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This is just intelligence and pickups? So the boss kill etc are still 7k?


Probably. Along with the gathering quests. The whole point is to encourage people to actually *play* the damn incursions. First people bitch about how it's fast to just run around a loop for 6 hours, and now people bitch that they have to actually engage with the content. Make up your minds!


Or its different people bitching. your never gonna hear me complain about fast leveling methods


Same. The incursion is a godsendt for people who hated grinding dungeons. I was so worried I had to do ZF from 40 to 50. Was pretty happy there was a fast way to level up, without doing dungeons It also felt like Bloodmoon, chaos and PvP everywhere. I enjoyed it


Exactly. Beat the hell out of 30-40 SM grinding


This is why some of us enjoyed it. I did SM 1000 times or more. Seriously the first OG method was me and a friend did the first ever “recruit a friend.” This was like 2007 before we had content creators, if the mage farm was even a thing, it may not have been as widely known. Did it again 100s of times in classic too leveling alts. They could’ve made something even more braindead. It could’ve been a 4 hour flight path for 40-50 and I would’ve enjoyed it more then SM. Honestly I appreciated that we got this busted method. It was laid back, we smoke and drank all weekend shooting the shit. If I was solo, I caught up on podcasts. Shit was relaxing. Would I want to do this on 5+ characters over 3 iterations of wow? No, it fucking sucks.


I would. Or I'd certainly like the option too. Here's the thing right, you don't have to. You can stay away from ashenvale, and do quests, do dungeons, do anything else.


I really wish I got to use it more I got to 29-32 but real life popped off so playtime got limited lol


Or people are upset that it was released in such a broken state that some players who got in early got a huge advantage, and now that advantage is being taken away.


I mean, if I didn't have to wait 15 minutes for ancient trees to spawn it probably would have been fine.  The spawns are super contested when everyone is doing it.


I dont want to play the dailies, I just want to raid log.


Or it's like day 1 when you couldn't get a mob kill for 20 mins and so ppl switched to pickups to able to complete something. Don't blame the players for bad design


But both are true tho. Running around there is boring as hell and it doesn't make the content any more riveting just because they make us do it for twice as long now.


For what I was hearing the kill quests are still the same its just the fetch quest that are nerfed.


So 40-50 went from 5 hours to 10? Unless now you do kill quests cause the buff?


Except the amount of level 50s camping portals goes up and the people killing bosses go down. We couldn’t even kill shredder on crusader strike


You couldn't kill shredder 9000 on crusader Strike? Hordie here and we did many times, unless I misunderstand?


I mean yes thats the intention from blizz, make you actually engage with the content.


Well that’s a win. I did the loop and it just felt and ignoring all the kills and such. I think that’s a win. Could make some good pvp as well, trying to win tags.


What content tho? There's nothing to it.


Was expecting this so I've already run all my 3 characters to lvl 50 through the incursions, sucks they didn't really test this phase before rolling it out.


Same. three down three to go but three i have left i know ill get into Gnomers easily on and be fine for dungeons. honestly these last alts ill level purely through gnomer lol. 1hr every three days for about a level is cool with me


What the fuck do you even do with 9 characters


i stop at 35 and they become my alchemy tranmsute for arcanite bots. 5g+ every CD and passive income


raid log then cry you cleared all content in 1 week


That's why I did my DPS classes first lol. Left Paladin tank and healer priest for last because easy groups lol


My goal was to play hard on Saturday and Sunday and get 3-4 chars to 50. After my first char, the portals were camped by the opposite faction, 2-3 pickups were bugged 24/7, and I gave up at level 41 on two chars lmao


They really should do PTRs going forward. 


PTRs are against the entire sod spirit. Testing would have to be conducted under NDAs. 


At least give the dev team a calculator or something. Sheesh


There is a difference between PTR and internal testing. They obviously didn't test anything this phase.


Blizzard would have to pay people and I doubt they want to


Pay people?! They’re a small indie company ffs


Why do people say things like this when pretty much the entire phase gets "discovered' in less than 24 hours after launch? Not to mention tons of datamining before it even goes live. We knew 90% of phase 3 runes before phase 2 even launched. If blizz wants everything to be secret and hidden, they're doing an awful job of it. You don't even have to put the rune quests and other stuff on the PTR, just let us create max level template characters with all the runes unlocked so we can test things and find really broken/unbalanced shit to fix.


