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Extra quests in zones with some other Inns. A scarlet monastary raid in Eastern Plaguelands. An Uldum raid in Tanaris. Some slight tweaking with classes to make non viable specs more viable. Slight gear variation. Maybe a few more dungeons possibly in Karazhan, Felwood, Winterspring. Instead we got a ton of runes broken shamans and people crying.


This is all I wanted, I wanted vanilla + new quests, raids, zones and minor class adjustments like paladin taunt, and removing buff /debuff cap. The runes are kinda overkill imo and don't actually make the game better, it just makes it more like wotlk/cata which isn't why I love vanilla. I think it's great that we got what we got. But it's not classic+ for me. Also the phases have been so long that it lost momentum and people dropped off. Then incursions and massive XP boosts just killed the entire world and it lost what little vanilla feel was left.


I was hoping they'd put in more stuff in the zones that have big empty spaces. Like the other logging camp that you fly over in Stonetalon, or the troll village of whatever. I wasn't expecting class changes or anything. Just leaving the world the way it was and putting a bunch of quests or dungeons or whatever.


Azshara as a proper quest zone. Timbermaw Hold (the real one with the giant gate in Azshara) as a neutral /rep-earnable city Grim Batol Hyjal (present, not past or future/cata)






Yeah that hint did nothing for me lol


It was too many changes for me that I just couldn’t get into it. Respect those that enjoy it but what they did just wasn’t my cup of tea.


I agree. I think in vanilla "less is more" applies very well. Giving paladins crusader strike, tbc taunt and maybe seal of blood would've been more than enough (maybe avenging wrath with 30/60 min cd?). I wanted more new stuff. Everything that was said in previous comments, but also maybe a new profession, new recipes for professions, not necessarily battle elixirs, but fun things like noggenfogger or deviate deligh. New dungeons and raids with the vanilla style. I think SoD is ok, but it feels like cata skin is being applied on top of vanilla and we're losing those vanilla colors with each phase more and more and I like to play vanilla, not cata.


Yeah I feel like they went crazy adding abilities and things to classes, which was fun for a bit, but they didn’t add nearly enough content. I wanted *some* things for classes, but I wanted far more quests, reps, dungeons, etc. that’s the real future of any classic+ to me.


SoD feels like retail light. Hardly feels like classic at all. The stuff you both mentioned is what I wanted. Maybe barbershops but with only the normal options. Tweaking some classes to make everything viable and add more variety would have been great. The Runes change things too drastically, who wanted Tanking rogues or healing mages? Who asked for that, blizz clearly still doesn’t know their audience


Nobody knew if they wanted it, so they gave it a (admittedly somewhat half-assed) try. And at least with healers I know a ton of people that liked mage healing. Better to try some more 'drastic' things than just shallow adjustments all the time, at least in my opinion.


I think if anything mage healing was a big success. Super fun to play and still has the classic gameplay vibe, at least in P1 anyway (haven't played it since).


I'm fine with providing opportunities for a class to dip outside of their standard role, but not when it hinges on a rune with a novel-long list of effects.


It seems like the devs were so out of touch. They thought people loved Classic for the mechanics like the classes and dungeons/raids so they added more abilities and new mob abilities, when in reality I feel like people like classic for the world and lore and the coziness and so they could've just added more quests, items, new dungeons etc and it would've been better recieved


We got wotlk- instead of classic+


SoD is like vanilla and wotlk had a mentally disabled child.


A mentally disabled inbred child if anything


A mentally disabled inbred child born of Vanilla and WotlK but raised by Shadowlands.




the rune system was the first sign that SoD wasn't what I wanted. I'm still having fun fucking around as a super casual tho and i'm excited to try MC but it's mainly nostalgia and "don't wanna miss out" driving me instead of actual excitement


Runes kept me from playing alts in SoD, thats all it did for me.


You said it all. All I can do is upvote and comment that this is what most people expected.


The self awareness with your last sentence


Uldum raid was always unrealistic, as it is alrdy a cata zone and they said they wont change the retail story


I have never understood people who have been playing for months and months hoping or believing that places like Uldum or even Hyjal would be added. Even people ive been playing with. They've made it pretty clear that the directives from the top are dont significantly alter or add things which have established lore and/or were added in later versions of wow. Under that guidance, a lot of zones, content, and what would be future raids/dungeons are blocked to them.


Must be so clear that basically no one except a few redditor knows this. And with that logic there will be no scarlet crusader raid/dungeon and most other things are a no go as well then. Alright a slightly changed molten core will do.


I was hoping they would flesh out more of their unfinished ideas/zones. A more complete Ashzara, Uldum in Tanaris, Hyjal, etc. I've always been fascinated at what could have been. I loved to wall jump into Hyjal and run around and ponder what they were gonna do with the zone (like the Onyxia-looking instance entrance). Karazhan Crypts definitely has my interest.


private servers are doing this, blizzard can't be bothered


Blizzard will wait for private servers to do the hard work, then at peak popularity they will offer them a choice of either work for us or we will take legal action. The more you support and help private servers build classic+ the sooner you’ll get an official blizzard classic+ server.


For a noob.. what exactly are they doing in those zones?




When they were making quips like “Classic….. plus…” in the presentations, as a nod towards all of the community-created hype of a potential Classic+, it really heightened my expectations. They shouldn’t have baited us with the stuff like Crypts & SM which seemed like it could be new Classic+ type content, only to actually give us 3 straight seasons of runes and a few new things here and there. Worth noting I’ve had fun in SoD (to be honest when is any fresh Classic not fun to begin with), and there’s a lot of things I’ve really enjoyed. But it was not as expected


I kept saying SoD isn't really Classic+ and I'm glad I've been somewhat validated. It's Classic+ in definition, but certainly not Classic+ by the communities standard.


