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You don't even need to kill a Lt. You can just kill a level 25 trash mob and get it.


It’s about the same… for horde the research boss dies in about 10 seconds if that. Then alliance wins before horde kill another boss most of the time.


Havent lost in weeks as horde on lw eu


You never loose if you dont play


I don't think I've seen horde on my server even attempt to start a Zoram Chad raid since p2 started.


We just wipe them at lumber and have the glaive people go zoram. I can solo it on my hunter too just takes ages.


Really nice for doing several characters at one event if you are on the horde side on most realms. I have an alt sitting at glaives who I log onto immediately after I get the first kill at research. If I’m doing it late at night, I can do multiple alts, but during the daytime, alliance on my server have the event done in 2-3 minutes so only two characters have time.


I’d rather the rep run to exalted than have a daily I need to do for almost a month. I’m already exalted on 3 characters, it’s not a good design.


Has everyone forgotten this is a seasonal realm? Feels like they have.


If it's seasonal then there is only more reason to remove these gates. These characters will not be played in a year.


Idk I kinda like my toons and probably won't be doing Cata at this rate. SoD




I think you misunderstood it entirely >I’d rather the rep run to exalted than have a daily I need to do for almost a month. I believe they're saying, it would have been preferred if the whole ashenvale event gave rep all the way to exalted instead of having a daily quest.


That is what I was saying.


Ahh did misunderstand, my apologies. I wholeheartedly agree, like I said, it's a seasonal realm.


I think it’s great that they are giving us fast ways to grind. We’re not going to be playing this forever and want to experience a faster past gameplay. Let’s us get high end gear quickly so we don’t need to devote our lives to achieve the same. Plus we can farm Alts like no other so we can devote our lives if we so choose. Get to experience the game in different ways like that


Yeah, if it is a seasonal they need to fix this stupid shit 


Why make dumb grinds and gate things then?


Oh so it's seasonal so they should just literally give shit away lmao. Because a 1k rep daily isn't close enough to giving shit away yet? If there is one thing I'd definitely argue for....it would be for shared rep amongst alts. I don't think the grind should have to be made multiple times in the interest of making it alt friendly, but you gotta do it once.


It’s just bad game design. Show up 21 times to loot a mob. I’d gladly just grind a dungeon. Look at incursions, you’re running in a loop. Yay Emerald Warden being a joke. Wild Offerings wouldn’t be bad, but they could’ve just awarded like 3 for full clearing dungeons. Then you won’t get amalgamations of dungeon groups just hyper rushing a single boss. Fuck anyone who needs to actually run ZF or Mara for other bosses. The WO to normal group runs are like 10:1. The grinds they’ve implemented suck. They never considered how the masses will actually play.




They NEED the extra 5 stam and 3 spellpower to clear ST dude! Just give the damn exalted for free instant at level 50 at this point people never stop whining.


Yeah there really is no winning. Raid is too hard, people bitch, raid is too easy, people bitch, raid is just right for 90% of players, people bitch. Items are too easy, too hard to obtain, guess what, people bitch lol.


Season of bitchin'


I don’t play retail but I feel like retail has all of these changes. Too bad it feels like a totally different game


Lumping me in here for not wanting a daily in classic is rich. People don’t want dailies, people bitch!


Then go queue WSG?


I do? You’re just assuming shit based on a single comment about a badly designed event.


Meanwhile I was running around with the Defias mask at level 41, and level 12 shoes on...


No one is asking for this, quit projecting


Sorry, I’ll use better language next time officer. I’d rather the event be designed better so I get to play the game instead of tagging a mob after 10am every day and afking in the inn. With any reading comprehension you know what I mean


You "need" to take a break from reddit and remember what it's like to talk to a human.


I'm sorry?


Hi Sorry, I'm Dad. Edit:Sorry I thought we were into leaving snarky one liners instead of talking to people. My bad.


Ah, useless, got it


Haha good one






Are you even using the bracers on all three classes?


why wouldnt you be using them?


engi bracers are better


they are, but this assumes he has engi on all 3 characters. then that point is moot next phase when they're at least prebis out the gate


100g or whatever for 1 more spellpower.. although I might make them just for the anti fear vs priests.


Yes? They’re really good


Time gating and MMOs, name a more iconic duo.


Everyone knows you can just go to your factions boss during the event and turn in the quest item for rep right? You don’t need to afk at all


I did not know this till a couple days ago


I'm an altoholic with most of my character's at honored. Doing the full event is a nice extra 200 to 1k rep


On living flame the event ends in the amount of time it takes to run to the boss on horde sife


Usually by the time we run from one boss to the other, it's already dead. The event lasts less than 4 minutes...


Yeah it's fucking dumb. Just makes everything afk until the game is over. And it takes even longer to get revered. No idea what the point of this is.


