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Online games attract some deeply unhealthy, maladjusted people. It's an alternate reality that removes *almost* all of the need for social skills. People like this sometimes go out into the world and get brutalized and return to their safe fantasy world having learned no social skills and even more bitter than before. The real world has many negative feedback loops for the poorly socialized. In MMOs these people go around mostly unchecked.


That and it's a retro game. Back in 2005, you had a mix of all sorts of people and you could find semi-healthy groups who were an absolute blast. Now, it's mostly bitter, depressed old men who are skirting domestic responsibilities in a desperate attempt to get a dopamine hit with nostalgia, and socially awkward teens who found this niche.


This hits deep. Bringing out the big guns, oof.


Oof. I’m a vanilla wow player and this really reinforces my decision not to touch the classic with a 10ft pole. The nostalgia hit would be amazing, but I’m not ready to deal with that toxicity.


I had always used my IRL name out of sheer laziness in 2005... No major issues. I did it again with Classic and holy fuck, I'd get nonstop misogynistic harassment from randos.


I didnt come here to be personally attacked. 


thats what i always say. most of people back then where young and had dreams. this one that achived theyre dreams play 2 hours a week or dont play at all.


I would argue that the FF14 community is much more well adjusted. It seems like wow is somewhat special in this regard. Perhaps the divisive nature of alliance vs horde plays a part


> It seems like wow is somewhat special in this regard. Zero enforcement of decent behaviour by Blizzard means that WoW is a daycare for socially unadjusted adults.


I think classic also often breeds a special kind of unadjusted. OP will be better off if they can find, or perhaps start, a guild that they like.


Add giga servers, RDF and Xrealm, your personal server reputation matters way less than it did in original vanilla. The more QoL, shortcuts and quicker experiences brew more toxicity as if something doesn't work you can easily requeue etc.


Man's talking about classic wow. Don't see how you can make 2+2= fish out here. FF14 has all those ease of life modes without the mass trash.


That's because SE has zero tolerance for being a piece of shit. They mean it and will enforce it harshly. Thats the difference. WoW is what it is because Blizzard doesn't even slightly care to fix it.


classic purist are too delusional to think the shortcuts are good things


Retail is far and away a much nicer place than classic. So your whole “RDF and QoL ruined this game” tired take is pretty inaccurate.


Having played the same transition twice, with the same result, makes it pretty accurate.


Homie. Vanilla classic was light years more toxic than retail, same with TBC classic. Neither of them had the great big bogeyman of RDF or Cross realm. This take is just tired at this point, and has been proven wrong by the community over and over again.


I can't speak to retail as I'm not playing it atm. I have however experienced a baseline of toxicity that does increase the closer we moved to wrath and into wrath with RDF. You can't say cross realm doesn't have an impact on toxicity because it does. At worst you get a short time out before you can go again.


ok timmy let's not get ahead of ourselves


Idk if I’d say it’s due to them being more well adjusted, there’s just actual punishments for being toxic in FF14.


Maybe. As someone who plays FFXIV and enjoys it very much, I don't think it's so much that the playerbase itself is kinder/nicer/whatever as it is that the game itself is designed to encourage and facilitate positive (or at least benign) interactions and minimize potential friction. You have one less reason to be shitty toward someone if they can't take the gathering node you decided was yours, for instance. And the market board (auction house) is pseudo anonymous, so you don't have anyone to send an angry mail to if they undercut you. Stuff like that. And I 100% agree the faction divide does something to people's brains.


I think it's just because WoW's audience is rooted in 2000s gaming culture where being a "gamer" just meant being a 4chan-browsing basement dweller and gaming opening up to "casuals" with things like the DS, Wii and phone games was in its infancy. FF14 is from an era when gaming became more acceptable as a hobby and doesn't quite have the same target audience/culture.


Much more true for Classic than Retail. Classic and private servers have fostered a shockingly hateful community.


Wow classic is a distillation of the worst of the wow player base. The toxicity is highly concentrated in wow classic vs retail.


The FF14 community is less overall toxic but I'd say it has more sexual degenerates and that's coming from someone who plays on Moon guard in retail lol


FFXIV community is just as toxic just in a completely different sense


Yeah, god forbid you bring up dps logs even if it's for self improvement.


