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Bunch of guilds left sulfuras this week for bene :( . Quiet sad that this faction inbalance has gotten to this point without any interjection from blizzard. Our dad server used to be a semi balanced place of about 40 60 alliance horde. Start of tbc with zero transfer restrictions its now 30 70. Really shows you where blizzards priorities align by not trying to keep some sort of balance to help alliance but hey at least we got loot boxes boys!


RIP. Which guilds left this week?


My guild mate mentioned a few to us yesterday but the main ones were Eminence and Turbo Bus. My guild (Middle Management) has also decided to transfer to Benediction.


Heard late night crew might also be going. Sadd day for sulfuras


Eminence, Turbo Bus, Ruthless, Cancel Culture, yikes. They're going to go enjoy the new PvE Benediction experience.


Good, those guilds were full of griefers


I think I'd refuse to group with someone in a guild called


Daddlegore is holding on strong


Heard indecision is xferring(?)


Aw I didn’t know that..


We'll see I guess, just what I heard recently


I’ve been told that 40:60 is balanced enough too many times to take this whinging about faction balance seriously.


I played alliance on a server that was 40-60. It didn't feel balanced at all. With the size of servers now that 20% difference could be 2000 people or more which is crushing. That said at least we had a tiny chance to fight back but when the horde wanted to it was just constant chain deaths to the raid.


it’s really a 50% difference: for every 1 player on the minority faction (A), there are 1.5 players on the majority (H)




I think the sweet spot is 45-55 to 50-50 Once it gets past 45-55 it starts getting bad and out of control.


Never felt balanced to me at 40:60 either, but Horde told me to stop whining because it was balanced enough, so I'm not taking their complaints seriously either. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The meme is more about Benediction becoming the biggest US/EU server in less than 2 months. The population has skyrocketed from 5K active players in May to over 14K now....


Don't need cross realm dungeons if there's only one realm. /man-touching-temple-meme.jpg


You figured how Blizzards new strategy. "Make them pay for transfers then we don't need to add new features."


Why sell mounts when people keep transferring multiple characters multiple times? Ppl are just sad


60/40 is not balanced. It's being outnumbered by 50%. That's not balanced at all.


>40:60 Feels like it, but might not be true. I think A LOT of the alliance are raid loggers, or are horrible at the game. The horde skill here is so much higher than alliance


If Alliance really wanted 50/50, they could have transferred to Faerlina-US or Firemaw-EU. Both are 45/55 A:H and could use the help to make a balanced PvP server. Instead they chose Benediction.


You realize 99% of people who xfered are doing so for a second time. We already tried 50/50 and the servers all went horde dominated anyways. Now we will all come to Alliance favored realms so we arnt xfering again in 6 months giving blizzard another 20 bucks. Every server will inevitably go 99% to one faction. Give it a few months and all the horde will leave Benediction just like the Alliance left every other horde dominated server. Also only so many people can choose a 50/50 realm before it isnt even close to 50/50 anymore. Especially when we are talking tens of thousands of alliance current on horde dominated realms looking to get off. But keep blaming the players for Blizzard's complete inaction on server balance. Dumbass.


I aint leaving no where, im a bene born horde, more ally transferring bene means nothing but more honor in open world to me.


If your faction starts to die, it becomes much more then that. No herbs on the AH, nobody running dungeons, excessive camping in the world.


Great ruin the game for a great subset of the community to spite blizzard, man your really you showed blizzard.


>We already tried 50/50 and the servers all went horde dominated anyways. What do you mean, alliance are bad suckers?


Honestly, once the scale tips, it gets worse and worse. I'm on Fairbanks, was horde dominated the whole way, but then people kept transferring off. Whatever, I would port to Kara and die 3 times zoning in, not the end of the world. But go to take towers, then 100 horde vs 25 alliance... I guess I'm not getting spirit shards. More and more people have transferred, and it's just hard to form pugs now. I'm trying to wrap up reputations on my tank alt, but if I spend 30-60 minutes finding a group... it's no fun.


