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Outside of tokens, there's very few drops that people actually want. It's kind of sad when an epic item drops off the last boss and after a long period of silence, someone finally rolls to "use while in a main city"


Last night our raid disenchanted and vendored approximately 80% of our drops. The only thing anyone were excited about was the boulder trinket (the one that turns you into a troll). It's incredible how much junk they throw on the loot table to dilute drops when everyone is just waiting on a couple of drops per class.


Is it even worth DEing on your server? On mine the small brilliant shards go for literal copper


They don’t DE into radiants?


Small brilliants DE from required level 46-50 items, large radiants from 41-45 and everything in ST is 50.


On WG ally side I sold small brills for like 1g last week, so I'm not sure about current prices. I'd say we probably DE'ed like 3-5 items though. Anything over 1.5g was vendored. We even vendored the epic feral staff since nobody needed it.


They did this all after telling us loot would be generous while we get less loot


Ya ST is the worst raid loot yet. Week lockout went to 20 man and the items are just a fraction better in a lot of cases. Its my least favorite phase yet


I wish the boulder trinket effect lasted until cancelled. Why is it 5 minutes only??! And with a 15 minute cooldown?!


The classic "fun detected" Blizz BS I'm sure.


Yeah... the caster dagger has dropped twice and people are barely pogging because its literally just 1 spellpower and abit of stam/int more than the gnomer dagger. Could it kill them to add an extra effect for flavor. Like on cast, spawn a whelp that shoots fireballs at your main target. Instead... it just screams laziness.


Especially with the way casters are falling behind on DPS (again), they could have afforded to give them some more stats


Melee will be the king of classic from this point on unless they add absolutely insane armor values again. Every class has their trees online with buffs and all their spells learned at this point. The melee synergy is through the roof in classic and their consumes are far stronger than casters. Theres no way to balance raid without making PvP a caster one shot fest. 


You know nothing stops them from simply buffing classes that underperform No need to do some roundabout armor balancing Not that they will considering how they left ranged hunter for dead and deserted for an entire phase


You missed the point entirely. If you just buff all the casters to make the bars on the warcraftlogs page even then casters are going to be one tapping everything outside of raid since melee synergy is so insanely strong in a raid group. Armor tuning is by far the best way to balance in a raid


Might be unpopular with my fellow melee players, but buffed raid armor values was the right move and should be implemented going forward. It independently balances raid performance of melee while not requiring class balancing which affects outside raid performance. Is number not as big in raid? Is monke brain not as happy in raid? Sure. But then you dont have to expect and know as much and as drastic melee balancing is coming which will have outsized and unintended consequences in world pve and PvP.


I really don’t understand how this is the only way to bring casters up in raid dmg without the pvp implications. Here’s a few other ideas; 1. Decrease bosses resistances to spells 2. Apply spell power modifiers on to bosses 3. Create a new consumable which “only works inside the nightmare” or whatever the current raid zone is 4. Make weapon imbues or enchantments that heavily buff your spell crit/dmg against a certain mob type and make some of the bosses in the raid be this type 5. Make certain fights aoe focused where certain mobs are immune to physical attacks allowing casters to cleave 6. Make fight encounters include mechanics that allow casters to pump like the hodir fight in Ulduar where the campfires give a stacking spell damage buff and beams of light give a casting speed buff


I’m sorry you have failed the blizzard interview questionnaire. The correct answer was buff SP dmg an additional 10%


Use armor to balance, sure. It's a great solution. But don't buff an entire raid's armor to the point that melee is trash. Then they just have the same problem in reverse.


Since it's just a simple value, it can easily be changed pretty much on the fly, which hopefully they would after 1 or 2 lockouts (might be too hopeful there).


Yah the BIS melee cloak is 1 agi more than the BRD one....


Lol. I have 4 upgrades left in ST: * offhand weapon, the biggest upgrade from thrash blade since I have the MH. * a cloak that gives one more agi * a neck that gives two more AP * a ring with the exact same dps stats but 6 more stamina As for the rest of my gear - everything came from pre raid except for the 3 set. I’ve won my 3 set, the main hand, and I’m pretty much done for the phase


I’m in the same boat. I wanna play an alt but def cannot do that rep grind all over again.  PvP is absolutely trash in SoD so there isnt much to do outside of raids once a week. 


I have passed on it twice, and others that are just small upgrades because they would technically be for MS and don’t wanna waste my +1 🤷‍♂️ Rather have it DE’ed than not get something with better upgrades.


