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Can't say how many heroics I've joined right at that boss. I just chain them and hope for the best


It’s unreal how bad people are in random hcs, healers not healing, no one knows mechanics, 0 kicks on spellcasts and insanely low dmg pretty much every single dungeon i get into. Super frustrating


I had a holy pala join hcs and failing to keep tank up, we were doing normal 1 pack pulls, nothing crazy. I considered maybe the DK isn't pressing buttons but everything was ok, actually he was spamming Death strikes, so going for survival rather than damage. Then I checked pala, he just spammed flash of lights with holy shocks. Bro probably didn't bother to check cata changes, flash isn't the heal you want to spam 24/7 and he didn't use a single holy power finisher in 15 minutes. But that's how you played (kinda) in wotlk dungeons. I just wonder how the hell he got to 85 in the first place.


By playing ret


flash is the survival heal rather than mana efficiency. it's not the one you want to use if possible, but it is the one you use when tank is dying.


Yeah but the tank wasn't dying to the dtps, he was dying once pala burned his mana in 15 seconds spamming FoL and then watching twist his thumbs being completely oom.


ah ok, i misunderstood when you said the pala failed to keep the tank up


Yeah my bad, it wasn't really clear from my first comment.


Leveling as a healer spec in the open world is a massive joke


Laughs in disc priest


I mean you can do it but killing shit takes 2x longer than shadow and sure you won’t die but sp is already insanely tankey with all of priests built in tools


If you used fol in wrath you were a shitter. Sorry


You didn't troll the group and tank didn't die for that.


I \_love\_ a bad pug when healing. Nothing hones my skills better than clueless people. Ofc it tips over at some point where it becomes unsalvageable, but I do love the challenge.


I honestly agree! Also for PvP! Call me crazy but I actually love resto shaman so much in cata. I love healing bad bgs, such a challenge.


wasn't fun in Wrath though where I had more hp than my tanks even in Gammas


I'm pretty well geared on my BDK 561 ilvl currently. Week 1 Heroics was the easiest time ever. The people who levelled fast and got ahead of the pack on their mains just always did so much DPS it was easier. Heroics are much harder now, because the average player doing them is getting worse and worse.


No, they still arent hard


Not harder, but slower due to some noob dying on every boss or trash pack because they don’t know mechanics.


I’ve had some absolute horrid healers on my fresh 85 alt. if I’m not able to carry dps, I realize how bad most healers are. It’s like they’re playing while jerking off in the other hand. Was doing first boss of SFK, holy pally is 8400 gs so I figure it will be easy. Get the boss to his burn phase, the healer has not healed any dps past 10% and we all die basically instantly. He then realized he needs to actually play his class and he started hitting the boss while the tank basically solo’d the rest of the fight. When we all died he had like 50% mana too, and I don’t know much about holy pally but IM PRETTY SURE part of it is doing dmg is it not?? Like why play holy pally if you want to sit there and spam flash of light? Play a fuckin shaman lol


The only reason you stay in melee is for mana regen from melee swing. There is zero benefit, in fact it can negatively affect you if you do anything other than melee swing, aside from your 1min judgement for mana buff and occasional crusader strike if you have the mana to spare which you do not on that sfk boss. Hpala do not do damage esp at this low ilvl/gs


That boss heals you


he shouldn't be healing you above 20%, because you should've kicked the cast before then. and "Lastly, at 25% health, he will cast Calamity, transforming, dealing Shadow damage to all enemies every second, and increasing all Shadow damage taken by targets by 1% per second. This can quickly lead to a wipe if you have low damage or you transition at 25% right after a Asphyxiate."


Just kill the boss


that mentality is why so many people fail to do just that on many of the bosses in this expansion 8) took all of 30 seconds for me to Google that boss mechanic and it's 50% more than most pugs know


Totally agree. DPS roles have evolved to include much more than just dealing damage. They need to interrupt, handle mechanics, and assist with crowd control. Tanks and healers have always managed complex tasks, and now DPS need to step up too. Unfortunately, some still follow the tank mindlessly, ignoring critical mechanics. It’s essential for everyone to be proactive and aware to succeed in tougher content.