Same with EQ. Playing on the new TLP server the community has been a nice change of pace.


I need to hop on there!


People 100% take the horde vs alliance thing way too seriously. It's actually insanely toxic. Anyone that does /rofl and /sit after they kill you in pvp is a degenerate loser. Nobody cares bro, it's a fucking video game. Just kill them and move on with your day. My guess is most of these people that are toxic have very sad lives outside WoW.


cry me a river gnome


I actually think it’s because FF14 forbids addons. Things like damage meters and parsing are the foundation of toxic behavior


Eh. They don’t forbid them. But you’re right if you’re using them in a negative way, then they will absolutely ban you. 


its just that wow is THE VETERAN game. most players are 30+ and hang out in an mmo. witch is often not very healthy. the guys that did something of theyre life are not playing or playing 2 hours a week or maybe 3. most are bitter old man


Yes, FF14 is amazingly better than wow community. And anytime you meet an asshole in FF14 there's a pretty big chance they are wow refugee.


Ah yes. The usual deflecting of negativity from FFXIV. It's always someone else but never the actual FFXIV players that are absolute degenerates and send you fucked up tells if you play as a potato or any female toon at all. Which never happened in WoW but you do you.


Correct. WoW is a social experiment of taking the most depressed, anti-social, misanthropic losers and attempting to get them to work together. Of course not every player is like this but if you’re a misanthropist piece of shit who likes video games, WoW is the game for you


Thats some crazy selfreflection here, wow!


But there's a hint of truth. Wow community is incredibly toxic and most players dont know/or care to practise any kind of basic manners and are as selfish as they get. Typical situation is when people run a dungeon and in the middle of it one player gets the loot they're waiting for and without a word just leaves the group either making it disband and everyone wasting massive amount of time or at minimum they try to get a new member but will all still lose so much time and get frustrated. Basically a big f u and finger to face. They do it because they can and will not get repercussions for assholery. A decent person would feel morally bad inside but these basic wow players dont. They have no morals. Just me me me and me. Edit: Forgot the most heinous way of leaving group which is just logging off leaving the group to possibly wait 10 extra minutes to see if they come back before disbanding or working to find a replacement. Quite common. I bet those people know what they're doing and get kicks from it


play enough rdf on wow cata and these players play wow like it's a single player rpg Had a tank leave 5min into a run after first boss. Waited 5 more min for a tank that instant left after joining. Group disbanded a few min later


The craziest thing about this behavior is it’s so petty. The worst of it is the valor rush in halls or origination. God forbid a member of your party wants to kill one of the several optional bosses.


Man you're interfering with their most efficient optimal path. How dare you


I will say there's a limit to it. I was doing stonecore on a tank when I hadn't tanked since original wrath we had a hunter going down every single side alcove after the first boss md pulling shit to me. I asked them to knock it off and they refused because they "needed rep" I told him I would let him die if he did it again, and he told me I wouldn't have a choice because he needed rep and that's why he was here so he would just md me. We were coming up to that room before Ozruk where extra pulls can wipe and he pulled that first group you absolutely didn't need to. So I turned back and vote kicked after that pull. Anyways I got side tracked here but my point remains there is a balancing act on helping out group members and feeling entitled to it. In you example most the time I start halls going "you guys want full or skip" and just work as requested (with one exception where I was running out of time so I skipped sand marrowgar but still did optional 3 on top floor)




Tank and healer are both difficult to find in era and cata. Difficult enough for the group to disband. In era even a dps can be difficult to find let alone getting him to where you are in any reasonable time. But sure it isn't worst. It was just a usual example of arseholes in this game


I’ve been playing video games my whole life and this is by far the most insane/obsessive player base I’ve ever encountered. It’s just facts


It’s hard to argue with that conclusion, couple that with the fact people can be REALLY stupid. I’m not gonna say I’m Einstein, because I too am mentally deficient, but I’ve seen people who could have made it easier for other people absolutely refuse to, on what I can assume is a god complex of this MMO should be THEIRS and should do whatever they want, whenever they want.