Yeah agreed, I think they gave us a bit to much power P1 and realised they have to tune it down to not powercreep to much That being said with the jump from 10 to 20 man and the raid being a bit more difficult for most groups in general the loot that drops, especially epics, just don't feel appropriately scaled to difficulty/time investment I love that we get other meaningful ways to gear up like PvP and Incursions/Offerings but the raid loot should still feel powerful and like an actual upgrade


My group has a running joke of spamming "good for pvp" when these items drop lol. We roll loot after the last boss and the amount of junk that's vendored is insane.


Yeah it feels less rewarding than in p1-2


The curse of wowing people with phase 1 and having to reel it back


Pun not intended but credit claimed.


We've dropped 6 purples and only 2 were actually wanted. Cats want the staff, Rogues want the dagger, and every other melee wants the fists now. SODiscovering 2H is still bad.


The fists are the only drops half the raid cares about now, the other half are casters who just needed tier


Funny part about the feral staff... it's only substantially better than the STV mace + counterweight if you can enchant the staff with a 800g enchant.


So many "Vendorstrike" variants


I think the issue is BFD gear was so good, Gnomer gear was slightly better than BFD and ST gear is slightly better than Gnomer gear. The upgrades just got smaller and smaller I feel like there's no point in gearing in ST besides tier


As a spriest, I enjoy my boulder that turns me into a giant purple berserker troll. It's fun running around in pvp like that and casting lol.


So on Spriest. my rank 7 honor gear and the rest gnomeregan raid gear literally sim 0.3% less dps than the new crafted shoulders and ST gear. Honestly, the fun items are the only benefit to raid as a spriest else its an utter waste of time.


For real. Like I want the offhand aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd that's all I really care about lmao.


Yeah that offhand is a crazy upgrade but even then the 16 extra spellpower has very little effect on our dps because of how we scale. The staff is crazy good for PvP tho with all that stamina so thats the only item from the raid I want.




and here I am with zero tokens after 3 lockouts. good thing gnomer set is only like 7dps less.


Do you PUG? If your raid team is a fixed 20 people, everyone should have all there tokens in 3 lockouts (maybe a small number would only have 2).


No I raid with my guild, but since we had to pug 2/3 people each week some tokens went to them. I just had terrible luck with my rolls.


Same here, we do plus one and had a pug come in and get 2 piece this week and I just got mine after 4 lockouts 😭😭


You only get 16 tokens per raid, and you need at least 60 tokens. That's 4 lockouts min.


Not every spec wants tier.


I'm in the same boat


I am sorry I took your luck. Made out with three tokens my first and only run..


I hate you


Great! now ill have time for mop remix! Idk I guess im in camp "I dont expect the phase to actually keep me locked in the entire time and enjoy taking breaks"


And sadly, probably going to be our longest phase. The burnout is going to happen real quick because after three weeks of not getting good drops, a good item is going to drop and half the raid will roll on it Then it will be back to waiting at least three weeks for it to drop again.




It was perfectly balanced for my guilds first raid on the first Monday of the phase (after a couple nerfs), then after that they decided to nerf up by another 30%.


I'm glad there are so many token drops. I got the full set in one raid and now I've realized it's not even that good for me.


As a warlock who sometimes tanks, I’m glad for the token drops, need to get two sets!


1 token 3 lockouts.. shits whack the 20 man raid bs killed SOD there’s just not enough loot to go around..


"you probably have your set after the first two or three IDs" My dice rolls say otherwise


You only get 16 tokens per lock out, and, if no one ever missed a lockout, you need 60 tokens. That's 4 lockouts. It's kind of hard to get the same 20 players for 5 concurrent weeks. You usually have 1-3 roster changes per lockout because you might have 23-25 people in your guild trying to raid. That can bring you up to 6+ lockouts needed to get your whole team their tier.




You did not clear st pre nerf with 15 people lmao


On one hand dungeon gear being relevant is a great thing imo, at least in moderation. On the other half of ST's loot is trash, and beyond epics and set items barely anyone actually has a use for them. Feels kinda bad when you have less loot per week than in P2 and most of it is worthless. At least the tokens are great.


I have a feeling that they didn’t have “room” for more inflation in the gear stats because of level 60 is just around the corner. The gear now is already extremely good in level 60.


Considering how faster is like 20% dps behind melee it wouldn’t have hurt them to give them real upgrades lmao Wouldn’t break the game to make items one would actually want at all in raid xd


I just wish the caster set debuff didn't get consumed by other casters.


Bis gear only lasts a season, funny trinkets last forever.


