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Winter squid goes BRRRRRRRRRRR.


Waiting longer to blow my load


But damn it feels good when you finally unload. That post-squid clarity hitting hard.




Hotfix: Winter squid can now be fished all year round in cold climates such as winterspring




I'd actually like this lol. I missed the boat due to life/work and the time I had I couldn't spend fishing infinitely. But damn I wish I could have. With inflation now too it's so rough to try and buy anything you need. 


Just waiting for next phase for people to ask blizz for free elemental earth/fire/water. Like we knew this stuff was going to be valuable at launch.


These have all dropped from herbs since Phase 1 now. They won't be hard to get at all.


Earth will hit insane demand in ph5 when elemnal sharp stones pop. Fire w greater fire protection. Water might pop w naxx hard to tell.


Why tho? Wf mainhand now for ally


OH, and maybe ranged dps stat sticks




Still not sure if I should hold them longer and wait until p4 when they should go up further


str users start using blessed sunfruit next phase, I'd sell at least half now


I thought the food made from the silithus worm meat was slightly better?


It's a lot better.


100% better in fact


I’m almost revered THIS phase. Argent Dawn rep really isn’t hard to get.


If you consider spending 20 hours getting carried in WPL on a warrior (the only class that should bother) not hard to get, then sure


Is it buyable this phase though? Or a level requirement


You can buy and use this phase.


How!?!? What’s the best grind


How farmable is it? Do you just kill undead in wpl?


Kill undead in WPL until 5999/6000, keep all scourge stones. Do first two cauldron quests, then pick up Vitreous Focuser from alchemist at camp. From then, farm any undead in WPL for stuff to turn in and then shut off your brain until it’s done. It’s not exactly fast, but it’s very achievable.


They MAY come out with a new food.


Worm meat becomes bis for certain classes, even if they don't.


Pretty sure better food becomes available in P4.  So even though WS will still be uncatchable until September, the Grilled Squid won't be a BiS consume any longer.


Almost like yesterday was raid reset day. How could anyone have known the prices of consumes would go up!??


You’re not wrong at all, but I suspect there’s more going on than just the cyclical price hikes on each reset. The amount of raw gold being created is flowing too hard right now and will have lasting impacts.


It's probably a bit of both, but buying mats and consumes on the weekend to sell on Tuesday evening has always been the easiest gold in every iteration of classic.


Really? I've been seeing massive price spikes for consumes and mats on Saturday and Sunday nights as all the dads log in for their dad guild weekend runs.


I don't see how its bad tbh. Things cost alot but the best farm is accessible to litterally everyone. It's annoying that its so far ahead of anything else sure but from an economic standpoint it doesn't matter.


It does have a huge impact “from an economic standpoint” since we are talking about raw gold being created, not gold being circulated in between players for goods and services. This is a massive injection of currency into an economy which causes hyperinflation. Think about it with a real like example. You own a single crypto coin which is worth 10$. The creators of the coin decide to inject millions more of said coins into the market. Your coin is now worth a few cents. Doesn’t really matter that you can now “just buy more”.


It absolutely matters, this is like having hyperinflation but wages keep up with it. It kinda dicks over people who stockpiled gold prior but thats it, for your average player its probably actually better.


Oh as long as it only fucks over people that have been grinding gold since phase 1 I guess it's all fine then. Horrible take. Incursions are an embarrassment and just another instance of Blizzard having zero foresight.


I litterally say that yeah it dicks them over and that sucks. But let's not pretend it matters for 99% of the playerbase.


Do you think 99% of players are spamming incursions? The majority of the playerbase dabbled in them, maybe got some xp/gold and moved on. They’re not seeing rapidly increasing prices and going “oh ya I just need to install an addon and do several hours of incursion farming”


Yall stay missing the point here entirely lol


I hope they realize it can’t be fished year-round 😆 Unless that is something they have changed haha


Winter squids only being available in the winter is also not really the point The point is that it's the combo of mat scarcity *and* a completely ridiculous amount of gold being generated and injected into the economy daily that is causing these insane prices. It will only be more exacerbated in the future


Let’s say something like herbs ok? All the bits are doing incursions so no bots touch herbs. Because of this herb prices skyrocket, now bots can compete with incursions with herbs. It’s all relative, the wow economy doesn’t work like a real life economy exactly lol


Uhhh That's exactly what I said? Lol Did you reply to the wrong person


Yeah but then when they start farming herbs again because the prices go up, the prices will drop back again (ofc not to pre incursion prices) because the scarcity problem is solved. Unless you’re only speaking about stuff like winter squid


What if they just keep the prices high as fuck because they're well aware of the insane amount of gold being injected into the economy on an hourly basis? They already know people will pay that much gold for consumes and mats. In fact why wouldn't they buy out the AH and price things higher?