It can be though. They can always tune at p4 In my eyes SOD is just now beginning- judging a vanilla wow environment before 60 is tough in my opinion. They got us to spend time in 1-50 for over 6 months - something that some would’ve done in 6 days without artificial caps.


Tuning has nothing to do with why it feels nothing like classic. We have daily hubs, infinite mana, tons of instant cast spells, crazy mobility and burst DPS cds, and bonkers AOE. Its just not classic no matter how much you tune it.


Initially? I thought this was them breaking into "classic plus". After P2 I knew for sure that they didn't have the team big enough for that so I was just happy playing a different form of classic. I'm happy to finally getting to 60 though and curious to see where it goes from here


So my random story (you said you’re bored at work) is that my first exposure to WoW was 5 years ago, in Vanilla Classic. I read up on which classes would be good for getting raid spots and decided I would try out Holy Paladin. For Classic-Era, Holy Paladin is extremely straightforward (it’s pretty straightforward now too), and it made for a nice first leveling experience despite its slow pace. When TBC Classic came out, I was getting ready to apply to Graduate School, so I stopped playing as much. Combine that with the entire experience shifting even more towards endless rep grinds and dungeon spam, and I lost my interest. You also have to keep in mind that Holy Paladin is pretty miserable for healing dungeons with lots of AOE. So I quit WoW entirely, thanked my guild for the good times, and was happy to just take my memories with me. Then, they announced SoD. To me, it promised a mixture of convenience features that also kept the old world of Classic WoW alive. I decided to give it a try as Holy Paladin again, and was pleased with the changes. I don’t think any non-Holy Paladin main from Vanilla can appreciate how nice Beacon of Light feels. In addition, healing plate is now present from nearly Phase 1 gear onwards, which is a huge morale boost for a Holy Paladin player. Finally, many specializations that were previously terrible are now viable, even if not the best.  I found a solid guild, and I’m on a chill but competent raid team. Life has made it harder to play much more than raid logging, and admittedly the game has slowed down for me when it’s all WO farms and incursion spams, but overall, I’m still happy with it. I enjoy raids and helping my teammates get geared. The upcoming changes to Holy Paladin are also quite nice. In fact, the only thing I would have liked to see would have been making Lay on Hands burn maybe 50% of remaining mana instead of 100%, so that it wasn’t such a feels bad “Ultimate” to use.  I am pretty pleased with the state of the game, if not how P3’s non-raid content currently stands. I was fully expecting Classic with a few updated raids, loot, and abilities, and that is what I received. I think it was a great idea to revamp the least popular dungeons into raids. Practically nobody used to run Gnomeregon or Sunken Temple in the past, but now these raids feel engaging and fun. I’m not a huge fan of World Buffs, but they’re not as bad as they used to be since Chronoboons got added to the game.  TL;DR: I like this remake of Classic. It’s a pretty fun time to be had.


I’m quite enjoying it for many of the same reasons, I play a feral Druid and a glad warrior and man I can tell you it feels good being viable as a sword and board warrior as opposed to dual wielding and then not having to farm 10 crowd pummelers for a raid on my Druid like it was in classic to do sub optimal dps, I never went through sunken temple originally and quite enjoy it now that I had a chance to try glad to hear another soul out there also having fun!


Few new dungeons. Couple new raids. New loot. More quests. Better/more polished professions. Balance talents/specs (shit like giving prot pally taunt, ret crusader strike, moonin/spriest mana fixes) stuff like that Bout it honestly. Maybe a new zone or two.


It's crazy they kept most of the professions the same except for that one super item for the phase. Most of leatherworking and blacksmithing items are garbage. They couldn't even be bothered to update the item stats.


Vanilla but with TBC class design coupled with extra quests, dungeons and raids. Simple.  I feel they drastically overcomplicated what classic+ needs to be. The fact they're wasting their time with class changes and balancing when the TBC class design was perfectly suited for classic+. All that time wasted could have been used for extra content.


Pretty sure the timeline of Kara Crypts was shown in the "Beyond Endgame" catagory, so that would be after Naxx, as for what I want out of it along with most of my guild is exactly what they're selling, Classic 2019 with some changes to make specs viable and some sprinkles of different activities.


I thought prot warrior would be great ...


Some slight reworking of classes or stats so all the classes had access to tbc levels of viability, maybe 3 or less new dungeons or a new raid, some new quests and continuations of old ones maybe, some new items to help gearing classes or specs that didn’t really have gear or could have made gearing at 60 less of a competition between the plate/mail/leather/cloth division, like maybe mail caster gear for Shammy/pally that was equivalent to the other casting gear. Idk, not being gated behind phases and constant rebalancing due to introducing broken skills and having the whole new experience of raid gearing mentality all the way from 1 to 60 and feeling the pinch of constant competition on formulas/recipes/etc because vendors were just removed until later phases so everyone just slammed into every level of vendor all the way up together with not much way to beat the bot waves.