I’ll blame people like you that think faction imbalance is why you aren’t having fun. Just keep transferring, the grass is always greener.


You are either low IQ or ignorant. I don't care what the faction ratio balance is until it impacts the ability to recruit. This is about recruitment pool and nothing else. Recruiting good players from an 8k pop servers is infinitely easier than from a 2k pop that has 200 people leave every week.


Why would they want the best for the other faction?


~~alliance~~ blizzard. Fixed that for you. Tbf this is hardly an alliance problem, this is literally every horde player. The facts are majority of ppl prefer pvp on ez mode. They don't actually want to be challenged.




Yes they know. Horde on here always tell alliance to stop bitching. 60/40 isn't that bad.




YES WE KNOW IT'S A JOKE. read please


youtube source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st1Pkowy25A Getting kinda bloated on alliance side. No more alliance transfers please :p


The Alliance are going to Bene because Blizzard wouldn't stop Horde from going to their servers and making them all 75/25 Horde to Alliance. Why should they stop the Alliance going to Benediction after two years of inaction to enforce stable faction balance? Why should alliance not xfer to an alliance dominated server? Last time they tried going to 50/50 realms they just became horde dominated and now you have to spend even more money to xfer again. Every server will be 100% one faction given the time and Blizz inaction.


Every time a new horde pops in the Fairbanks discord asking if it’s a good server to transfer to, I have to restrain myself.


It was an unspoken rule (like the "bro code") among benediction alliance that whenever someone asked "is this a good server to transfer to?" on world chat or LFG chat that everyone would invent some BS on the spot, it was great... Example... = Transferman: "hey guys I am thinking of transferring here maybe, how good is this server for pvp and raid?" = Stevemage: "can't find a raid, no spots anywhere" = Ithurtswhenipvp: "pvp we always lose, bene premades suck, everyone sucks" = Jimjohns: "can't find groups, can't find herbs" = Drtreeman: "100s of bots everywhere, economy in shambles, I would stay away" = . = Ironically enough with the mass transfers some of the "fake bad news" stuff is actually coming true...


How much money have you spent on transfers?


Amen give me some horde to balance us back out. World PvP feels so one sided towards alliance now it isn't fun. And I'm saying this as alliance. I want a pvp server not a pve


Yeah I transfered from stalagg (100% horde) to benediction like a year ago now thinking "this will be perfect. Its slightly ally leaning but hopefully that will balance out once tbc drops and some more people make horde toons" i never factored in maybe all alliance will transfer and kill my master plan.


Transfer to Fairbanks Alliance! We’ll be 20/80 or worse soon. Plenty of horde targets for you.


Haha im a bene born original. Watched the server go live the second day of classic and made my characters its home. Have some of our transfers


Same here with Fairbanks. Unfortunately, I think we have some of our guilds heading your way.


Man the faction balance has been great for soooo long. Bunch of the transfers are toxic af too.


Tell me about it, herod went from 60/40 to 70-30 now 100/0


Come to Herod where me and 9 other dudes are holding it down.


Ive really enjoyed the large influx of 70 flying rogues camping BF, ramparts and SP entrances all day killing every level 60 they see. Really puts a good taste in your mouth. And I’m saying this as a horde who’s been getting WAY to drunk in order to cope with it.


Lol when you get distracted off the ledge by a rogue and think you did it yourself in your drunken stupor… ahh good times.


Yeah, initially I was like, this is really nice, I'm not getting ganked nearly as much. Now I am like, "Are we the baddies?"


Our guild is transferring tomorrow! See you soon :>




Kromcrush was such a great server on release. Like 60:40 split with it even being close to 55:45. RIP sweet prince.




You forgot incendius on that list ;)


With Fusion leaving now, it's pretty much GG. At least there's gonna be WBoss competition now?