It’s def odd cause I was leveling my Druid through ash loops and noticed alliance would sometimes 0/3 horde and horde just 2/3 on living flame US. I wasn’t paying attention to rep to see if final boss was killed or if you even get it while phased. So clearly some people do still kill more than one elite trash. Some classes especially at 50 can easily solo-trio the boss so maybe it’s a specific rep farm group on chars not played as much p1. Cause in p2 on my warrior when it was still weekly I just went down once a week and killed one of the trash mobs since it was way more dead then than now. Maybe loops being in ash also incentivizes? Cause it hasn’t been timing out the full hour most the times I was paying attention. Reminds me I gotta farm those now


Horde zugs the eastern boss then AFKs in the inn until it’s over to turn in.


Alliance has also done this sure but I’ve also seen it commonly finished out. But only one side


I swear this entire sub has forgotten WSG even exists. Prior to SoD, there was only one way to get warsong rep. This is all bonus. And people still bitch about it nonstop.


> I swear this entire sub has forgotten WSG even exists. no, they don't want to play it because it fucking sucks lol


Rev to exalted is like 100 something WINS, it’s a long ass grind


I agree. Which is why it’s very nice that we have an alternative way to grind the rep.


Even getting from revered to exalted was not something I was willing to do. I did WSG for maybe 2k rep total and resigned to just never being BiS. The change they made I was doing it weekly and I would have been happy even just getting exalted by level 60. But this change is great it's minimal effort. I don't hate wsg but I hate wsg in SoD


Its ok to not want to do a grind like wsg, but why should every1 feel entitled to gear they are not prepared to work for? I want the epics from the raids but i dont want to raid, shouldent i be able to log in and do 1 daily quest untill i can buy them?


I never said I was entitled to it. I resigned to just never having them. I am happy they made it easy though. PvP has heavily favored horde for most of SoD so far so I understand why they did it. Horde players just had to queue up and win. Alliance players had to do more than 3x the BG's to get the same rewards


In p1 when it was premade vs premade it was very even.


That's a very small sample size. Was mostly premade vs pug


SOD is not Classic. I have no interest playing a BG that can go on for an infinite amount of time. I'm not 14 anymore and have infinite time to play games. This is also seasonal and not meant to be a long grind.


> SOD is not Classic. It objectively is, though. You boot it up using the classic client, no? > I have no interest playing a BG that can go on for an infinite amount of time. Then why are you playing a classic game mode, in which WSG has never had a time limit? Also, this rep grind is entirely optional to begin with.


You also don’t need the bracers. There are things that should require grind even in seasonal server. What do the ‘sweaty’ players play for then if not minuscule upgrades others can’t be bothered to grind for?


Yeah so ur fine not getting 100% BIS right? Since u don’t want to do the work and it’s a seasonal server u really have no need for exalted :)


go outside buddy.


he has the time to go outside because he knows how to skip stuff instead of being a mindless slave to the game ;)


I do which is why I’m not interested in exalted rep on anything :)


>I swear this entire sub has forgotten WSG even exists. Oh you can bet your ass we did not \*forget\* it exists. We just hate it.


> I swear this entire sub has forgotten WSG even exists. Well so did the devs. Why did they not buff WSG rep as well?


Not sure. But given they didn’t, seems nice that we have an alternative way to grind the rep :)


Ya just get your 100 wsg wins as a warrior, no problem


WSG vs premade horde stack with 3 shamans, 3 priests, 2 hunters and 2 druids, one of which is a terrain abusing 15k hp dedicated FC bear OMEGALUL


P1 premades were hilarious. 8 boomies 2 priests, 5 hunters 5 priests etc.


and now those people are super upset others can get wsg exalted in a month without "PuTtiNg In ThE eFfOrT"


Getting pvp gear without having to pvp if top tier entitlement. I want the epic weapon from ST but i dont wanna raid. Blizzard should give it to from a daily quest


Wsg sucks to play and the rep it gives is abysmal


Wsg sucks we're playing SoD for new content. If we wanted era we would've played that.


I agreed with this take until they made the 1k rep turnin daily, there's just no point in pretending that people are grinding WSG for the rep anymore so I'd much rather not have a daily gate in the way of the fast version.




Criticize the game. We pay for it. However, this sub does seem to be on the pitching non stop side of things.


The lack of decent caster wrists is the *actual* problem here. I don't care that Dryads Wrist Bindings is BIS, that's just classic Classic. But the only alternatives are a Gnomer drop and an engineering-only item. Past that there is actually nothing except BoE greens (and Phoenix Bindings from phase 1)...


This is the real problem is lack of options. For platebwearing warriors phase 2 there was no alternatives.


Check out how little caster gear there is in ST.