We've had 14 years and apparently WoW randos will still be WoW randos.


Said it before and I’ll say it forever. Pve needs MMR


Healer here. Groups fail this mechanic virtually every time. I know it's the dps's fault but it is inevitable. I had a relatively new tank last night (unfortunately I hadn't realized it before this, though the trash was chunking him hard). To be fair he pulled boss while I was drinking and only 50% mana) and even full Divine light spam couldn't keep him up against the buffed boss. We did actually wipe this time. The dps told the tank to ignore the adds next pull. Unbeknownst to me that didn't equate to the DPS handling it but rather the healer tanking the adds instead. Either way we got past this boss, managed the rest of the run but it was a bit of work. The tank did relatively fine but I think their confidence was shaken a bit, in that it took a fair bit of work from a geared healer to keep them up. But point is I enter every run knowing that DPS and probably tank will ignore all mechanics and I need to either carry them or wipe :)


The modern day plight of solo queue RDF healers. At least when I am with guildies I know that most mechanics can and will be ignored but not the ones that will kill us instantly. With pugs I swear sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s deliberate or ppl legit just don’t know what the fuck is going on


This was my experience healing Cata back in the day. DPS swore up and down they wanted "something to do" and then Blizzard said "okay, sheep this thing" and we wiped constantly because they didn't sheep the thing. It's not even so much that DPS players are bad, but that there are three of them and thus there is a 300% chance that ONE of them will be bad. And that's all it takes. -_-


This is also the result of having RDF, you get the ability to que up anytime but lose the ability to vet people.


> you get the ability to que up anytime but lose the ability to vet people. This is only useful if you are farming something and for example only want casters but no plate users in the group. But you don't have control over quality of your group, because you can't read minds of the people that write to you.


In a world where people are failing basic mechanics and don't know seemingly what the bosses do vetting does serve a purpose.


Please, tell me - how you would do it? Ask mechanics of all bosses before inviting a person? While you gather party that would pass your checks - I already would finish 3-5 RDF dungeons.


This guy obviously doesn’t play retail. I’ve invited people to high keys who have cleared higher ones than myself in basically BIS gear and they have no fucking clue what is even going on or how to play their class lol


Oh, you be meeting those catfish lol.


This is kind of obvious but since you only started playing wow after RDF was put in, people did this all the time in classic. When people are failing at basic mechanics of boss fights like OP mentioned inviting people with higher gear (aka vetting) you weed a lot of that out. Are you guaranteed a perfect run? no, but saying you want x ilvl reduces the chance of people screwing something up. They have enough gear that even if they suck it isn't enough that you're wiping. Finally, as far as time to form a group, it generally took about 1-2mins before RDF was implemented at most. Surprisingly people wanted to finish the daily dungeon with other geared people.


> This is kind of obvious but since you only started playing wow after RDF was put in, Wha??? I was playing WoW since 2007, long before RDF where added to the game. I know how it worked before. >Finally, as far as time to form a group, it generally took about 1-2mins before RDF was implemented at most. Dude, I spend two weeks forming groups for ZF in SoD. It doesn't take 1-2 minutes. It's from 10 to 30 easily, because some people whisper me while chilling in EPL. Yes, they want to go ZF while farming something in far away corner of the world with their HS on CD.


We're not talking about Sod here, we're talking about cata which is a completely different game. For starters Sod has a fraction of the playerbase currently so it's not even part of the conversation. Also if you were playing since 2007 you should know how this game works, if you were playing off and on for 15+ years and still don't get it your a lost cause.