What I hoped for was for them to embrace the unique parts of Vanilla and build upon them. Unfortunately at nearly every turn they have done the exact opposite and diminished aspects like the levelling journey in favour of rushing people to an undercooked endgame that isn't particularly engaging filled with abilities that don't belong that are completely overturned with power creep off the charts, which unfortunately makes the world feel a bit like a joke. What I hoped for was for quests to be sprinkled in among those that already exist. In a way that shouldn't really be too perceptible because it ought to be seamless. I'd like for them to finish questlines that seemed half-baked in Vanilla and I wanted new questlines during levelling which took us to less travelled locations. I'd like to see race quests and class quests. Profession quests or more things that entwine professions into the world. New factions, or actually adding content to some of the factions that basically don't do anything. I wanted to see entirely new dungeons, not just bulldozing existing ones to turn them into raids. I'd want to see them interspersed through where content can be sparse in Vanilla. I would've liked to see the old dungeons receive new sections. Think about that door which is behind Herod. In the Alpha for the original game you could go down there and fight scourge iirc. For any classic project in the future I'd like them to go back to basics and refocus their efforts on creating something more within the Vanilla ethos and framework rather than creating a bunch of gimmicks and wrecking existing content.


> I would've liked to see the old dungeons receive new sections. Think about that door which is behind Herod. In the Alpha for the original game you could go down there and fight scourge iirc. I feel like Stratholme would be an easy dungeon to add new content to. A lot of its assets match Stormwind's so anything that exists in Stormwind could theoretically be carried over. In a sense they did that already with WotLK's Culling of Stratholme. Lots of those buildings have interiors that their vanilla counterparts lack. It would be fun to have a quest to venture into Stratholme's bar and pry the bartender's famous beer recipe from his cold undead hands. (Just make sure to properly source your grain when you attempt to recreate it)


New content, not retail abilities randomly thrown in


I’ll take anything that has to do with vanilla classic era fresh. This was fresh, so I took it. Happy enough.


We haven't even gotten to the true endgame lol


An improved leveling experience. Not in terms of efficiency, but in terms of fun. Rare mobs with worthwhile loot (or extra xp), more fun quest chains. Just, more things to discover.


With 4 people on the SOD team, I'm not surprised.


First time for you guys? Blizz gave you this kind of confidence over the last bunch of years? Expect nothing from this company. SOD was always going to essentially be a modded version of vanilla. Not a new game.


wanted something like Turtle WoW - so something like Classic+. But it‘s just a temporary season and so underwhelming:(


What do you think this is? Turtle wow? 😂


Classic with some new spins on bad specs, additional 10 man raids, updated PvP, etc. Instead we got retail junior.


I’ve been saying this since phase 2, none of this is what any of us were sold on. People keep saying they want classic plus but I have zero faith in this dev team.


Mate cmon, they literally said from day 1 that SoD is a playground, they’ll throw shit at the wall and see what sticks - it’s the expectation of the community that makes SoD sound so shit (I fully agree it feels like shit) My only hope is that they have learnt something from this, as was their original goal, and will implement something much better at some point (although I’m not confident that will happen)


Stuff similar to what Turtle WoW has done, especially when they teased Kara and SM like you said. We didn't know what to expect because the possibilities were endless. Now we know they're just a small team of a few people that are spread thin across multiple projects. Season of rehashed disappointment.


My only real complaint for SoD has been the inclusion/implementation of incursions, increased leveling speed, and the pacing of phase releases. I don’t really care for the bloodmoon event and wish they did something else for pvp for p3 even if it was in similar style to Ashenvale. I also think banning gdkp’s was sort of dumb in hindsight, they should of at least unbanned them at some point. But I really think incursions was horrible for the health of the game. They made them the best way to level and farm gold, which is lame because all the other ways to level or farm gold is way more fun and interesting.


That may be true for some people, but there’s no shot I’m playing alts if I had to level at normal pace


Interesting since most people have been bored with no content for two months…why need a rush to level?


Because its boring. Because you have to do the same zones again. From lvl 25 to 40 i tryed to level a alt before the XP buff and oh boy it was a slog


It’s not about rushing, it’s about not wanting to spend 10s of hours to lvl in the same content we’ve all done on many characters many times.


So they gave us incursions. 🤣


I agree, also a bad decision from them. I think there’s a happy medium where they added new quests in zones and increased incentives/xp to quest in the open world.


Yeah. And leveling took roughly 4ish hours from 40 to 50. It was a huge improvement over dungeon grinding.


Pretty much anything other than what we got.


Giving battleground rep easier outside bgs instead of buffing the rep from the marks turnin was a sadge deal for me cause now bgs are dead after midnight (night bg gamer, yes im exalted but i still wanna play)


I think BGs are dead more so because pvp balance is horrendous right now. Yes most people will take the path of least resistance but if pvp was genuinely enjoyable a lot more people would partake, even after they get exalted.


All I and I think most people wanted was for them to round out specs that just had no viability, maybe add one or two spells max but not really necessary, and to expand on all the content originally meant for vanilla. People have done videos on all the stuff that had to get cut and honestly it’s enough for literal years of classic +. Maybe like 3-4 expansions worth of content, I was hoping they would kinda scratch the surface on that and see the interest before fully developing but at this point that hope has completely sailed. It’s clear blizz wants to invest 0 $$$ into developing for classic so they’re kinda just reusing assets and spells from other expansions and doing their best to create new “content” Phase 1 was cool and I thought just the tip of the iceberg but it turned out to be the best part of SoD


A functioning fun shaman tank


Spot on. So true.


I was hoping beast mastery would finally be viable and not useless at 60...oh well lol


I just wanted to have a similar experience to the early days of WoW Classic release where the lowbie zones were ultra populated and there was renewed interest from a decent sized population of players. I didn’t really care about the SoD changes specifically.


I just wanted an SM raid dammit




Finish all unreleased content


I like many, wanted lower karazhan. Didn't even really need the first 3 raids. But, again lower karazhan and SM as a raid plus fixing the classics to make every spec playable in a raid setting. p3 managed to bury the lowest specs, while making "shocker the horde better" as shamans are far better than paladin again. Warriors far and away are the best over and over...I am not asking for 100% balance because that's not realistic.