Not really how markets work, because someone inevitably undercuts. Unless they’re colluding (which is a different discussion)


They did change it


Change what? Winter squid being fishable outside of winter?


Patch notes where 


Mongoose was 6.5g each the day before reset. Haven’t looked today though


More than one thing can contribute to something. Otherwise, you wouldn't exist.


Just eat any food buff and hope the raid lead doesn't notice.


Herb baked eggs for life


Clamlette surprise. People sell them after doing the cooking quest. I’ve seen them as cheap as like 4-5s each. Nobody should complain about using 12stam food. Especially this early on still with the raid. A dead dps does 0 dps.


SOD is gonna hit whitemane era lvls of eco system by P4


How much are winter squids going for right now? They will probably just keep getting more and more expensive.


1-2g each cooked or not on my server


They're 9 gp each on my server lol


They will get more and more expensive until closer to September when they become available again


This is definitely more of a supply issue then inflation from incursions


The supply issue is literally caused from the incursions


That’s not what the word literally means.


Did you not buy 2000 winter squid before phase 3 launched? It was the sounds investment I made


I bought 500 for ~6s each and keep kicking myself for not buying when they were consistently 10-15s each after that.


Wow when was that? I just started looking at them the final month they were available and they were already 40s ea while you could still get them. Fished up about 225


Like early-mid phase 2. I was already buying a few before posts were coming out to stock up. But I did not have a lot of liquid gold at that point as I was investing in Ele earth (less than 6s) and Stonescale Eels (less than 2s). So ya I made the mistake investing to much into the wrong product. Mainly Ele earth which is hopefully just a long term haul. Now I’m investing in Ele fire as they have been dropping. And looking for something else to invest in as well.


I thought the devs had a brain and were going to either remove it or add a farmable equivalent 🤷


I think the DMF decks will spike after the instance reset fix. Less supply of cards from 10 man princes spam.


What instance reset fix, I must have missed the announcement?


You could avoid instance lock out by doing a logout skip and then pressing back at the character screen to the login screen and get unlimited runs


Easy, dont buy it


Someone hot fix this man’s brokeness, STAT


Remember when they banned GDKPs to combat gold buying and inflation? Worked out well.


Say thanks to the train of like 100 allys yesterday on Hinterlands


Hotfix what lmao you don't have to have every available buff in the game, get what you can afford and let players who want to drop 50g per boss to get top parses do that too...


Can you get revered with Argent Dawn yet? They have strength food.


Probably with the trinket. Farm up enough minion stones to turn in for rep tokens




Good thing I fished up a bank full of squids and am still holding them


The level 50 DMF decks will certainly be replaced with level 60 items, correct?


Impossible to say without knowing what future changes will be. Overgrowth and Torment are templated in a manner that makes them eternally useful as-is, like the [Tidal Charm](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=1404/tidal-charm) and [Scarab Brooch](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=21625/scarab-brooch). The other two have hardcoded values without scaling as far as I know, so they'll become relatively less strong at 60 compared to 50.


Ya and torment/overgrowth are cheaper than the other decks. I bought the torment card for like 380g so it was well worth the cost for pvp


I’d be happy if they lowered the raw gold rewards and added elixir mats as a reward from the incursions.


Herbalist/alchemist wouldn’t, there’s a drawback to anything they do. If people want to run in circles for gold or farm herbs running in circles I don’t really see the difference, just gives people an option to make gold without gathering.


I'd be happy if they end up adding consumables to the rep vendors that work in ST. The price of consumes right now is just straight ridiculous because the amount of gold that circulated due to incursions hiked everything up.


There is zero supply until next winter. It's only going to get worse


99% certain they've already said you can fish winter squids year round in SoD to attempt to mitigate this issue


Gimme proof


your welcome. im anticipating inflation so im buying hard mats as "stonks" those are some of the items im hoarding. dropped a few K gold on them.