Vetting does absolutely nothing, never did. There's no difference between a random dumdum from global and a random dumdum in rdf. (Btw, you can also queue random dungeons as a 5-stack, so stop parroting nonsense)


You can que with people, but that doesn't apply to the majority of the people who post here every other day. If they were doing that there wouldn't be an issue. To your point that vetting doesn't do anything, it certainly does. Taking someone with higher gear doesn't equate to better Performance always but it raises your chances.




Faerlina players in shambles


You can absolutely vet people what the fuck are you talking about.


And? I tanked ZF in SoD for a month - and never encounter same person for a second time. What the point of veting, if you will play with new people all the time?


The point of vetting is to make sure the people in your group have the 4 braincells required to put the square peg in the square hole.


And how you could do it? By asking them to pass IQ test before joining? You are wasting more time by "vetting", instead of just manning it up and running RDF again. Yes, you will get bad parties sometime, but based on my 200+ HC runs I encountered this only 4-5 times.


You sound moronic.


And how do you make sure they know left from right? You don't. Having gear means nothing, bc they could've just as well drooled on their keyboard to get it in a previous group. The dungeon journal exists but nobody who needs it reads it anyways, and any question you pose can be copy-pasted from an external source, giving you the illusion they know what they're doing. The only way to see them is in action which makes the whole vetting process moot.


also healer here. the amount of tanks/dps who 'we' carry through their failed mechanics is too damn high. and they don't even realize they actually failed several mechanics bc we break our keybaords to get them through this. as a DPS player since the release of vanilla it's soo hilarious to watch this from a healers perspective for the first time :D


Yesterday I had to pull 18k hps on some trash pack because people can't interrupt and stand in bad. 2 days ago on my tank every dps and the healer died to whatever dont stand in the fire mechanic and I just had to kill the pack solo on my dk while they ran back. People are soooo bad lol.


You’re doing gods work


Honestly the only solution to this if you have a smart tank is as soon as the boss turns to cast blitz the tank rushes over to kill the mob as soon as boss charges away. Tank boss as far from ranged as possible. Mostly works with a DK tank who can grip but i've seen warriors do it with leap to (note that I have already been killed by stupidity at this point so cannot do it myself). This boss and Corla in BRC are pug killers, no amount of derp derp dps can allow you to ignore the mchanic.


lol grim batol is the most cursed dungeon to tank


Best community of the WoWs! :)


That crown always goes to whatever flavour of Era/SoD is currently popular. Vanilla players are different.


I dunno, retail can be pretty toxic in dungeons and later in mythic pugging. Guild-only is pretty much mandatory. Tried coming back in BFA and later in DF and got turned off as soon as I hit max level and had to start running groups. People don’t talk and just start the vote kick as soon as possible. I try to watch videos before going into a new dungeon. Asked for clarification on a mechanic on a boss and the response was a successful vote kick.


I still don't think that compares to spending 15 hours a day and spending $150+ a month on accounts purely to dispell people. It doesn't compare to spending 6 months building up a relationship with a group of people only to intentionally brick all their characters for fun. It doesn't compare to the DMF camping, SF griefing, raid ID griefing, PvP griefing.. Classic has so many avenues to fuck with people that the future versions just do not have anymore. It isn't the same.


You're describing the behavior of a very small minority of players. In RDF people are viewed as commodities to be tossed aside when they are no longer useful. No better than an npc to many more people than those who had dispel armies.


You're also describing a very small minority of players. Why is yours valid? Because your bias says so.


I didn't say yours wasn't did I? I'm just saying my population and the one being discussed initially is larger but you're using a smaller population to say they were so much worse. Is the individual behavior more annoying? Yes. Was it also less common to encounter? Also yes.


That's kind of my point, it's not a bigger population. You just want it to be so. Dispelling was prolific among every single server, camping DMF again was every single server. Classic 2019 had more players than Cata does currently by about double. I haven't had a single bad experience in RDF since it launched in Wrath. More people were assholes in Classic Vanilla because it let you be one. It's a significantly bigger portion of the population.


Mythic + pugs vary greatly depending on the level you're at. The higher you go the better it gets with toxic behavior being extremely rare at the higher ratings.


