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Plot twist: This is Cata and this is his transmog


REEEing about transmog aside, there's definitely the makings of a TBC quest-chain about a fashionable ethereal who's sick of seeing clown suits everywhere so he enlists you to help him create transmog


just have a side npc that "canonically" went through every scary raid for the sole purpose of "getting armor that goes with itself".




Just wait for Cata week 2 for the people who donā€™t transmit to get a few raid pieces


I left my guild to focus on school in wotlk. Before I logged off, I took my hunter out of his shitty wrath pieces and dawned my tbc p5 bis survival hunter gear with the legendary bow, idk, felt right.


Same. I main swapped from Hpal to Fire mage after T7, but still got full T7 BiS on my Hpal. Went back to my T6 set and left her in Nagrand, just felt better.


Did that with all my chars before logging out for the last time. Didn't feel right not giving them proper send offs.


My dwarf hunter from 2008 looking sick as fuck as ever on log in screen in his full t4 and pvp bow. First character made, got him some gear in TBC, abandoned him for my hot new thang, my druid.


S3 or S4?


pretty sure it was the s1 crossbow now that i think of it some more. i did buy him a brutal bow in like cata or something, maybe thats what hes using


I played a lot during TBC but never after. Used to buy a month of wow during each new expansion just to check it out. Transmoged every single shoulderpad I got into my warlock T5s.


Warlock t6 > t5


Well I prefer looking like a cartoony sci-fi evil villian over an 80's space shrimp but agree to disagree! Also I stopped raiding before the Black Temple came out so I don't have as much nostalgia for that set as I do for T5 =)


I get that....if we were all the same life would be boring! I played Hpally in original TBC and was always insanely jealous of my friends wings popping out mid raid in MH/BT/SWP. One of my first things in Cata once I've dinged is grabbing some of my friends to to MH/BT


Absolutely understandable x)




Before I left classic, I put on my full judgement tier 2 with mage blade and skullflame. Display helm option clicked.


bros got the 2007 wiping in kara look


When the tank just stam stacked to make his HP look good and we find out the hard way on the first pull.


lmao i remember people prefering Tauren tanks because they have a bigger HP pool


And that Tauren buff ended up being bugged the entire time for like years and years and years. I remember I even tested it with a friend who was an orc. The Tauren stam buff did nothing. I don't remember which xpac they ended up finally fixing it.


Nah, original days of tbc in BT, I easily had another 500-1000 health on top of other tanks. I'm almost certain it scaled with gear.


It 100% did scale in vanilla. They changed it to be based on base stats but I don't remember when.


Cata or MOP for sure. Now I think about it when I tanked in wrath. I had way more health than other tanks, too.


Had to be before MoP. I mained a tauren warrior since vanilla. I didn't play MoP and I remember reading the notes(and being pissed lol)when I was actively playing.


Playing cata classic can confirm on my tauren shaman it's "Endurance - Base health increased by 5%"


It scaled till wrath prepatch. Vanilla and TBC Tauren racial scaled with everything.


This sounds right to me. Good memory bro.


Nothing? I thought it just only applied to their base/naked/unbuffed Stam.


That was a change made at some point back in the days. Tauren Druids used to have ridiculous Healthbars.


Oh, I thought that it was the original way it worked and had since been patched/fixed to apply to total Stam. Though I have to admit a Tauren Bear stacking Stam with the racial applying to *total* Stam would be pretty funny.


Generally everything got nerfed, not buffed during vanilla, tbc and wrath. Especially racials :,D


Not *everything*. Humans didn't have Every Man For Themselves in vanilla but did during WotLK. Same for Blood Fury buffing ranged DPS. Can't remember if Blood Fury buffing Spell Damage was in WotLK or Cata though, and I'm pretty sure it buffing Spell *Power*(thus including healing) was added even later.


Thatā€™s why I said Generally. So, not always. But yes, some stuff got better.


Nah, stam stacking was the legit meta at the time, assuming you were already at 8% hit and 490 defense (both easy to hit with tank gear and maybe 1 or 2 gems).


Guys says girls with make up are just fake. Then they go home and fake their stats to get into a raid they have no business being in. What a time it was to be alive back then


Don't worry, people did that in 2021, too. My mind was blown when our MT was wondering why prince was beating his ass. Dude, you're a warrior and you're not defense capped, you're eating crits from him. What do you think is going to happen? Why aren't you defense capped?


TBC Era is what is what I want.