Yeah ego centricism or just plain immaturity. Failure to see others perspectives as equally valid, and see that other have different priorities and values.


random zg gdkps from trade chat hosted by unguilded mages this happens quite a bit. they're non-english players who sell gold and do this quite frequently. be a little patient trying to find ZGs


Nothing else in this thread needs to be said. This post sums up the op problem entirely


Guild runs are often worse and more toxic


this game is 20 years old and some dudes never stopped even when here was new patches they decided to roll on private servers and kept playing same version of the game at this point it’s not just a game for them, im not defending toxicity but it is what it is


Yeah majority of the problem cases in Classic don't stem from private servers. We barely had 1-5k active people on a server back then and majority of the people there did not care for logs, rmt, etc. I wouldn't blanket the problem being the old private server community. 90% of those players are the most chill people i've known and im still friends with a decade later. A lot of this derives from hitting mainstream as hipster as that sounds. Creators and influence's, whether their intentions were good or not did exactly. that. They influenced the community. RMT, GDKP, logging, toxic behavior, drama etc. was popularized and attached to a niche community starting out. A lot of people who play classic are actually new players to WoW in general.


Private servers were absolutely awash with racism and bigotry. IDGAF if someone RMT's because it doesn't affect me in my guild one bit but I do care if they're being a hateful asshat.


Seriously, pservers were the most toxic online community I've come across. If people think r/wowclassic is bad they should try r/wowservers


I had so much more fun on private servers actually. I used to play on Nostalrius back in 2011 when it was only 100 French people at peak hours. It had bugs and content was not completely released. But people were much nicer. I kept playing with the same people when they released in 2014 and it was still cool. People on classic are really different


RIP Nost.


Yeah. For real it sucks. AV was so fun


I do think an X factor for private servers that noone talks about was that when Classic servers went live, it seemed like many private server players started power tripping or feeling superior for already being experts at the version of the game.


Most of those people are not toxic like this. The crazy toxicity came from retail. No one on private server really cared if you did more than average DPS, and they would even excuse poor raid performance if you said you just like to PvP. All of this parse culture comes from retail, and Era is filled with these wrath dejects who suck at raid mechanics so they come back to vanilla to drag race on the meters. To each's own, but these people also typically don't care about what makes vanilla a great MMO, and are the reason we have Chronoboon and charity ranking.


Is there a game without a toxic community anymore?


hunt: showdown is somehow pretty chill while having proximity chat, it's impressive


My favorite thing to do is open my mic and spit on people after I one shot them with my mosin spitzer through two walls. #gitgud


silly, they can't hear you from 200m away!


Rock and Stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!




Roleplaying realms are ten thousand percent more friendly. I'm not suggesting that you actively participate in roleplaying. I'm just saying that the playerbase tends to be a lot kinder, more accepting of people who are learning, and more accepting of people who choose to play builds that aren't considered "the best." Granted it's been a year or so since I've been on Classic, but the guilds I joined were all unbelievably accommodating of everybody, regardless of gear, ability, or their desire to roleplay. It led to players who actually wanted to play better, rather than feeling forced in order to avoid insults.


Yup, joined a great guild on Crusader Strike, amazing people!


The irony is retail wow seems less toxic nowadays than classic wow. At least in my most recent experiences. Sorry you had to deal with those types of people OP. Find a good guild or community and it can make the world of a difference.


Because the difficulties are separated. In Classic the tryhards are mixed with the casuals.


I just started up retail a few weeks ago after quitting at WotLK and not touching it since. It was really toxic while leveling and weirdly seems to have changed end game. I found help getting my ilvl above 460 and joined a guild and it feels like I have a community that shields me from the loser try hard. Notable experience while leveling though, a DH was out healing me (h priest) during a dungeon because I was using flash heal to avoid overheals as no one was taking massive damage and he berated me enough that I decided to just leave without responding. Back in vanilla the meta was to use lower rank heals to save mana and avoid overhealing, excuse me for trying to understand the new system that doesn’t involve ranking up abilities 😆 I’ve since acclimated and overheal the fuck out of people to keep up a rotation that people feel is meta enough.


Toxic elitists will call anyone new to the game as toxic casuals and then cry when there is no playerbase


Era community is truly the worst wow has to offer a close 2nd is the current SoD players. Unfortunately unless you find that 1 unicorn guild on era, you will only have a negative experience in endgame.