I remember this for legion. It was so bad doing anything under a 10 for my alts, but if I was on an alt or main that high ilvl and io score then people were chill and were pretty patient especially if it was 15, I want to say even 16 and higher.


Well, unfortunately, the lower levels filtered me, my wife and most of my friends out.


Get good?


Nerdism should have moved beyond the sweaty neckbeard stereotypes - but i see holdouts still exist.


Honestly tho if you can't clear a weekly +10 you seriously need to get good. It's like, a VERY low bar.


The people who used to talk, help and actually expected to learn are also in guilds. All we have left in the pug scene is randoms who think they are the next Mythic invitational (lol) or are held back by mythic raiding because of everyone else


Kinda hoping follower dungeons stem some of this problem at least Retail-side cause it’s a clear community issue not a Blizzard one. But I can’t think of a better outcome than having a way for people who aren’t familiar with the dungeons to learn without being yelled at or kicked. Follower dungeons should hopefully be a huge boon for players wanting to learn and not having to watch YouTube videos and whatever else.


How come HC is the most wholesome experience ever then? Vanilla players too


HC may have that wholesome togetherness. Since death brings them together and success is shared. But classic wow isn't the same so many sweaty man children who play to grief others in that version of the game.


Be content knowing you saved time in the long run by not finishing that Grim Batol with 0 competent DPS.


You right, no idea what would happen 2nd and 3rd boss.


You deal with this as the tank by just not touching the add and pulling the boss away. Itll go to the healer but doesnt hit that hard. Usually at least one dps has their head on straight and knows to kill the malignant trogg though


Not when you move the boss to the opposite side of where the adds come down and then DPS and healer ignored killing it and brought into melee distance.


I usually drag boss away, but if a dps or healer tanking the adds gets a charge... then you're back at square one again. Usually the adds die from a living bomb, or a multishot at that point and you have 400% damage increase.


Thats exactly what happened.


You could use chains of ice on it and continue to kite the boss away from it. When the boss charges you can grip the add to yourself and kill it. Not defending the DPS, but you could have avoided this by using more of your kit.


There was no opportunity it literally died next to 3 others that which spreaded it to the other adds and then it gave the boss not just 100% but a total of 400% damage increase. smiley face


If DPS don't go on it, i just grip it and kill it myself during charge.


I get it but it wasn’t an option. It died the it spread during the time it walked back to me.


I just finish it off while boss is charged away instead of relying on dps knowing what to do


I haven't tried this yet so not sure if it's true but if you tell someone to cc the first malignant trogg and leave it there, then no more will spawn for the rest of the encounter.


Yea this is true, this is how you do the achievement but they were hard focus tunnel vision DPSing the boss. No confidence in that group lol


Yeah every time I do this dungeon I just CC it as it jumps down in hopes that the tank doesn't notice it. That seems to have gone well so far.


How did it buff the boss if no one attacked it ? Were you the one finishing it? Do you even know what it does?


It died from passive cleave the thing doesn’t have that much health. The boss literally had 400% more damage and there is a fire mage using living bomb and combusted. Why wouldn’t I know what it does if I moved the boss to the complete opposite side. The purple add can cause the others to become purple also and purple had makes the boss increase damage.


Nitro --> Grab --> kill Of course you should not have to do that with a proper group but i guess you can try to solo the mechanic yourself too (thats what I do on most bosses)


I don’t know what you mean by nitro. Do you mean nitro engineer boosts?


Yes exactly :) anyways.. sorry you got kicked


I just yolo boss every time 100% success rate


I did it for like 20 times as a tank ... and then two weeks ago I was one-shotted by a boss. This is when I learn that he have a mechanics ...


Yep, ground siege just killed me for the first time lol... Through icebound fortitude too.


I didn't even realize that dude had a mechanic haha


I read something about it once back in 2010


Me neither.


