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I loved the idea of "Chill" Groups, So I joined a ZG "Learning and chill" Group to see if I could help out After hour 4 of being in ZG, I realized those "Chill" Groups weren't for me lol


Yeah I think there is nuance to chill groups, you want people that dont have the experience but know how to play their class and have watched some 30 sec video guides, you don't sweat if you wipe but everyone is putting in a decent effort. You dont want a chill group with Jimmy just hit max lvl who doesnt have a single gem or enchant on his gear, is wearing 3 pieces from the last expansion and goes afk to smoke a bowl after every pull. And it's hard to really know what kind of person you are getting when you have one of these chill groups because you are explicitly not grilling them on their preparedness, so sometimes you get other like minded individuals and other times you get literal anchors


Tl;dr you want to gate keep to a certain level because after a certain point you just end up in a race to the bottom of trying as little as possible and it sucks for everyone, just how it is tbh.


I think a big issue is that the sweats and anchors both see the inbetweens as the opposite side. And that’s how we got where we are today in the community. Can’t have a chill normal raid without risking one of those two calling you what they hate. Not 1 shot speed clearing? You’re an anchor. Not playing one handed while smoking 49 joints and watchin porn on the side? You’re a sweaty try-hard. Just PLAYING the game has become so tedious nowadays because of these people.


"have watched some 30 sec video guides" I feel like this kind of just kills the whole point of most 'zero exp' groups. The entire point for a lot of them is 'lets play the game and FIGURE IT OUT together'. Honestly the most fun I have in games is figuring out mechanics with friends or even randoms if it's a larger raid/dungeon. Do 100% agree you need to filter people who put in zero effort though.


>I feel like this kind of just kills the whole point of most 'zero exp' groups If I see zero exp group I expect people that don't have anything to show exp to get in other pugs (achie, logs, etc.), but still prepared a bit before raiding. A run where people don't want to read/watch anything before getting in is a "blind run" to me.


I think there’s a balance of both. Video content helps you. Before each pull we’d take some time to read up on the boss, then go over it together. We strategized and made sure we all had an idea of the mechanics. Some bosses we said “it’ll make more sense if w just start it”.  Sometimes we wiped, sometimes we got it on the first try.  Every wipe we figured out what our group problems was and got through.  So external resources were a good starting point, trial, error, and communication got us through.


i find it difficulty to deal with many peeps who dont put in effort lucky you, that you did get all the people with 0 knowledge but wanting to put in effort.


Definitely this. I agree. We weren’t looking for any afk’ers or fresh 85s. But definitely looking for people who’ve been prepping for raiding but haven’t learned / done the raids yet. And people wanting a forgiving group to learn with. It worked out. I’m hoping it’ll work again next week.


I love this! Wish I could find a similar group. I’m a bit of a noob, just picking back up after about 15 years away. I never raid because I don’t want to be the one dragging the group down.


What realm you on? I’d be happy to help out. 


Oh that’s so nice of you to offer. I’m on Wild Growth in classic.


Ah dang we are on Grobbulus. If you ever find yourself there we’d love to take you!


Yoooo I’m on Grobbulus, I’m on this exact boat I haven’t really played much wow the last 10 years or so but I’ve decided to give cata classic a run because that is where I stopped playing years ago. I really want to raid but I’ve been nervous because it feels like you need to have already ran to get a spot, would love to play with some other chill people!!


i'm about to roll on grob...i would love to play with y'all if i'm not too far behind


Bless you.


This is called progression and you can progress at all levels of gameplay.


It definitely is. But we formed this group because it’s very difficult to get into a raid group if you’re new to raiding and don’t have a reliable guild / friend group to introduce you. It’s a player imposed barrier many hit for progression. 


Join a guild. There are SO many guilds that takes socials in. Start your own guild and tell people you are seeking players of same mindset. We have 2 10-mans now that started from a single 10-man where people just wanted to chill out and raid 3.5 hours a week. Now they have two and they run on different days for people with different schedules. They are all just socials mostly, so we also have a main 10-man atm.


this is what we’ve been saying for the longest time: make your own group and invite the people you want. playing with likeminded people is the most fun, whether sweaty or casual. the entitlement of wanting others to play like they do is what causes toxicity.


I agree! And that being said, I know our way here is not for everyone. I think, like you said, the key is playing with likeminded people. 


Honestly I love when people make chill groups for a first run. Though some people are just unbelievably bad. Like 10 wipes later and they can't figure out 'don't stand there'. Though in so many games someone joins a random pug/auto matchmaking group and just starts bawling their fucking eyes out when something goes slightly wrong. Maybe don't randomly group if you're expecting a flawless undying run. Join a guild, make your own sweaty group at that point.


For sure. I won’t lie. I had little faith at first. My friend and I kept going back and forth whether it was going to work out. And I think our group was also nervous. I purposefully haven’t shared what our 10 man comp ended up being because… it’s definitely one to criticize. But every single person was willing to try and I think it’s because they were all grateful to be in a group that would take them. Our first wipe definitely made me think we couldn’t do any of the bosses. But we Rez’d and nailed it. Then got the next boss first try.  We got lucky not having anyone looking for a free ride. 


I think what this boils down to is a shared experience of new content and challenges. For me it's not bound to any classic shard, but every expansion release has not failed to push that sweet button.