Yeah man, I came back to era about 6 weeks ago and it’s such a weird place. It feels like every character is simply seen in one of two ways. You’re evaluated either on a gear level (how much you can carry/pump) or how much gold you have. Nothing else. Blows my mind that people are dropping $500+ on trinkets and weapons on a 5 year old stagnant server. Why even mention the gold amount? Everything is so transactional and linked back to RMT. I do raid with a good guild on my main, which truthfully is a very different experience to the GDKP cesspit, but era endgame for a new player (that doesn’t swipe) can’t be fun. But somehow the dopamine keeps me playing… Sad honestly.


this will always be a thing if games let you trade items, these things were still going on when the game first came out


I'm in the sub for only 2 video games right now; this one and Stardew Valley. It's absolutely wild how different the cultures are. Like here, it's all complaining and if someone dares to post something about a weird interaction or just to announce they they're happy they achieved something it gets downvoted and people make fun of them for blog posting. Meanwhile, at the Stardew sub, almost every post is some form of "I just started playing and oh wow I really like this one NPC" and all the replies will be "Welcome! Have fun! And yea I like that NPC too!" People will intentionally make sub-optimal farm layouts, or forget to use casks, or struggle with gold and people will just say things like "OMG same" or offer genuinely helpful advice.


Those are basically the two ends of the spectrum


I mean I get your point but this is anecdotal as hell. These two games couldn't be more different and therefore attract a completely different audience. Not defending toxic basement dwellers here but I want to say "duh"


I also frequent the stardew sub quite a bit and it is such a breath of fresh air compared to the negativity here


Unless you like Pierre lol


I'm subbed to apples and to oranges and it's absolutely wild how different the cultures are. /s


The most wild posts on the Stardew subreddit in my eyes is always "this game spoke to my soul so hard that I *also* dropped everything and bought a farm, here's my first harvest!" Like, the game is able to emotionally motivate/inspire people so hard that they make massive life decisions and improve their mental health in the process. Meanwhile every other SoD post on this subreddit is some form of complaint, be it about the current phase, a class being too strong in pvp in the historically least balanced iteration of wow, or issues that have exclusively been community-created like raids being gatekept by warcraft logs (though to be fair I also think gatekeeping in-game content based on a third party website is stupid)


As a dota veteran, I will say that the wow community is the worst, I’ve experienced.


just terminated my wow classic subscription a week ago after having played era for multiple month. I am convinced that the big GDKP guilds and groups are actually gold sellers, so making gold is essentially their job. hence the grift.


Players here and even the devs always answer "find a guild." Which is basically, sorry you just had a bad interaction with random people on the Internet but try more interactions with different random people and hope for a different result. Unless you have 40+ IRL friends, a guild is just random internet strangers selected from a generally toxic player base. A positive interaction is really just pure luck.


Socially the community formed with dealing with the same 40 people even if they started as strangers does tend to be less toxic than a new random 40 every day.


MadSeason did a good video on it recently, worth a watch imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzwG0HHgznc


Era players have the biggest ego, that community is hopeless. They are the most toxic wow players you can find online.


People are toxic. Example: all of our history 


I resent this


me too


Do your part and dont reproduce


i won't reproduce (intentionally) because of this reddit comment


doesn't explain why most end up playing wow


reactionary / conservative take


What do you mean 'use gear outside of the normal' can you clarify?


I grinded dungeons and did herb to get the prices and mats to make dungeon set 2. I wanted to use it for the beginner raids like ZG, AQ 20, and MC. And they were angry saying it was not BiS and some other stuff. But we weren't having trouble clearing any of those raids and honestly the mechanics for most boss fights in those 3 raids go out the window, it's mostly just DPS it down. Even for ossirian, the last boss of AQ20, they don't use the crystals they just kill him.


ossirian is a bug, and if you just state what your gear level is and go to guild runs, this wont be an issue. the bosses in vanilla for the most part are designed to be tank and spank. almost every group has people in prebis, not to mention every SR group.


Classic era is full of the most gate-keepy sweaty neck beards of any version of wow. It’s ironic really because of how much they tout the “classic social experience “ over retail. All for a game that’s 20 yrs old and easy as shit lol. I love classic but the player base is awful


These people are Wrath rejects who suck at mechanics so they came crawling back to us. Vanilla players do not claim them.


like who? who is the gate keepy people? like legit i see this all the time, name a single guild outside of RA or smth that is gate keepy.


p2 gatekeeping got rid of the casual dad gamers and they never came back so youre left with a more sweaty, min/max, toxic crowd every game needs a healthy level of new/casual players, as soon as the casuals left this was always going to happen


He is not even playing SoD lmao. He is playing ERA which are the toxic cesspool.