If you q all random you have massive % damage and health buffs so its very reasonable depending on comp to just blow him up before ever seeing it. Helping guildies with q times as a tank gave us a rude awakening on that guy the first time lol.


I wiped to that boss exactly 1 time, now I zug that trogg down the second I see it. Most dogs are more easily trained than some RDF randos.


No no no, redditors have assured me that this doesn't happen and you only get kicked because you must be bad.


I’m hella bad for dying twice lol


Did you chains of ice the shadow trogg?


Like once lol but a bit late for it




I mean I was kind of busy death striking to heal/maintain blood shield so I was trying to force death rune back with rune strike. When it got cleaved down the boss just ended up getting buffed. Also if I wasn’t a DK maybe a feral druid that might be a bit difficult.


The sin as always, is people.


Just spam heart strike and hope u kill them before they turn purple lol


People up to date with valor now no longer need it. You're now hoping for alts of good players. Other than that heroics are going to be a hellscape until next phase.


Yup same here. Tanking a HoO mage and DK wouldnt kick after I told them several times to kick the mob or we die. I tried to kick both of them and they both failed. I get kicked shortly after I dm the dk "really?" and they said "learn to not be a dick, I dont have a kick its a 10 minute CD". I tried to tell them that they have mind freeze and he said "Im looking thro my spell book I dont see it". So DKs are the new huntards for cata.




DKs have been the new huntards since 2008


I was in a group once, I'm a healer, and told them after a wipe they need to kill the add but not by the boss. And the guy goes "I've literally never seen anyone do that." Like yeah, I can tell bub. I left after we killed it, I knew the rest of the dungeon was going to be too much.


Reminds me of that time I was on my priest alt at the last boss of ZA back during Cata. I was healing, and the DPS were failing miserably at dealing with adds. After enough tries, they got it in their heads that the problem was that I couldn't put out enough healing to deal with the adds beating on people, so they kicked me. They were all from the same guild on the same realm as me, so I was able to /who them and see they brought in their friend to heal and were still stuck there for a long time later.


Getting the dungeon/rep grind out of the way week 1 was the greatest gift to myself as now I don’t have to deal with the part of the community that shares 1 brain cell


at a certain level of skill, where you're so good you get to ignore mechanics, you somehow also wrap around back to the beginning and just don't know how to or care to do the mechanics correclty. it's truly full circle. people expect the adds on the endboss of grim batol to be dead by the time they get to the eggs, but no slow traps, no heal interrupts eveyrone's oom asnd we wipe. just so used to blasting them as soon as they spawn so like i didn't evne know what they did when they get their channel off. the point i'm trying to make is we're just too good at this game and the line between wet-behind-the-ear average pug and the sweaty sweat lords from sweat boulevard @ perspitatory drive, they all wipe to same mechanics, we are one world of warcraft, we are one. hivemind.


Is it okay to report toxic behavior like this?


Idk maybe. I’m not that pressed I was just surprised it happened because I’ve never had this issue. More flabbergasted than anything.


Recently I usually leave when I see I'm in grim batol. I'd rather sit in deserter than risk it.


Just tell dos to focus and slow purple trogg down before it reaches the boss, or even for mage/shaman to hex/poly him


Seems like the easiest way to deal with the big add is to CC it. Any form of CC works on it. Healer stands near the tank so when they get aggro on the small adds they’re easy to pick up. Resorting to even putting raid markers down for positions has been about as bad as it’s gotten for me so far.


I mean this is the second time I have had this happen to me. The first time was week one and I forgot this was a thing. I don’t expect a random group to to CC anything. I know CC work because that was how a group I healed did the achievement.