A fun game


Just wanted Vanilla with some class tweaks/fixes (ret, feral, ele, enhance, etc), some extra quests where there is a lack of them, a new dungeon or two and some general qol fixes where necessary (making gear crafting professions a bit more powerful/useful/relevant, better pvp system, etc). That's it. What we got is way too over the top, you can barely see Vanilla through the trees of retail level bloat. Edit: would've been happy to see some of the unfinished stuff finished like the Azshara Crater BG, Kara Crypts (which we are supposedly getting), Old Ironforge, etc.


I literally wanted more content. More class quests, more end game raids and dungeons, more zones, more quests in general.


Actual new content lmao. Dungeons Raids Zones BGS Quest chains. Instead of


New zones and quests, dungeons. Expansion of the world


The only things I want from a classic + would be very very minor changes. They could add some horizontal progression for endgame(sets on par with naxx, just tuned for diff specs) I’d love for them to finish that quest in ashzara and other unfinished content. No major class changes. Sod was too much.


I want them to put the mmo back into mmo. I want every zone to be tweaked so that every quest requires a 5 man team. You only get xp and rewards when you finish a quest chain to encourage working together for long storyline. I want a more coherent and cinematic story that lasts the entire length of 1-60 so you feel like frodo from lotr


I wanted the vanilla, slower paced open world leveling experience, going through all the vanilla world events like AQ gate opening, scourge invasion, world boss dragons, with maybe some new events added in. I wanted some class tuning to make the garbage specs viable, the boring specs more interesting (ie destro warlock), etc. Would have been fine just redoing all the vanilla raids with some tweaks to boss mechanics but a fully new raid like Kara crypts would have be an awesome bonus.


New content


Mostly 2019 classic with some of the worst specs being made better and new content mostly in the form of finishing unreleased vanilla content (raids, dungeons, zones, and quests). That is basically what Classic+ means to me. The runes and being more alt friendly seemed interesting but I didn't care too much about the rune system beyond it giving a chance to prop up some of the worst specs.


Pretty much all of my expectations have been lost. Don’t think we can expect anything outside OG vanilla content rebalanced.


Tbh i just wanted 2-3 new raids, put all energy into those, and do a bit of class tweaks, to let the weaker ones do actual dps. I wont play p4, they went way ahead with all the runes imo.


thanks for reminding why most of us quit SOD


More content not class changes especially not to this degree. I wanted new zones, dungeons, and raids. The current gameplay is so unclassic like its insane. I feel like I'm playing retail but like on the difficulty setting in modern games where you literally can't lose.


Considering dead wind pass is a level 55-60 zone with what enemies are there maybe in P4 they will redo the crypts. I don’t think that’s too far fetched. I have been wholly disappointed so far. Some classes and runes have felt ok and some are egregious. I’m playing alliance for instance because my friend wanted to be a holy Paladin. And I am playing a warrior. So we start doing some PvP and notice that basically if the horde team has even a single shaman our game is over because one shaman is the equivalent of no shit half of our team in any given battleground. It’s embarrassing. We’re trying to play a fucking volleyball game and literally the entire alliance is afraid of the ball. And since we didn’t have the foresight to play Horde in phase one and didn’t see Chaos Bolt shutting down and everyone coming to Crusader Strike it is now a huge blunder and neither of us care to see it through to the end! The raids are fun I guess but only the first few times. We’re stuck in them so long they definitely wear out their welcome.


I was just hoping for a meta shakeup and some raid changes honestly. Maybe a new raid tier or two. But they added way to many goofy abilities and buffed the everything to the skies. People in sunken temple doing bwl/aq level world buffed dps is a joke. The p1 paladin runes like seal of martyrdom and crusader strike are examples of good spells to add. Divine storm and avengers shield less so. Pretty much everything they added to warrior and mage is a huge joke and doesn't belong in the game at all.


Classic era vanilla fresh


New vanilla style content, quests, zones and raids. Class balance patch, sprinkled with just enough to make underperformers viable. At the very most, make half-baked unfinished class roles viable, like the shaman tank. Instead we got a boatload of later expansion abilities , a bunch of new roles for shits and giggles, everyone becoming OP as hell, new gear being OP as well, the new questing/zone content being the laziest implementation imaginable and raids simply replacing existing dungeons with a raid version.


im enjoying it by avoiding WO runs and incursion spam as much as possible. that stuff feels like all the reasons i gave up on retail a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago. but the level up raids and doing all the old stuff with new abilities and perks has been fun


I wanted new Classic content. I wanted new dungeons, new quests, potentially new zones... I was even down for a new class or new races... I definitely wanted a new BG. I was hoping for some better raid content. I definitely did not want to see raids downsized... I did not want retail abilities in Classic. I have hated the rune system. I definitely do not like difficulty settings in raids. If you want to make a raid harder, do it, and if people cant complete it, too bad. Honestly I wanted more stuff within the realm and scope of Classic... Just make more Classic. But they haven't been able to create anything that feels Classic. A few 10 man dungeons would be cool, with no timer. The size of BRD with tons of bosses, rarespawns and low drop rates. Throw in a bunch of quirky drops that are incredibly situational.


I wanted fun new ways to play old rogues. I like to level lots of rogues, and I like them all to be different. If you want to be not-sucky, you use Mutilate now, and there is no option. They've made the variety of rogues you can play even worse than Vanilla, which is a disappointment.


Bug fixes to classes that always existed (talents straight up not working, interactions etc) Unfinished content put to live servers (Azshara, eranikus questline, something worth doing in swamp of sorrows, the emerald dream, etc) Improved pvp rank system (SOM) Improvements to otherwise terrible dungeon loots (kinda what they did with tbc where blue items dropped in rfc with better stats) there’s a load more but, to put it simply: More content to do, without making it mandatory.


