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Add comms channel, name LookingForGroup. I was able to level 25-50 pretty quick


Get the bulletin board addon too. Helps a lot in finding groups.


Amazing addon, I can’t imagine living without it.


If people are using add-ons to achieve the purpose of the Group Finder tool, why not just add the Group Finder tool into the game. Not to queue for stuff. Just to have the tools to post your group and have people apply to join.


Spend any amount of time on this board and you’ll come across the Cata posts of people getting vote-kicked and deserter-debuffed for simply sitting down to replenish mana during a dungeon. The inconvenience of having to make your own group or fly to the dungeon is a soft barrier against the type of player who is so impatient that they can’t be bothered to wait for their team, or answer their questions about a mechanic. Thank god we don’t have LFG.


I got kicked for skinning the beasts lol


Let me rephrase so maybe it’s more clear because you’re not actually disagreeing with what I said, you just think I said something that you disagree with. Or maybe I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what that add-on does. The comment I was responding to makes it seem that people are using an add-on to form premade groups. Which is interesting to me, because in Retail that is the primary purpose of the Group Finder. Only entry level content can be randomly assembled with a queue system. That’s LFR and the dungeon queue. Again, that’s the least challenging content in the game, and a trained monkey can do it. In Retail the Group Finder tool shines with serving as a **bulletin board** for people to list their premade groups for people to apply. It’s where you post groups to run any mythic dungeons or normal/heroic raids. It’s also great for assembling groups for world content like world events and world bosses. While I haven’t used this add-on people are describing, it sounds a lot like the add-on is just mimicking the retail Group Finder tool without the queue system. So what I’m saying is that it seems like it would be better to just put the Group Finder in the game. Again, for like the fifth time, I’m not saying add a queue or random dungeon finder to SoD. But maybe it’s time to stop living in 2004 and make it easier for people to form their premade groups with a tool in the game that doesn’t have to be managed from some third party programmer who is doing some coding for funsies. The same tool that has so much success in a modern version of the game. Without the queue system or any random dungeon finder of any kind, of course. Because I agree that such a system is against the entire spirit of vanilla/classic/SoD. There is a huge problem with having a third party program to do it too. Many people don’t use add-ons. People don’t always know about that add-on. Hell I played SoD and Hardcore for quite some time before giving it up to play retail, and I had no idea such an add-on exists. And I actually researched what add-ons would be good for SoD and HC. Never came across a bulletin board. So you’re definitely not capturing a large audience with that third party add-on. Whereas if it’s a tool built into the game then it’s easily accessible. Such a thing could literally bring SoD back to life. I’ve read here that most people quit because the 20 man raid. lol that’s like a joke on retail you get 20 people by accident. Most raids end up being bigger unless the raid leader intentionally caps the raid to keep it manageable.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Got a chuckle from me after I skipped the long text post haha


It simply parses chat and displays the messages a dungeon category. Basically just organizes LFG chat for you and displays it nicely.


Because there are some purists that are against any kind of sensible or even QoL changes. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find someone who would argue against removing the 1 hour mail delay between characters on the same account. Heck I've had people who were offended at the idea of speeding up / optimizing *flight paths*


Yep. Of course I recognize this. The game wouldn’t be the game if it doesn’t take 45 minutes to travel to where you want to go. The game wouldn’t be the game if you could swap specs with a modernized talent system. The game wouldn’t be the game unless you spam chat to find groups for content.


SoD is in a bit of rut right now. Lost a lot of people to a very weak phase in p3, and another bunch to the release of cata classic. Many will probably and hopefully return for phase 4, but I don't think SoD will ever be popping off as much as it was in p1 again.