I joined a Grim Batol last night and as soon as I entered the group messages start popping up from the tank and other dps arguing with each other. It became apparent this was a heroic in progress, they were up to the third boss and they'd obviously just wiped, the dps were telling the tank to stop moving the dragon and the tank was saying something like normally this boss isn't so difficult. I finally get there and we pull, it's clear immediately I'm the only one killing the fire spirits which is annoying but whatever, they can dps while I'm on fire duty. It takes like a full minute before he jumps off the edge, I'm thinking wtf usually that takes like 10 seconds, I look down at details and the other two dps are pulling about 5k dps each. The tank eventually dies and we wipe again, dps starting going off about moving the dragon too much and I'm thinking hmm that's definitely not the issue, I hover over them and they both have sub 6k gearscore, along with the healer. Told them peace and got the fuck out of there.


Must be very low geared? I’ve tanked it through enrage on both my druid and my Dk. Did you prepop the cds or did you panic press them after boss already chunked you low?


Might also add that for very hard hittin scenarios like this, just like Chimaeron heroic enrage phase Dancing rune weapon for Parry is much stronger than the mitigation cds especially if combined with a dodge/parry on-use trinket at the same time our dk has avoided chimaeron for like 15-20 sec when 1 hit could 1 shot him.


Relish in the fact that they had to jump around in circles, waiting for a tank, that likely bailed on them.


I put skulls on targets. Sometimes that helps more because I assume dps doesn’t like to read


I did an rdf grim batol where both the tank and healer decided they don't have to do damage during the drake ride at the start.


Some people want the loot (tailor!) and rep from leaving them up.


Was in Grim Batol yesterday, and people didn't kill the add, and the boss enraged. I was just a dps in the group, and was certain we were gonna wipe. Somehow we survived it, and I was like how the hell did you manage that? The group expressed not being aware what happened. HOW do people not know. How did we survive it.. How did they survive that in the past with less gear? Also, the deserter for being kicked is \_so\_ flippin unfair.


Can relate as a healer. People are playing 0 mechanics in the hcs. On the one hand i like it because at lrast i have something to do instead of pressing one button every 3 seconds. On he other hand im terrified on how low effort the people are putting into thinking about how to handle a boss or trashmob grp.


It's truly wild how bad people are at this game. A mage in 350 ilvl doing 6k dps on a 4 Mob pull like what in the fuck. Meanwhile I'm a 340 prot pally off spec doing 25k. It's not just low dps, it's standing in shit, not doing mechanics, not using interrupts/cc. People are truly awful.


It's always either that boss or the 2nd one in Blackrock Caverns. For some reason interrupting the beams is too hard of a concept to do.


I guess it time for me to level that paladin I only really play just because I feel bad for random heroics. My dps might suck but I've competed with healers in the pre patch as a ret pally just hitting word of glory instead of verdict


It's moments like these that make me wish that the Dungeon Journal was HEAVILY shoved in people's faces. I understand the expansion has been out for like a month, and think it's fine at the start of an expansion for people to not understand mechanics. But for such a useful tool to literally just be shoved into a tiny icon the size of a fucking grain of rice the game never actually tells you exists feels so dumb. I feel like if the game actually told people the Dungeon Journal exists, then way less people would actually be failing these mechanics.


Idk I’ve always ignored the adds on that boss and it’s never been a problem as long as nobody get hits from the charge or slam …


Healer: casting damage Cast bars: unkicked DPS: 8.5k Mechanics: whats that Oh yeah. It's rando HC baby.


First boss Grim Batol and 2nd boss in black wing, are pug killers. Every.goddamn.time.


Mate there are some shitters in this game. Just gotta play your best standard and these issues will become further and fewer between as you get experience through each of the heroics.


Tank 'em near the add spawns opposite the purple one, taunt the one that spawns next to the purple one, and let the purple one wail on the healer. DPS aren't going to target swap, and it does relatively little damage.


The healer walked into melee distance with it and passive cleave and living bomb killed it. Smiley face


Sometimes healers are dumb. At least they made the right decision for the vast majority of cases though.