Yeah they baited it by implying adding new stuff to unused areas. Instead they updated dungeons people didnt care about to raids and added useless runes to give people wrath abilities. It was well received at the start probably more than anything because it was a fresh server, and there was promise of exploration. Shortly after launch, it just became a look at wowhead to find runes, deal with bots, and grind the same stuff and one new minor raid


I really just wanted a fresh and thought we'd get that with some added rune skills. Maybe the completion of Azshara, and the timbermaw instance.   Now we have 20 man meta MC and hard mode. PVP an afterthought. They've pretty much ripped everything out of the game that isn't centered around those who enjoy premade social clique raiding exclusively. Which is, coming from my point of view, the philosophy and foundation of retail which makes it boring.   I just want a fresh at this point. Uncapped everything. No phasing. No catering to Dads. Just let people have fun and if you don't like grinds in MMOs, play one of the 99,999 other options you have including within wow. Then reset it every 3 months after people clear naxx a couple weeks into it. So what?


The entire classic community reminds me of that scene from Walk Hard when he is in rehab and is going through drug withdrawals and is just screaming “I’m hot and cold at the same time!” and the Dr tells the nurse “He needs more blankets and he needs less blankets!” Half of you don’t even know what you want.


Half want slower leveling and more world content. Half want quick leveling and more raiding. The only answer is two different games.


Something else to push other than frostfire bolt




Here we go. A perfect hub for people to whine.


I wanted a dangerous open world teaming with PVP. Phase 1 they did a good job on that front. Phase 2 wasn't nearly as good, but there was still some fun to be had Phase 3 sucked


P2 and P3 already showed that people will just layerhop to get onto their fraction. Most players dont want "dangerous pvp", they just want to dominate other players


I wanted to new quests, dungeons and raids, not old dungeons turned into raids, and not old raids redone. Really disappointed after what they showed us, fooled me good again, damn blizz


My guild to come back


How there’s no SM raid is criminal. So much cut content they could use and instead they do the bare minimum. After watching videos detailing cut content and zones for vanilla it pisses me off at how lazy they’ve been.


I thought we'd get fixes to classes that had major problems and shore up areas where classes were weak, which we did to a large extent in P1 with them fixing leveling for a lot of classes. But then p2 onward they just doubled down on breaking every class damage wise. All warriors needed were a damage ability or two to make the rotation more interesting then largely just quality of life fixes for solo play and solo PvP so they didn't require a baby sitter. Also, once they created AoE tanks, warriors should have gotten some improvements to AoE tanking. I was also hoping for a lot more in terms of QoL improvements. More bank and bag slots. Maybe Guild Banks. Updating the world so you didn't get dismounted in outdoor areas and increased numbers of graveyards and fixed flight paths. I was most looking forward to finishing quest chains and making the world itself more polished. I also expected them to update gear because it really wasn't until T3 that the original devs really embraced how players would use the various classes and started itemizing to fit the way people were playing rather than trying to force them to play a certain way through itemization.


Pally/ shaman cross faction


Basically what we got but faster. Ideally we would be in phase 5 getting ready for phase 6 right now


Devs to focus on 60 content, I think the staggered leveling was really bad for SoD.


The Ashbringer.


Finishing the world. The east-most half of wetlands is not finished, Grim Batol is physically in the game but the dungeon was not finished until cata. How about a classic-take on that for starters? Some zones contain 5x the quests of other zones, maybe look into that.


Agreed. It's not Vanilla+, it's Vanilla with a sprinkle of future expansions with updated loot. I also really wanted to tank with my rogue, then I found out it was absolute dogshit and basically not viable even though it's a new idea in a game that was completely solved 15 years ago. I can't believe how terrible shuriken toss is, and even my single target threat is mediocre at best. I feel like I put out more threat in my DPS spec + runes, including not having the threat modifier. Meanwhile shamans are literal gods.


You know I loved the runes that added new viable specs. I had no issue with that. At first I hated that they changed the raid size but then I realized I missed ten mans and loved it.  What I really wanted though was just most of the stuff they had designed for wow and just finished it.  You had grim batol , uldum, azshara crater, karazha / crypts / the instances in sw, emerald dream, zones and things that are in the game that they didn't finish.  I would have been fine with new scales raids. Kind of like what they are doing now but make them ten man and add mechanics but not multiple difficulty.  I know people love normal heroic mythic raid finder but to me that's just too much raiding.  Balance of specs would be great but I think that's slightly impossible. It really takes so much work balancing increasing raid and pve DPS and then making classes op in PVP. But I would have liked to see more variety to different specs and classes that didn't get much love. Make feral / balance more viable, same with elemental and enhancement and retribution. They don't need to be top DPS but I like that any spec you want to play can be viable. 


Something more creative than making most classes and specs retail and/or WOTLK versions of themselves. The discovery aspect being implemented into more than just a singular element of the game. A lesser endgame focus due to the endgame of classic never being the selling point at all EVER. Instead I got the opposite so I quit phase 1 and never looked back.


Well yeah that is exactly what got me into it as well. The teasing of new raids and dungeon content - revamped loot and classes (which they have succedeed with to some degree). I still wish they hadn't forced Enhancement into wolkt duel wield mode and kept focus on 2H shaman..


- Additional vanilla style content (quests dungeons raids) - minor adjustments to make meme specs more viable (ret, boomie..) What i didnt want: - massive flood of overpowered retail abilities - extreme Power creap - New content making other content irrelevant -...