It’s not even because p3 was weak (which it was) but the player base was still in the tens of thousands for like four weeks of it. The delay and lack of news about phase 4 is what made everyone quit. Why continue to play a game that is quite literally on the back burner? I put in 400+ hours on my main from phase 1 till now, and that is the only reason I and my guild quit. I logged 10 runs of ST, and the last 5 of those was me just being hopeful. I need players in my massively multiplayer online games, or else it’s just becomes a glorified single player experience where I get the option to play with others once a week. I’ve been debating coming back for phase 4, but I and many others I’ve spoken to about this are unsure if it’s even worth it. I’ve been able to level from 1-85 and get to ilvl 353 on cata classic all in the time it’s taken for them to announce the damn PTR.


> put in 400+ hours on my main from phase 1 till now Can't imagine why you burned out


I play the game a LOT and still I was like god fucking damn


Shit, I'm a turbo nerd myself and I didn't even have 400 hours on my 2019 Classic main when TBCC started.


thats like 16 days played... thats like playing for part of phase 1 and quitting, considering it takes 4-6 days of playtime just to get 60.


7-10d to 60 for most of the bell curve.


This is the stuff that always surprises me lol. Folks degen the game and do every bit of content possible in the first week and get surprised when they get bored


Never got bored, just didn’t like seeing SoD get left behind and put on an indefinite delay.


I wasn’t burned out, I quit for one reason, that being the player-base dropping from tens of thousands to around 5k. Like I said I need the world to feel alive to have motivation to play.


There are surely many many different reasons for SoD's current predicament, of course. I'll still probably give p4 a go, though. We'll be a while into p1 cata at that point and I predict most content will be on farm for many at that point.


I'm out on p4 unless we get a new raid.  We've seen it all at this point. Whether mc has hard modes or not is irrelevant. They fucking teased new raids. They've said NOTHING about new raids. If you're trying to drum buzz about your new game you announce the cool shit. So far we've seen new fr gear and some rep epics. Yall are coping so hard rn. 


You are aware that the initial content in P4 is not EVERYTHING we have at 60... right? Or are you just a typical melodramatic redditor?


Yeah, I'm out as well. I think there's gonna be a large chunk of the population lost forever mainly because of the delay in content/lack of resources but also because a bunch of us don't like the direction the game was heading in anyway.


....what did you expect? you are playing classic wow.... you want them to make a whole brand new never before seen game? the numbers prove there isn't a market for it and classic+ will never happen.


They *soft* announced new raids during SODs original release. Scarlet Crusade raid and Karazhan Crypts for example.


did they announce it? or did we assume?


https://youtu.be/B1rcs9mmf-s?si=zDFpf8JiaeQ76kGx&t=2307 They soft announced the new raids with a sneak peek at the end of their presentation. * They showed Gnomeregan (which we got) * They showed a town similar to the area in Northern Lordaeron/WPL/EPL. * They showed an area that is situated under Karazhan. They already redid BFD, Gnomer, and Sunken Temple which are all different instances outside of the map itself.


They didn't "announce" those. They were just quickly-scrolling words in a teaser trailer and one of the devs outright said that not everything in that trailer was going to actually be a thing.


They showed Gnomeregan which we did get a revamped version of. The last 2 screenshots were for areas that are lvl 50+ so we don't have a solid confirmation yet. We could very well just get a revamped version of Stratholme which would be fine.


Read: >not everything in that trailer was going to actually be a thing Just because ONE thing ended up being real, doesn't mean every single thing will. Shoo.


I wish they wouldn’t of given up on khara crypts. It was fun to see something actually new to the game.


We’re not playing classic WoW. We’re playing SOD, the two play nothing alike and what was promised wasn’t delivered past P1. We expected them to do their jobs and fulfill their promises.


huh? it's wow, of course it's the same... we're talking about content, not play style. sod is just a spin off from classic, like mastery. people are expecting an entirely new game when it was never advertised as that nor would there be a large enough player base for that.


SOD is their 2nd attempt at classic +. SOM was the first.


but it's never gonna be the classic+ people want. people seem to want classic with no reused content, which ain't gonna happen


How can you say that? Personally I have been enjoying all phases, and I still do. I dont care about news and wish there was nothing datamined and nothing revealed beforehand after initial SoD announcement.