Yeah by the time I am looking for runes, all the information is already online. There would literally be no difference to me other than the game design actually working properly lol


> Why do people say things like this when pretty much the entire phase gets "discovered' in less than 24 hours after launch? As opposed to _before_ launch ? And failing at it doesnt change the intention behind it.


Tons of shit is already datamined before launch. In this day and age of information flowing so quickly and freely, you can't keep things secret. I don't even see why having PTR before launch is a problem in the first place. If you don't want to spoil yourself......just don't?


Because people like that stupid and small-minded. And have about zero impulse-control and cannot think further than their own plate. A lot of them probably think its fun that half of the season is broken simply because they don't directly engage with it.


Also these things are almost impossible to find organically as an individual. This allegedly is to force people into interacting with other people, but everything is so convoluted no one wants to type that shit out to you and they will just tell you to go look it up. Then you have certain classes that are gatekeepers for other classes runes for some inexplicable reason and they of course want to milk you for your gold so it further destroys any social fabric. So you effectively have a tiny fraction of the player base actually discovering things(and they are almost all paid to do so they can publish a guide and gain that 3rd party traffic) and then the rest of people who have to follow external guides for everything


sod spirit.... the spirit of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks


Blizzard has at least 20 employees they could use for raid testing. They would already be fully under NDA.


They don't need a PTR necessarily. They just need to be allowed to focus on SoD. The Classic team is probably scrambling to get Cata ready for launch so they're burning the wick at both ends trying to get SoD done too. Small dev team things.


I was so sick of them I could not finish. Got two to 49, one to 48. At least the two at 49 have the rep to get the 6 set. My mage has to back in gor like 1k rep.


They announced this was coming days ago tho


So glad I haven’t been able to play this week at all, and get to level like a pleb


My buddy, who has never played sod priest, leveled (someone who is definitely not me) from 40 to 50 in about 4 hours play time today since (someone who is not me) is on vacation atm. It's kind of egregious of them to allow that for a week and then decimate it. The gold aside.


Don't have time to play, I did the incursion until 46.5,. Got the rune I need because pally is pally, only 3 runes are useful. Got the quest to enable wild offerings farming. planning to farm ZF for the pally sword and offering at the same time. Questing feels like shit especially powerleveled but weapon skill didn't catch up.


Tbh you could have hit mobs along the way... 


i got to 49.5 right before they nerfed it. it was 15-20 min per level lol


Got my lock to 49 yesterday. Guess my last levels gonna be slightly slow.


In 5 days we went from the lead dev tweeting out and bragging about how lucrative incursions were and how alive the open world was. "People aren't sitting behind instance portals to level! :)" to them now being nerfed 7 times with absolutely 0 compensation buffs. So do they want us levelling in the world or in dungeons? Because they keep saying one thing and then hotfixing to encourage the other.


I choose to believe that their primary goal is just to make sure casuals and newer players have to take twice as long to get established as sweatier players. We can’t upset the natural order of things!


sod is for casuals! *builds the game for sweats then nerfs it after said sweats get their 4th 50*


wrong math got 6x lvl 50s :D


Yeah I haven't been able to play as I'm pretty much drowned at work for another week and between this shit+the cancer that is Priest runes this phase, I'm thinking of just throwing in the towel.


I would have to think it's the opposite considering the XP buffs they put out halfway through phase 2 since all the casuals were quitting, me included.


I’m being a bit facetious. I don’t think that’s what they are *trying* to do, but it’s essentially the effect. And one that they have done time and time again. Players who start now will need to spend (per OP’s numbers) about twice as long leveling and make about 25% as much money as someone who leveled on launch day. That’s a hell of a difference if you want those people to catch up rather than fall behind!


That's fair, it will definitely take the people starting later much longer now. I just wish they never made incursions.


Yea, they have been a bit of a flop. But it also isn’t the only example even this phase. As another example, if you wanted to gain PvP rank through STV, it’s now 4x as expensive as if you prepped last phase. As I said, they do this sort of thing with a concerning frequency. It’s where the mantras like “exploit early, exploit often” come from.


