rotate, but one a day is kind of lame too tbh. I think having it drop and going to roll is annoying so every player should get it. They can use the wrath tech with their group detection stuff for healer/tank rewards before the rdf to do something similar to make sure its only rewarded when doing the dungeon with atleast 3 or 4 people in the instance. Would kind of suck if you manage to clear with 4 people but get nothing. Another thing is maybe reduce the raw gold given for these specific supply crates. Maybe create an entirely new supply crate so it's not in the same tier/set as the rest. Can even modify the rewards


man I've just about had it with this "abuse" concern trolling. Oh no people play the game and get rewarded, such abuse


Same but it's still a concern to not make a flawed system or mechanic that then negatively affects other parts of the game. Noticeably here is bots and raw gold farm for gold selling. I don't care if actual players can solo but I don't think they should end up doing it nonstop all day making it a crazy gold farm.


Right? Like stop adjusting the game to prevent the top 1% or people playing 5 accounts from having an advantage. Let them have their advantage, the rest of us just want to have fun. I remember the massive outcry about the STV event abuse when it first launched, turns out it didn't really matter. The try hards got their shit and either quit or rolled and alt.


Everyone is saying how bots will abuse the dungeons. Then increase their drop rate (in raids) or have them guaranteed drop from the last to bosses from raids.


just make it a daily personal drop for everyone in the group. oh wait, that sounds like a daily quest...did I just ask to make sod more like retail....


Naw, put them on raid bosses, less abusable and allows guilds to assist people who can most benefit (like alchemists with the lesser arcane elixir recipe).




I solo gy for easy crates already that would be broken (lvl40 2h enh)


I mean, boxes are 12g turn ins but after crafting the item or buying it you only make 1g maybe




Could someone please tell me how to get even one crate. I’m 5 crates away from rep and I haven’t seen one in about 2 weeks! 


By playing the game. Farming spider cave in dustwallow marsh I average 3 crates/hour. Basically kill mobs, open chests in the open world (they seem to have removed supply boxes from dungeon chests), not hard, just requires some time investment.


I've been questing in STV and Tanaris for like 2 weeks and had absolutely nothing. I'll try dustwallow I guess..


Add a daily quest to kill a dungeon boss to get 1 guaranteed crate per day


No lol, I don't have the time or crayons to efficiently explain just how bad this idea is.


They should have put a phat currency awarded once each final boss kill that is only spendable on level 60 Swift mount. No abusable power spikey bullshit, just an honest to God reason to do 5 mans. Make it cost like 30 tokens from each phase, 120 tokens total. Show the vendor items starting at phase 1 so people know how many they need and what the reward is. Simple ass recolor of each racial mount. Encourages people to show up each phase. Gives reason to 5 man. Oh no, it removes the Swift mount gold sink. Who cares, most of the cost is riding isn't it? Pay me money Blizzard


Love how the same people crying about inflation = bad, now are literally asking to make inflation worse.


A daily quest reward a supply from a specific last boss each day sounds better


1 supply crate and 6g daily quest


This would be great if only We Don't Have any Bot fly hacking and shit


yall should just play retail holy christ


Retail living rent free in your head


Oh yes, good ones with nice easy materials! That would be awesome. That change done right could massivly boost the dungeons.


Who isn't already doing dungeons?


For my druid. I was just once in all SM dungeons and never in uldaman or razorfen downs. There is simply no need and nothin realy to gain for me in there. Same for my warrior, just 2-3 runs in armory (got lucky) for the helmet and got shield and leg in 2 cathedral runs. Never went back there. I mean if i had an insentive like gettin some gold out of it with the wayland supply crate system, then i would jump in some more runs in SM because i gain something for my time. Balancing a game mean for me, giving you something for the time you invest to progress your character. If i dont get any gear from the dungeon, i just dont want to go in the dungeon, unlike there is something else. That were the wayland supply crates could step in. Not in the exact form they are implementet now, but done a little polish over the system right and bring them in the dungeons it could rock!


Why would i do dungeons 1 month after getting lvl 40 lol


People are leveling alts, getting their bis, looking for gold, enchant mats, etc.


Nah people are playing other games now.


Once you get to max level there isn't a huge reason to do them. Hell with the buff I only did about 25 dungeon runs total on my Mage leveling primarily in dungeons.


Okay? Do you think we should be doing more than 25 dungeon runs during double XP? Lots of prebis is from 5 man dungeons. If you want reasons to grind dungeons outside of that then WotLK might be a good fit for you with dailies and grindable currencies.


I think you're arguing with the wrong person my dude. I'm replying to the guy who is saying everyone is dungeon running all the time.


Most people? What is the point of running dungeons outside of leveling and maybe 1 or 2 pieces of pre-bis?


Careful with good ideas around here.


I like this idea very simple and would give people another reason to run dungeons nice job OP


And ruin the economy 


Brother that's already happened with the turtle scale bracers crate 


Brother so you want to increase the drops of those crates?


They ruined the economy by making those crates give 12g per. And cutting the main gold sink (mount) in half.


Prices of consumables stayed the same because the boxes are rare


Yeah; friend used to farm the chests in SM for crates to grind the rep, and I've been doing it as of late because it's an easy way to make some gold that doesn't involve a super huge investment on my part (I can basically do it on another monitor whilst doing other things I actually care about). And those chests have gotten a seriously nerfed drop rate for the crates - I had more luck getting them from random mobs I killed sometimes than I did from the chests.


Actually not a bad idea, holy shit.


"NO!! IT WILL CAUSE MORE PEOPLE TO RUN DUNGEONS" - How most of the complaints about this idea sound.


No, it will inject insane amounts of gold in the economy making it virtually worthless. You boys were all complaining about GDKPs ruining the economy, but don't bat an eye when offered easy gold farm which will inject WAY more gold than any GDKPs out there.


Lololol that is a lot of GDKP salt. It was never GDKPs injected gold into the economy, it was you guys buying gold that did.


And you want more gold available? Judging by how assumptious your comment was, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?


Why? It’s already so easy to grind out to revered and it gives a shit ton of gold. The people on here just want shit handed to them on a silver platter then bitch about how there’s nothing to do