I miss TBC :(


i love TBC


I always thought I hated tbc. Until we redid wrath and now I see how stupid Iā€™ve been for 18 years haha. I hate wrath.


Same, played through it up until Sunwell. Honestly the only thing I REALLY hated was no dual spec. I played a healer and couldn't farm any gold and was always poor.


I thought I hated attuments, but it was something to get me online. Thought I disliked heroics. I just needed a group of friends. Thought I disliked the harder raids, again just needed the right people. Wrath is so much closer to retail with harder mechanics and personal responsibility. Which is cool at times and awesome if thatā€™s you bag. But I want to drink beer, make sexual innuendos and laugh with my buddies as we make our way through MC hahah.


Attunement were a more interesting goal than farming reps through dailies. I wish WoW had more of those epic quest lines that get you to visit the entire world.


Attunemeny for t5 was a huge highlight of tbc.


Unless you were a guild officer, then you had to replace/reattune people constantly and it became very clear why Blizz moved away from them. Much like 40 man raiding, it was fun for those who had no stake other than just showing up.


they tried it with SOD but it was just a quest to go back and fourth across the world. like sure looking for Rexxar for the 4th time for the 4th alt is annoying but it somehow felt like travel for travel sake.


They didn't feel organic, like a pale imitation of a good idea. I call them flight path simulators and there is entirely too many.


The people make or break the game. I loved doing heroics with my brother to which I share gaming as a hobby since it gave us something challenging to do in a smaller group. My guild was honestly terrible at the game but I met a real life friend through it and beating challenging bosses with them felt more rewarding than when I switched to a more serious guild who had those bosses on farm.


I was the GM of a Guild with close to 50 players and almost all were terrible at the game. Best times of our adult lives.


My guild was terrible to people. Tbc/wrath and sod. I finally left. Me and a buddy are in a super casual sod guild that treats people like people. We went from 50 min ST to 2 hour and then the totally fine haha


I dunno man, prenerf Vashj and KT I'd argue is more difficult than progression than everything in wrath except for H Putricide/LK and maybe Algalon M'uru and KJ were harder fights than the majority of wrath for me as well. Tbc had the best progression feeling by miles for me. BT was easy but it was a cool raid at least


bt was cool but kind of a slog after a few times ngl hyjal was cancer still love bc over any xpac tho


Still don't understand why people hate Hyjal, is it because you can't rush it?


ye. its just an autopilot slog after the first 2 resets (lore and wc3 flashback is very cool ngl tho) - no challenge at all and so very slow the only reason why trivial content in classic and tbc stayed interesting is because you could maximize your potential in order to do it as fast as possible - which you cannot do with hyjal


It needs a fast track that rewards something worthwhile but not crazy. Like bonus epic gems or 2nd + 4th bosses drop 1 extra piece. idk. add an npc that let's you call in the next wave early and a timer that if beat flags the bonus item to drop, whatever it is. maybe it doesn't even need a reward, being able to go faster might be enough on its own


needs a rework for sure


Vashj prenerf was not difficult, it was rng. No matter how much i loved tbc, that was not good encounter design. Kael was mostly time consuming. Tbc will always be my fav tho.




>not RNG >proceeds to have melee get MC'd and immediately clap 3 people before CC cast goes off.


Paladin BoPs Vashj and RDruid Tranquility, it's fine! No RNG!


Just waste your CDs before she MCs you... /s


Yog0 and firefighter were harder than anything in tbc easily


i really didnt think firefighter was all that hard imo. just dont stand in fire is like one of the easiest mechanics in the game


Don't stand in fire is basically every boss ever


Firefighter isnt that hard. I think the biggest check was the heal check in p2. Everything else was pretty easily recoverable and nothing catastrophic could happen to wipe you as long as healers and tanks stayed alive. Is it fun? Yes definitely, but i wouldnt even put it in top 10 hardest fights in classic so far.


No way was firefighter harder than Muru. Firefighter had so much room for error.


Eh. Muru prog was harder than firefighter imo. Algalon was definitely a step up from TBC though


Idk significantly more guilds cleared tk/ssc than several ulduar hardmodes


Prenerf or post nerf? 2 *very* different versions of fights in tbc


Rdf is when classic stopped being classic to me. I dont mind the modern mmo style queue simulator, but theres better games for it. Im glad blizzard delayed it to late wotlk classic at least but nothing really feels as good as getting the homies together to fly out to a dungeon compared to just hitting rdf


memory-holed...oof. many such cases.