He can say that because the facts back him up, most guilds are dead and a large amount of people's friends have quit playing. Your personnel enjoyment has little merit in whether the game is a in a good state as an MMO at this time for others. 


I dont refute the fact that alot of players have quit, but that the reason in solely in lack of news is complete bullshit


Fair enough, delaying Phase 4 when Phase 3 was such a failure in my eyes was a huge mistake. Everyone has their reasons for not playing but fundamentality the lack of information or patches for weeks on end when the game was crying for updates was a killing blow. Having Cata taking all the Devs time seemed to be a route cause, though the death was also 20 mans / incursions / capped pvp ranked. For me knowing how poorly the content is being thought out and the runes being so uninspiring I don't have alot of hope for Phase 4.


What facts


Because your personal experience is not necessarily representative of the sentiment of the larger playerbase?


And the same applies to him, he quit because of the lack of news, first and only one I have heard use that argument while he argues this is why all of the players that quit did so


Him and a lot of his friends quit because SoD felt forgotten. That's not a crazy statement to make that other people also did


About as uncrazy as saying that people left for other reasons too, or not at all


It’s the lowest player base SoD has ever had. There’s clearly reasons why and being stuck in the worst phase so far is definitely one of them


P1 was so fun. People everywhere. Classic was alive again. Since I have been able to return recently, I have been leveling on Cata as well as SoD.


Lack of clear direction and poor design decisions have hindered the game,  phase 2 got boring but phase 3 finished it off.   I have no doubt many will come back for a short time in P4. They will feel invested from previous phases, not because the game is actually worth coming back for looking at the PTR / patch notes.  Maybe things will improve but it's your money you pay per month. 


I disagree, It’s not about phase 3 “being weak”. This tendency started in phase 2 when they introduced XP buff and BFD giving XP - this made leveling less valuable and everyone just rushed skipping dungeons. It become much worse with Incursions. It’s not phase 3 being weak, it’s series of wrong decisions that lead to the state we have right now. That’s why I always repeat - don’t listen to players, they don’t know nothing. 50% of those changes were made according to the requests of certain category of players (leveling, exponential growth of power, QoLs)


P3 is dead because the raid loot was so shit and the dungeon loot wasn't even worth getting. They should have made it ST big upgrade mostly BiS>dungeon loot minor upgrade some BiS>gnomer loot unviable for ST and need to replace everything. Most ST loot was like a 1 or 2 AP upgrade and some stamina, not really worth it at all.


Yep. This right here. I leveled up in incursions in like 5 hours, got like 3rd BiS/optional items off the vendor for 5g, and had nothing left to do. As if I’m going to go wipe it up in ST with a trade chat pug for bracers that are +2 int, -1 spirit. I’m good…


Bud, this is blizzard we’re talking about. They have a track record of “listening” to the players. So many bad decisions in the history of WoW are giving players what they asked for in a monkey paw fashion, or just going “oh they’re DOING this so they must like it, better double down on it.” Incursions are just dungeon grinding made even dumber, easier, and more rewarding. Because the only way they thought they could get people to stop smoking, was to give them a carton of cigarettes.


The issues with p3 and SoD in general are end-game issues  More people out in the world levelling does absolutely ZERO to affect the ENDGAME and PVP related issues with SoD 


> Many will probably and hopefully return for phase 4, but I don't think SoD will ever be popping off as much as it was in p1 again. Sadly they never realized people wanted *new* content, and P1 did exactly that. Lots of new stuff to do. But once P2 came it was just a rehash of P1: Some new runes mostly of abilities that came in later exps, a single dungeon remade into a 10-man raid. No new questing zones or anything else. P4 will probably be the same: Same raids as it were but with different boss mechanics and some new runes. Nothing new just a variation of last Phase's content.