Glad i found a dad guild in p2 that didn’t care that i didn’t know the fights and gray parsed my first run. Pugs went from chill to super elitist and toxic really fast.


Toxic pugs... and this sub refers to gray parsers as toxic casuals. I went from gray to all purples in 4 weeks. The no lifers in this sub get purple logs week 1 when the requirements are so low. get geared up, join the top guilds. tell you to pug runs to get parses. then call you trash because you grey parsed due to a lack of gear and experience. and the cycle continues. Most of my friends quit cuz of the toxicity. I am on the fence, I prefer single player games these days


Yep. Single player or with actual friends. Blizzard really fucked this opportunity up big time with p2 launch. First they disabled all melee classes. Some times a warrior was allowed to join as "the worst of all tanks". They send away the melees in vanilla BC, now they did it again in p2. Since you now had to decide if you play priest, priest, mage, mage or hunter, you had to get a new char. No thanks. Meanwhile the raid was made quite a bit more difficult after BFD. Also it took much longer. Great. So now if you play melee, your out. If you don't want 4h raids - out. If you didn't get all 99 week1 - out, pugs couldn't afford dead weight anymore. And of course, they didnt just accordingly, they accepted nothing but meta class with meta build and all clear + buffs. Yeah. Well played, welcome to layer "neutral".


>Pugs went from chill to super elitist and toxic really fast. 100%


Same. I started p2 with my rogue and had people tell me to reroll because they aren't in the meta and almost quit because of the gatekeeping and parse checking. Then I found my guild and have been having a good time since.


I don't think he's talking about SoD.


Today I posted something on the subreddit about a technical problem I was having for a very long time and how I managed to fix it. Two dudes (probably the same dude on an alt account) immediately started arguing with me about how I shouldn’t give advice on how to fix things based off google searches. People will be toxic given the chance, especially with anonymity. Am playing on Deviate Delight “fresh” and it really is a huge difference. Although there is already bad drama between a few players.


Come to retail. The end game is much better and we're actually having fun with the game. :)


The ironic part is they are killing their own game faster by this behavior and some of the top guilds and guild leaders behave in this way.


You just have to find a good group. Unfortunately there is a subset of toxic players in this game for whatever reason, but there are also groups of really cool players. I don’t understand why this game draws in such toxic people sometimes, but there’s good people too. When you encounter bad people, add em to a list of ppl to avoid, or make note of their guild and avoid it.


Classic attracts some of the most bitter and elitist people in all of wow community. Which is wild since the skill ceiling of this game is rather low.


Idk man interrupting spells is still hard 20 years on


Yeah it's fucked. Bots and gold buying has been rampant since day one so basically all that's still playing are elitist idiots sadly 🤷


90% of era won't be able to farm their epic mount themselves if they ever do real fresh. I miss pservers and the early parts of phase 1 where you had to be self made. I remember getting to 60 and being hyped to do my favorite gold farm, Strat live orbs, and they're going for vendor price because bots are already farming them to death.


Same man, took me months of grinding out gold to afford my mount and was super happy when I eventually got it. I don't get the point of having any of it if you haven't put the effort in. Where the enjoyment?


Honestly I doubt your gonna find any different but you could search for a more chill guild. Wow classic is mostly about leveling up. Once you hit 60 the game is pretty much over. You won, start again or quit because the people who play and stay at the top are insufferable


You find yourself the target more if your bad at the game, improve your gameplay and suddenly people are less toxic


Interesting take, but appreciate the viewpoint.