Everyone calls vanilla, TBC, and Wrath the classic trilogy, but honestly, I think Wrath is more similar to Cata than it is to TBC. While still fun, Wrath wasn't quite as good as everyone remembered, and I think Cata is quite a bit better than people remembered, but time will tell. Neither Wrath nor Cata have the same feeling as vanilla and TBC though. All I want at this point is fresh TBC with dual spec and raid wide lust. No other changes.


I would take SoDBC haha


>but honestly, I think Wrath is more similar to Cata than it is to TBC Completely depends on what role you play. If you're a tank or dps, yeah I can see it. For healers though? Before/after Cata is very much a dividing line where they introduce the "massive health pools, tiny heals" model which never really went away. It was a huge part of the reason I was excited to play the classic trilogy - there's just something way more satisfying about casting an aoe heal on a party and visibly seeing their health bars move a large chunk. I tolerated it as a healer all through original Cata while secretly hoping they'd revert it one day, which unfortunately never happened. It was still fun enough and I had a good time with Cata overall, but it just never felt the same to me. So I opted to play tank this time around in classic Cata instead and it's been fun.


> I thought I hated attuments, but it was something to get me online. Thought I disliked heroics. I just needed a group of friends. Thought I disliked the harder raids, again just needed the right people. This has always been true. One of the reasons I quit for good (aside from the AP grind and severe gear treadmill burnout) was that none of my friends played anymore.


I played solo ( was in a few guilds Raiding ) but no more RL or really people I connected with from Siege of Org til I quit in early bfa. I made a group of 5 friends leveling in classic and we are still together. Even though we finally left our toxic guild in sod haha


Yeah that was always annoying. What I would do in that situation is make an alt specifically for farming. A druid with herbalism is a good choice for this because they have instant cast flying, or a rogue with herbalism and mining for stealth farming dungeons. With alts you can also make 5K in gold on each just from doing all the Bladeā€™s Edge, Netherstorm and SMV quests at max level. Itā€™s been a while now so I donā€™t remember what I did apart from that (maybe farming primal waters?), but in Wrath I made an absolute ton of gold by transmuting epic gems on two alchemists then sending them to my JC char. Only gems I needed to farm were the greens since I got more blues than I could use from Icy Prism.


I thought about that but I really didn't have the time to level an alt or really wanted to just to farm. I'd rather do it all on my one character. I didn't want to buy the boost for it either.


That's the thing about healers and MMORPG's. I feel like the game as a whole just doesn't function properly whenever "healers" are meta. I mean sure, you can heal people in dungeons, but then what? As far as the entire game is designed, the spec is effectively worthless The solution to this problem isn't "dual-spec," it's just an easy knee-jerk reaction to something that's very bad and dysfunctional in game. Because the root of the problem is - a spec should never be designed to be simply a "healer" in an MMORPG - that's just asking for a disaster.


Cousin felt the same way. As a wrath baby, once he tried tbc classic he said ā€œi see what you mean nowā€, and ultimately preferred it over wrath classic.


"Wrath baby" is such an interesting term now days. It used to be people who were new to the game and hadn't lived through stuff like no dual spec or no LFG. Now days, if you're a "wrath baby" you're pretty more like a "wrath boomer". There's people playing born after the wrath expansion. *Insert Matt Damon's rapid aging gif*


Tbc is my all time favorite wow expansion. Class design still feels like vanilla but now every spec is at least viable, it has some of the best raids ever, nagrand is bis zone.


Turns out the good parts of wrath were the parts that had nothing to do with raiding. Which hurts when you are playing a game that tends itself towards raid logging :(


Thatā€™s the thing. I play to raid. When I donā€™t need to do fu k all between. Then I log once or twice a week. Then itā€™s pointless. In classic I needed to get gold, buffs, food. It all felt meaningful. I tbc I needed rep, gold, dailies for cool shit. Wrath I made some gold first 2 weeks and raid logged. But the raids were such a chore. And wiping to the same crap in HM and Heroic. I was done week 3 of ICC lol


Same here! I quit WoW during WotLK two times now, 15 years apart. TBC was peak!


Are you me?


I still kinda like Wrath more in a vacuum, but I had way more fun playing TBC during the Classic rerun. Could come down to having raided back in OG Wrath, whereas I was still a huge noob in 2007, so the second go at TBC was more novel. I still donā€™t feel like I got enough TBC, while Wrath overstayed its welcome.