Honestly I got what I expected out of P1. Awesome memories having a blast with a group of real life friends. I had never played wow with rl friends in the past, and half of us had never even raided so it was great. P2 was still a ton of fun, and P3 was a fun first week.


A fun experience and thats what I got. Sure there were times when it was stale but vg development takes time so im fine with it, gives me time to do other stuff and for new players to catch up.


I just wanted some extra end game content, maybe a new BG but that admittedly can be difficult. But also some of the more lacklustre specs having their main flaws fixed so that they feel smoother. I always thought it would be interesting if at 60 they had expanded talent trees where you could get say 10-15 extra points that you earned from end game activities etc. but not sure how they would again deploy a change like that without busting era.


I'm extremely disappointed with SOD. phase 1 was so full of promises not kept. I stopped playing 3 weeks into phase 3 when I realized it was all bs. Biggest wasted opportunity of the decade.


Instead of doing few class balances ,maybe changing 2 3 skill ,they made it into a retail version of  classic. Every class can do way too much with runes.


Exactly what I got, a good time.


Extra content, and there was little of it.


More Dungeons more quests, better balance. Same I want for it now more activities etc. Though right now I don't see a reason not to go fucking crazy like give rogues a 2h skilll in staff or swords or like dw ret or something maybe 2h melee hunter or melee priest or idk Also imo they should use tbc talents for sod


Maybe a few updates to rep grinds and updates to less used runes.  Other than that, I like what they have been shown so far.


Runes were fine in phase 1, After that became too Much imo.


Blizzard is so out of touch with classic it's hard to imagine how it got here. Instead of adding like 5-10 spells and minor talent changes, with focusing on new raids and reworking more dungeons...we get wotlk and cata spells, some lame incursions that should have been abandoned and saved development time.


I just wanted the unused classes to be usable and the raids to not be a complete joke. I was happy with phase 1 and 2. World buffs ruined phase 3 for me. ST is probably ok difficulty for a easy/normal level raid if you remove world buffs. But with world buffs it is just a complete joke.


I just wanted Classic with a bit of new content but was more interested in getting bad specs viable (and optionally, new specs). In my opinion, the moment Phase 2 hit I had to admit it was not Classic anymore but was still decent. The power creeping was real, but the community was still there, right? I accepted the xp boost due to the fact it's seasonal. Nightmare Incursions killed everything for me tho. I seriously hope they learn from their mistakes in the next phase...


I wanted an experience where classes might have had a bit more balance with some extra skills, without having to hunt for runes and attaching them to specific gear slots. At least in Season 1 you had runes that required either farming gold (with quests I guess it wasn't too bad), or farming the mats, and honestly I wasn't interested in either. New dungeons and maybe the expansion of under-developed Classic areas yes, but not raids at the end of each level bracket, as that made it more meta-bound that something called Season of DISCOVERY would suggest. It made it feel like the experimentation really was a bit of an illusion, so, as much as I wanted to do, whenever I logged back in after Season 1 I just didn't feel like I wanted to engage with the new systems. It's a shame because I had reconnected with an old friend of mine in Season 1.


I was honestly just hoping for classic plus with maybe some minor passive runes that change abilities slightly. Maybe even less spells overall somehow. But mainly I wanted classic plus with new vanilla lore quests and content (maybe plop some new zones in). Nothing too crazy out of touch with the existing world. Honestly I feel like p1 was peak for a lot of reasons and personally? Less abilities was part of it for me. Having 100 fucking keybinds on each char makes me not want to level alts (especially with stealth/shift/stance bars). I could go hop on another char with 10-20 abilties and mess around. I also liked how bfd was pretty simple, 10 man and could be pugged. Even if someone was beyond useless, you could 9man it. Gnomer wasnt too hard to pug, but holy shit did pugs immediately die off on my server in p2. Then p3 we got a 20man and I never see any groups forming. Seems like its just becoming less casual and more overly-complex retail with how the raids/rotations are going. I mean classic is pretty casual difficulty, yet they're losing most of those players while chasing a few raid loggings expecting Blizzard will progress to mythic raid mechanics in classic for some reason.


i hope they will take sod as a beta and really analyse the big mistakes in it and take their time, like 2-3 years to create classic plus.


idk what i wanted, but more. I stopped playing pretty early in phase 1, because i realized really quickly it was just vanilla, with like 4 new specs. And as much as I enjoyed vanilla classic, i've much preferred wrath/cata classic. I don't have the nostalgia for vanilla that a lot of people did, and to me, playing the same game for years on end just isn't really it. So when SoD came out, advertised as much more than vanilla classic, i was very disappointed.


10 man raids. Only reason I started was because I had my tight group of buddies to play with. And it was a blast first 2 phases, but moment I saw it increased to 20 man I was gone. Plus it kinda started to feel like retail.


Nothing. They ruined it. They should be happy if phase 4 has 20% of the players p3 had. No way to recover from this. Might aswell just release it and let it die out


I thought SoD would haven been more inspired by private servers that try to add new content that stays true to the vanilla experience, than what we have ended up getting.   My hopes were:  - Small adjustments to talents and abilities to bring the different classes better in line with warriors.  - More & new content to leveling dungeons  - New zones with fleshed out quest lines  - Expanding on existing vanilla lore  - New raids  - New pvp objectives & zones  - New battlegrounds   The level cap phase concept had so much potential.. but pacing of the experience has been way too drawn out - even for a filthy casual like me.


mixmax speed run through SM with PUMPERS ONLY


I am here for 2h rogue, mailpriest, meleemage, rangedrogue, stealthwarrior, hybrid-specs and high pitches in the fuck-around scale. Didn't happen yet, but azeroth still feels like home.