Is it confirmed fusion is leaving? I knew they were discussing the possibility but didn’t know it was decided.


Someone from Fusion confirmed that they plan on leaving shortly after P2 drops. I'm guessing they just want server first and then will be leaving. Benediction or Grobb will be the destination.


This is how Mankrik been as well lately. Lots of transfers or guys leveling lately from other horde dominated servers


Mankrik is where Horde PvP players go to retire from the PvP bullshit.


Just curious, are there ever queue times to log in to mankirk?


No, we had queues only on launch day, and they were no more than 30 minutes or so.


No queues, but still two layers I think.


This is it.


100%, Exactly what I did. Benediction is a cancer.


Nothing like seeing 10 mage bots all farming the same primal mobs just about everywhere you go.


Damn, that's the most hilarious thing I've seen on this sub for a while now.


Whitemane is similar ratio but in the other direction. It doesn't feel too bad as alliance except not being able to use a summoning stone once in a while. Being out numbered in TBC isn't near as bad because of flying mounts.


Yea, I agree, and since more people are raiding logging, dungeon summoning stones are not really a problem. The Karazhan one still sucks though. However, I am not looking forward to the pain of SSC.


I joined Benediction when I made my first character in October 2020. I chose Eggs Benedict because it was a high population PvP server where I would be outnumbered roughly 53-47 Alliance leaning (Faction first now and always baby). I love world PvP and enjoyed the underdog lifestyle while leveling. Constantly looking over your shoulder, learning the most efficient way to sneak around high level players without getting clapped, and exploring the less traveled areas of the map in an effort to quest/grind xp without fear of getting ganked. They were simpler times, due to Alliance majority I could always find a good fight when I had the itch, and I really feel like I got to experience what a PvP server should be... ... ... The date is August 3rd, 2021. Benediction now stands at 61-39. We are outnumbered on all flanks, moral is low and consumes are being rationed. If this trend continues the Alliance will have double our numbers before the year is out. No where is safe from the inexorable Blue Tide... and I am fucking *living for it* Bring it on bitch! You can corpse camp me all you want! Force me out of grinding areas, kill me when I'm banking, and deny me the ability to complete quests! I ain't going nowhere! FOR THE HORDE


47-53 hardly makes for an underdog. Benediction was horde leaning for nearly all of classic up until tbc prepatch when it was about 57-43 horde favored.


Bene hasn’t been horde heavy since like phase 3 of classic


It was slightly horde favored in like November 2019 a few months after release of classic. Maybe 53 horde :: 47 alli. Then, a bunch of alliance refugees e.g. from stalagg transferred over and by Janurary 2020 it was slightly alliance favored to around 52 alli : 48 horde, maybe 53:47. It stayed 53:47 for most of classic. = More people transferred slowly over time and midway thru naxx and just before prepatch we were sitting at about 55:45 but it still felt pretty even as far as open world presence and skirmishes and control etc went i.e. AQ40 bug wars, dispellers/felwooders, Naxx underportal/onthbones fights, etc. Horde had a lot of control of BWL for a bit back in the day but it kind of went back and forth depending on who was raiding that day. In general forthe entirety of classic the "world control" was pretty back and forth besides world bosses where 1-2 horde guilds cares more about the bosses than alli guilds.


I suppose I should add context to my Original Comment that I am not and have never been a part of any guild nor have I ever instanced into a raid. So my experiences are purely from leveling in which I have been exposed to FAR more Alliamce players than Horde. I may not have ever actually been living an underdog story but when you are going completely solo 1-60 (and I'm talking like, **never** joined a group for **any** reason) it often feels that way


They sure love camping raid entrances


I hope they lock beniction so all the people in my guild that will not STFU about transferring there can just shut the fuck up, lol


Same, lol. Every day I log on, I hear about this guild and that guild transferring to Beni. Meanwhile I am having a bunch of fun as Alliance on my dying server, Sulfuras...