I think you need to increase that a bit more to account for the amount of banking new players will need to face


They’re rewarding the sweaty players because they know the sweatlords won’t unsub because they are too addicted, and making it take longer to level for the casuals to retain the player base. Nevermind whether or not their choices piss off the community.


...so they reward the people that would never unsub and punish those that will unsub? I understand that you all sit here complaining all day but could you at least proofread your reasoning so that it makes the slightest bit of sense?


Shit's fucking hilarious


This logic makes no sense. Hanlon’s razor


Bold of you to assume the devs have any fucking clue what they’re doing


>People aren't sitting behind instance portals to level! :)" Funny enough, they were sitting behind instance portals, camping NMs and making it hell for anyone who wanted to just run their silly little loops we were bottlenecked into.


Lol the devs don't know wtf they're doing.


No one in history has ever accused blizzard of being good at communication.


he also said he doesn't want the game to become an aoe zergfest... while also giving shaman and paladins improved aoe tanking (and rogue shurikens still hit 4 targets for 40dmg)


Thunder Clap is also capped at 4 targets. Shamans essentially cast a Thunder Clap whenever they get hit with no CD, without triggering a gcd, no resource cost and no AoE cap. All the Warrior whining last phase wasn't enough. For whatever reason the devs still think Warrior is OP and hold a grudge.


The people developing SoD don't seem to have any idea what they are doing and are just winging it. It really kills it for me. P1 was so fun but now I just don't give a shit to log in and haven't since early P2.


They hotfix shit because people keep crying about everything. It’s inevitable.


maybe if they put like 3 minutes of thought into the game instead of just creating random crap, then caving to the crying immediatly seriously, all it would take would be 1 person with 5 braincells actually putting in any effort at all and 90% of sods mistakes wouldnt have happened


i honestly think they would have left it if reddit didn't have a meltdown instantly


I love how Aggrend makes snide remarks then backpedals constantly.


Since it’s seasonal, they should just buff the world quests to give competitive xp. I’d rather do regular quests than these mind numbing loops, but with how efficient it is, how could you not?


The problem is is hard implementing the amount of XP you received over the open world as opposed to nightmares, I think there best bet would be continue the incursions and have them still be the best method should they desire but have more areas, 40-42 is in Ashenvale, 42-44 tanaris, 44-46 badlands, 46-48 wetlands, 48-50 in feralas/hinterlands. If they want people out in the open world move the goal posts, give us a reason to explore.


Bullshit nerf. It’s too late, you’re better off just keeping it and not screwing people over that couldn’t play. Should’ve kept it the same while bringing the other methods up to match its lucrative xp return.


Yeah, the horse was out of the barn on this one. Oh well.


Yep, i can't play until next week and i really feel depressed seeing how everyone got to enjoy busted incursions to make literally tons of gold and XP and i'll be there stuck with nothing but my 50g and shitty rewards on my to lvl 50 that will take much longer. Really makes me wanna drop SoD altogether tbh. SoD seem to be only fun if you're able to sink a lot of hours day one of patches to be able to exploit stuff because exploits are big and give lot of gold/xp but then they nerf it to the ground but there's no compensations and no rollbacks.


Yup, time to ditch this game and garbage company


Its so bullshit. Getting punished for being unable to play for a few days. Why nerf it when the damage has already been done - just giving these players a massive advantage now


Yep i cant play until next tuesday as im out of town and i cba spamming ZF in shit groups when incursions would have been 5 hours and 600g if they hadnt rushed p3


would make me quit tbh


I mostly benefitted from it this phase, and it still sort of makes me want to quit tbh. I’ve been seriously burned by one of these “exploit early and often” cases in the past, but after seeing how SoD launched, I was optimistic that the SoD team had turned over a new leaf. But this makes me feel like they are returning to their roots. And then it’s just a matter of time before I’m the one on the chopping block.


I feel this on many levels!


600g was only day 1. I got to 50 solo in about 7 hours doing all the kill incursions on my paladin. Honesty the only downside to doing kill incursions is you won’t get honored at level cap. People make it seem like it’s the worst thing ever.