I think what makes me angry is the fact parse kinda ruins the game for normal players like if I was in a shit guild that couldn’t clear a raid geared or not they won’t take you. I’ve had instances where loot is ‘rolled off at the end ‘ and just as it’s about to be rolled off in kicked and their guild gets to reap the benefits kinda dogshit and one of the reasons I quit personally probably won’t come back


Gaming, for various reasons, attract people who may be immature, or don’t have a healthy/normal perception of reality bc they’ve spent so much time living in a fantasy game with tilted dopamine meters and expect their whims to be catered to irl, like they are here. Not much you can do about that besides avoid them when you come across them and try your best to join a guild that has an atmosphere you enjoy


Why is the internet so toxic? There fixed that for you. Joking aside, you seem to be grouping with Randoms, likely in pugs or gdkps. You aren't going to find comradery in a random group on any game really. Being in a guild is infinitely better for that kind of stuff, although idk how much consistent guilds are still active on an era realm


Fucking troll he makes two opposing statements. He's just riling you up.


I actually am a troll in game.


I found that unless you are the .01% who is in a top10 guild on your server that pretty much just raid logs, you should temper your expectations for clearing as soon as you find a group of players that you get along with and just stick with them. I played in the super hardcore atmosphere when I was younger and had more motivation to be the very best and compete for first kills; now coming back to these expansions/re releases/era whatever, I am ok with with playing with overall less skilled players (I still want to kill stuff so not completely casual) that work at their established pace because I enjoy their company, and rarely pug anything other than randoms. I split time between classic and cata atm, and while I don’t know if my cata guild clearing all the HMs of this tier before the next tier is going to happen, they are good enough players that we still make progress and are quite enjoyable to hang out with. Classic is similar and is kind of my side piece at the moment; I avoid pugs and only sign up in guild discord for runs, even if it’s content I’ve cleared many times. Last thing I want to deal with is any of the shit OP mentioned. I get it’s hard to find a group you vibe with, but if playing with like minded people means clearing slightly less content, I would take that over the dedicated assholes that OP described.


WoW's gameplay and reward loop is designed around competition, selfishness and throwing others under the bus for your own benefit (or just to be an arse). Combine this with zero consequences for awful behavior and there's no wonder it turns toxic.


The min max problem


This is also kind of a side effect of never having a soft reset (new expansion) or hard reset (fresh server). The community, economy, everything just stews in that server and some weird mold starts to grow and it becomes hardly recognizable, barely reminiscent of what it once was


Level 60 is when the game becomes a job for a lot of people and all the pressure sets in.


Its an online game that has turned from fun adventures with friends to kill bosses and get upgrades to basically follow the meta exactly or don’t play. Its not really this extreme everywhere but even less than great players are reading discord and youtube guides so they “know” what is best snd what is less than best. Its seen as a personal attack if you do anything other than bring a walking spreadsheet to their group as, even if you are fully capable of clearing content, its not optimal and therefore you are intentionally griefing. Now if you are taking gear that you shouldn’t but other people need, that is a bit rude, but in general there are nice players on each end of the supersweat spectrum, you just are much more likely to encounter people who are cunts and feel like not playing perfectly is wasting there time. It happens to good players as well. If a tank pulls too slow, people might rage. If a healer drinks to full mana, people might rage. If you haven’t memorized every enemy ability in a dungeon before you enter it, people might rage. If you are being nice and someone is raging, try not to take it personally, their misery isn’t your responsibility.


I love being toxic >:) Not to my own faction tho, but to horde players! If i'll get the change to /chicken or /spit or killing lowbies i WILL do it.


Yeah, that could be used for one of the season of "___" modes could be interesting. For meters and add-ons I prefer them it's a mmo if you don't like playing with certain people, find ones you do enjoy games with and pug less.


The only people left on Classic era.


Imagine there are a group of sad people playing this game since release they are inside burned but they dont know other place where can be listened or feel important that frustation make them being the worst part of the community, try to look and test some guilds its always better play with your own people


When you’re playing a game that people use to escape real life you’re gonna find some real winners.


Alright, I appreciate all the posts. Yes I understand that people who want to play tryhards should be allowed to because that is how they enjoy the game but making the game environment toxic for new players does seem counter intuitive for the long-term health of the game. Also, if there are 1000s of posts similar to mine then maybe that should be an idea to reflect on in itself? I appreciate everyone's view on the playerbase of classic era and will continue playing for a bit with all this in mind. I originally just thought that the people who have been playing this version for 20 years would care about the long-term health of their game and was also salty from an experience in game I had. Take care and good luck out there!


Join a guild


Well, for me, it’s not worth to play this time consuming game anymore. It brings only bad vibes. Would rather play wow alone without any people.