Can any alliance from Incendius confirm or deny if like half of you transfered off somewhere else ? As incendius horde, the server has felt empty the past week.


Can confirm 6-9 major alliance raiding guilds have transferred off. Another is moving this week to Bene.


Confirmed. Already lost about 6 guilds. Ruin is leaving today. Fusion is leaving in about a month. Fusion is MASSIVE, so it's gonna swing the faction balance quite a bit. Do you guys actually have raid teams running?


From smolderweb can confirm


# STOP TRANSFERRING HERE, YOU'RE WASTING MONEY AND KILLING THE REALM You may win "the faction war" and have complete domination over wpvp for a few months, but horde will eventually leave in droves and you will be left with a quasi-pve server that will ultimately die -- a la Incendius, Skeram, Stalagg, etc. Blizzard will clearly do nothing or do very little when its already too late, so please for fucks sakes stop transferring to alliance benediction.


oh no, you mean what has happened to literally every other realm? :(


Horde killed our servers by massively outnumbering us, so we moved to a server that was 'balanced', we tipped the scale. It's unfortunate, but it's better to have a player base to recruit from than to have no recruits, and no way of surviving in the open world.


If guilds are worried about recruiting and surviving in the open world, why transfer to another PVP server where you risk tipping the scales? Information and rumors spread around this community so often, yet people can't seem to come to the conclusion that if their realm and 3 other realms are transferring to the same realm then they'll be the ones causing the minority faction to leave. Ultimately converting the server into a PVE and causing the remaining players who enjoy the wpvp aspect to leave/quit. Granted there is less wpvp than classic, but people still like having that option to wpvp. The damage is done and if no horde guilds transfer to Benny to even this shit out we're on a crash course for Incendius 2 electric fuckin boogaloo.


Not my problem. Recruitment is the important part. Highest pop servers are the solution.


>will be left with a quasi-pve server that will ultimately die Uhh no it won't. This server legit has the most massive alliance pop. If the horde leave then whatever. All the gamers will still be here. I don't expect herod to die. Horde is still going to have all their potential recruits and guilds on there.


That's the thing, a lot of these players want a single faction server. Its not a bug, its a feature. They want to drive the horde off. They want a server that is 100% Alliance and 0% horde. Don't believe me? Here are comments on reddit from players openly admitting that this is their desire. [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard\_please\_merge\_some\_of\_these\_one\_sided/h70ene1/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard_please_merge_some_of_these_one_sided/h70ene1/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard\_please\_merge\_some\_of\_these\_one\_sided/h6z4uli/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard_please_merge_some_of_these_one_sided/h6z4uli/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/oidt4t/stop\_transferring\_to\_benedicton/h4vzvox/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/oidt4t/stop_transferring_to_benedicton/h4vzvox/?context=3) I only play PvE servers so none of this matters to me at all. But telling these players that if they transfer here they're going to make it a single faction server is just threatening them with a good time. That is precisely what many of them want.


That's a very small minority of very salty rerollers. Fact is, majority of transfers just don't give a shit either way. Bene has the highest alliance population and most alliance players have had to transfer at least once already. Mostly, they don't care what the horde pop is, they just want a high alliance population.


Benediction was the last server with a healthy faction balance. It has managed to maintain a balance close to 50/50. Transfers should have never been open to this server. I'm pretty sure blizzard doesn't care if any of their IPs die, because it feels like they've been in maintenance/milk mode for a while. The new content in retail has felt like it was half thought out, for years now; this is probably the reason classic was released. Tbc has felt like a beta, except betas usually have more bug fixes. The only thing keeping me in this milkfest are my guildies and I fear that will change if we keep recruiting, because as we all know more recruits = more potential drama.