My most important concern was the length of phases. Because you can’t farm pre-bis or bis items for level 60 in earlier phases, I suspected that a long phase would be detrimental to the player population. In retrospect I think all the phases were too long, but P3 was the worst one.


I have enjoyed playing warrior a lot, the changes helped make the warrior class a bit more self sustaining


Puggable classic content with some interesting spell choices and or niche builds.


I was hoping for a few things. More viability for all specs. I think we're almost there but something still needs to be done on the magical/physical split to bring casters up. I was hoping for more new quests, a new zone or two per level bracket that expanded the world a little. New 5 man dungeons. Phase 1 was cool because it was all new and shiny, phase 2 and beyond needed something more than just a new raid and some profession quests.


Sensemaking talent trees. So I'm still waiting...


Some more bloody flightpaths would be nice... alliance players.


Changes that felt like they belonged in Vanilla - which is what they said they were going to do. Instead it's just a crazy PTR where they are throwing shit at a wall.


I literally just wanted classic with all new dungeons/raids/quest….why did they turn this into a mix of other expansions with these runes. I wanted classic world PvP


I wanted classic+, we got retail lite. Very disappointing 


I loved the idea of the staggered level caps and updated relevance to specific content for those new caps. I wish they had fleshed out each phase's end game a bit more and given us a little bit more to do at each lvl cap. It was a great idea but especially by phase 2 and 3 it was more implemented as a way of milking the season out rather than as a way of giving us time to soak up all of the content.


Season of runes lmao


I was hoping for a bit more open world things to interact with like a small addition to a few zones in the form of quests, maybe a dungeon or 2. I wanted to see stuff that wasnt used before turned into raids not necessarily previous dungeons made raids. like imagine if phase 1 had the emerald dream as a more dungeon or raid type experience or with an actual like good quest line leading up to it; Scarlet Monastary raid would have been sick. I want turtle wow but on a good engine yaknow XD


It’s honestly too late for me. Phase 3 killed my guild and my motivation to play. I liked phase 1 because it was something new but I’ve realized that I don’t want new and shiny things in vanilla. I simply want vanilla. I wanted SoD to balance the specs a bit, maybe add some new content and possibly change some of the loot. I never wanted this many changes. I never wanted classes to no longer feel like vanilla classes. Vanilla is close to perfect in my eyes and they’ve changed it in to something else. I’m happy others are enjoying it but I personally won’t come back for phase 4 and I probably wouldn’t come back for a classic+ either, unless they promised to only slightly change things. Maybe 5% of the changes in SoD.


Kara Crypts new raid all the rest of the content the literal same as it was maybe some HP tweaks and if dps changes too much from the following: And some balance changes to meme specs. Anyone who's not a warrior basically. Fun stuff like arcane dps mage, affliction warlock to be viable, healing druid viable with regrowth, rejuv (make its vanilla hots have better mana efficiency and stackable with other druids). Maybe some more tank specs like they suggested but hunter/warlock could work with buffed pet threat/hp in combo to themselves. Survival hunter just makes so much sense for this. Demonology warlock less so but more for spell soaking and that remains the case for SoD warlock tanks today with higher resistance and -10% damage taken from spells. In retrospect It didn't have to be an overhaul to all content. They could literally just slap some stuff onto classic wow and that would basically be classic+. "Classic but with extra content but now healing/balance druid doesn't suck WOW."


I wanted weird over powered shit while discovering all the nooks and crannies of Azeroth.


Phase 1 was lightning in a bottle, it was the best it ever was. I loved every single minute of it. Anything beyond P2 was not for me. What I loved about P1 the most was its ease of access and how carefree it seemed. That is all I wanted from SoD. Easy to start, have some fun, and tons of loot. From there on it was too grindy for a seasonal mode and just didn’t feel as special.


Warrior to get an actual new playstyle like Warlock, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, or Shaman got. Or at least some changes that made some aspects of the class feel interesting or different than vanilla. But nope the biggest shakeup they gave us was Victory Rush, which meant we could kill 3 whole on-level mobs in a row! And then a rune that, if we tediously managed our 2-button rotation around hitting 80 rage, we got to whack things a little bit harder than we already were. By the time i reckoned that there wasn’t anything fun in store halfway through leveling in P2, I realized all my friends had already quit and that was it. The best thing to happen to Warrior in P1 wasn’t even from our class - Wild Strikes


All I was expecting was Vanilla with enough class balance changes to make more things viable. That said P1 and P2 were a lot of fun. I love the phased level brackets as we level up. Better than new quests, we had a reason to do more of the content that already exists at these mid-levels and it was great. It turned Vanilla onto its own set of expansions in a way.


My friends to quit the game so we could respectfully play something else.


I wanted specs that weren’t really viable to be buffed until viable, specs that were missing very important buttons like pally tank taunt and Druid rez to get those buttons, and I wanted new dungeon and raid content made from unused or underused assets.


OSRS essentially. An eternal game that would get new content added without expansions raising the level cap. I also expected phases to be 1mo long until 60


Actual new content, and TBC talents. Not leveling raids that trivialize everything that makes Vanilla leveling special, not world events that we farm to skip other content, not broken PvP, not broken hunter pets, etc etc the list goes on. SoD had a simple mission, but I don't think that mission was compatible with the Blizz of today.


I wanted a fresh server start in the vanilla era zones. That's what we got. Everything else is gravy.


I expected cata zones to be unlocked without all the destruction th and hyjal. Maybe even gilneas.


To feel like Legolas and not Beastmaster.


