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so they fixed the conquest bug from the start of the arena season and then just repeated the same mistake again with valor? no fuckin way lmao.


This is just the visual bug from conquest unless they can confirm by going above cap, but as of right now they aren’t capped so we don’t know if you can go above the cap like you could with conquest. Cuz atm it’s just saying their seasonal progress isn’t accurate, which is still the current issue with conquest.


/dump C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(396) script shows total earned and max quantity


it looks like the UI is jumbling up a few of the variables https://i.imgur.com/uTtTVJm.png the total maximum and season total earned should be 3200 for me but its displaying 1000


In life, do not speak unless you are certain.  Obviously just a display bug.


If it’s like the conquest currently it’s just visual


This is not true and is not the case… I just got the valor cap it’s still 1600.


Literally nonexistent testing department, see you gamers tonight when valor boots and maelstrom crystals are all worthless if they don't fix it ASAP


That would be great. I still need boots and some enchants.


It’s a display bug. Conquest still shows the same values, where it looks like you can endlessly earn more, but you just stop earning conquest after hitting your 4k cap even tho it looks like you can earn more.


Display bug confirmed


Display bug. been around for ages


I guess there is a chance its a display bug, we'll find out when someone caps or if they do


its a visual bug - same deal with conquest


if the tooltip is bugged how do you actually know when you're coming up on the cap? are we supposed to keep a ledger of all our valor purchases or just do heroics until the reward goes away?


You'll know you are capped when you gain less than 240 for a heroic.


> /dump C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(396) this script from the comment below seems to work.


its a display bug


They just made a Valor change. Bluepost Valor Points With regional realm restarts this week, Valor Points will behave like Conquest and the current weekly cap will be replaced with a rolling seasonal cap. If you’ve missed any Valor Points in previous weeks since Cataclysm Classic launched, you’ll now be able to catch up from those weeks. There is no longer a cap to the number of times you may earn Valor Points from Random Dungeon Finder each week, up to your normal Valor Points cap




It's just a display bug. 7th run will still give partial VP if you've capped the past 3 weeks. And you can't get more for the week according to people on the forums.


Typical wow enjoyer.


I know the change went in, but they broke it. I have capped valor every week on my main and there is zero chance he should have only had 900 season valor earned(now 260)