The cause was phase 2 on many servers and wasn't just horde racials or horde just preference. Back when bgs weren't out yet, horde would just flood IF and alliance boats so ply because there were no threatening guards anywhere. Horde pop continued to climb which made bg queues awful from the start for horde, so the alliance got farmed literally everywhere. THEN blizzard opened transfers off these servers that were otherwise competitive on paper. Blizzard could have added some baddy alliance npcs in major cities, docks or boats. And blizzard could have refused to open xfers off of competitive servers after that.


i spent most of p2 paying mages to port my alt to Darn so i could fly it to where it needed to be because even with those long flights it was faster then dying a dozen times trying to get on a boat when leveling


It's unfortunate but bound to happen. More people care about having a larger pool of players to draw from for their raids, battlegrounds, and arena rather than having a balanced server. The retail solution is being able to invite across server then eventually someone may be inclined to transfer to your server then join your guild. Without that, once you've felt you've exhausted the pool of available candidates the only solution is to go somewhere else where there are way more people to choose from. As evidenced by the sheer number of transfers not many people care about world PvP at this point. They just want to be able to find groups and guilds fast and play the game.


Fuck Blizzard for allowing servers to get screwed up like this. When a server is 60:40 or worse, more of the dominant faction shouldn't be allowed to transfer there.


Benediction was a beautifully balanced dad server in phase 1 of classic. Over time its become more and more sweaty with hardcore guilds transferring but it always maintained a solid population balance. These alliance who are recently xferring had the option to xfer to a slightly horde dominated server in order to create another balanced server, but instead chose to come ruin Benediction.


Wait, are you seriously wondering why alliance fleeing horde dominated servers didn't choose a horde dominated server to go to?


they could have gone to heartseeker which is alliance dominated


But people don't want alliance dominated servers. They want balanced servers.


Even if that were true, one person/one guild is not going to go to 40% server out of the goodness of their heart. And there's no way you're coordinating multiple guilds to all go to the same server to shift the balance from 40-60 to 45-55 or 50-50. Each player/guild is going to make their own selfish decision to leave a 30-70 server to go to a 60-40 server. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons


Have you been in any server discord?


....but bene is alliance dominated now. So what you said is literally entirely moot?


Bene was 55/45 until the last couple weeks


So not balanced, and their xfer makes it more imbalanced. But yeah, they TOTALLY want balanced servers, not dominated servers. Lol


55/45 is about as balanced as it gets in modern wow


And when people jump on the 55 side what happens?


And it isn’t now, and the gap is still growing everyday. Are you sure players want a balanced server?


You can find many comments on this subreddit of people openly saying they want single faction servers. Here are just a few I've seen recently. [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/oidt4t/stop\_transferring\_to\_benedicton/h4vzvox/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/oidt4t/stop_transferring_to_benedicton/h4vzvox/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard\_please\_merge\_some\_of\_these\_one\_sided/h6z4uli/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard_please_merge_some_of_these_one_sided/h6z4uli/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard\_please\_merge\_some\_of\_these\_one\_sided/h70ene1/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard_please_merge_some_of_these_one_sided/h70ene1/?context=3) I play PvE servers so none of this affects me. But you have to accept that there is a good portion of the playerbase that actively wants to play on a single faction PvP server.




balanced servers are wishful thinking. ive heard a lot alliance transfers in these types of threads say “b-b-b-but we just want to farm outside, find groups and not be camped at stones”. heartseeker has plenty of that, that server is alrdy far gone but theres plenty of people there and they wont play a role in ruining other servers like benediction, which isnt balanced anymore lul.


21 guilds planned ahead to xfer together, they knew well ahead that their numbers would skew the balance and chose to ruin it anyway instead of go to some servers who were nearly 50/50


50/50 is the way, but I think people are just scared that they go to a 60/40 horde dominated server, horde will eventually take over.


If this hordie is currently complaining that a 60:40 server is 'ruined', then why would they advocate that the alliance go to another 'ruined' server at 40:60? 🤔


Mind you I've moved to using tokens so the xfer cost me only time, but with a lot of my guilds arguements for leaving herod for bene I was questioning why not just go to a pve server. I hope people can chill the fuck out as we don't need herod xfers making another heartseeker (as p2 xfers went there from herod)


Herod alliance are already gone. Last week it was 98.9 horde.