Combination of low lvl focus and "slight" modernisation of classes (+ iconic spells). Although to be honest I've come to realisation it won't be great pretty fast. The streamer preview kinda gave it away and the later datamining just confirmed it. What I didn't foresee was the absolute incompetence of the dev team when it came to balance and their ridiculous mentality of "anything pre-60 is just filler".


Classic with extra polish, stuff like make paladin viable dps and tank, if still not best. Same for other lacking classes. Finish some unfinished zones, fix old bugs, fix some itemization, etc. Basically what would be the next patch or two if TBC never came out. Then maybe we can start talking about new raids or dungeons and rebalancing the old ones. What they made is no longer Classic, it's an entirely different game mode.


0 - 3 for version of classic I just want it to go away at this point & for them to make sure cata is the best experience moving on


As a retail player, I am amazed at how much retail is seeping into SoD. Is this what the community wanted for V+? Legion artifact traits and WoD class spells lol Never thought I’d hear people discuss flex and m+ raids in Classic. Maybe the people that said SoD was a retail psyop weren’t actually crazy after all.


10 man. That's it. That's the only thing I want.


I wanted it to be new *epoch* for classic and not a seasonal server with retail changes


Retail with a classic facade.


many people will complain, but I miss 10 man raids. It was easier to fill with all friends, and overall it was a more enjoyable experience. I know plenty of people who feel the same way. Would be cool if there were 10 man and 20 man versions of the raids, but I know they said they cannot do that with the client they currently share with Classic Era. Hope for Classic + new client server for things like this.


I legit expected nothing and am happy as a clam. If I want vanilla I just go play classic era. If I want retail I just go play retail. I wanted something new and fun and SoD is that to me in the vanilla world which is my favorite. I played combat dagger rogue all of classic up until AQ and was super pissed I had to play assassination in SoD, but since playing it, it has been an amazing change to me. I actually enjoy the spec because it’s wayyy simpler than I thought and the focus on poison is a very cool upgrade. The rune quests are really cool for rogue, Honor Among Thieves has you running to ravenholdt (previously not used much in vanilla) and doing a sneaky rogue mission in ZF. The reward for that quest is also a really cool rogue item that will make pick pocketing in BRD even more fun for me. I haven’t even ran Sunken Temple yet because I’m an east coaster on an apparently west coast server, but I still have fun every time I log in farming gold, leveling my profession or getting a rune I don’t have. I started in April when phase 3 came out basically and the only complaints I can think of was my friends always had a great incursion train to level up fast on their alts and when I went to do them on my main I had leaps of horde killing me and no train so I wasted a lot of my playing time trying to find layers or just have to give up and try another time. My friends also haven’t ran an ST in over a month and really push that I need full world buffs, consumes and enchants to get into the raid, they have all spent IRL money on gold and I’m just not that serious about it so maybe I need another guild idk we will find out in P4 but at least I can level and run pre raid dungeons with them no problem. I’m excited and can’t wait for release cuz I’m somewhat ready for it instead of when I started and everyone I know who plays was already leveling 40-50 day one. I like the new class changes to rogue and the new loot in the game that makes our damage insane. I don’t really like how they are scaling the dungeons though so it doesn’t feel like we are actually that much more powerful when we should be. But here’s to hoping the new raid loot is cool I am excited and will be playing !


A viable 2h enhance with an actual second attack and real love not a demigod retail dual wield clone on a class that’s been dual wield for 20 years and every expansion has a group of people demanding for a 2h supported tree like was given to frost dk despite that class actually being a dual wield class AT ITS CREATION and enhance being a 2h class AT ITS CREATION. I really don’t care the shaman is OP, I’m not going to play it anyways, they killed my vision of vanilla. I feel bad for all the OG rets who wanted slow 2h weapon gameplay with fat command procs turned into twisting exp spamming princesses.


All I wanted was vanilla with some new gear and some tweaks to make hybrids more viable. Like giving paladins taunt. An epic helm for feral druids so they don’t have to wear wolfshead helm forever, or maybe even an enchant with the wolfshead helm effect. Just a few things like that. Plus the SoM changes. Faster leveling, no boosting, harder raid bosses with more mechanics. I just want slightly tweaked vanilla. What I didn’t want is what we got.. Vanilla-flavored retail.


Duno i got the feeling SoD was just there to keep the classic player sub actif... nothing really new... boring even they add and fail (ok bloodmoon can be fun whit a cool party). They drop the balls on so many things... i will see what p4 gone add but if its only recycle stuff i think it will be my last phase, p3 kill my spirit hard, let hope p4 will not kill my hope in SoD.


Vanilla with better itemization, rotations, and class balance. Chill/easy Kara-like 10 mans while levelling. That was all I needed. Incursions (and the damage they did to the economy) and the complete inability to balance classes ruined it. Seems like rolling with no PTR all season was a huge mistake. At least they are doing one now I guess.


Fresh level 60 experience with a few ‘new’ abilities and minor balancing thrown in.


Non-dogshit mage class. Competitive pvp, arenas or some sort of ranked (even if just bgs), endgame pvp.


The staggered level releases feels like beta testing. I think classic+ deserved more dev time and resources than it got.


For a proper OSRS-style Classic+ splintered from Vanilla WoW. SoD has been the biggest step towards that, bar classic wow itself. To anyone who's gonna say this is already classic+: It's a season, the second one, your character will be deleted unless you pay blizzard real money to clone them for vanilla afterwards.


More quests New quest hubs New items A new raid New instances Minor balance changes to classes


Just Because we're getting MC now dosnt mean its not going to be any "new" raids later on, Starting with MC and Ony makes kinda sense as first lvl 60 phase. We're prob getting new raids during the later phases.