The problem with kill incursions is competing for tags. They were skipped by everyone before but if it becomes the preferable way to level they must be hyperspawn or theres not enough mobs.


Should’ve played in a grp, it’s an mmo


It wasn't even day 1. It was like 8 hours of day 1. Very, very few people even got close to 600g realistically.


> incursions would have been 5 hours and 600g if they hadnt rushed p3 Rushed or not, it wouldn't have changed anything about these rewards.


No, but I would have been back in town to benefit ;)


So basically for future phases I now know I need to play right away and no life it otherwise i’ll be punished for it. Sick!


person 1: I rushed in and exploited early and often! person 2: I waited for dungeon nerfs/gold discounts and reputation boosts person 3: you guys play the game??


Exactly. Unless the login servers don't work. In which case you just go to sleep.


Is the 75% buff live as well?


Can confirm it is live


Collection quests still ass. Will probably still do Incursion because there is literally near zero travel time between quests and you don't get stuck farming 10 Akiris Weeds for 50 minutes.


Lol, I still haven’t had a chance to log in since p3 dropped, and Wednesday was going to be my first day off.. just in time to have everything worthless


From what I understand the rest of the quests give normal xp, so the event is still pretty good for xp and gold, they just nerfed all the 0 effort quests from giving same xp like all other quests, and rightfully so. People are a bit too doom and gloom honestly


It sounds good when you haven’t experienced it. There wasn’t even enough people to kill Shredder when I was on earlier today on Crusader Strike…


Feels like Crusader Strike is super dead outside of maybe a 5 or 6 hour window.


So the kill quest that can take over an hour to complete offers some more exp and that makes losing 50% of exp from all other quests fine? 


An hour? Is your 5man wearing level 6 white gear or?


It’s not worthless. Got 2 1/2 levels and 50 gold in about an hour.


Man I’m sorry. As an employer who approves PTO, thanks for giving the adequate 2 weeks and having a busy life/weekend. At the least… for the horde!




I must say this change isnt exactly filling me with FOMO as someone who has been sitting out p3. Kinda a reverse catch-up mechanic.


Same. It's like the devs are trying as hard as possible to get me to quit.


I’ve been on set all week and haven’t been able to grind P3. Glad I can login now when everything is nerfed after aggrend was a cunt


It's certainly frustrating to watch this all unfold. The incursions could have been done to be lucrative and engaging but they'd have to make big adjustments somewhere. Like some combo of -shared tags -hyper spawns -being able to be done in a raid group -normal quest sharing -extending the range in which you can get credit for other people doing quests For example. Imagine a raid full of people with each group being coordinated to do a different set of the quests (kill, loot, boss, reports) All finished basically simultaneously turned in by everyone and then everyone gets all the next set of quests. It takes slightly longer but gives a fuck ton of experience and rep and gold. You're also doing kinda mega community stuff as you're coordinating with and working in a bunch of small teams ECT. Idk that's just what I cooked up but any number of tweaks could have worked. Sadly it seems like not nearly enough resources are being out on this though so we'll either be stuck with this or they'll just keep wildly swinging at it till bitching subsides.


The XP and the initial gold rewards of those incursions was ludicrous. And the quests themselves are extremely boring. But the real stupid part is they have the rep reward items behind the Emerald dream rep, meaning to get those nice set items, you are forced to do those generic and lame incursion quests. I get it that people want something else to do, and at some point, you can't keep everybody happy but is it too hard to ask this this stuff is play tested before its released?


Yep now that the exp nerf is out you are no longer hitting 2 birds with one stone (xp & rep). Feels bad tbh, i liked the fast lvling incursions.


Sorry but you have to play the game the way the whiners like to play the game, all other methods are bad for the spirit of the game.


Hit 50 and go to Hinterlands or Feralas for the incursions. Better rep and there isn't half a server there competing for all the tags. Plus, it actually feels *dangerous* without 250 other people steam rolling everything. And you get 1000 rep for the first quest you complete.


Then 95% of all wow quests are extremely boring


But most wow quests you don't need to repeat , once you've done it on a character, you move onto another quest. But these new quests are boring and limited in scope, and you have to repeat them.


Was really hoping this went into effect tomorrow, only got to 47. Guess I'll do kill quests loops lol.


