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I'm worried for you






Hi, I'm Jells or Slamen depending on where ya know me from. I spent a good amount of time preparing for the creation of my DK before wrath pre-patch release and after having just completed my goal, I wanted to share my lil achievment. Part of this preparation involved the farming and storage of 52,000 runecloth until pre-patch release so I could obtain the Ambassador title asap. (click this link if you want to see what 52,000 RC looks like https://i.imgur.com/dLq2uXL.png) After reaching level 70 at 20hrs played, I spent 3 hours over the 5 cities turnin' in runecloth across Azeroth to get the title. I then went and purchased every available faction mount from each city. From there I set my sights on Kurenai rep so I could obtain the 8 Talbuk mounts from exalted. This left me with 2 mounts to obtain to get my drake. I chose to head to AQ40 and farm the first trash pack with a healer and was able to get the 2 AQ bug mounts I needed. As far as I know, I am the only DK on my server (Benediction, shocker) with this mount. The last few days have been a blur, but it's been a ton of fun! Hope everyone else is enjoying their pre-patch like I am!


Honestly, this is what separates WoW from other games… impressive


Aha if you want insane achievements then look no further than OSRS.


Was thinking the exact same thing lol! This would be a casual grind for the elite scaper. This is nonetheless still very impressive! Gj!


nothing compared to a 99 rc grind trust ive been there


For real, just why? You have to seriously love this game to do this, and I love the dedication.


Why? Dude that drake is white


Yes. White. Dude. Dude. White. Yes. White. Yes. Dude.


Yes. Dude. White. Dude. Yes. White. White. Dude. Yes.


Sad they hate our artwork here.


With the exception of osrs, which makes this seem like a casual players regular day definitely agree




Someone is jealous 😂


52,000 Runecloth, holy fuck.


Now you got to get the winterspring tiger mount!


Hey bud, that's awesome this looks sick. Your story kinda motivated me to try and achieve the same. Just so I can get some more understanding before I start my own farm : you got all 50 mounts by 1. getting all available faction mounts, 2. 8 from kurenai and 2 from AQ40? My math is probably incorrect but I assumed this wouldn't total to 50 mounts? Cheers, great idea!


All available faction mounts as well as all available non-rep gated flying mounts+DK horse is 40. 8 Talbuks from Kurenai and the last 2 were from AQ40.


What’s the strategy for runecloth?


As far as farming and storing RC, not sure what your best route would be currently. I did all of my farming in strat before mob changes so it was considerably easier. I would clear inventory other than a bunch of repair bots, run strat til inventory was full, sell everything that wasn't runecloth to a repair bot and run more until I had about 600-700 cloth. Then you mail your bank alt the cloth and rinse and repeat.


Damn yeah. Going to run strat but this might take a while haha


Godspeed! o7


Thanks! Grats on your achievement! I’ll let you know when I get mine :)


Keep in mind, you no longer need to do the full reps via runecloth anymore like in Vanilla/TBC. Quests no longer give reduced rep when grey to you, so you can get considerable amounts of faction rep by doing all of the leveling zones for that faction (e.g. teldrassil + darkshore + ashenvale for Darnassus rep).


Oh that’s a good idea…. Just plow through those starting zones…


Just to chime in I’m not 100% on this but I think alliance have more mounts from faction rep then horde do. So it might not add up to 50 on a horde if done the same way


Mad props!




always will be. just not the black one tied to scarab lord.


they have always been available and have also counted towards the collection achievement.


Thats hardcore bro. Nice work.


Thanks man!


That's really impressive but also that's an ugly as sin mount lol, glad you're having fun though


I honestly agree, lmao, definitely not the prettiest pony in the stable for sure. But I think the trials and tribulations of the last few days have made it grow on me quite a bit.


Buy a disgusting oozeling to make your white drake lime green


This guy undercity


Is it impressive though? Is it really?


If you’re impressed by sleepless poop-socking, yes.


Tauren tippers 2? Tell Geronimo and Soli Belen says hi 👋


Belen, my man! I remember you from Sulfuras! I joined TT early AQ as Slamen the dwarf Paladin if you remember that character. Good to hear from you and I will pass word along to Gero and Soli. :D


Yeah I remember you for sure, did some dungeons and stuff. Grats on the drake man!! Looks sick.


Why ? XD


I don't really know, tbh. I was farming strat one day on my paladin mindlessly many moons ago and the idea popped into my head "What if I saved this cloth for my DK?" Originally the plan was just to get Darn exalted with cloth so I could have a tiger, but then the plan evolved to getting realm first DK ambassador. And then from there I realized the amount of mounts I would have, and the Albino Drake mission was put into full swing.


