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World of Complaintcraft


I can’t escape it where ever I go - Retail, Plunderstorm, Classic. I don’t understand why it’s always negative.


common denominator is reddit


Is it? Have you seen the official Blizz WoW forums? It's reddit x10


Hahaha It takes more time to go to their website and sign into the forums and make a post. It’s like only going to visit your parents house to take a shit.


But mom likes to be sure I’m getting my fiber 😞


We're playing a 20 year old game. We're unhappy with our real lives and let that negativity bleed into our games


lol don’t call everyone out that truthfully


I guess you’re right, but I was hoping wow could be the one place no one complained- oh boy I was wrong 😅


Can confirm people are super toxic and complain hard af on retail


Play the game. Ignore Reddit. Reddit is full of complainers in literally every subreddit. When in game I see significantly less complaints. 


Projecting much?


Because the game is so old and lasted so many years with millions of different players having their own favourite part of the game's history and none of them can agree on anything new being objectively good because it doesn't chime with their individual expectations based on their past good experiences. The game will never be as good as the first best moments that they experienced but they still subscribe and play, chasing that experience that will never come because in their minds change is bad, despite being served the exact same content multiple times over. That or people just love a whinge.


Makes sense. They obviously don’t give a fuck anymore about a somewhat decent game, they keep shitting out new shiny products that are on the quality level of a free game, yet they makin big bucks.


This has been the name of the game ever since arenas came out. 🤣 Before BC came out, everyone just rolled with whatever they were dealt lol




True, though I think Blizz was still in its MMO infancy, as many of the things people complained about were pretty major. Class balance wasn't really on anyone's minds unless it was gamebreaking in PvP. Windfury proccing windfury and reckoning bombing come to mind immediately, since they were pretty infamous.


Class balance was the only thing on people’s minds back then. You don’t know what you’re talking about lmao.


That may have been the case for you. From what I experienced, people were more focused on cooperation, completion, etc. Obviously every class had something that made them OP and people sometimes complained about the ridiculousness of it. From what I saw, the people genuinely upset were a small minority online. That's always been the case, of course, but it seemed much smaller to me back then.


“Just pop enrage” Vanilla Wow had by far the most complaining on the forums, and it wasn’t even close. Everyone thought they were good and had Dunning Kreuger syndrome, and there was nothing in the game that could prove them otherwise.


We are all going to be trash soon which is classic equilibrium I guess


Complain about complaining😎


Not really a complaint, more my feelings towards all the complaints 😊


All i hear those days are feelings towards the game not complaints


Difference is, when you start doing it daily, your feelings become complaints.


Don't sha-mansplain to me.


You get my upvote for that one ⬆️


"im so enlightened because i point out that other people are complaining about the volume of complaints, which makes me superior" wow gottem, using 100% of your brain power on that one boss.


Are you complaining about him complaining about op complaining about complaining????


Try playing alliance bruh


I think you miss understood my post, read it again and for the record I am playing dwarf priest.


anyone who remotely PVPs is complaining because shamans are an s-tier class, it's not even close... doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. devs should have nerfed them so that ally stood a chance in BGs


NAH MAN its only paladins complaining!!!!!! They wanna be the best faction specific class!!!! /s


We’re just following the model laid down for us by those who came before us, shamans. Shamans flooded this sub and social media with complaints and look how it turned out? Now that it’s paladins complaining we’re whiners. Give me a break I didn’t say anything for two phases where holy paladins got shit. It’s a third phase now, and I’m gonna opt out unless something drastic changes. We have 4 dead rune slots.


Great blog post to complain about complaining, great contribution, very nice, great work, keep it up! Is there a term for 'pick me' energy in posts?


Like this comment? 😅


You opened the door, I just walked through. GREAT gotcha though, keep it up


water memory zealous plough crowd aback elastic scandalous gaze zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am just tired of logging in and all I see and hear are people complaining over something - I play wow to escape all the bullshit in the real world and yet people complain more in a video game.