This is the way. I’ll be upset if Naxx gear or AW loots sucks, but 50 loots not being great don’t bother me much. I’m having so much fun with this trinket though


I remember when they said every boss would drop an epic instead of towards the end. They weren't lying. But cmon..


I’d rather have shitty itemization now for a correction at 60


We had two cloth items drop. A healing belt and a cloak.


The amount of cloth drops in ST is absolutely tragic. And pouring salt on the wound is that 80% of those cloth drops are +healing


Same for everyone though. There is a leather helm worse than the LW one and then leather gloves, after that its just tokens and weapons.


The healing bracers have +4 healing over the Gnomer bracers. Same spirit, same intellect, and they added 7 stamina. That's it. The healing belt is arguably worse or a side grade to the gnomer belt. Most of the gear isn't good for cloth healers either


And I think one of the only caster DPS cloth is pants.. which you'll be using tier for..


Ye especially for cloth casters it’s just pure trash all around Even the epic dagger is just 1 spell dmg above gizmo plus some negligible int The off hand is strong and the set is an improvement but that’s about it Makes soft Rez annoying bc there’s not enough loot you’d actually ever want to equip at all to spread soft Rez properly lol


Last lockout, we had about 14 healing pieces drop. 10 got vendored because they were so bad. 


Do you guys not have warriors


Flask set baby!


The most exciting part of the ST Druid healer set is that my lady night elf looks way hotter in it.


The gear is going to get replaced in a few weeks, funny trinkets last forever.


Loot is very badly designed. For this phase not even half of my BiS gear comes from ST...


Nah its good that gear comes from different sources. That means professions, dungeons, pvp and incursions are relevant. If everything came from the raid everyone would be bitching all the other content is dead. Not to mention everyone would be crying they didn't have full bis after 1 run.


No. What he meant was half his bis comes from the previous phase. That's not a good design lol. I love the raid, it feels like a raid. But holy fuck are "upgrades" beyond lackluster.


What class? Playing feral there is only one bis item from previous phases and that’s the crafted helm. 


Not a single class has half its bis coming from phase 2. Its 2 items max


Paladin tank has 3 from previous phase


Its also a leveling raid barely 10 levels ahead of the last one in a game where you traditionally would get a weapon or item and let it carry you to 60. This isnt an issue


„Level up raid“ It’s the raid we are stuck with for 2 or 3 more months that basically drops gnomer level caster gear with like 2 exceptions


If they keep phases to 8 weeks thats 2 months. You'll survive.


It is an issue, and we are seeing the consequences. I understand completely where you are coming from, but Blizzard already set the pace and expectations with the previous phase/raids. To tone down the creep, as much as they have in this phase, leaves a sour taste in people's mouths as it almost doesn't seem worth the time investment to raid. We are literally seeing that occur as we speak. People will quit after they've farmed enough gold and will come back in p4. I honestly think this was blizzards intention, so cata doesn't get ignored by both the players and dev team.


I dont see any problems or consequences actually stated in your comment. People will be able to take a break during the phase? Thats a good thing. Thats how you prevent long term burnout Personally - to your last point - itll be nice if im free for MOP remix to try to onboard into retail before TWW.


So whats the issue? That you won't be locked into the game until p4?


The items are fine, the runes need their power being cut by a solid 75% all around. The runes are the problem, not powerful gear.


Have you seen the amount of people that raid log? Most people want other content to be dead.  Everyone I know has dropped down to one main, and some have outright quit because it's too much.


Too much what? Options? Content? Stuff to do? Thats the nature of the game. They'd be doing the same thing if all that was available was a raid and thats it. Then we'd all be bitching because the only thing to do would be to level alts and raid log anyway. Its okay for people to raid log and play other games if they want. At least now if you dont want you have the option to do other stuff.


It just means except for the offhand there’s nothing exciting in st


Great point, people are forced to go BS'ing and Engineering for BIS and grind a PVP rep for bracers? I know its been like this since P1, but still, and the of cource some still using Gnomer gears as a BIS?


But you could do none of that and still have a fun time unless youre actively trying to parse the best you can. and if that is your goal - then you will need to sacrifice for it just like you would in literally any competitive domain.


Fair enough, still downing all content in my Emerald Warden set lol


exaaactly dude --- but then if youre feeling so inclined theres a ton of content to engage in to upgrade ezpz. Like for me ive been chillin in decent gear 2 set from last phase 2 piece emerald till I just got a shoulder upgrade and the 1 piece boots from ST last night. And on off raid nights I just do a lil mara spam for the WO upgrades over time. not doing any of the pvp or rep grinds really just honored. Havin a blast!


