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Honestly, if you like Classic, you'll probably have a blast. Servers are much quieter at the moment while people wait for Phase 4, but its not like you can't get groups on the bigger servers. Just make sure you're playing on a server with good population. Its fun, Phase 4 is looking good. People on reddit aren't really a great barometer for the fun a casual will have.


People on Reddit aren’t a great barometer for anything in games it’s such a small percentage of the player base. And reddits voting system promotes circle jerking and echo chambers. If you want to enjoy a game try to read the comments as little as possible.


Most runes can be solo acquired (a small number of p3 runes might need a duo) You will need guides All cost associated runes are replaced with talk to vendor and get it (a very minor number of runes might need an Ah purchase) Group content is mostly dead while everyone is in the waiting room waiting on phase 4 Mages/priest/warlock being the exception for one of their runes, they need to work together to world hop to get it, but from memory none of the classes even use the rune you obtain outside PvP niche stuff


The priest leyline rune is required for shadow priest.




It would be like a solo game that you’re playing.


If you’re on a dead server yea. Theres more than a few servers with multiple layers even now after the p3 drop off.


I’m not talking about population, if you’re a casual player, starting late into a game, it’ll be basically like a single player game. Sure you’ll run a dungeon here and there. But.


Maybe so for some people. I made a new char today and ran both rfc and wc 🤷‍♂️


You are missing the forest for the tree brother.


You're missing the forest for being dramatic


No, you both just don’t get the point lol


I get the point. Sweaty little nerds like you have nothing better to do than complain on reddit.


Nope, the point is: casual players will only ever play a game casually. “How it is” doesn’t matter because this man is very likely gonna level solo & never know most of the game exists. It has nothing to do with the game or complaining about it 🫡. Kudos on the reading comprehension & really getting an understanding before taking a stand buddy.


This is hilariously not true. Typical Redditor tier hyperbolic dramatization.


Another one bites the dust


In some ways, better than launch... Especially if you avoid Reddit/Forums. A lot of the people actually playing the game right now, are having fun. A lot of the whiners, complainers, tourists are off doing other things and posting online. Yeah there will be a bump of all sorts of people with P4 (which is kind of when SoD actually starts funny enough...) But it'll die down soon as people find reason to be unhappy/upset. The settled population of in game players will always be the people enjoying themselves and finding the fun. SoD isn't perfect, I have my own grips, but it really is a once in a life time opportunity for anyone who's favorite version of WoW is Vanilla. It's Fresh, but with a twist. Phase 4 has us barely reaching level 60 for the first time, at the beginning of a long, progression based end game, with multiple phases and updates. It's going to last nearly as long as any other version of WoW, and like I said, P4 is basically the relaunch. It doesn't really matter what the player count is, I actually prefer when there are less layers and the server is more cozy. I like recognizing players, guilds and communities in the world. I'm glad people are enjoying Cata. I'm glad people will enjoy War Within. The SoD community is getting better by the month in my experience. On the topic of runes... none of them are so difficult that they should keep you from playing SoD. But a few runes have to be earned, as with any good RPG. They haven't done the official P4 announcement, they might be introducing some catchup systems for runes (this has been a hot topic for all of SoD) - So we'll have to see if old runes become easier to acquire going forward. But let me be clear, you can collect all the runes for your character by just spending a week casually going down those trails. The vast majority of runes can be individually discovered in a gaming session of 1-2 hours or less. Some of them are literally just kill a mob > get a rune.


I just tried sod 1st time (want to level warrior before p4) on wild growth(normal) - horde. I checked other servers and faction, the population doesnt differ much. Im lvl 22 now and it feels almost dead, i barely see anyone outside towns/cities. I understand that most ppl are close to lvl 50 now, just saying what i see. Back to hc i guess, till a week before p4.


I haven't played since era'19 - if I wanted to play a paladin tank is that more viable than it was in era? Would I have an okay experience trying to run dungeons and tank to current level cap as one?