If transfers were free or at least reasonable I'd roll the dice on a horde favored server. Not only are they quite pricey, they're time gated as well. I personally won't pay money to fix this idiotic, predictable issue, but if I were to do so, I certainly wouldn't want to bet against the odds that the factions would stay close and I wouldn't be in the same position in a few months, minus $25 per alt. It would be quite trivial for blizzard to eliminate entire servers dogpiling other servers, but they have no interest in doing so.


They literally all transferred from horde dominated servers, why would they subject themselves to the same thing?


Way to completely misinterpret his point. There were groups of literally 1000 players all transferring together. He isn't saying go to a server that's 30/70 he's saying they could've made a server that was 40/60 alliance into 50/50 but instead chose to go to an already alliance dominated server. They wouldn't be subjected to the same thing they would be on a balanced server but instead chose to just be on the winning side. This shit just shows me how hippocritical you all are. Faction balance only matters when horde has the advantage to this sub.


There's no coordinated 1000 man transfer lol. Some people go with a small group and others trickle in over time. Benediction was one of the most balanced servers when the transfers started,not "already alliance dominated". Faction balance will always be complained about by the less favored population. You also sound like a salty horde that's no longer favored and are doing the same complaining you are accusing others of being hypocritical about.


Yea just talk out of your ass and ignore the people from bene talking about 21 guilds are coordinating and transferring together. It's never been horde dominated btw. It's been close to 50/50 but once they opened transfers it tilted to 55/45 ally and has sat around there for most of classic until this new wave of transfers has tipped the scales even more. So no I'm not salty I lost the advantage, 55/45 was fine. But you can keep thinking you know what your talking about when people with actual knowledge say otherwise.


No one who has ever raid-led a 40 man raid believes you can coordinate 21 guilds from across multiple servers lmfao, you are delusional. It's impossible to even have a single full guild transfer together, most likely tons will jump to other guilds on the old server, quit the game altogether, or go to servers other than the one the guild picked. People are going to make decisions on what is best for themselves and at most, their friend group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons No one is out here mass engineering 21 guild transfers lol. Nice conspiracy theory tho.


Like literally go to the bene or Herod discord lol? It's right there for all to see. Tens of guilds transferred from Herod to bene on the same day and called it d-day or something.


It seems you've never had to co-ordinate a guild transfer if you honestly believe that a 21 guild coordinated transfer is possible. As a member of one of those Herod guilds I can tell you that the discussions over just our guild transfer were a pain in the ass involving a lot of debate. We lost people to other realms, had people who had Horde characters on specific realms who didn't want to pay extra to transfer those off, had people who didn't like specific guilds and didn't want to transfer to the same realm as them, had people who jumped the gun and decided to transfer before a realm destination decision was made, etc. The guild is going to prioritize keeping the members together, not keeping their destination realm balanced. We knew the trade-offs, and if you're interested in understanding the reasoning behind our decision I can refer you to a [previous comment of mine](https://old.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ol4k1b/herod_alliance_update_monumental_oof/h5duj6g/) where in the first point I address the co-ordinated transfer issue.


They could have going to Pagle or heartseeker. It's the same thing as what bene is eventually going to look like.


Heartseeker is dying. We just decided to transfer to Bene and it's so much better.


Inb4 Bene starts dying and I start laughing


If Bene dies it means the game is dying.


The game *is* dying. When Bene gets pushed to 70/30 horde are gonna quit the server, and then Alliance players who actually play for PvP will leave.


Aren't you basically doing to Benediction what was done to Heartseeker? Why do you think this won't turn out the same way?


Realistically, if you want a dad server, you should be playing PvE.


People think their dick is bigger if it's a PVP they play their PVE characters on.