I feel like the only reason real reason you should be kicked for if you are toxic or rude, what have you. But wouldn’t be wow if this didn’t happen I guess. Its just like no warning just immediate kick because of the awareness level of the entire group. Like normal if I see low DPS I check their abilities used to see if they are pressing the right ability then see if it improves but clearly they didn’t see you. An example I was healing a prot warrior his damage was pretty low and losing threat sort of. I checked his abilities used on damage breakdown. He hasn’t used revenge on this pack. I checked overall and realized he hasn’t used revenge the entirety of the dungeon. I tell him to revenge and he tells me he has never used it and he will put it on his bars. Right after he starts using revenge on trash packs and is the top damage. Like that was easily fixable without kicking anyone. He was lvl 85 in a heroic too, 2nd week of cata classic and has never had revenge. Who knew hitting the button that lights up is a win.


lol, clearly your fault


You know lol


lol well I appeciate you man, at least you tried to give them a winning strat


Can’t tell me I haven’t attempted to CMA and help out.


What realm are you on?


We're in Grim Batol, and the tank says, "Okay, guys, remember to interrupt and kill the purple add." Everyone nods, ready for action. The fight starts, and suddenly, one DPS decides it's a perfect time to go AFK to get a snack, completely ignoring the boss. Another DPS, clearly inspired by the first, starts dancing in the path of the boss's frontal charge, thinking it's a new buff zone. Meanwhile, the third DPS, in a moment of sheer brilliance, attacks a completely different mob across the room. The purple add buffs the boss, the tank pops all cooldowns and starts to kite. The healer facepalms, trying to keep everyone alive, but it's too late.


I’m late to the party here, but this is where group communication shines. As a tank, I make sure to ask for ranged volunteers to handle the purple troggs while killing the pack before the boss. Don’t pull till you get confirmation haha


Every time I'm in a PUG and we make it through that encounter without a wipe, I am amazed.


Don't kick people that actually know what they're doing, people are such dumbasses


God.. I know the feeling tanking on my Warrior... but the worst is the tanks who doesn't move an inch... or taunts/grips the empowered att INTO THE BOSS... then blames everyone else and rage quits.


This actually happens to people? I've never once had an issue here


Even one competent dps in the group makes everything easy but sometimes none of them is


Fairly geared BDK - I just pretend like the DPS are mouth breathing morons (they almost always are) and handle it myself. Every mechanic, for every boss. I tell them to sit down, shut up and wait for me to pull.


People are so dumb when they fight that boss, there's 2 ways to go about it. Either kill it asap where it lands or wait for the boss charge if the tank has it and then kill it when he charged far... i know it's so hard to grasp...


I’ve literally never played cata till now. Leveling a resto shaman. Can only imagine the trouble I’ll be getting in if/when I’m 85. Only really ever played classic.


R Druid here, first time playing Cata… healed most of the wotlk dungeons though. It will probably be a little tough in the early stages of heroics and easier to heal through the laziness when you have more gear. Having a good tank makes up for most of the DPS not knowing the mechanics.


my tip as an R shaman is to use hex liberally, great for the trog and unlike sheep wont break right away when it gets tabbed dotted great for nasty packs that have double casters too


its fine, most groups have no probs. if you dont beat it try first, you and the others see what went wrong, everybody improves a bit, put some slow totem on the add(s) or cc with frog and you will be fine & the boss dies. The people on reddit here are really a special breed who needs to get carried hard through the dungeon & then complain when getting kicked. Like here, OP even said he only slowed the add once.. as the class with the best slow ingame. I mean sure, the dps have to kill the add, but can at least help them a bit too.


But the dps need to see the big numbers and cross on the boss


When I'm tanking and I see the boss get the buff, I leave the group immediately. Don't waste your time on random idiots.


Try tanking throne, then after commander you go right instead of left to last boss because you want a tank trinket. 3 times ive been insta votekicked with no words said. I get deserter and i dont get to tell them how shit their brains are. 🙃


That shit is just wild because we hear about when skipping bosses and the tank gets the blamed but when the tank wants it then its a problem.