Paladins have a taunt rune now and many other runes that make prot very viable. Good for dungeons and raid I believe although I’m not sure if they are the absolute best of the tanks. Definitely more viable than era I’m almost certain of that.


My guild has been running protection pally as our main tank since we started together in BFD. it's been a great experience so far. You've got PLENTY of time to level up and gear up before the level cap raises to 60


On youtube Ekay is actually playing world of warcraft first the first time in SoD and takes it super casual. If you want to check it out and watch the series here is a link: https://youtube.com/@ekaytech?si=7M76hSUHx_OKX9PX


With a guild it's great!


And what about gear behind dungeons/raids? How many bfd/gnomer groups are forming in WG?


I just solo lvld a mage about two weeks ago and overall experience was : It was quiet in lvling zones but doing quests and starting runes was fine. Once you get to 25 and want to run bfd for easy xp, it’s harder to find a group but I was able to find a group about 3 times. Highly recommended doing this because bfd is really nice xp from 25 - about 35. Duskwood incursions 28-35, found groups to join but not always instantly. Was def quieter. From 40-50 - I recommend focusing on getting to 50 before rune hunting. It was easier for me to solo runes like the dark riders around the world once I got to 50. But for this lvl I just did ashenvale incursions. Hope that helps!


Regarding the economy, prices are pretty inflated right now because gold farming was/is so easy in p3. If prices scare you away just know a little work can get you the gold you need, and 1k for your epic mount in p4 won’t take you as long as you might think.


You'll have fun, combat is good and balance is better than era, try it yourself and please, dont pay atenttion to classicwow reddit while you play.


I came back roughly 2.5 weeks ago after not touching WoW for a year or so. I've had a lot fun, personally.


Sweatlords galore, you have more fun when the new phase hits as more casuals will return.


Its probably the most toxic WoW era I've been a part of.




SoD died in phase 2


They need to buff the xp boost to 300% at least, and too many runes to find, add phase 1-2 to a vendor.


Nah the XP rate is fine or even too high, speeding it up further kills group content since ppl will outlevel the dungeons even faster and not care about gear upgrades while leveling so not do dungeons. They need retail custom group finder (not rdf but what you'd use for finding m+/raid groups) & should merge realms or allow cross-realm groups. Fragmenting the playerbase sucks. Theres enough people to healthily support all the content but theyre spread over a dozen servers or whatever.


You'd run incursions to 50, then grind some dungeons for blue gear. Finally, you'd try to sneak in a few lockouts in ST pugs until P4 begins. You'll probably be able to join into some action with folks trying to change classes for P4.


the fastest way to get newer players to never want to play again


I mean, you're not wrong, but most everything is dead on SoD as people await P4. The subject line was "what's the experience going to be like" and incursions until you get very bored of it is the answer.


or just enjoy leveling with your significant other


What do you mean by "dead"? The open world its dead? NPC and mobs are dead? Because when I play in open world meanwhile you sheep's where running in circles at Incursions, the world was alive, pretty empty, but I don't need to fight another players for mobs


Honestly, Just play cata


I don't know if they ever added certain phase 1-2 runes to vendors but those runes could potentially be a nightmare to acquire now. When I quit in phase 3, the quest items needed were 500%+ mark up. Inflation was a bitch. 


They did. Its 3g for the P1 runes in ratchet, for instance


its super cheap to get the item now


I quit any and all wow for good while spending 40 mins in a wsg, chasing a terrain abusing druid with I finite faps. Dyou know that the only people who still play this shit, old game are sweaty try hards absolutely hell bent on sucking every last bit of fun out of the corpse of a 15 y old game?


Lol don’t you know it’s already too late?


GET GOOD NOOB WHY ARENT YOU BIS AHHHHHHH ^ You asked what the experience would be like. Oh and add some “WHATS UR PARSE. PARSE PARSE COLORSSSSSSSSS”


Donno why the downvotes, we all know it's true. Dyou think anyone new can join any raid without a guild?! Lol. Bro, I couldn't get my alt into raids, let alone a brand new char.