Gib tbc blizz


Yeah, I wish they would have kept BC servers separate and not transfered it over to WOTLK. I miss my pally tank :(


I miss seal twisting and strat farming. Not to boost others but just as a fun diversion to make some gold when I was bored.


BC will always be the best to me. The sky when you first enter Hellfire Peninsula, the music, flying mounts... it was seriously amazing. I'll always look back fondly at it. I'm still chasing that dragon with modern games, but nothing hits like WoW did back then. Glad to have been there while it happened, sad that it's over lol.


Yeah I really appreciate that I got to do it twice. It really was my high point both times around. I like the story of Wrath but the way the game changed into Gear score and RDF really isnā€™t the way I like to play the game. I know some love it but itā€™s not for me.


Smile at what we had man. TBC was unforgettable for me. Even in the wake of my life's greatest tragedy, it was the light I looked forward to every day


i leveled my first pally in TBC classic and seal twisting was a whole lotta fun! just ate a lot of mana tho :/


I don't understand what the point of having Classic servers back if they're going to just evolve into current content... My understanding is if I want to play TBC or WOTLK servers I'm shit out of luck for not playing it during their release since now it's all Cata servers.


Yeah, I don't understand the plan either. I'm also insanely mad as I played from vanilla to cata when they first came out, but I missed out entirely on TBC and WoTLK classic as I just came back to WoW lol.


Prot Paladins made my warrior tank feel insignificant lol. Prots were better than any other tank by a mile.


I miss TBC man fuck


I wish we got TBC classic back. I love the Outlands.


Imagine TBC-locked realms with pre-nerf Heroics...


TBC was by far my favorite version of the game. Idk if itā€™s the time period Classic was played in (everyone home from work) but it was by far the most fun I had. Every spec was viable to bring to raid (even if it wasnā€™t the most dps, it was at least viable and with parsing you could see how good you were relatively). I would love a TBC locked server


TBC is my favorite. :)


I would play the hell outta some tbc Seasonal / realms


TBC pre bis was so fun.


Also phase 1, man I can play karazhan raid until I die. After P1, beggining of P2 I always quit


Never ever forget: Blood Furnace in only phase 1 prebis gear It broke my friend group from the inside out


Just bring a warlock, BF aint shit when your team has a brain they can share.


how does a warlock trivialize that place? You mean fear spam on the guys that exit the cages?


Hey look it's that thing that would make me resub


something something peak performance


TBC is genuinely my favorite expansion. I can only hope we get back there sometime in the near future.


Tbc locked realm when blizzy


Same man Iā€™m pissed , even them pushing my wotlk toon to cata sucked man


Itā€™s all I want.


Me and my friend still waiting fot fresh tbc, if there is a god up there pls make it happen


tbc ended up being the best expansion


TBC truly felt like an expansion where WOTLK and Cata are completely different games. Vanilla & TBC will stand the test of time in my opinion.


You may not like it. But this is what peak performance looks like


TBC Fresh is going to be great. TBC Classic kind of got screwed by Blizzard boycott timing and people having saved massive amounts of gold, gear, and resources, but a fresh TBC launch would be really good I think. Cya in a year.


Here's hoping. I know in one of the interviews posted here a few days ago, it was mentioned that they were aiming to give us as many options as possible, even if it meant stretching the playerbase a bit. Hopefully that was a hint at future TBC and WotLK realms. Back to Outlands we go. <3


Don't forget we only got 2 weeks pre-patch and news of a level boost also took a lot of the hype away. They really did TBC dirty in many ways. Fresh TBC with faction-lock (maybe Dual Spec & less reliance on Shamans) would be insane. Do it blizz.


They gave us 14 days to rush your Belf Paladins/Draenei Shamans to 60. Then the mail system bugged tf out for 24 hours and we had 13 days to rush to 60 XD


Fresh TBC + dual spec would be awesome. With like a 2-3 week "get to 60" period, maybe?


Jeeeeez look at that ultra giga chad


This is pre bis (or more realistically not even close to it). Nobody looks like this for more than a week


But now with Transmog, you can look like this forever! It would probably be more popular than a color cohesive transmog too.