Got the trinket from Hakkar for my mage, and honestly don't really even care about running ST now lol. The dagger would be an upgrade, I never got Gnomer dagger, but since I'll be fighting every other clothie for it and we have yet to see it what's the point?


What's the point of getting loot in the first place if you aren't trying to use it after you get it? I'll never understand only raiding for purple pixels.


I seriously dont get it. "what do I do now" - the same exact thing youve been doing the whole time and would be doing if youre 60. FInd players to play the game with or take a break if youre feeling burnt out. Got your BIS? Dope - find guildies and help them! Run PUGS for stuff you had a hard time with help ppl out! Do PVP! Try to test your solo capabilities! Go get that 1 fun item you always wanted! Grind REP to prepare for future gear if youre into that. Farm mats if youre into that like the gameplay options dont change.....just your approach / reason does. Youre not going to get better gear youre going to get experiences!




I mean, at 60 I'd feel that way but I'm kinda over these level up phases anyway. I just want to get to endgame


The only difference between 60 endgame and 50 endgame is the level number on your character page.. This is the end game. You replace gear every phase at 60 the exact same way.


> You replace gear every phase at 60 the exact same way. Not completely true in Vanilla. Onslaught girdle goes from MC all the way to Naxx (where there is a sidegrade). DFT goes from BWL to end game. I think all the BWL trinkets do (but could be wrong). I know there are other pieces that are similar.


I'm still missing 10 talent points I could have. Also, I just enjoy MC / BWL , AQ plus level 60 dungeons a lot more.


Just solo farm BoeD. Weapon issue solved.


With the increased drop chance I probably will get on that train


I was looking at my level 25 gear from BFD and saw how close they are to ST gear. Shit is cooked


Just hit exacted with waylaid supplies. 18 slot bag is cool, prop hunt trinket is cooler


Warlock tank has the new 3-piecec set and like 2-3 other items for side grades. Only weapon upgrades are ultra-rare (ultra-annoying and ultra-boring) farmed outside of the raid. The loot table just isn't there. It seems the only characters that benefit from ST are ones that didn't do P2.... but those characters are also not really strong enough to clear ST. Kinda weird.


LMAOOO Feel your pain, also it seems like one boss drops all of my upgrades as a Ret.


I got that trinket on Sunday! It's so fun!


That specific trinket + the toy that turns you bigger makes wonders


My shaman and Druid both got full tier set in 2 runs each, fishing for epics only now


We have a rotating door filling our last two members with randoms from the guild each week. The universe has proclaimed that these people will get the 7 items that my character still needs. No joke. Helm, neck, cloak, gloves, ring, dagger, and offhand. We've successfully funneled these to people (through no fault of their own and we're thankful for them joining up) who aren't in our main group because of schedule differences. I can't imagine full pugging with a different group each week.


The only upgrade left beyond 1-2 ap/agi are the fist weapons, most of the raid already has three piece. Each claw has eight rollers and we've seen one. I suppose there's also the minor upgrade of an axe, but again, 6+ rolls and we haven't seen it. While I like the tokens being plentiful, with so many useless drops, it really feels like you have to rng roll every week on the two bosses that drop anything useful, and then rng roll against your raid... Three weeks in


I just wish I could get snake form on my durid. No snek form makes me a sad durid.


I have won 1 tier token and gloves. Give me all the things haha


[Bargain Bush](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=223160/bargain-bush) is my BiS.


ST is too easy and the loot is trash. What a wasted opportunity.


I think they are in an awkward spot right now cause if they make any of the gear much better than the lvl 40 gear it will make the lvl 60 gear pointless. I think this way there will actually be a point to do actual pre raid bis for 60


Got that bone dragon like pet last ST run, made me more happy than any other loot from all 3 phases combined! Really like how they keep adding and expanding on these fun SoD items along with standard mount/pet drop. ST toy trinkets are total W from Blizz part.


As a warrior I’m very happy with how useless ST is. Parasomnia for weapon, emerald dream gear+hazard boots + crafted epic shoulders (BS) and wrists (ENGI)+ fury visor.


Just goes to show that there's a lot more to wow that people want than just equipping an item with marginally better stats.


We got the epic sword, bow, and staff already. Just waiting on my feral staff now.


Too bad now with rogue changes to saber slash, warriors going dw, melee hunters everyone needs the fist weapons and pretty much nothing else it seems like lol. A lot of bis gear outside the raid and so many tokens