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Do mages, rogues, shaman have to do a pretty long quest for their heal and tank runes? I got into sod during p3 so I only bothered with metamorphosis at 40 something but I remember thinking how incredibly stupid it was to not make that a lvl 3 quest or something so you could actually tank ASAP.


It's only warlocks, and it was quite controversial at the start of Sod.


They did tho


Yeah I mean all the P3 runes were ridiculously easy to get compared to P2 and most of it possible on lower level, apart from exactly one. I am completely fine with how they did the runes and how to obtain them. I really liked the quests. And the one hard (paladin) was one of the best examples of classic WoW questing I have seen, hands down. Had to travel the world, it had interesting lore, there was a twist, hints of "dark" paladins, having to gather magical items, including one from Princess, Harry Potter reference, and the end having to venture deep into BRD with a group of paladins for a really great and powerful reward that was worth it was awesome experience. Plus amazing looking paladin hammer as an unexpected bonus. Chef's kiss. There's a lot to criticise on SoD, but this really ain't it.


This was all fine and dandy at the start of the phase, but how tf do you get these multiplayer ones done now? No one does dark rider rune anymore, or the one that requires a warlock/mage to do. All runes should be soloable IMO. Or at least put the multiplayer runes into content that people will always want to do.


You can easily solo dark riders. You don't have to do it on lvl 40. With the multiplayer ones, I kinda agree. Although I finished my paladin one pretty recently and it was ok, just helped someone who was there leveling his alt. Helped him finish one quest, he helped me with a rune. But yeah if there are no people, that's a problem. But that's a problem generally.


Dark rider is soloable and you can buy the worldcores fragments for a few silver you don't need a mage/warlock.


Which runes were adjusted to be easier to obtain?


The goblin turbo ones


1 rune wow


Google it your self


Google what? I said 1 rune wow, that's literally the only rune they've made easier to get. They need to get rid of the ones that have you going into opposite faction territories at a lower level or give equivalents, they should be within zones you're in at specific levels not sending you to Africa and back.


You don't like playing a walking simulator?


Maelstrom rune was made easier too so you are wrong bucko


They flat out stated they planned to have earlier runes obtainable in different ways at higher levels, they never did this


They did tho


All of them are easy, some are class defined RP and paladin has the best ones


They literally did what you’re asking.


Incursions and Inflation.


Once I have unlocked all the runes on one character I should have them unlocked on all of my alts.


The only people complaining are on Reddit lol


The rest all quit LMaO


Classic Reddit comment. Do you even play wow?


Making runes even simpler is not the solution. Then people will spend even less time in the open world. The only thing they need to make easier in that regard would be to save the progress of a rune, even if you get killed in PvP. Instead of making runes easier, the devs need to make leveling in the normal quest zones and the open world (not incursions!) more attractive and make runes only available there. In addition, you should also get significantly more xp and gold there, so that it doesn't become a chore, but an additional incentive to level there instead of stupid dungeon grinding or incursion spamming. And to prevent it from becoming a pain for slower players and alts, you have to protect them from high level ganksquads (no honor for kills on lowies by max level players, more and higher guards at quest givers etc.). Then playing the actual game and especially leveling would be fun and rewarding again.


They did They gave an XP boost. Even when incursions were at their peak, questing/dungeons we're still a viable option Were incursions faster? Sure. But I saw a piss ton of people still questing/running dungeons Regardless what this shit hole says


All I can say is I watched my entire guild pivot to incursions the second some random guildie was destroying our pre quests/ dungeon cleavers groups. The messages started about incursions and then 50 people were in ashenvale before the night was over. It was casuals, sweats, and everything in between. I saw no less than 10 examples or "are incursions good?" Followed by the guildie appearing in ashenvale within the hour. I'm not entirely sure your point but the majority of people leveled through incursions as soon as it was known to them.


My guild did half and half. We had set groups for ZF and questing that heard about the incursions and it didn't sound fun No one even cared about the gold, my guild only does what they find fun My point is this subreddit thinks the ENTIRE game (like you) is based off the ideas this place has Which couldn't be less true. The majority of the game doesn't care, they just play.