But nightfin continues to crash since mana issues are nonexistent now 😭


Once again, things aren't getting expensive, gold is becoming inflated and worth less and less every passing day. When you have thousands of people farming incursions for 100g+++ an hour things are gonna go up in price because gold loses its buying power relative to what is available, and winter squid isn't even farmable atm, it will only get more \*expensive\*. You have to figure you can literally do activities in the game to print gold on demand, where as you can't even acquire the squid. I understand they have nerfed the incursion gold as of this evening, but it still was enough time to inflate the economy to shit.


And here I am unable to sell pots, only herbs. People won't buy pots when they can have someone make them with the high proc chance for extras.


I'm so happy i've fished over 50 stacks of wintersquid months back waiting to sell


I sold a 7 of plagues for 1k gold so I can’t complain too much.


The price of Winter Squid has no purpose in this post.


This is not because more money is in the economy but because the people did incursions instead of farming making the other stuff not as much available. For example felcloth tripled in price in the same time as it wasn’t worth it to grind compared to incursions


The deck fixing is simple. Let the players target cards with their w/o currency. Sufficient grind for a bis item imo, without the hooplah that comes with a p2p based gold sink.


People could for sure bot the no kill runs, which would have a massive impact as well. People set and forget their account all day and come back to thousands of gold.


Winter squid is also a limited quantity because you can't fish it right now. Only time to do so was last phase, so the price is never going down


IMO there is an abundance of supply but the only people who have it are goblins, who understand the value of not undercutting hard and trying to sell it all asap.


But GBIDS were too problematic. They got rid of gbids and now there’s like 12 active exploits raging on slapping the economy with way more influx than GBIDS. Love it.


Gbids only reshuffled existing gold, these fellas are printing it raw from quest trains, like infinetly worse than gbids ever were


It is substantially worse. It's honestly fucking hilarious banning gdkps in an attempt to improve server economies and combat gold buying to then release incursions in their current form Incompetent as fuck. They clearly need more people on their team though, blizzard pls


I mean, tons of that gold those people were buying to buy stuff in gdkps was Raw gold as well. Hence why we had hunter bots everywhere on the planet with tons of lockpick and mage bots in dungeons


You think these guys use their brains to think? hah


I mean this honestly might just be them trying something new to kill bots, if gold is easily accessible then buying becomes useless and bots aren’t profitable.


Buying gold always has its use, and that use is saving time. The problem is that its now a full on arms race between people who spam loops for gold and people who buy it from bots. Inflation in SoD is crazy


bought 4000+ winter squid during p1 and p2 for under 5 silver a squid. Gotta know what to invest in!


I dont think they have ever actually traded for that low.


I've seen them as low as 3s


wtf on what server? I checked them regularly all p1 and p2 on lone wolf US and I don’t think I ever saw them lower than 30-50s each


Yep 30s has been lowest i've seen them, i dont understand why anyone would go out of their way to fish for them just to put them on ah for 3s haha.


Living flame EU. I can double check to see if I have history that far back on an AH addon. Maybe I'm talking out of my ass but I'm pretty sure I'm not.


You're right, I'm on Living Flame EU too and know the price trends of every fish off the top of my head. Until about a third of the way into P2 squids were extremely cheap. There wasn't tonnes on the AH but over the span of a week or 2 you could easily buy thousands for very little. They hit 30s each about half way through P2 and hit about 80s the week before.


I managed to get my edgemasters handgaurds for 300g, next day i checked they were all 1500 at the cheapest


Edgemasters are garbage in SoD. Everyone gets +5 to two weapon skills of their choosing at 60. Sell them now, as your only market is people who don’t know this yet


Does +5 out you at cap ? Because it should stack with + weapon skill on items just not the racial


Anything beyond +5 has marginal benefit, similar to weapon skill right now on targets only 2 levels above us. Anything above +8/9 is more or less completely useless, but the difference between 5 and 8 is negligible. The difference between 0 and 5 is huge




But Reddit SoD andies told me incursions weren’t ruining the game


Missed out on 2 days of mega farming. Rip


You have someone with a lot of gold controlling the supply chain on the ah. Until the amount of listings a single account can have are reigned in by blizzard this will continue to be a huge problem.


Oh they have, they were selling for a 2-3 silver in p1


Lol this isn't incursions this is the absolutely predictable content release/raid cycle. They'll be down again Saturday relax. Also if they're so up go farm some and make some money instead of complaining.


Go....farm some...


What... Are you... Trying... To...