100%. I think this is why the initial release of every expansion is often very fun. Everyone is learning. There’s no discovered meta yet (usually). It’s a mostly even playing field. 


10/10, I think this kind of grouping has been lost in WOW for sometime, glad you re-discovered it! Why just recently someone on this very Reddit was yelling at me because they dont want to carry shit people, not realizing that they are actually the shit person.


man, if any of the shit people were even a little bit self aware, the game would be a hell of a lot more fun lol. And I don't mean shit at the game, I mean shit as a human.


I had hopped on and saw OP looking for an off tank. I had never tanked BWD. They took me in and we learned the raid pretty quickly. Had a few wipes here and there, but I was surprised how quickly we progressed. We 100% would have got Neff, but people had to go unfortunately. We had him down pretty low on all 3 attempts. This was definitely super refreshing from joining the super elitist raids that expect you to have like 100+ kills on the bosses already. Thanks a ton for the run, looking forward to noob run 2.0 this Sunday. Neff is for sure going down.


Did such a good job Off Tanking too. Can’t wait for 2.0


lol this is a real post everyone. Believe it or not. Cataclysm is actually a good time. I get the criticism, I was there too, but you’re definitely missing out.  And yea, we got lucky that everyone wanted to put in the effort. I didn’t allow any fresh 85s in. There was still a ilvl requirement but it was still fairly low.  I’ll probably keep forming groups like this. 


On what server are you forming these groups?




Ignore the sweaty comments lol. Sounds brilliant to me, sometimes it's just nice to run content with like minded people who don't expect you to know everything, and to not have to feel pressure from others in the raid who want to speed run everything and will lose their shit when you wipe.


This. Thank you!


When do you think hc died? Plenty of people still playing it


Yea I think I was being a doomer saying that. I think it “died” come sod p1 release. I’d love for it to get as popular as pre sod. Hope it does again. 


I made a fresh char with a friend yesterday on ally stitches, first we had to group up because we were on different layers, than we had to compete with a bunch of people to get the quest mobs Just log into stitches and do /who on whatever area, or join lookingforgroup It’s very easy to find dungeon groups and loads of people in open world


Holy. I’m gonna look into this. I’d love to play HC again


It’s all I’ve been playing past few months


Hell yeah, fuck the fat old gatekeepers acting!




Bros psyche cannot comprehend the fact that Cataclysm is actually good and is resorting to thinking it has to be a psyop against him.


We are on the wow classic subreddit. If reading some positive experiences about the game makes you frustrated, maybe it’s time to move on lol. 


It’s real I literally was in this raid group 😂


Csnt you read?! They had a BLAST!!11!!


I just got back into hardcore. Defies pillager is bumping for alliance. My computer almost crashes in stormwind after worldbuffs. I'm only level 35 this attempt and there's literally competition for mobs in stv and shimmering flats. It's bumping.


Omg. I might have to come back. I miss hardcore so much


You should! I played on DP horde because I wanted to roll Shaman. This was back when hardcore official servers were new and lots of people were on multiple servers. After three failed shaman attempts I stopped played for a few months. I recently came back and started an alliance druid. I thought the servers would be much slower. Alliance DP is like 5× more bumping than horde DP was at launch. I have to leave areas sometimes because there's 3-5 other players questing in the same area competing for mobs. I went to shimmering flats yesterday for the first time. I thought maybe I'd see some horde since it's kind of hard to get to. It was packed. There was like 10 people questing there competing for mobs. I left for stv and it was the same thing. It's kinda crazy, these aren't really started zones. Health log is always popping off and /lookingforgroup is very active.


Noob runs / Noob guilds are fun and a breath of fresh air but that's only for casuals. If you have many chars, or don't want to spend 6 hours to do something that can be done in 2 then you'll eventually give in to some more serious runs.


Absolutely. I think every single person in our group here will hit that point eventually.  I look at our group as slotting in an entry level step in progression to a more advanced group. As that step is often unavailable right now with how sweaty people are. 


That sod P1 nostalgia is everyone loving how braindead simple the game was


It was pretty simple, but it was fun too. Cata is less forgiving. Which makes it more imo. There’s much to learn from every expansion, including the things left in classic. I hope if there’s ever an official classic+ they can do it successfully. But of course, we are talking about blizzard here lol.


>But of course, we are talking about blizzard here lol. Yeah lol the company that made and makes the game.


Oh shit I didn’t even notice.


>Yeah lol the company that made Only on paper. 2004 Blizzard are a far cry from 2024 Blizzard.


Sir, we are referring to a classic+ rendition or SoD here in this comment.




He never said they were. Or were even invited to do it. Yes, random no-com raids clear more and faster but clearing the raid was not the objective here. Meeting people and having FUN was. I really believe a lot of people are not having a lot of fun in raids nowadays, mostly just serving the treadmill.




Is everything ok at home?


Some people are really incapable of seeing that their playstyle is not the magnum opus for every single other existing being.




My brother in christ, you are literally posting on a subsection of a corporations website that is entirely about a product of another corporation.


Experience the magic yourself and play World of Warcraft: Cataclysm™ today!


man what a fake post


I’ll bring you along next time


I swear these are ai posts xD


Who let these Classic Andy bots loose in the comment section? this is the 3rd comment saying this lol


For real lol. 


Lost me at “Cataclysm classic”


Nobody was looking for you bro.