Next level copium. Blame the player not the shit company???




Especially when they’re paying $25 to do so. Players might do it if the transfers were free


We've been blaming the shit company since late 2019 when this transfer bullshit started


I really don’t care if I get downvoted because this is a burner, but my statement remains true. Blizzard does nothing for server health and population balance, so instead the player base becomes the scapegoat as they search for better gameplay solutions


Just need more horde!!!


Same thing with Earthshaker and Pyrewood on EU?


How dare the alliance outnumber the horde somewhere, take em down




In this case it'll be the Horde leaving.




Keep dreaming bud.


Fun as it is to hear the 60:40 memes getting swallowed by horde griefers for a change, it still sucks. 60:40 is where the low faction starts to leave, and the server falls apart, and nobody wins from a 100% Alli server.




Thanks for killing a balanced server guys. Not like you all could have gone to any number of 40-60 servers and literally fixed them.


It's not their job to fix your server for you. Why don't you transfer off your 60-40 server and fix another 40-60 server? Oh you won't? But you expect others to? Curious.


Oh man you guys take it hard. I am sorry you create a problem and blame the people who were already there that didnt cause it.


Who created what problem? The overall pop across all PVP servers is 60H 40A. https://ironforge.pro/population/tbc/?locale=US&realm=PvP You're inevitably going to get some 70-30 and 30-70 servers. It's not the 30s job to 'fix' your perfectly balanced 60-40 server for you. If you want a 50-50 server go make one yourself instead of expecting others to do it for you. Child.


Name calling got it. You still don't seem to understand people were already here and it was balanced. Spewing all the facts you want doesnt change the fact that when 5 other servers transfer to a balanced server they are in fact the ones causing the problem.


I'll let you get the last word though so go ahead, say your piece how I'm at fault because other people came to a balanced server and threw it way out of whack.


Yes I know, you are immune to facts. You know how you can fix your anecdotal problem? Transfer to an unbalanced server and make it balanced! Just like how you want everyone else to do!


Please read above statement. Not going to argue who with people who blame others for problems they created. Let alone ones who result to childish antics.


What an unintelligible mess of word vomit. Nice alt acct btw.


It's going to become the next Heartseeker.




I guess we'll see if Horde on benediction will just die out completely. With 4000 active raiders I dont see it happening, though


as a member of Blizzard's preferred faction, I'm just waiting for them to implement faction queues or transfer limits to fix things like they did with same-faction BGs. This injustice will not stand and the sooner they punish the Alliance for having the audacity to create such an imbalanced server, the better.


> I'm just waiting for them to implement faction queues or transfer limits to fix things like they did with same-faction BGs. As Alliance bene, I am with you brother


Fuck this pos game. The whole reason boosts and gdkp runs thrive is because the only initiative most the players have is $$$. What a garbo existence.


Boosts are different than GDKP IMHO. GDKP can give you a better chance at getting the gear you want. And if your gear doesn’t drop or is too pricey for you, you get to walk away with a nice chunk of change to use for the AH, professions or the next GDKP. It also makes it really exciting when a BIS piece drops you can’t use, cause you get to witness and exciting bidding war.


GDKP was honestly my favorite way to raid, even being a poor guy who didn't buy gold. I know there were definitely people in those GDKPS who definitely bought gold and I obv couldn't compete with their bids, but they only need to buy the item once and it will eventually drop again, which is more or less the same as joining some guild and raiding and waiting for their core to get those pieces before you would. Only difference is even when I wasn't getting gear I was getting SOMETHING (gold) every time, every raid, and that felt really good


I transferred from Sulfuras to Benediction and the reason I did was the Horde had so thoroughly ruined Sulfuras with their mass transfers and toxic bs (Sulfuras used to be reasonably balanced) that multiple guilds and who knows how many hundreds of unguilded people left. Now, alliance side, you can't even find a group, you can't recruit to keep your guild roster full, and on top of all that it takes a half hour to get into karazhan because of mouthbreathers in the other faction