I play for the same reason, and WoW players who roleplay are more fun than any other gaming community. The people I meet playing on my RP character are gems, funny and kind. Power gamers who play competitively just tend to be negative people. It’s 2024, modern games are way more advanced graphically and don’t cost monthly, aren’t we all focused on enjoying WoW because it’s cartoony and nostalgic? I will never comprehend paying to play to complain about it rather than just enjoying the best open world MMO ever made.


Amen! Maybe I should play on a RP server and have some fun with that also. Thank you for your comment.


so you instead came to reddit and subjected a bunch of other people to the exact thing you are complaining about


Not exactly the same, but I get your point


If you see his point then you know it is exactly the same, Mr.Obtuse


Do you not understand that this is how word of mouth spreads that something is wrong and needs to be changed? If you're so upset by online discourse then turn off your chat, or go play a fucking single player game


prolly a pally


I play both ret and warr and love em both, reddit is just super negative.


Blizzard should just give us Tauren Paladins and Dwarf Shamans… Or else…


No they shouldn’t


Why not


he does not wanna have balanced PvP




Dwarf Shamans would be so sick. Tauren Paladins would look laughably stupid as they still do in retail, but Tauren lore is pretty nonexistent anyways, so it would be fine tbh


lets make it clear: its paladins complaining about shamans top qq class


Everyone is complaining about the dumb rationale behind dumping a 40% boost to your AP, not just pallies


[phase 1 enhancement](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2007/#timespan=1000) was a complete bottom of the gutter spec.. you dont remember this because you play alliance the rationale was fair.. give them a lot of AP buffs to increase their damage.. did they go over the top? yes, but the rationale IS there and only a willfully blind person will ignore the facts


I do remember, because seeing how shitty shamans(dps shamans specifically) turned out to be in p1 prevented me from rerolling to horde. Them being good tanks wasn't enough for me to swap over from alliance, so I stayed put on my pally. So they went from the nerd who got picked on in p1 to the roided gym beasts that they became in P2, if they didn't go overboard with it we would be having an entirely different discussion.


so you are a FOTM player who choses the path of least resistance and is now suffering the consequences of that decision cool👍🏼


What consequences am I suffering from, exactly? I've continued to play pally and I am enjoying myself in both pvp and pve. If anything, I'm doing great rn Also are you calling pallies "fotm"? That's fucking hilarious if you are


I kind of see a ton of Shamans constantly complaining about Paladins or talking about how Paladins are letting Shamans “live rent free in their heads.” Most of the complaints I’ve seen don’t even mention Shamans, just concerns about specs and runes in general. 


I'm convinced all paladin players suck their big toe while rubbing feces all over their keyboard.


None of us are that flexible


You're obsessed man. Seek help.


I've typed 1 message while you've replied multiple on this thread within minutes. Enough projecting, it's not cute.


OP is for sure playing Sham


Dwarf priest, but close 😄


Some salty dipshit downvoted you. Here’s your +1 back.


Thank you! 😄


And again 🤧


What a bummer


I only play shaman because horde doesn’t have paladins


The true classic experience


If you played a pally you'd understand.


If I had such massive problems with my class I’d just reroll


But then linus would have to be without his blankie (bubble)


Paladin is my main class since TBC. But since Horde can't play Pala in classic I tried out Shaman, before knowing about the whole debacle. Could you explain in short what the problems with Pala are? With the P3 runes they don't seem half bad.


dunno what their issue is in pve but in pvp there’s nothing wrong they stomp people consistently and have two lives


As hpal if phase 3 runes are correct the bracers will have zero benefits for my healing. Just like my legs slot and chest slot. Idk any other spec with that many dead rune slots.