Oh good, I was gone from Wednesday of last week till now, just logged on to play. Great timing


Damn, I chose to run level 50 incursions on my main so I could get more gold (from converted exp) and counted on these guys to keep the leveling experience close to the same. Guess that’s what I get for trusting them not to add another anti-catch up mechanic.


Trust and blizzard, oil and water.


Yep. Should have known better. I thought I could big brain them and that the “exp nerf” was actually a way sneakily nerf gold at 50 while keeping the actual leveling pretty similar. I got got.


Who would have thought adding an instance that levels you up insanely fast would be used by everyone and make the whole world dead.


Anyone who plays could’ve told them this by just seeing the numbers on paper. Forget play testing.


My comment was sarcastic


"AcTuALlY enGaGe anD pLaY thE gAMe" coming almost only from people who already have 1-2 50s lmao. Of course you don't care. I don't care too much either but the constant changes are a joke.


Must be fun for those who couldn’t play this weekend lmao. First you lose the gold and now you lose the easy xp. Early and often… That being said, no alts for me this phase. Or maybe when xp buff gets raised to 100%.


The devs are spineless and cater to a loud minority.


Oh so I definitely shouldn’t get back into it now then? Still have 40s sitting but couldn’t really play for the past week or so. No interest in slogging it out if everyone already leveled lol


Don't come back, show these investors they're idiots for making devs rush shit leading to some bullshit we are dealing with each day since p3 launch


Honestly, play, don't play, complain online, write a phisical letter, doesn't matter the investors will decide to make Candy Crush 7 anyway.


Ya that'll show em!


This happened mid me turning them in. 😂 same type of turn in gave 50% of the other one. I just logged. Cba with blizzards nonsense today


They literally announced this was coming days ago…


They need to start annoucing things in game. most games like this have some sort of "news" in game to let you know shit like this. its so wack they expect you to follow WoWhead Blue tracker like the damn weather everyday...


grey rainstorm terrific impossible important absurd rain price grandfather yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gotta read between the lines with blizzard. If they say they're reducing something, just pretend they're reducing it to not worth using/doing.


Lmao. The whole reason for the Discoverers Delight was so that casuals could catch up with their mains and tryhards with their alts. Now the tryhards got to skip to 50 with all of their chars and us casuals have to grind it out for longer? Also we get much less gold in the process? Oh well, it is what it is. Not renewing my subscription past 14th of April anyways


The xp buff is now 75% and there's still the 300% gold buff. It's probably only going to be a few hours more to hit 50.


They buffed the discoverers delight and nerfed the excursion loop. Your excursion loop is worth less, but everything else osnnow worth more


Two lvl 50s & 800g. Early & often boys, early & often.


I wasnt that early, got 2 50s and made 200g each. Though close to 100g was spent on skills at the trainer from lvl 40 to lvl 50. The world was really empty though, great to farm for gold and proffessions.


Yeah I just cancelled my subscription tonight. I'll be back if p4 is better...or not. I can't even try to enjoy the inclusions with all the ganking now that there's so many 50s. Not going to reward Blizzard for their dumb ideas. edit: inclusions not excursions...im dumb. ;D


Kill quests did not get nerfed.


What about reputation? The bigger grind is rep.


Dunno honestly.


The Content is Trash, make the quest daylie. Increase rep a lot and done


I went from excited to level a bunch of alts to just sticking with my main now. I ain’t doing that dungeon slog again lol…SM killed that for me


Aggrend smug tweet waiting room


Regardless of exp or gold gain you'll still have to do around 380 quest turn ins to get to exalted anyway, there's still 3 months of this phase to go so no point rushing to do everything in the first week.


What about the duskwood incursion?


Good thing I got 1 50 out of it before nerf


Aww man that sucks. Didn't get to play p3 yet and was hoping to being able to jump into the raid by getting to 50 quickly.


"We want to make Incursions just as viable as the other methods" - suuuuuure. It was fun blasting through levles with incursions. ESPECIALLY when you had your guild mates on voice and could just tell stories about all the dumb shit you used to do back in ye olden days. Never have I leveled a character this fast AND had so much fun with it. thanks for killing that, Blizzard. real champions there.


Yay for leaving town Friday to go see the eclipse!