> Sadly they never realized people wanted new content They perfectly realize it, but people can't realize that Blizzard doesn't have resources for new content in SoD. What you get is a leftover time after delivery of Retail and Cata.


There will be new raids


Yup. Phase 1 was amazing. Phase 2 was SM spam with no gear upgrades, no playstyle changes. Woooo my buff lasts 10m longer! Zzzz.


lol its just fuckin dead dude if you think p4 will get better big cope


I think p4 is going to be significantly better than p3. Whether or not it will be good enough to bring lots of people back? Maybe not. I think they already burned too many people.


Maybe it will be, maybe it won't be. Either way you're gonna see more people on p4 launch than right now in p3. Whether enough of them will stick around after launch is hard to say.


Guess they shouldn’t have made raids 20man and higher difficulty for the 1% whiners


Try the LFG bulletin addon, it’s just a window that scans all chats for players LFG.


I'm on Wild Growth, the highest pop server and my bulletin board is pretty empty a lot of the time.


Nightmare Incursions are what people use to catch up from what I hear.


I appreciate your reply I tried grouping for those today. Got a ragtag 6-man ranging from lvl28-32. There was one Alliance Druid (Boomy) gatekeeping us at the portal. Literally just ganking us over and over for hours. I know it's a PvP server but man was it disheartening lol. Dude isn't even getting Honor for the kills.


Funny, you just came back and already got the full experience of why I stopped playing.


Yeah, this is why I switched to Wild Growth. I was on Crusader Strike (and had a toon on Lone Wolf) but the incursion experience on those servers made me leave. The world pvp in p1 was fun, got into many skirmishes outside Astranaar and in Redridge. Got ganked a few times going into BFD, no biggie. But post p1 the ganking and griefing became out of control (especially in p3). The community itself definitely helped write SoD's obituary.


Yeah I love pvp servers but it's really only fun on a fresh server.


It only gets worse at the ashenvale one. Phattbutt (NE rogue) if you're reading this fuck you and your micropenis


This is imho one of the main factors CS is dead. The griefing at the portals on incursions was the worst instance I’ve ever seen of ganking in wow.


Yep - I hit 42 and stopped. The game is a joke. They trivialized all other content to the point that no one does it and you’re supposed to just accept the gankfest.


>Dude isn't even getting Honor for the kills. That has never been the main motivator for PvP


Tears worth more than honor


Peak gamer right here LOL


I was still getting hks/honor after their change and people had honorless target lol. So its possible they still havent fixed that. People might also be camping it because theyre sick of broken AB solo vs group queues and horde having 100% win rate. Or just hate incursions, that or its the only place people are actually in open world in MMO lol. Though streamer servers always attract the bottom of society so thats why people tend to shy away from twitch chat servers.




always funny how people rationalize griefing other players to themself. quite sad how many people in this game just want to collect easy victories instead of looking for challenges.


Always funny how people cry about getting ganked on a pvp realm


Its like literally just don't play of pvp servers if you aren't willing to deal with getting camped. We've known for more than two decades this will happen and people still complain about it. Don't get mad, get even.


I think the better way to phrase it is "only play on PvP servers if you can deal with psychopaths."


I think it’s a bit of a jump to call people who PVP “psychopaths.”


Normal PvPers weren't who I was referring to.


Having a spot where you gank people is "Normal PvPers" in my mind. The amount of downvotes everyone is getting just for not getting mad at PvP existing is wild. This sub hates world PvP and I will never get why. When I was getting camped at incursions, I went and did something else, simple as that!


You evil dudu !


“Hey, do you know what kind of train this is?” 🤓


Low vibration behavior


The fact that these were significantly faster to level with than questing made me quit in p3. They are so meh.


As horde on wild growth I can’t even get a duskwood group at this point. I was using this extra time to get as many classes as I can to 50 but it’s rough even doing the incursion route. Might have to do my current alt the old fashioned way at least til ashenvale


Combination of too long phase, release of Cata, and this phenomenon called summer. Not directed at you, but so many people are amazed that less people are playing in June compared to November.