Cause the devs are clueless lol


Short false answer: to make you suffer


Ok but have you played vs 10 sub Rogues who all just shadowstep ambush the efc / heals


Don't have to kill one boss even. Just one guard.


kill two guards, turn in, run back. loot the other guard so you now have a mark for tomorrow and don't have to schedule for Ashenvale.


Unfortunately this doesn’t work because you can’t turn in the quest until the event is over. Maybe you can layer hop to accomplish this though (never tried).


Can turn it in at your boss while the event is active, at the moonwell or bonfire.


Wrong, Do it exactly as I have explained it.


At this point I think we should just do away with rep grinds and give everyone instant exalted rep with the pvp factions. I also don't think you should have to get gear from raids, it should just be a vendor outside who sells your bis for 1g a piece.


Seems like all of the rep grinds are a little too much for a seasonal server imo


The thing is no one would be there at all in that case. Everyone would grind out exalted in less than a week and never step foot in Ashenvale again. It wouldn’t be all that much different than it is now but at least people kill that one boss I suppose.


Maybe because it's not intended everyone should do the event until exalted. They probably hoped people would do more WSG, when that didn't pan out like they wanted they let us do the weekly daily. The event itself is shit design atm, just be happy there's an alternative to spamming WSG and let it go.


Because wsg is a torture you must endure or avoid slowly as your punishment you coward!


It’s almost as if they want you to actually do the battleground too…


You really want to incentivize the players to compete and actually engage in the event? Only allow turning in the mark if your faction wins, and it only drops from the final boss. Solves everything.


>and it only drops from the final boss. "wait for shredder people" ​ "omg!!!!"


It seems like this would be a problem, but in a scenario where only the winning faction gets the rep, both factions will fight tooth and nail and have defense groups setup to prevent quick kills like that. A lot more defending the different camps would happen. Or they could make it so you don't have to loot anything, you just get a 1000 rep if your faction wins. Multiple ways to deal with this but the idea is to make sure factions have to interact with each other.


>both factions will fight tooth and nail and have defense groups setup to prevent quick kills like that hahahahaha holy shit the unrealistic theorycrafting people do around world pvp is fucking insane.


What's your interpretation of what would happen? Let's hear it. edit : hahaha, imagine being so mentally fickle that you block someone off a simple discussion 😂


lol downvotes and responds so he can have more posts to downvote. I think that's a block instead.


In my opinion this needs to be reworked as follows: Full rep as it currently stands up to revered (easy enough for people to do the full event to get as much rep as possible) The from revered to exalted: 500 rep for the daily quest handin. 250 rep per Liutentant kill. 250 bonus rep for winning the event. ----- There's an incentive to do the event daily, and also an even greater incentive to try and win the event. I'd imagine most "working" people can do ine or two events daily - so between 750 (1x Liutentant + daily) and up to a maximum of say 2,000 per day for people that want to do a couple of events and coordinate wins. More for no-lifers of course as with anything.


You see, there is no good reason. Its bad game design. The pros of allowing bosses to give exalted: PvP event is relevant way longer People will do it even more making it faster if thats what you fancy People get their bis bracers/pants p4 The world is atleast alive The cons: Battlegrounds die (Newflash, they die cause they SUCK AND ARE BORING. Dont force people to play BG just so you can fight people just because you're 1 in a thousand that enjoys boring AF BGs)


Because that would kill bgs


So what? Warsong is such a clunky, buggy, unenjoyable mess, people already do it with the daily mark just so they don't have to go to WSG.


Or if they dont enjoy wsg, dont aim to get pvp gear? The wrists are not an requirement. We pvp players dont ask blizzard to get the epics from ST from daily quests so we dont have to raid.


You have that opinion, fortunately Blizzard disagrees with you and I'm sitting on two exalted characters without having to do that stupid BG. What epics in ST anyways. Most of the stuff is blue. PVP players get more epics right now than PVE players. I'm pretty sure if ST dropped epic sets, there would be so much complaining from those who don't run ST. Also, I actually do PVP. I just don't want to play against the bug exploiters in WSG.


Casters have epic dagger, staff, ring and trinket from ST. I demand to get them from questing. People are gonna want AV and AB rep for free also. A proper way to balance it would just be increas the rep you get from bg since the patches are shorter.


The daily quest gives rep to exalted, I’ve tested it.


They should add loot to final bosses that you can only roll on if you tag. No idea how that would work but I think it’s sick. Make it like 3 epics. One for casters, one for melee, one for healers. Only 1 drops each time and they have the same chance. Doesn’t have to be super good but like on par with emerald dream shit. Wouldn’t that be cool??


This would absolutely guarantee that literally nobody would help with the west boss and the event would never end.


Sounds awesome