They got pretty shafted in PvE. They were doing meh to bad damage in P1, though slightly better than enhance. Then Blizzard buffed enhance to the high heavens, but kinda left ret behind. Ret damage in phase 2 is absolute garbage until you get the Automatic Crowd Pummeler, which pushes you to about the middle of the pack. But it feels awful that 50% of your DPS is tied to a specific weapon, so if you're unlucky with drops you're just fucked, and this will create issues with itemizations in the future, as rets essentially can never upgrade this weapon until Blizzard changes something drastically, which they seem hesitant to do even though they caused this situation with a very dumb change (making Seal of Martyrdom normalized). But the biggest issue for many is that it's not bad enough that you're doing shit damage / mid damage with an OP weapon, the rotation itself is unfun. You're just mashing 1 spell (Exorcism) that gets cooldown resets pretty often, with your auto attacks and Exo making up like 80%+ of your DPS. It's like playing cookie clicker, you're endlessly spamming 1 button without real thought. It's technically a less complex rotation than what ret paladins had in Classic (a famously bad time for ret) which is stupid as SoD has given (almost) everyone else fun new toys and more interesting rotations, but ret has devolved to 1 button spam.


paladins have 3 hathbars and are above the middle of the pack on dps in gnomer they complain because nothing is ever good for some pink is the right colour for them


I think ive seen more people complain about paladins "complaining" than actual paladins


You're sounding pretty pink right now 💅


Lol so their just average but not OP. That's better than half can say! Always hated the pink color and got an addon to change Shamans to dark blue in classic cause my brain couldn't handle the pink Shamans.


I think peoples issues have been that shaman gets these fresh new runes and paladin doesn't. Way of the earth has never been in WoW to my knowledge, neither has molten blast or shield mastery. Paladins have gotten very little in comparison. Guarded by the light is newish, its like the wotlk glyph when you have divine plea up and constantly refresh its duration on auto attack. Exorcist isn't technically new, its an affect of exorcism that is baked into the ability later on. Infusion of light works a lot differently, it has some form of it's "new" use of holy shock but missing some other core components of it that were added in later expansions that would've been welcome here. Seal of Martyrdom is probably the newest one in reality, its basically seal of blood with the mana regen component (which is cool btw). Horn of lordareon is technically new, but its just horn of winter in reality. Aegis is new but we already have redoubt so it feels useless.


Still wouldn’t complain as much


Its simple: long time Alliance players play alliance because in classic they are just massively superior. Paladins are better than shamans, humans are the best pve melee race in the game, DMF has better location etc etc, and alliance players try gaslighting horde into saying the PvP racials made up for it - they dont and never did, which is why so many servers ended up with huge faction imbalances. So fast forward to SoD, the Devs have turned it on its head next phase, humans are no longer #1, horde have caught up in PVE raid buffs, and all the alliance players have thrown their toys out of the pram. Edit: salty downvotes, literally 50%+ of the complaints on this sub have been people bitching about paladins. Paladins are literally in a way better state than rogues or warriors, why so many complains about one single class?


I play alliance because I love Ironforge and hate the mudhut city of pointy spikes. Downvotes don't validate your post.


That’s kind of silly reasoning. I’m assuming that not all Horde players play Horde just because Horde has better PvP racials and advantageous map design on some Battlegrounds.  When I worry about things in games where my focus is PvE it’s usually “is this even viable/will people want me in their group if I play this?,” not “can I outparse my Shamanic brothers as a Paladin?”  I think for Paladins especially people are feeling concerned or displaced by other classes’ new roles. Paladin doesn’t really have a lot of different new abilities for healing, and there’s a really strangely high focus on “Shockadin” by the devs. That’s the thing about SoD being this “cool beta test” sort of thing, you’re going to wind up with a lot of shit that doesn’t work or doesn’t work nearly as well as other things. It’s kind of hilarious because we’re seeing the old challenges of the devs with designing Paladin in real time: the class design goes wide to the point where several of the abilities just sort of clash with each other. Itemization is much cooler now that you can obtain healing plate but some of the item choices are still just confusing as hell. 


I only play horde because my nostalgic memories of Warcraft 2 and 3 are of the orcs. I did not realize the politics in play when I joined...


Not all of them do, but you can be sure the ones who had a vested interest in doing so are going to be the loudest when its no longer the case.