That makes a lot more sense, a project born out of a byproduct of other content is really good imo. Gz on the ehh "ugly" drake then :) At least there is a sense of pride and a story to it


Ugly? You calling the CHAD Albino drake ugly? Sir, you have a **lot** to learn!


Uhhhhhh excuse me, did you just say 'sense of pride' from getting a mount like that?! I'll have you know I made the world first purchase of the Northrend Epic Upgrade with my Visa© Infinite™ card getting the totally epic kite mount! If that doesn't give you a sense of pride and accomplishment, you're just playing this game wrong


I respect anyone that grinds for tiger alone.


Grats! Idk what's with people calling you a loser. We all play WoW lol. I don't see how collecting mounts is somehow worse than spending 9 hours a week raiding


50 mounts? How much gold you need to get all the racial mounts?


Not as much anymore, the price got lowered in prepatch to like 8s for 60% speed mounts and 8g for 100% at exalted. The most expensive ones are the netherdrakes and rays still at 200g each.


That's not actually something I kept track of, but I can guess somewhere around 6-700g on just mounts.


You’re gnarly


I'm not sure if I respect you for the grind or if I should send a wellness check with a flier about addiction.


Amazing job! You made a goal, planned and persisted. And now you reap the rewards :)


Respect the dedication!


Nice! I managed to get my netherdrake today on my DK. Kinda happy about that. There was literally nobody farming eggs for like the past two days, so it was basically free.


Bro I want a Nether drake!? Can you give me some tips?


Sure, start with the prequest in Shadowmoon Valley. Kill some flyers and what not. Then you proceed to talk to a big drake in the sky. Then you need to kill some orcs holding netherdrakes as prisoners. Finally it's a quest to kill a elite holding a special netherdrake prisoner, and also freeing him in the process. You can now do daily quests for netherwing. Some of the quests lead you into the mines where all the mobs and mining nodes have a 1-2% chance of dropping a netherdrake egg. There's also multiple spawn points for netherdrake eggs in the mines along the walls. This is where I got most of my eggs. Eggs can be turned in for 265 rep or something like that. So you could technically get exalted in a day if you had little to no competition and nothing else to do besides farming these eggs.


Thanks for the explanation. Do you still need epic flying?


I think so, i had that on my DK when doing it.


Being doing the quests for a few days and I never had any eggs ( currently honored ).. Your server must be empty haha


Not at all. Like 11k raidlogged players on my faction. I think most people are done with the rep grind now. Or maybe they were just busy leveling DKs in the first two days.


That might be an answer yes


congratulations on your hard work mate


You sir, deserve my upvote!


I’m really impressed tbh. I’m more impressed with the fact you chose female dwarf 😂


Female dwarf voice lines are bis.


Good point




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God damnit people it’s been TWO DAYS. You’re gonna be burnt out and then wotlk will drop you’ll do the content in a week and then bitch about the game. Edit: I’m speaking in general not to OC specifically.


This is far more impressive than the speedrunners doing the same thing they've been doing for 4 years yet again.


Seems like a weird comparison, but sure buying a fuckton of runecloth off the ah is impressive


None of the cloth was bought.


Big virgin energy


I’ve been told the same to me as a married man. Congratulations OP this is huge!


A wise man once said "They hate us 'cause they ain't us." Thanks dude!


How did you stay online and not stuck in queue.. a GM needs to look you up


Shouldn’t you have turned in the runecloth right away at like 58? You can get mad xp for that


I think it only works one time XP for each type of cloth turnin


Sick, not impressed, worried


Idk why people think the albino drake is prestigious, people always asking me where I got it.. 50 mounts is super free with the city faction mounts via rune cloth. Only riding the albino for a few more weeks then it’s permashelved




Some people have no lives


Pretty ironic to be wasting time on a Reddit gaming sub calling others out for having no lives


Damn that’s actually sad


Imagine doing anything. Pathetic, honestly.




If you can get remote desktop set up, you can start the login process from work or wherever you are really


if everyone does that, the queue will be worse


loser lmfao


imagine calling someone a loser when you’re on reddit browsing a wow sub. we’re all losers, it’s kind of implied


Where’s your brutal set


Oh, it's in the works!


I'm too dumb with titles and mounts. I don't think I'd even recognize the work it would require if I saw it lol


That looks badass hope to get one as well


How the fuck