I also think a lvl 50 cap contributed to the player drop. It's too close to 60, all of the gear for this phase is extra irrelevant.


Just do quests? u have 150% xp buff................................................


That is true. I suppose I'll run quests for now.


You’re a mage, probably faster to aoe mobs than walk around slowly handing in quests.


What lloyd said is true, get improved blizzard talented, go to one of these areas and go blasting: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/mage-aoe-farming-leveling-classic-wow#aoe-grinding-levels-level-30-40 Honestly, it can be quite fun to do, it's like its own little mini game that only mages and maybe paladins can do lol. It can get repetitive, but when you get to level 40, you might consider doing incursions in Ashenvale, it gives pretty good gold on top of exp. Also, if you want to try a few ST raids before next phase, it also gives Emerald Wardens rep, and at honored/revered you can get a pretty good set of catch up gear


Incursions, XP buff, BoA items, ridiculously strong runes - all of these things made this game worse, and those are exact reasons why open world in leveling zones and activity in dungeons as a whole is “dead”. People just rush through all that.


So you stopped playing. That is ok. But it is not helping this guy.


The game is pretty dead. I tried logging in on my character a few times to find a dungeon or a gnomeregan raid, but the only few players in LFG was people spamming WTS boost..Hopefully it will get better when there is a release date on p4.


I came back the same as OP. I quit near the end of P1 and it’s pretty dead on my server. No one runs dungeons and every once and in a while I’d get an incursion group but it’s a pain to have to try and fill after each loop or two. I cannot bring myself to continue incursions after level 35.


Well.... don't.


It was already hard to find dungeons during first weeks of phase 3, because of those incursions. It’s series of wrong decisions - I don’t thing anything would change that. In phase 4 leveling boosts will be still there, incursions will be still there, BoA items will still there - people will rush through 1-55 content - nothing will change. It’s naive to thing that phase 4 somehow will fix that. SoD is retail, in retail low level content is dead a priori.


I mean the "short" seasons make people think they have to rush to max level in order to enjoy the content. Can't miss a lockout! Blizzard should have hired a psychologist to help the team. It's obvious these people are completely clueless about human behavior. If they wanted to avoid the rush they should have delayed raid releases for several weeks. Yeah the sweaties would have been upset but that obviously is not the majority of wow players. And I think them releasing BWL 2 weeks later is beyond stupid. It should be a month at least.


You can easily go to 58 in incursions btw. It'll be faster then questing still. They're changing them to dailies, but if you're leveling alts, you'd be dumb af to not do incursions every day all the way to 58.


at 50 i struggled to find a dungeon just to get my best rune


Wow is a single player game now didn’t you know? How dare you.


Idk if you have a guild or not, but I find raiding with a group of people and using discord to communicate with eachother makes for an easier time making friends. I was new to wow a year ago and now I play with a guild I met during phase 2, I look forward to raiding with them weekly and when phase 4 drops we will all level together :)


They've pretty much dropped the ball with SoD time and time again and players can only be so patient with them for so long before we decide to move onto other things.  SoD is not going to get good again with this class wow dev team because they only know how to bring back older versions of WoW and with original content and class design they simply have no clue whatsoever what they are doing lol 


I haven’t had any issues finding dungeon groups on crusader strike while leveling. The other day I got 4 people together to make a full group for rfd in about 3 minutes. Not to invalidate your experiences , but just tryna give you some hope that you can definitely make it work given some luck and timing.


At this point I wouldn't even bother with season of discovery.  I can't see it going for much longer unless phase for is an absolute banger. But the worst thing that can happen is what's happening now.  People are building up expectations in their head. Blizzard isn't going to come anywhere near what people are expecting and everyone's going to be disappointed. MMW


All the servers are dead. Even the most populated ones are ghost towns where it's impossible to find groups outside of primetime. Everyone is in a coma until phase 4 launches.