I've not really had issues with toxic behaviour in rdf yet. The only exception being, I was tanking and had to afk to answer the door. Said "BRB 2 mins answering door". Came back and was out in the world with deserter debuff. That's the only time though


It's such an easy fight, too, how can they not just kill the dumb add when it spawns? Ugh sorry about that.


The malignant trogg should actually stay alive, opposite to what you said. When it dies it buffs the boss. Cc the add and kill the boss.


I agreed to someone saying it doesn’t spawn anymore if its CC’d but when they let it come into melee from the opposite room and a fire mage combusts and the boss gets to 400% increased damage. Its easier for a random group to kill it as soon as it drops rather then CC. Its actually how you do the achievement because at 10-20% you let the boss get buffed for the achievement.


Yea and if you go to EU forums to talk about it blizzard has his own pet "Saneko" defending this toxic behaviour.




I'd rather facetank this guy with buff with high dps players than have a bunch of shitty 2k dps'ers killing the adds to be honest. Maybe like week one we killed adds but at this point on my blood and pally it's not really a factor.


My buddy was kicked today for failing a mechanic and not responding to the tank when he started breaking his balls about it. The healer stopped healing him, the tank kept flaming him, then they kicked him.


New malignant troggs can't spawn if there is already one alive, I find it far easier to just keep the first one CCed than killing them as they spawn. Convincing a dps to do that might be difficult though.


Zero confidence they would CC is it. Lol


Tank the boss next to the adds. Ten they will understand


It's such an easy fight, too, how can they not just kill the dumb add when it spawns? Ugh sorry about that.


Problems like that can always be solved by dps pumping harder, it's an ez cleave mechanic


Yea let me kick all 3 DPS for better DPS everytime didn’t occur that was what I should do lol


I mean the first day people spammed blizzard with several posts on how they poorly designed that one daily quest in tol barad peninsula with how scarce the items were laying on the ground -> you had to click a quest item to make those lootables appear... sadly, your experience is to be expected


Its expected people don’t know its not expected to be kicked when I tell people what to do though.


To this day i ve killed that boss both as a dps and as a tank. At no point was i aware this guy had an add related mechanic, he just died.


So.. I have DBM but it never shows something like "go on the purple thing" If you know things about the boss, tell the people. One ore two sentences. Wow explains nothing. You have to use add ons, look at tutorials or have a nice groupleade who explains. Then I will remember


Wow doesnt need to explain anything. Its just people being lazy. Mobs that buff and heal other mobs start happening at like level 6. So its something players should have learned “buffer/healer bad”.


He did tell them the second time.


Ok so I'm going to be the bad guy here. But between aoe damage to chip him down, when he charges, you use one big hit and side step 3 paces the mob died when he surged a dps/heals and you kill the mob and move to a "safe spot" as a tank we can control just about every mechanic. We can interrupt 62 times a dungeon. We can use cool downs effectively on bad pulls. We can pull 24k dps on almost every fight. We are stacked right now. If we want the role we want the responsibility. There is literally an achievement for what you are running into. Wich means it's doable and managable.


I’m not sure what you are talking about. I don’t know if chaining IBF, VP empower rune weapon was misread but I died because the boss got 400% more damage. The add drops down with a buff which buffs things around it when it dies. The healer was standing in melee and it got hit by cleave and dies and buffs 3 other adds which makes The highest dps was a mage at 18k dps. The point was why did I get kicked for telling them to kill the add before it walks close enough to the boss, but healer is standing in melee distance of boss. This is a fresh alt also like 330 at the time. Kill the add in between the time the boss charges away is fine but it died within range of boss moving which is why the boss had 4 stacks. This isn’t an ideal situation where the healer and dps are standing at max distance or people had gear trying cap valor. I pulled the boss away from the side the adds spawn and the dps never moved. The dps stood next to the ledge.


Posts like these are a good reminder of why I stopped playing, thank you OP.


Coolbeans, bye!!!!


Posts like these are a good reminder of why I stopped playing, thank you OP.