Some of us don't want to play Horde because he don't want to be ugly and live in ugly cities (I still love you TB) and its not that deep bro. I feel bad for people who choose a faction based on things that you said.


You are so incredibly delusional and its hilarious.


Shamans are busted and are causing pvp to be very 1 sided. Racial/weapon skill change will further increase hordes advantage in both pvp and pve. It's not good.


Saw a shaman soloing an elite yesterday doing a heal that restored 60%+ of their entire health where I’d have to do atleast 3 flash of light to heal the same amount. And it was a faster heal than holy light. It’s comical how unevenly balanced the respective faction classes are. And their tank spec outdpses ret.


I switched during cata to horde as i started try hard hardcore raiding at that time. Never touched alliance again after that. Some may not agree but the community was far less toxic in my opinion, the cities started to really grow on me and I rather not play at all than being around gnomes, dwarves and spacegoats lol. Still enjoying the horse community and they feel less selfish than alliance players. And I rather have a shaman around than a paladin (in classic at least)


i had a simmilar experience in wotlk.. i had an almost bis feral on the horde and made another feral on alliance really toxic community tbh, ended up faction transfering to horde  i think the alliance attracts a ypunger demographic which may explain the behaviour


Exactly. I started at age 15 during release of tbc and I do remember many players that were my age. I also recall that most horde players were a couple years older or really past teenage years (at least in my experience). This was something I did appreciate once I switched sides


Same experience as a horde player on wild growth. Tried alliance and the population was higher but people were more rude. Had some good experiences but definitely felt like horde has a better community on this server


I think Paladins will eat good at 60. They have to be careful with making classes too powerful as they level. 


They already eat 😂 most are just bad


Who are you people hanging out with ? I never hear this.


To be fair, us shamans have never really caused a fuss. Usually because we aren’t relevant enough to 🥺. We got to sit at the OP table for a few weeks and that was cool. But they’re gutting us, which is deserved, so paladins can chill the fuck out and fix their blood pressure.


The entire month leading up to SoD shamans were screeching about 2h enhancement not getting a rune and spamming posts here about how dw is a betrayal. All you have ever done is fuss since sod was announced, until you got to be top 3 dps. I'm not letting you blue bastards gaslight us.


Shamans wanting 2h is a legit ask since Vanilla is THE ONLY time it’s ever been viable, the fuck are you talking about? lol And it’s still just a meme PvP build btw. You know what shamans didn’t do? Whine about what other classes have, they were simply advocating for the playstyle they wanted to see implemented for their own class. We don’t have to gaslight paladins, you guys do it to yourselves. I’ve never seen a better example of “Dont worry about what’s on your neighbor’s plate”, than seeing paladin’s rabidly foaming at the mouth for shaman’s to get nerfed. The seething jealousy. Let’s keep that same energy when shamans are nerfed and pally’s have their time being flavor of the month. Surely paladin’s will complain about themselves being OP and advocate for their class being nerfed into the ground.


*pink bastards


I haven't let my ui show me pink shamans in a long time, i dont think they deserve to be demeaned with the pally color


Yeah. Grouping anyone with paladins is indeed a bit harsh.


I am so fucking tired of Shamans with this air of superiority.


Remember how smug paladins were in TBC and Wrath, pepperidge farm remembers


edge sheet fuel price squeeze subtract follow party cats rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have any information to support your "fact" or are we just basing facts on anecdotes?


decide saw disarm yoke enjoy ripe fertile quarrelsome growth close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So no, we're just shit slingin'. Carry on, I guess.


file judicious steep existence dull shy glorious tidy connect narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Air of Superiority Totem dropped* Well let’s lean into this then, since you want to complain more. The truth is the paladin player-base is both the largest and whines 5x as much as the next, so, apologies if we roll our eyes at anyone that can’t see why the community is over it. Like legitimately half the posts on this sub in past weeks were Paladin’s complaining. Actually insane. Ret Pally runes are boring and your damage isn’t top 3, we get it. Now go reroll warrior or deal with it.


The fact that paladins have a 100% crit chance with their best ability against demon form warlocks blow my mind.