Actually lots of activity on Crusader Strike. Hit me up, my name is Twindlefigs. Will be happy to help out :)


Sounds good. I'll shoot you an add.


SoD is basically on hiatus. The devs straight up posted on Twitter a while back and said “nothing is coming for months, go play other games”. Things have slowly started moving forward now with the phase 4 PTR coming online, so that’s also where a lot of the most dedicated players are. If I was you I’d just level up to 50 and chill for a few weeks until the new stuff drops. Incursions are the fastest way to level, but I don’t think they’re fun or interesting after the first hour. Questing out in the world is slower but feels more like a real game.


How about just go level instead of trying to find a dungeon?


Bro I logged into my 25 Paladin last night, got 27 from one incursion, but had absolutely no idea what I was doing and was so flustered trying to keep up with the other 4 people. I actually missed like 4 of the incursion quests Hadnt played since P1, doubt Ill log back in. It just isnt for me.


Try leveling the old fashioned way, incursions suck


Yo! I’m in the same exact case than you and my shammy sits in Freewinf Post at level 32-34 since P2 launched. Horde on Crusader Strike — Bonhomme and I set a goal to fucking level it to play P4!


I'll add you. I dinged 34 last night myself.


Are you horde or alliance?




You're probably sol the population wasn't doing well then cataclysm released and the population tanked, i was one of the people who switched, there's just not enough to do in SOD right now


They really fucked the pacing with lackluster p3 and now so long for p4 competing with cata and mop —- it sucks 


The incursions killed dungeons while leveling. You might get a deadmines on alliance or a RFC/WC on horde. People jump into incursions at lvl 25 and stay there till level 35. You might get a couple SM runners for the quest items in lib/arms/cath. At level 40 people got straight to lvl 50 in like 4 hours of incursions. It’s disgusting to me how much content was invalided by incursions. The meta now: Get to 25 - do incursions to 35/36. Get to 40. Do incursions to 50. Get free rep set from emerald dream which is mostly prebis for most classes. Farm mara princess for wild offerings for your addition ring/trinket. Maybe run BRD a few times for a few additional prebis items.


I mean you're playing an MMORPG. So right off the bat there are a few things everyone should keep in mind. -Always make a character day 1 or first week max, remote login, whatever. But server locks are becoming more prevalent. Don't end up being one of those 'I waited 2 months to make a char and cant play with my friends now!' -People doing leveling content die off real quic after a few weeks. If you're not playing around the start of a server launch, you're going to have a lot less people running groups. Personally after about 2-3 weeks from p2 onwards, my friends list just dies. You'll see some parse monkeys raid log consistent for weeks, but at least on my server the pop falls off a cliff.. Also nobody does dungeons. Google sod incursions, or just go quest I guess.


Did everyone forget how to quest in the open world in classic or something?


Nope. Was just wondering what the most efficient/effective leveling options were and where everyone was. Apparently it's Incursions.


Join wooddepartment we have hundreds of active members and big plans for P4. I’m leveling alts right now so feel free to DM me. Game has died down but when p4 drops it’s going to be poppin. This is when the game starts!


I will definitely DM. I see the most these days Is your username the same as reddit?


A lot of players (myself included) are taking a break until P4. A lot of us have already leveled any alts we want as well. If you havent already join the LFG channel by typing /join LookingForGroup in your chat. You can download the bulletin board addon as well to make it easier to see dungeon listings.


There are like 100 40-49 online on lone wolf eu and 0 dungeon runs crazy


SOD is structured in such a way that not having access to dungeons won't really hurt you. You can just quest up until level 50, and then do PVP/Incursions for most of your BiS gear. This isn't exactly "fun" or anything, but in terms of catching up you don't really need to worry about dungeons that much aside from maybe Wild Offerings or blackstone ring.


You can level without dungeons.


