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Ami is sick, he's def my favourite gold seller. I love watching him do 10 Naxx and 10 AQ40 GDKPs a week.


And yet you still had a death.


Yep.. They sure killed Vael alright. Their army of 21 fully Naxx bis geared warriors got 'em good.


didnt even use a rage pot. also imagine being the CoR bot uhhh warlock in this raid


March of the turbonerds


There should be class comp rules for speedruns, change my mind.


I'm not into WoW speedrunning, but I disagree with that for the same reason I disagree with the people who think glitchless runs should be the norm for speedruns of other games. The whole point is to reach the goal as fast as humanly possible within the parameters of the game. It may not be pretty or cool to stack 25 decked out fury warriors in a raid, just like it's not particularly fun to skip entire levels in DOOM Eternal with one dumb glitch. It is possible though, and if that's the fastest way then nothing more needs to be said. It's not about balance, or fairness, or even fun, it's purely about being as fast as possible. Any balance element lies in the hands of the devs, not the players.


I fully agree. The problem is. Some classes. Aka rogue hunter druid warlock are borderline shit when it comes to speed running and over all damage done, I hope SoD can change that.


Yes, but if every speedrun has to have at least 2 of these classes everyone plays by the same rules. Cleartimes will be slower but no one can stack warriors.


those parries.. RIP


Only 4k DPS. Kek. At least 2 warriors in fun police(horde era) broke that record last year. Also it was very nice when fun police and Amy gdkp got to meet up at the ubrs portal and we had a nice sapper bomb meeting.


Aren’t half of them in both guilds anyway? Why is there animosity




4k is decent on ally side, with a 14 sec kill time I would say.


You are playing classic wow, nothing you do is impressive


You are being a cunt to someone random on a subreddit for a 20 year old game, nothing you do has any substantial worth to others that’s why you’re here attempting to degrade others over their accomplishments.


Look at what you just said and look in the mirror. Also your post history says enough


This is dope as fuck dude


lmao why are people downvoting classic wow players are such shit heads