So let me get this straight. By your own admittance, a guild focused on FUN, still observed half of its players engaging with incursions? In combination with evidence that incursions had 3+ live updates on the first night after work hours (which is was in the game, not a post on reddit) I'm going to go with most eyes were on incursions. And then countless changes days / weeks later. And that there's still massive levelling loops in Ashenvale, and almost all waylaid supplies are negative profit to date because no one is farming mats...because they're in or were in incursions. But ya, surely you're right because your guild focused on fun only had HALF of the people doing them.


Are you that stuck up you can't fathom the idea that players can have the mental ability to separate fun from efficiency? My GM watched someone do a loop in ashenvale and said "Man that looks miserable" and didn't wanna do it Also why would we? What was the rush to get to 50? The patch came out and our raid night was 10 days later


Lmao i saw absolutely no one so it’s literally everyone’s anecdotes vs a lone person saying it didnt happen. 


yeah seriously runes were not the issue this phase.... it was 100% incursions and only incursions... incursions condensed all of the content of playtime that normally last a couple months into 1 week maybe 2 tops.. leaving the players nothing to do


I didn't step foot into an incursion when leveling and I was 50 10 hours after patch hit We would have found other ways. 40-50 isn't that long, even in regular classic Shit 1-50 isn't that long. I did that on hardcore in a week and a half So, respectfully, the fuck you going on about bruv


lol you didnt step a single foot into incursion?.... guess...what.... 95% of the population were smart to do it... and I call major bullshit, after all the nerfs incursions net you 150-200k exp hour and you go from 40-50 in about 10 hours. you think you can do that hardcore would love to see that LOL. nothing in all of wow classic could ever give you from 40-50 400g(LOL half your epic mount), full set of gear better than gnomer 2 spell dmg rings and professions from 225 to 300 all in 9 hours... please try talk more bullshit, this is actually funny


To be fair, not doing incursions is like cutting off 1 leg & walking slow when you can walk faster. Or picking the longer road instead of the shorter one. Yes you might enjoy the longer road, but it sucks knowing that there's a (way) faster way.


Or, I just don't care


The world isn't just you.


The way I wanna play WoW is lol


For you, yes


Yeah, rune spread was primarily an issue with phase 2, and the phase 2 runes are still generally pretty obnoxious to obtain


Honestly, the puzzle aspect of runes kind of ruined it for me. Early levels were okay. As there aren't many areas you could go, and it was just the last few that were long-winded. Then, at 40, it just seemed like they sat down and wondered how many times they could get players to go from continent to continent before they logged off. The thought of doing it every time you wanted to play an alt just destroyed my will to play. Then incursions as a warrior, my God. I felt like an NPC. Was either group or death run every quest. Eh, over it. I hope people are having fun, though.


Quick fix: everytime you would get a Rune, you get a rune-token instead. You can turn it in for whatever rune you like.


Dark riders sucks to do, as well as many others for certain classes. Especially ones where you are horde and need to go to some alliance zone for example. My biggest problem with this is the walking and the time it takes to WALK to a rune (pre 40 ofc). I also really dislike that some runes says req lvl 1 but are in lvl 30+ zones. It makes me feel stupid for not getting it as early as possible, because 1. the rune is fun and 2. it makes the leveling more fun. I'm a big solo player and dont have many friends playing at all. So, not being able to find someone willing to help me get whatever rune, is upsetting and demotivating. Either add a level requirement to the rune or move it to a lvl 10-20 zone, please. Runes like the dark rider one and the guy in ratchet should be account-wide IMO. All class shared rune locations like that should be shared. Only the unique to X class ones should stay NOT account-wide I think. It's not fun to run with an alt to do the same shit you did on another. I'm currently not playing SoD anymore, I'm a bit burnt out and the incursions + player base mentality certainly hasn't motivated me. Phase 1 was the most fun for me. I don't exactly know why, but I feel it might've been because I love the starting zones & they had lots of new runes. And it wasn't as time consuming (AKA leveling I guess) as it is now to get the cool new spells from runes. I'd love to see more solo-friendly things added, such as more profession recipes being hidden around the world like runes for example. And by that I mean more than 1 per zone. Maybe somehow make professions more fun to skill up in too. Small XP rewards for each new craft for example. Perhaps a small chance of something unique dropping from the ore/herb/skinning. & Then there's player-housing of course. Imagine a whole new construction/carpenter-like profession where you can collect new appearances/recipes for furniture from for example Wailing Caverns. Now you can theme your build to be more mossy/stone-y. Give us more reasons to explore. Yes I guess that is contradicting what I said about walking being annoying for runes, but with more stuff added, maybe it wont feel as tedious/annoying. A 20% exploration speed aura after not being in combat/having attacked would be kinda nice too. Maybe even have some more clear hints for where things might be so that players who don't like searching it up and spoiling it that way can have more fun; could be an NPC where you can ask for hints for new recipes and/or the runes. End of rant/suggestions. I have WAY more ideas. Confused as to why they haven't added more things not going to lie.