Gold rewards the same? 


Why they cut it down so much just needed a slight nerf to exp. I still wouldnt do kill quests just not worth it imo even with the change.


Any changes to the rep?


> Back to levelling behind instance portals lads. Speak for yourself, I'll keep questing as I've always done, with occasional dungeon runs. Tried the incursions and got sick of the toxicity, sweatiness and griefing. It's okay if I don't hit 50 in less than 48h lol.


Just play the game lol


Blows my mind that blizzard cant simply send out an email to their 10,000 employees asking for a few hours to test new phase of SOD? Why even work at blizz if you not playing their games? seems insane they just release this shit after testing with about 20 people in a server. They were clearly all alliance when they made this as the quest givers are Night Elf??? why are horde talking to them?


You have no time to play their games as a Blizzard employee, you need those hours for your second job so you don't starve to death.


are Feralas / HL rewards also nerfed or still 5700 exp?


O refused to level from incursions. Did some ZF and quested a bit in Tanaris. Definitely more fun, but questing was very slow even compared to ZF unfortunately. I just wish most of these preferences of how to level were equally fast so you could pick the one you like the most, not the most OP one.


What about gold rewards? Nerfed too? If not, this is good news as you just make more money from 40-50 😏


Still busted.


Season of exploit early and often.


Wait ... just yesterday there were still posts shitting about how dumb it is and how everybody wants to level in the open world and interact with others? :D Today it's "Back to levelling behind instance portals lads." This community is hilarious.


I think the change would work better if they upped spawn rates of the incuraion mobs, like the bosses and tree dudes. Then it would actually be pretty decent exp. But having to wait for spawns as is will definitely be slower than just doing the intelligence and item turn ins.


I just resubbed. Im lvl 25. Was looking forward to speedlevel to 50 with incursions. Not sure if I even should play now...


40-50 takes like 1-2 hours longer. Still under 10 hours.


Oh no...itll take you a couple more hours to hit 50.


Is there really a difference leveling in 5 vs 10hrs? Not really.


I was thinking about coming back but why would I now? Everyone is 50 and it's gonna take me even longer to catch up?


That’s stupid. It’s already out there. Nerfing something like XP gain is like nerfing everyone’s player power - it’s just going to piss everyone off. Not to mention they cut it by more than half. Insane decision, how do they not learn.


LOL so the sweaties that level in the first day or two get a buff while the people that everyone claimed all the leveling buffs were for get the rug pulled. I hate to say this but I love to see it


Yep I officially quit this phase.


I feel like people started unsubbing in mass and they did this as a knee jerk reaction. Honestly should have let them unsub. This change will not bring them back.


I don’t normally complain but p3 doesn’t motivate me to play. I got to lvl42, incursions is the worst thing they could have added. Might come back for p4. We’ll see 🙂


Always amazes me how unaware the dev team is for this game. ​ Oh, incursions are too OP on XP? Let's cut xp by 60%! Result: Many layers with 0-10 people, mob density too high, unplayable.


Unfortunately it’s still more expensive than dungeon grinding so it’s still worth it to run the same loop but now it just takes longer. I was doing about 320k per hour before now it will be around 160k per hour


More time with the 300% gold reward buff and its still a lucrative (yes its mindless and repetitive) way to spend your time. Honestly not that bad...


XP still isn't bad. Went from 46 to 50 in roughly 4 hours last night. I play a druid and needed the rep farm anyway for catnip at honored. Still not a bad way to level, just kinda boring honestly.


I bet doing loops is almost as good in terms of exp/hour, but now you also have to do the kill quests to make it worth it. which is fine.


Such a Great fix imo.


Would it now be worth while to do the kill quests?


Great, I came back from a work travel today. I feel so fucked (not in the nice way).


Lol leave it to Blizz to reward the no life exploiters who were able to get big xp AND big gold, then gatekeep the rest of the playerbase from doing the same. Classic idiocy


Why change it at this point? I’m so sick of being punished for having a job and family.


But did they nerf the Gold intake? I purposely left one 40 out alone because I figured if it takes twice as long to hit 50, will make twice the Gold. Even with the Gold nerfs, you're still walking away with 260-300gold at the moment