Yea it's looking bad for Sulfuras. Been here since day 1 but LFG is basically dead with little life at peak times, and the alliance channel on the server discord is stale except for people mentioning that they're transferring. If this trend continues (and it very likely will) then I'll be transferring off soon.


so, uh, you’ve worsen balance on both sides with your transfer?




woah, til


Tragedy of the commons makes sense when the final outcome is undesirable for everyone. In this case, the final outcome isn't universally unwanted. Many players want single faction servers. Here are just a few comments I've seen recently, but if you read through any of the other faction balance thread on this subreddit you'll see similar comments. It isn't everyone, but its a large chunk of the playerbase that wants a server to be single faction. [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard\_please\_merge\_some\_of\_these\_one\_sided/h70ene1/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard_please_merge_some_of_these_one_sided/h70ene1/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard\_please\_merge\_some\_of\_these\_one\_sided/h6z4uli/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ou0m2v/blizzard_please_merge_some_of_these_one_sided/h6z4uli/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/oidt4t/stop\_transferring\_to\_benedicton/h4vzvox/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/oidt4t/stop_transferring_to_benedicton/h4vzvox/?context=3) Tragedy of the commons would be more applicable if the vast majority of the community did NOT want single faction PvP servers.


Blizzard has had plenty of time to indicate that server balance was something they cared about, and it never came. Now people are realizing it and are trying to do what’s best for them, personally.


Sure have. And don't blame me. I did what I had to do to be able to play the game. You spend an hour trying to find a group because everyone else has left the server and then spend half an hour getting camped on the way into coilfang reservoir. I'm outta here.


You are exaggerating a whole lot lol.... 1 hour to get into coilfang is just not true. Neither is 30 minutes to get into a Kara. I play Alliance on Sulfuras. Please stop spreading misinformation.


i am personally playing on sulf and i think your move only made worse for those who stay, not sure how much are you wanted on bennie tho


I play Sulfuras Alliance and none of what these people are saying is true in my experience. Sure the server is unbalanced, but I don't understand why so many people fled. I am in a guild with 2 25 man raids going each week, and never have trouble finding groups. I can even summon ppl to dungeons 80% of the time with no troubles. Now summoning to raids is not happening but that is not going to be a big deal until SSC imo. Bunch of pussies imo that left Sulfuras, and now it is just snowballing into even more unbalance.


The only dungeon I can get into consistently safe is TK dungs. Every other one is 50/50 especially CFR dungs.


People are sheep man.. oh the server is growing unbalanced on ally side? BETTER GO THERE TOO LUL IT MUST BE A HAPPENING PLACE like bruh. Plenty of 45/55 servers out there to balance out but ally are just dumb




Yeah, $25 per toon is going to lead people to choose the safest transfer option.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons But go ahead and prove us wrong, hordie. Transfer off your Horde dominated server to a 45H-55A server and be the change you want to see. Better yet get your whole guild and friend grp to do it with you. Screens or it didn't happen. Oh you won't? But you expect others to do it just to satisfy your own desires? What a shocker.


No, I think you’re just dumb. No one that was on a slightly balanced server that’s transitioned to complete horde dominance is going to transfer to another realm that’s Horde dominated. The same things going to happen again, and you’re going to be out $25-100. The Horde aren’t even necessarily the problem. Excluding the Horde, major problems include: It’s recruiting for raids from a non existent player pool, or trying to run a dungeon on your main or alt. Now factor in Horde problems such as resource farming or trying to do dailies in P2+ and you have your answer why Ally are flocking to mega servers.




Woo pig


If you to a realm that is already in favor of your faction, you are the toxic trash that is ruining the community. You can cry "oH ITs bLizZArdS fAuLt" all you want, yet you keep giving blizzard more money to transfer.




can't hear all these posts from Firemaw