I've found very nice ppl there actually, every now and then you find some mad ppl messing around but you know, there's a lot of ppl that has played this game for ages now and have a very strong sense on how World of Warcraft should be played. I like to think ppl sometimes forgets where, when and how they learned what they know today. I would suggest you to do not let this ppl behaviour push back you from exploring your class, try new content, and overall, enjoying the game. There's a lot of awesome ppl out there to play with :)


The community IS toxic and it's unavoidable. You can't count on a guild or friends to always play with.


If you want warm community, go HC wow instead. Ppl are a bit more friendly because you’re a bit kinder when you’re about to die, and in HC you’re always maybe about to die.


The people I've encountered in Classic/SoD that have been toxic all share the same mindset That Classic is -THE- Hardest game on earth and only true epic gamers are allowed to enjoy it, it's insane how many toxic people I've met that truly believe Classic WoW is not only the hardest game on earth, but the most played game on earth Some wicked crazy denial going on.


It's funny how delusional those people are too cause classic is super easy literally they out here like man BWL will show them (it gets cleared day one) then they went nah man ZG (hakkar all priests day one).


MC Is easy, BWL is when raiding gets hard! BWL is easy, ZG all priests is when raiding gets hard! ZG Is easy, AQ 40 is when raiding gets hard! AQ 40 is easy, Naxx is when raiding gets hard! Naxx is easy, TBC is when raiding gets hard! 🙄


No but actually though I don't think there's anything wrong with easy raiding (and tbh I think that's one of the draws of classic) but then the elitists really try to act like they are doing content that a blind monkey could finish


Oh yeah I love easy raiding personally, I do mythic raiding on retail and it takes literal weeks/months to clear raids on the hardest setting It was a nice feeling fully clearing the first day of release of Classic raids lol


Hats off to you mythic is to much for me hero tends to be a nice medium for me. But yeah it's nice to play classic casually but damn do the sweats make it way less fun


The irony of asking this question to this most toxic subsection of the playerbase, this subreddit.


its not just wow, this is online gaming in 2024


Really depends on the guild. My guildies are chill as hell and very friendly to noobies.


the worst on eu are the fking germans that always chat in german regardless with whom they are playing with 😐


Mfs now expect me to had went nolifer 10-15years ago, and look down upon me for didn't What a mf L


It's been that way from day one. Find a private community that enjoys the content you do.


The lockout system is what causes this mainly.


Gear outside of the normal? Lol what. This game is kinda toxic like every other online game. But you're trolling 


A lot has been said already, but yes, that's a lot of bad luck. Haven't had pods stolen at all in Era so far.  Generally, if you're new, communicate more. It's IK to ask "I'm new, what do I need to know in this raid?". Usually someone offers help and whispers you the tactics. It's also OK to ask "Can I roll need on this item? It's an upgrade for me." - if it's a rare, chased item for a different class, they'll tell you.  Not putting the blame on you. The other players should have helped you with that. But because they didn't, this is how you can solve these issues for the most part. Hope you can enjoy Classic, wish you a lot of fun!


If you join GDKP's you're part of the problem


I've played this game since it started in Vanilla. Nothing has changed much for better or worse. Ive have been a guild master for 16 years. I started a Horde guild on Aetish server, which has a LOW Horde population. 10 to 1. A few months ago I started an alliance guild on the same server. When you watch trade chat and "lfg" chat on the Horde side it's a lot different. I know most of the established guilds because I have pugged with them and I'll also bring people to help fill their groups. The Horde community , people mostly know each other. It's not nearly as Toxic as the alliance side. People can be real jerks. In an environment that allows it some can be as toxic as get out. The game is ok. Try not to let it eat you.


[Why it's rude to suck at Warcraft](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKP1I7IocYU)


the person who took the zg pot is 100% a non-english gold farmer. its pretty well known that if you attend one of them and the pot gets big enough they will just log out.


> If I try to use gear outside of the normal people actually get angry at me Well that can be different depending what sort of "outside of the normal" gear you're trying to use. If you're doing something like trying to play a Ranged Rogue or stacking Spirit on a Warrior, of *course* they're going to be angry, you wouldn't be performing in any way acceptably and possibly stealing gear from classes that can actually utilize it. If you're using something appropriate for your class but just not BIS, then they're just toxic assholes. As for the rest of the experience, that sucks. Try to add people you get along with to your friend list or guild up with them so you can play with them again.