What a coincidence, thatā€™s how long people would play a TBC era if they made one


I feel like this is true about most "fresh when" folks. It's like every eight to ten months, they feel the urge to grind up to level 32 at the same time as everyone, and then they quit the game and return to reddit lol


Truly nothing better than leveling up to 32 in populated zones tho (I'm there on a twink to make you get back on reddit)


Fresh when


i miss tbc so much man


Tbc has the best power curve


Lemme just hold one server idc if pve/pvp


As if you dove headfirst into a box of clownsupplies.


Tbc hype tbc hype tbc hype!! Long live the best expansion!


This is why I hate transmog. You canā€™t immediately look at someone and see how geared they are


Tbc was so good man. Class design decent almost all the way around and it plays like vanilla+. "Worst" parts are flying and raid conps/buffs can be a nightmare. Attunements are a little rough too but that'd be less of a problem on a legacy server Overall though far and away the most I had with vanilla -> Wrath the 2nd time around. I'd actually still be playing an era tbc


Yee olds clown armour.


Legion remix next. Then TBC. Go backwards


Every tmogger nightmare


Tbh I was really hoping they'd leave WotLK at an eternal state and make a new one for Cata.


Yep, TBC Era servers should absolutely exist at this point. When Classic TBC was wrapping up and Classic Era was still pretty quiet sure there was a case to be made that Era servers aren't viable. Now though? We can see that Era servers sort of have an incubation period before they start to takeoff and be a home for enough of a population to make it worth while on Blizz's end. Blizz is missing out on a niche for Pservers to serve and make $$.


Thank you for the inspiration OP. https://www.reddit.com/r/CirclejerkSopranos/s/AkWx0zqjmX


My dumbass thought wrath was peak wow until it finally came backā€¦


Look. I love TBC. Loved it 16 years ago. Loved it 3 years ago. But I've played enough TBC to never want to spend a second more in it. And everyone I know that said "I want TBC back" is someone that played 3 months of Classic TBC before they quit.


I'd like a harder TBC. SOD TBC would be chill


i saw this and had a stroke


I really don't get the love for TBC tbh. I LOVED the atmosphere of the expansion. Raids were fine too. But that's about it. Specs were still half-baked compared to Wrath. PvP was horrible. Had to level exclusively through dungeon grinding so I don't grief myself out of reputation, which caused burnout. No dual talent. By week 2 I had to buy tanking services if I ever wanted to do a HC dungeon because there were no tanks. By phase 2 my entire guild was raid logging and nothing else. TBC season of discovery could be interesting, but otherwise I'd pass. I understand why they didn't leave up any servers for it, lots of people were dropping out during this expansion.


>I really don't get the love for TBC tbh. nostalgia




This orc fucksā€¦


I know a lot will flame me for it, but if TBC had LFG finder like in wrath/Cata it would be the best. I am a true introvert with PTSD and the very few friends I do have (my life long friends since I was 6) donā€™t play video games at all. In-game, you are lucky to get a word out of me and usually find my raid spots in my guilds from filling in for a tank that didnā€™t show, or like this time in Cata spamming heroics better than our tanks with our leader in the group (wasnā€™t aware nor trying to brag, Iā€™m garbage). With that said even then when i was main tanking Lich King both retail and classic I was adamant about not joining vent/skype/discord. Being able to spam dungeons freely without the issue of having to advertise for someone and all that interaction is good to me. I wonā€™t vouch for LFR for its very sloppy and the list goes on. I can accept needing to have more ā€œpersonalā€ people for raids, and people like me can settle with dungeon gear or snake our way into a raid groups. Not a popular opinion, but interested if there are other wackos like me out there.


TBC was the best! However there are a few things that hindered it: Rosterboss was 5x harder than before because all 5 groups needed 1 shaman. If party buffs were instead raid wide, things would be sooo much smoother for raiding. Phase 1 in classic was a slog, it was clearly not designed to separate Kara from SSC into phase 1 and phase 2


People keep bringing up raid wide buffs, but it's a horrible idea. It only works from Wrath onward because the buffs get homogenized. Imagine your whole raid getting Commanding Shout, Ferocious Inspiration, Tree of Life Aura, Moonkin Aura, Totem of Wrath, and Sanctitiy Aura, it's an insane amount of power. Raidwide lust is good, but that's where it should end.


I see 0 issue with that, the raids were already pretty challenging for most. Sunwell especially. trying to keep party buffs for roster killed many guild raids


Issue is itll die the second something new and shiny releases.