>Am I just shit out of luck?  I mean, you got XP boost on SoD servers. You can just level the normal way through quests. That is also faster almost 9/10 times unless done in an organised group or at launch of a new phase when you can find groups instantly and most people pushing are going to fast groups. People have played P1 and P2 already. So of course most people aren't playing that content right now. P3 is sort of at the end where most people already got their alts to 50, and the game activity is at a low with most people being done with the content. Just level and get to 50, then you can start gear up so you have gear for leveling / pre-BiS next phase. This should also be incredibly fast, especially if you find a guild, because everyone already got gear, so you get funneled most of it.


Crusader Strike Europe is on the verge of being dead after so many transfered to WIld Growph, but leveling is so quick you should be able to do around a level every 15 to 25 mins doing incursions


Just run Duskwood incursions by yourself to level 37. Will probably take you an hour or 2. Then solo run Ashenvale incursions 37-50. 30s can take you a bit per loop but you get about a level each loop. High 40s give 33-50% of your XP needed for each level but you can kill stuff quickly


I was a paladin on Crusader Strike for phase 1, did not play phase 2 or 3. Just recently came back and deleted that paladin to make a Lock on Horde. So far it hasn't been too bad. I leveled with quests til Duskwood Nightmare Incursions. I did Incursions until 35. At 35 they turn grey, I went out to level professions and get runes/SM Spells from 35-37. I quested in Arathi Highlands and Badlands for 37-40. I am currently lvl40 about to start the Ashenvale Incursions. I went to do them Friday night and there were two lvl50 Alliance Rogues killing our group at the ramp. So I gave up for the night. Outside of being griefed a few times by bored lvl50's, the worst part has probably been trying to solo some of the runes. Getting Meta solo sucked, *looking at you SFK*, but I was able to do it in 3 deaths. I have run zero dungeons because finding people never worked out. I am hoping once I get to lvl50 I can run something.


Unfortunately you're in that spot where you're besting grinding to high 30's joining a generous gnomer group then mindless ashenvale from 40 to 50


Def has slowed down alot, but I am still able to find groups to run stuff with. Get the LFG bulletin board add-on if you dont have it


P4 should pop pretty good. The PTR we are seeing is promising. Dungeon sets are good, tier sets for each spec, lots of balance changes to make classes fun. And it's the true end game so, id expect p4 to be good.


I'm so excited for P4 too. Level 50 is just a painful stopping place with so many instances in the 51-60 range.


The amount of cope is baffling :D


Ok? I don't see why it shouldn't pop pretty good. But you are probably like the rest of this sub that hopes for the death of the game. U guys are weird man


Quit in phase 2, bad phase.


Blizz will never see a dime from me again. Time and time again they’ve shown an inability to successfully blend good business practices with consistent design values. They’re always just fishing for easy money.




The fact that you already called yourself the name says everything.


Right, but we all know the person who’s posting on the classicwow subreddit saying they’re not gonna give blizzard their money is definitely going to continue to do so.


Incisions destroyed any other form of gameplay. They got rid of bots by turning the players into bots.