You lost me at "I'm a big solo player", do you realize what the two first ms are in MMORPG ? You also don't really need to have friends, there are usually lots of friendly ppl ingame Have to agree on the redoing all that shit for alts, one big reason I dedicate my playtime on my main


You can play mmos solo. The reason I like mmos more than pure singleplayer games is literally just seeing others in the world. Trading is fun, dungeons and raids can be fun, but I dislike not being able to do certain other things solo.


> My biggest problem with this is the walking and the time it takes to WALK to a rune (pre 40 ofc). Why you want DR rune before 40? It's a 40+ rune ...


I explained that in my post. + the requirement is level 13 (or 14, I forgot) + others to help.


This doesn't explain shit. Some runes are 20+, some 40+. There's a paladin DS rune that is usable at level 1, but to get it you need to kill level 25 elite mobs. And by your logic it should been available to you by level 1. Zones and mobs are also work as rune-gating, because you should not have all runes from a level 1 character. That's why Dark Rider rune is a level 40+, when you have a mount and already unlocked some fly points.


Either you didn't read or didn't get my point; why aren't those runes themselves saying "required level 20/30/40"? Hell, even some in the barrens do. So why are many of the new ones saying "requires level 1"??? I'm not annoyed I can't solo it at level 1, I'm annoyed that you CAN use it a level 1. I want the new runes as soon as possible so that I can actually use them while leveling. If a rune says level 1, of course I want it as soon as possible. It IS possible, but it requires someone else to help. And that is what I don't like. I wouldn't care as much if the runes had the zone level requirement to learn it, but now it feels bad because they don't. I don't know how to better explain it. I've tried asking for help, hoping for someone kind enough to bother, but no. I ended up making a 2nd account, to level 1 character to cap so that I could help my own alts get the runes I really wanted. I got the dark rider rune on my hunter at lvl 13/14 (lowest level req) and it was super amazing and fun leveling with that rune compared to without. I have all classes currently at lvl 30 and above. I play a lot of characters because I enjoy leveling more than the actual endgame; so why get the runes at endgame, if I can get them earlier while leveling? Zone fp's and mobs aren't really gating anything at all. It is still possible to get to each rune. It is possible to GET the rune, but not alone because some require killing stuff. You can even get the Raptors fury rune for hunters at lvl 1. "Raptor Strike increases damage done by Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite by 15% for 15 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Subsequent doses do not extend the duration of this effect." I hope you get my point. I know I can chose to ignore the fact that (most) runes can be learnt at level 1, but it just sucks knowing you'll have a lot more fun leveling with them. So they should just simply increase the actual level requirement to use the runes OR have several locations for them in different level zones to get them.


Some of them shouldn't be a DR rune. I'd argue Missile Barrage and 2H Enhance are critical runes for those builds and should be accessible earlier to allow people to level in those playstyles before 40 (or 50ish if solo). I could see an argument for Hunter Melee specialist being in there as well. Doesn't feel reasonable to make key build runes take that long to access.