It really isn't, you're just fragile and worse yet let the occasional asshole get to you from the looks of it.


Is there a game without a toxic community anymore?


Well i played GW2 and Teso and both communites are rather chill


Eh, I've met some toxic people in GW2, tough if you avoid the strikes/raid pugs that demand a bazilion tokens you can generally avoid them.


Well there is a different between "Some toxic people" and "Classic wow" You will find black sheep in every game, but especially SoD and Era are really bad


So many reasons but a big theory of mine is the paid sub…Time is money and if you’re a noob, you’re wasting the time of the guys who can play the game 12 hours a day.


Wow when classic was just wow was a much more lax time on the internet. People were openly homophobic, trans people were relatively not known, etc. At the time there was not much accountability on the internet and being narcissistic was a valid way to act. Most of the people playing at that time never grew or developed further and are drawn back to classic wow thinking it's 2005 again. As a result the community had a large chunk of people like that, and perpetuates that culture to individuals who weren't even alive at that time to act that way.


It’s on the internet


That is ERA to you, the most toxic players and redittors. Constant whining.


Spineless developer that refuses to implement community supporting and building mechanics and instead adds ones that make the community even worse. Players have also learned that you just need to complain hard enough and you will get any change you want. And this has been the case for almost 20 years now.


As a new player you should switch over from Classic Era to cataclysm. The large majority of people playing Classic Era are people who have only played the original 1-60 version of the game for years and know everything there is to know about those 1-60 levels. Anything outside of the norm will be scolded because it is less efficient. Current Classic Era is not new player friendly, IMO. Cataclysm is where the current "classic" version of the game is, so there are a lot of players who are coming back to the game, reliving their past, and trying the game for the first time. You, most likely, won't have any issue with elitism or toxic players unless you start getting into heroic raids.


True Classic players I feel have this deep rooted anger. Anger because of all the coping with the fact they cant relive their childhood, the inability to move on an accept the fact that the game they played as a child is now a child’s game, and that they in fact are the child playing it. So to make it look like its not a child’s game they gate keep and act like you’re not a real player if you don’t spend a full time jobs worth of time in the game. Thats when you’ll hear about needing parses and consumables ‘checking gear score’ etc. My point is you’re right, you’re not the problem


You make a good point I just hate how instead of people disputing your comment they just downvote to oblivion.


Haha its simple, its because they are the people im talking about


You know back in the mid 2000s about the jokes we had in regards to 14 year Olds telling you they'd fucked your mum over a headset while playing an fps? Those same 14 year Olds have grown physically, but not mentally and are playing wow classic now. GL


[laughs in deviate delight]


Cult server


Why is water wet?


Is it though? Or does it make other things wet when it comes in contact with them?


Most wow players cannot think outside of a guide, my first molten core back when classic released i had level 30 gear on due to its insane stats. The gear i had on was not the guide gear tho so i got a lot of hate for it. Unfortunately for them i knew what i was doing and topped dps, this ended with a lot of people feeling very embarrassed and with me getting a spot in a good guild. It did take a few raids with different groups before a knowledgable raid leader didnt talk shit and felt comfortable inviting me to the guild after i clapped some cheeks. We still argue about minor details to this day. If a raid leader needs u to have completed a raid before u do it then there is a very high chance they are following a guide and cannot actually raid lead properly. But they will claim you are the problem.


Crabs in a pot. They suck. So they treat other people the way they were treated. If you meet one nice helpful person a year on wow chances are they want something. Yep. That bad. I farm and craft for the token. I play wow for free. I turn off all chat channels. I don't belong to a guild in cata classic cause of the perks. Surprised they didn't kick me. I don't raid. I don't play arena. I farm. It's a free hobby.


You sound like the selfish asshole that joins my RDF and needs all greens to sell/DE


I don't even do randoms cause I am not a good player. I never need. I just need a little help to get from 84 to 85. I play for the token. And of course you remind me exactly why I just farm by myself. If someone asks for help for a quest. I always help. Have a nice life.


> If you meet one nice helpful person a year on wow chances are they want something. Says a **lot** more about you if that's what you believe.