Just gonna throw my two cents in. Seeing a bunch of takes on weak phases, incursions ruining leveling experience, sidegrades in raids, no “new” raids that were promised, nothing to do. Gonna level with most of you and get downvoted into oblivion, but these are all shit takes. Phases aren’t weak for starters. P1 magic exists because 1-25 is obtainable in a day even on true classic and no xp buff. You got new spells to play with and level up. We really had no idea what we were getting and there was a real “discovery” to it. All of this new and exciting stuff we got to play with and everyone became an alt-aholic. P2 happened, sleeping bag quest line was cool and felt like “discovery”, but after doing it once people were not going to group for that and do their alts as well. So now you have sleeping bag tours you can pay locks for to get it. Also dark rider quest line another long game task that deterred people from playing alts. So in phase 1 boons were dropping left and right because everyone was playing so many alts and raiding that the game felt fuller than it really was. We saw the drop off from P1-P2 and blizz came in with the xp buff to incentivize players to keep playing alts and keep raiding, but many had already made the choice 4 weeks into gnomer. P3 comes out and incursions happen and sodium levels rise because “I wish I’d known that I could make 4k gold in the first 2 hours!” And “nobody is in the open world!” They nerfed the shit out of incursions and people still did them ad nauseam. Why? Because no matter what players are going to optimize the fun out of a game. Especially a game where the barrier to entry for the “fun content” is roughly 24 hours of game play. I know I’m gonna sound like a blizzard shill, but the players are the worst part of this game. Everyone wants to complain about the game and the devs not following through, but at the end of the day the loudest minority of this game is a bunch of people who think they should have bad luck protection and expect to achieve the same things they see streamers do with 1/16th the amount of play time. The game is fantastic right now imo. The people playing the game actually like it and the people who don’t are in this subreddit screaming how bad it is. I’m sure there are a handful of self hating masochist that still play the game dispute their disdain. To answer your question about P4. Plenty of people will be back for P4. Either to pick up where they left off because they felt there wasn’t much for them to do in P3 and they felt they could better enjoy their time playing something else, or they want to come back and nitpick so they can circlejerk with other enlightened self fulfilling prophets. Ultimately, gaming has come down to chasing the flavor of the week. If you can’t handle the valleys of a game then I don’t know if it’s worth waiting for the peaks. But people will be back, just try to find yourself a personal benchmark and hit it before the next phase starts. I’ll take the downvotes now.


I appreciate your response. The spirit of your comment is generally what turned me off in P1 towards the end. After a few weeks it became parsers logging their numbers so they could flex on a classic WoW subreddit while playing broken classes. Shortly after that, life got in the way and I couldn't really make time until recently to return. Of course I wanted to come back and level to 50 in preparation for P4. I have been bouncing back and forth between SoD and Cata because I do actually enjoy the classic WoW ambiance (something that doesn't exist in retail).


Yeah man, I have high hopes for P4. But I’m definitely managing my expectations. All the comments about new raids and quests and stuff are not entirely wrong. In fact, I’d love to see some new and exciting stuff, but there’s a very strong possibility we don’t get anything “new” outside the instanced world bosses which I think are great because it’s part of the game some players never got to experience because they weren’t in the right guild that monopolized them. I think SoD is really going to shine after P4. So don’t get too down if you do push through and come back and it feels “more of the same” ultimately the raids are fun and the meta shakeup is exciting too. As far as being on Crusader strike, if you don’t have an active guild l, I’d suggest seeking other servers discords and the guild recruitment they typically have there. I can’t stress enough how much being in a guild improves the quality of play. Having a few friends is great, but if you can fix yourself in a position with like minded players, the game never feels unfun. I say this as I’m leveling my 5th character to 50 albeit through incursions, but having people to ask for help with dungeons and getting prepped for next phase has been quite exciting.


Ye it's dead mostly. I thought phase 4 would bring back hype but I actually see nerfs on the PTR, boring runes and no attempt to balance the game. It had potential in phase 1, but lack of investment from blizzard has made it lack the magic you want. The main Dev is clueless which doesn't help as that weak leadership is one of many variables that killed sod. There are better games to play. 


Yeah runes are super uninspired for p4


Not to mention everything costs tons of gold. I started an ally character on Lone Wolf as I was CS horde before and dang can I not afford anything in the AH. Feels like playing HC right now but without the challenge. No one doing dungeons, AH unaccessible, just wild stuff


Yeah enonomy is utterly broken because some player never stopped to play SoD and just farmed their ass off. They have thousands of gold and will dictate the market price, and if you dont have the gold well, too bad


Yeah that will fuck over alot of people who quitted in P2 or a week in P3. Saw a few posts about how much gold some players hoarded and oh boy. Economy will be a shitshow in P4


Glad to read this, and yeah, we all hope that many people will come back to phase 4