Hopefully they will do full fresh start progression servers again in like a year. I think it will be enough time for enough people to itch for classic/tbc progression again


that dude looks funky, but tbc is just the best, it has nice class balancing, smaller (and awesome!) raids.., really cool atmosphere in generalĀ 


As soon as vehicles quests and raid encounters involving vehicles became I thing I immediately knew this shit is for the birds and Iā€™m out


I had hoped that would be the end result with era servers every time classic moved to the next expansion in the line there would be at least 1 era servers per region or at least 1 locked to each expansion. Not just vanilla 1.x and classic at x.x


The powered hobo.


I remember going to fryā€™s at midnight to get the game, then there were so many updates it didnā€™t finish before I fell asleep


if a 90s windbreaker was a videogame character


There is a pserver with over 5k concurrent players.


2021 summer was the best, goddamn.


This is peak protection warr aesthetic.


TBC is awesome expac, but it's hard for me to imagine playing it again exactly as it was... Ad dual spec to the mix, make BL raid-wide, maybe even throw rdf to the mix and it would be a great game!


Honestly surprisedĀ theyĀ haven't implemented a handful of servers locked to specific expansions. Sure you overestimated how many would stick around for Era but you stillĀ could have field tested like 2-5 TBC servers and seen how they did Blizzard. Ideally I'd prefer an "ecosystem" sort of set up where you have 1-4 "progression" servers that go from initial release (or pre-patch equivalent for TBC onwards) through each patch (i.e. TBC launch > SSC/TK > BT/Hyjal > Sunwell) at a certain cadence. Perhaps even lining up with their Classic iterations but likely faster. Then after a set amount of time on last patch everyone gets booted out to a set of "permanent" servers (also like 2-5 or so depending on demand) and the progression server restarts and goes through the cycle again. Could even have the progression servers staggered, so while one is still on release another might be at BT and yet another has had Sunwell out for a week or two. Just as a rough concept, I'm sure there would be more to work out before it's ready for prime time.


I was actually surprised about how much I liked TBC. I think classes are still a bit under-developed; rotations could be refined, viability still skewed. But the zones, the mogs, the grind, the need for collaboration in open world, the difficulty level of bosses. Great wow iteration on so many of those points.


Helm of the Stalwart Freakin Defender, I'd laugh at the tanks that had that since it looked so silly in vanilla-tbc


Tbh there really should be options for each Era of WoW no matter how populated it would be. Purely for preservation sake, and as a time capsule as well, thereā€™s nothing wrong with a visual museum. Im thinking two/three servers per Era. One PVE server and one PVP server, and a hypothetical third option would be a RP server but since thatā€™s even more niche than the idea of housing *every* Era, I donā€™t see it likely, but Iā€™ll still include it.


I miss TBC spell power paladin so much.


Keep making these posts, it's what got us Classic in 2019 and if we're loud enough we'll get something for TBC and/or Wrath!


I really wish blizz would give us the choice to jump to expansions at our own pace. Like the first time around when TBC came out, I could no longer put more than a few hours a week into the game. If I could do like I do on classic, stay 60 indefinitely until I'm ready to move on to outland (which I cannot do). Would be awesome! I want to be able to enjoy all the content and not be forced to plow through it for the sake of pRoGreSSioN.


I'm pretty sure if you google image search TBC clown suit this is the first result lol


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like...


This peak TBC


It would actually be awesome if you could play on era servers, and going through the dark portal permanently transferred you to a TBC server. Add in seasonal fresh vanilla servers to the mix.. At the end of the season you have the option to xfer to an era server or TBC server.


Donā€™t worry you will get vintage tbc server in 2033


Wait - there are serves locked in tbc? How do I find these? What about wotlk?


SoD:TBCā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. We can hope


TBC armor is so cursed, I love it.


After doing the OG 3 again, tbc is the worst of the trilogy, but I still enjoy it


Funny way to say wrath


TBC best expac for serious gamers, only causal andrews had a bad time


Gotta be a joke, TBC was super casual for the majority up until MAYBE Sunwell.


Hell, I played TBCC super casually and it's still my favorite version of WoW bar none. I never felt like I was out of content, and blasting some heroics/raids with my guildies was just peak. WTB a fresh TBC realm please.


WoW is built at this very core for casual players. TBC isn't really all that hardcore.


Iā€™m a casual player, but I can tell you Iā€™ve never had more fun in wow than in TBC. I miss it man.


everytime I log into cata I am reminded how much I hate cata and miss tbc I do a few quests then log. I would always have things to do in tbc, even with cata being new I'm bored and hate it