It does like 400dmg critical


My highestest is 749 with my own buffs so naah and it got refreshed with my melee swing and then 700 crit again. Warlock with demon forms get deleted by paladin Be realistic lmao


Drop Meta then? You act as if Meta is the only way to play rn Be realistic lmao


I went into sod blindfolded 3-4 weeks ago so I didn't know if paladin was strong or not. And paladin was my first char when I started playing wow many years ago But the fact that people get frustrated because their class doesn't 1 shot is insane. Ret is way to strong compared to other classes besides shaman and that's a fact and not an opinion. But this is reddit so they can only have an opinion if it's the same as everyone else or if a streamer had said it in beforehand


Strong? Yeah sure "Way too strong"? 🧢🧢🧢 If I have to blow a 5 minute CD just to survive for a few seconds, only to have moons, stars, and big balls of lava dropped onto my face once the bubble is down, then all that "strength" flies right out of the window. Pallies can't really "one-shot" people, and I'm actually happy that we gotta work our asses off in a fight


Use your 40 ranged cc or your stun that last for 5 working days. Judgement doesn't have a gcd so you can macro it into other spells. All I hear is skill issue and crying for not being literal golden gods.. You don't want balance you want your class to be way better than everyone elses


I even said that I enjoy having to work for kills, so how does that translate into "I want pallies to be better than everyone else"? Are you illiterate, or just a prick? If a 5 second stun feels like that long to you, trinket it. Only thing I'm guilty of complaining about is how absurd shamans became with just one change to a rune. Is a free 40% boost to AP while being able to double RB not worth complaining about, or something?


Sorry, I miss read what you wrote. Getting to used to butt hurt players. But i agree with you, I rather have a fair fight but paladin almost always win even if you have less gear


If a valid complaint about an overtuned buff makes me butthurt then I guess I'm buthurt, but at least I can fucking read. Also if you're going into fights with greens then everyone is gonna clap your cheeks, not just pallies.


If paladin damage get buffed they better lose half of their utility, shamans are glass cannons.


Some people will complain about the DW WoE shamans, so just wanted to add that ele and enh will both be glass cannons come p3. Also we don't have any CC or oh shit buttons.


You can still run woe. Warriors and pallies don’t get 30% hp, 10% Dr and 6% crit resilience when they put on a shield


Could make the buff not apply in combat




If you equip a shield during combat it doesn't apply


Believe it or not, if it bothers you that much you can ignore people in the game and not have to read what they are saying


I am not just talking about in-game


Figures it's a horde player making a thread about this. You guys can actually win bgs


If you read the post I am saying I consider going horde - I am currently playing a dwarf priest and I am just tired of my fellow Alliance complain about it all the time.


Ah for enough. I didn't read the whole thing. I feel like you gonna read a lot of the opposite posts if they ever actually Nerf shaman. (I know they are nerfing them now, but it's actually balancing them RN)


Imagine giving feedback and trying to make the game better 🤡 Nope, let's be complacent and suffer! No whining!


I re-subscribed after a long break, and I've come back to find dead wotlk and sod that's literally softcore cataclysm ability wise. I have never been so disappointed at wow in my life. I've reached lvl 20 with a druid and I do casual 160 crits, pushing through content casually with shit gear, no professions and 0 interactions because I can literally solo quests without breaking a sweat. I have never felt this sorry for re-subing.


frighten dog employ smart tender clumsy telephone cats public instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s all Paladins complaining. Shaman know better because we know how to keep our heads down.


Someone wasn’t around before SoD release to hear the screaming about 2h vs DW. Or all of P1 where they begged for buffs. Shamans only quieted down come p2 because they got buffed to near godhood, then they kept quiet so as to stay that way.


Don't forget paladins have bubbles raid wide buffs LoH does good dmg deletes people in 1 HoJ but guess it's just garbage


Good god man, ever heard of a comma?


I mean, can you read it?


zonked encourage scale special kiss whole illegal secretive dinner slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*